Translated using Weblate (Polish)

Currently translated at 2.3% (136 of 5823 strings)
This commit is contained in:
Michalina Wojtczak 2022-10-31 22:22:28 +00:00 committed by Weblate
parent 80231f6c56
commit 30d309c974

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-31 14:31+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-11-01 09:25+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Michalina Wojtczak <>\n"
"Language-Team: Polish <"
@ -578,47 +578,51 @@ msgstr "Co...{w=0.35} co to za ratowanie niby.."
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/1_akarsha.rpy:326
msgid "What's that red squiggly under it? A heart monitor?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Co to za czerwony zygzak pod tym? monitor tętna?"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/1_akarsha.rpy:329
msgid "Why does it look like it's flatlining toward the end?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Dlaczego spłyca się na końcu?"
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_akarsha.rpy:331
msgid "It's hard to control the icing, okay?!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ciężko manewrować lukrem, okej?!"
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_akarsha.rpy:333
msgid "And this was all Akarsha's fault in the first place."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Poza tym to wina Akarshy."
# Speaker: Akarsha
#: game/1_akarsha.rpy:336
msgid "MY fault? All I did was drive the train off the rails. You were the one who crashed it!"
msgstr ""
"Ja winna? Ja tylko zjechałam pociągiem z torów. To ty byłaś tą która go "
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/1_akarsha.rpy:339
msgid "Driving off the rails still sounds like a pretty big mistake..."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Zjechanie z torów wciąż brzmi jak duży błąd.."
# Speaker: Akarsha
#: game/1_akarsha.rpy:342
msgid "Oh yeah?? Well, ultimately, this is Noelle's fault for being born. Who's the real culprit now???"
msgstr ""
"Oh tak??? Cóż, ostatecznie to wina Noelle, że się urodziła. Kto jest teraz "
"sprawcą co???"
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_akarsha.rpy:345
msgid "Huh, good point. Okay, let's go with that."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Huh. No dobra, mi pasuje."
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/1_akarsha.rpy:347
msgid "Good point?!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Pasuję?!"
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_akarsha.rpy:349
@ -628,106 +632,121 @@ msgstr "Wygrałyśmy. Dwóch na jednego."
# Speaker: Akarsha
#: game/1_akarsha.rpy:352
msgid "Democracy! U.S.A!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "DEMOKRACJA! U.S.A!"
#: game/1_akarsha.rpy:356
msgid "Once everyone's had a slice of cake, Akarsha brings everyone to the living room."
msgstr ""
"Kiedy wszyscy zjedli już kawałek ciasta, Akarsha zabrała wszystkich do "
# Speaker: Akarsha
#: game/1_akarsha.rpy:358
msgid "This was originally gonna be a sleepover, but I think some of your parents would've said no."
msgstr ""
"To miało być nocowanie ale myślę, że niektórzy rodzice powiedzieliby nie."
#: game/1_akarsha.rpy:360
msgctxt "golf_5b580689"
msgid "Diya nods."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Diya kiwa głową."
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/1_akarsha.rpy:362
msgid "My mom's never let me go to one before. She's worried it'll turn me lesbian."
msgstr ""
"Moja mama nie pozwoliła mi iść na żadne. Martwi się, że zmieni mnie to w "
# Speaker: Min
#: game/1_akarsha.rpy:364
msgid "Too bad for her, I already did."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Dla jej szkody, już to zrobiłam."
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/1_akarsha.rpy:366
msgctxt "golf_8050f8f8"
msgid "Yeah..."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ta..."
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/1_akarsha.rpy:368
msgid "Akarsha, I'm surprised your parents let us come over unsupervised at all."
msgstr ""
"Akarsha, jestem zdziwiona, że twoi rodzice pozwolili nam przyjechać bez "
# Speaker: Akarsha
#: game/1_akarsha.rpy:370
msgid "Eh, they trust me. They should be back any minute now, anyway."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Pfh, ufają mi. I tak powinni zaraz wrócić."
# Speaker: Akarsha
#: game/1_akarsha.rpy:371
msgid "They're in San Ramon watching my bro's red belt test for Taekwondo. It must be taking longer than they thought."
msgstr ""
"Są w San Ramon i oglądają jak mój brachu zdaję test na czerwony pas w "
"Taekwondo. Musi to zajmować dłużej niż sądzili."
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/1_akarsha.rpy:374
msgid "Test? I didn't realize you had to pass formal examinations to advance in Taekwondo."
msgstr ""
"Test? Nie zdawałam sobie sprawy, że aby awansować w Taekwondo, trzeba zdać "
"formalne egzaminy."
# Speaker: Akarsha
#: game/1_akarsha.rpy:376
msgid "Ya, you gotta memorize forms and stuff. I've never seen them fail anyone, though."
msgstr ""
"Ta, musisz pamiętać formy i inne takie. Nie widziałam jednak by kogoś oblali."
# Speaker: Akarsha
#: game/1_akarsha.rpy:378
msgid "Anyway, us being home alone means we can go BUCK WILD. We're about to throw the party of a LIFETIME, Frenchman!"
msgstr ""
"W każdym razie, jesteśmy same w domu więc możemy ZASZALEĆ. Urządzimy imprezę "
"ŻYCIA, Francuz!"
#: game/1_akarsha.rpy:380
#, fuzzy
msgid "Akarsha crouches at the foot of the TV and turns the GameCube on."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Akarsha kuca u stóp telewizora i włącza GameCube."
# Speaker: Akarsha
#: game/1_akarsha.rpy:382
msgid "Mario Golf, baby."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Mario Golf, złotko."
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/1_akarsha.rpy:385
msgid "Golf? Are you sure Noelle will like that?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Golf? Jesteś pewna, że Noelle się to spodoba?"
# Speaker: Akarsha
#: game/1_akarsha.rpy:387
msgid "I don't know what you're talking about. Mario Golf is the best game in the world."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Nie mam pojęcia o co ci chodzi Mario golf to najlepsza gra na świecie."
# Speaker: Akarsha
#: game/1_akarsha.rpy:389
msgid "I only have two controllers, though. I usually just play against my bro."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Mam tylko dwa pady. Zwykle gram przeciwko mojemu brachowi."
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/1_akarsha.rpy:392
msgid "Noelle should get to play first because it's her birthday."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Noelle powinna zagrać pierwsza, w końcu to jej urodziny."
# Speaker: Akarsha
#: game/1_akarsha.rpy:394
msgid "Yeah, and the rest of us should take turns playing against her."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Yea, reszta z nas będzie grać przeciwko niej."
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/1_akarsha.rpy:397
msgid "Won't that feel like everyone ganging up against me?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Czy nie będzie to, jakby wszyscy zgrali się przeciwko mnie?"
# Speaker: Akarsha
#: game/1_akarsha.rpy:399