Translated using Weblate (Japanese)

Currently translated at 44.7% (2591 of 5786 strings)
This commit is contained in:
Mei 2023-01-16 13:39:52 +00:00 committed by Weblate
parent f70cddc79c
commit 3267568da5

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-16 08:14+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: 堀内愛月 <>\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-17 03:42+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Mei <>\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese <"
"Language: ja\n"
@ -20077,15 +20077,15 @@ msgstr ""
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:26
msgid "5th grade"
msgstr ""
msgstr "5年生"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:29
msgid "Saturday Chinese School"
msgstr ""
msgstr "土曜日の中国語学校"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:39
msgid "The first phrase is \"mirror.\""
msgstr ""
msgstr "最初の言葉は「鏡」です。"
# Speaker: NPC
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:40
@ -20095,12 +20095,12 @@ msgstr ""
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:44
msgid ""
"Noelle copies down the unfamiliar characters on the board stroke by stroke."
msgstr ""
msgstr "ノエルは黒板に書かれた見慣れない文字を、一画ずつ書き写していく。"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:46
msgid "What did it look like again?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "どんな見た目だったっけ?"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:48
msgid "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}鍺子{/font}"
@ -20116,25 +20116,25 @@ msgstr ""
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:57
msgid "Noelle writes it down, then checks it against the writing on the board."
msgstr ""
msgstr "ノエルは文字を書いてから、黒板の字と見比べた。"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:59
msgid "I got it wrong..."
msgstr ""
msgstr "間違えた…"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:63
msgid "Noelle writes it down, then checks it against the words on the board."
msgstr ""
msgstr "ノエルは文字を書いてから、黒板に書かれた字と見比べた。"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:65
msgid "I got it right! Now for the next one..."
msgstr ""
msgstr "合ってた!次は…"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:70
msgid "The next phrase is \"admit.\""
msgstr ""
msgstr "次の言葉は、「認める」です。"
# Speaker: NPC
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:71
@ -20143,7 +20143,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:72
msgid "You should already know \"recognize.\""
msgstr ""
msgstr "「認識する」は、もう知ってますよね。"
# Speaker: NPC
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:73
@ -20154,7 +20154,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"{font=traditional_chinese.otf}承{/font}'s meaning is \"to bear\" or \"to "
msgstr ""
msgstr "{font=traditional_chinese."
# Speaker: NPC
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:75
@ -20167,14 +20168,14 @@ msgstr ""
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:78
msgid ""
"This would be easier if Chinese words used an alphabet like most languages."
msgstr ""
msgstr "中国語も他の言語みたいに、アルファベットが使われてたら簡単なのに。"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:79
msgid ""
"It infuriates me how you can't tell how a Chinese character is pronounced by "
"the way it looks."
msgstr ""
msgstr "見ただけじゃ発音がわからないなんて、ほんとにムカつく。"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:80
@ -20187,11 +20188,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"A couple hours into the lesson, a kid toward the back of the room raises his "
msgstr ""
msgstr "授業が始まって数時間経過した頃、教室の後ろの方にいる生徒が手を挙げた。"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:83
msgid "Teacher, how many Chinese characters are there?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "せんせー。中国語の漢字って、何個あるんですか?"
# Speaker: NPC2
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:84
@ -20200,7 +20201,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:85
msgid "At least 80,000."
msgstr ""
msgstr "少なくとも8万字はありますね。"
# Speaker: NPC
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:86
@ -20210,11 +20211,11 @@ msgstr ""
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:89
msgid "80,000?!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "はちまん!?"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:91
msgid "Don't worry, most educated people only know about 8,000."
msgstr ""
msgstr "大丈夫ですよ。教育を受けた人でも、多くは8千字ほどしか知りませんから。"
# Speaker: NPC
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:92
@ -20226,107 +20227,113 @@ msgstr ""
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:95
msgid "8,000 is still a mindboggling number..."
msgstr ""
msgstr "8千でも十分気が遠くなりそうな数字だわ…"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:103
msgid ""
"After school, Noelle does her weekly packet of Chinese homework at the "
"kitchen table."
msgstr ""
msgstr "学校の後、ノエルはキッチンのテーブルで、毎週課される中国語の宿題に取り組んで"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:105
msgid ""
"I've spent every Saturday since kindergarten tediously memorizing a few "
"characters at a time, but it's barely even made a dent."
msgstr ""
msgstr "幼稚園の頃から毎週土曜日にちょっとずつ中国語を勉強してるのに、全然役に立って"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:106
msgid "After all these years, I still can't even read a book or the newspaper."
msgstr ""
msgstr "もう何年も勉強してるのに、未だに本も新聞も読めないし。"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:107
msgid "At this pace, it's hard to imagine I'll ever be able to."
msgstr ""
msgstr "このまま続けても、一生読めるようになれる気がしないわ。"
# Speaker: Mom
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:111
msgid "Noelle! What is this?!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ノエル!何よこれ!"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:112
msgid ""
"Noelle looks up to see her Mom holding the sample packet of pads and tampons "
"she got from school."
msgstr ""
msgstr "ノエルが見上げると、学校でもらった生理ナプキンとタンポンのサンプルを、お母さ"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:114
msgid ""
"Oh, that's from the Sex Ed talk we had in class. The girls received a "
"presentation about menstruation."
msgstr ""
msgstr "ああ。それ、性教育の授業でもらったの。女子みんなで生理に関するプレゼンを見た"
# Speaker: Mom
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:117
msgid "The school gave you this?!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "学校がこんなものを配布したの!?"
# Speaker: Mom
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:119
msgid "Using a tampon is the same as having sex!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "タンポンを使うのはセックスするのと同じなのよ!"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:121
msgid "That's not what the teacher giving the talk said..."
msgstr ""
msgstr "プレゼンをした先生はそう言ってなかったけど…"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:122
msgid "It's just a tool for absorbing blood."
msgstr ""
msgstr "単に血を吸うためのものでしょ。"
# Speaker: Mom
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:125
msgid "No! You'll be able to feel it the whole time, and it goes into..."
msgstr ""
msgstr "いいえ!使ってる間はずっと違和感があるし、あそこに…"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:126
msgid "Her mom can't even bear to say it."
msgstr ""
msgstr "お母さんはそれ以上は言えなかった。"
# Speaker: Mom
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:128
msgid "It's the same as having sex with a man."
msgstr ""
msgstr "男とセックスするのと同じよ。"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:130
msgid "The woman giving the talk said plenty of girls use it."
msgstr ""
msgstr "プレゼンをした女の人は、女の子でも使ってる子は多いって言ってたわよ。"
# Speaker: Mom
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:133
msgid ""
"American girls get their periods so early because they're thinking sexual "
"thoughts at a young age."
msgstr ""
msgstr "アメリカ人の女の子はね、若い時からエッチなことを考えてるから生理が早く来るの"
# Speaker: Mom
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:134
msgid ""
"It's not natural. You shouldn't be thinking about these things until you're "
msgstr ""
msgstr "普通じゃないわ。そういうことは、結婚するまで考えるべきじゃないのよ。"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:136
msgid ""
"After throwing away the immoral tampons, her mom goes off to the living room "
"to watch a Chinese variety show."
msgstr ""
msgstr "汚らわしいタンポンをゴミ箱に捨てると、ノエルのお母さんはリビングへ行って中国"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:142
@ -20350,263 +20357,267 @@ msgstr ""
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:150
msgid "Noelle glances over at the show her mom is watching."
msgstr ""
msgstr "ノエルはお母さんが見ている番組に目を向けた。"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:154
msgid ""
"Colorful words and cartoons fly across the screen as cheesy sound effects "
msgstr ""
msgstr "カラフルなテロップやキャラクターが画面を飛び交い、安っぽい効果音が流れる。"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:156
msgid "So tacky..."
msgstr ""
msgstr "だっさ…"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:157
msgid ""
"It's one of those shows where they interview a panel of foreigners who can "
"barely speak Mandarin."
msgstr ""
msgstr "北京語がほとんど喋れない外国人たちにインタビューする番組だわ。"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:159
msgid ""
"Noelle cringes as silly \"boing\" noises are overlaid over the host's jokes."
msgstr ""
msgstr "司会の冗談に合わせて鳴る「ビヨヨ~ン」というくだらない効果音に、ノエルはうん"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:161
msgid ""
"They're just laughing at the foreigners for not understanding the questions "
"they've been asked..."
msgstr ""
msgstr "質問の意味がわからない外国人のことを馬鹿にしてるだけじゃない…"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:162
msgid "Why is this popular? It's so juvenile and embarrassing."
msgstr ""
msgstr "幼稚で恥ずかしいこんなものが、なんで人気なの?"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:163
msgid "I feel like I'm losing brain cells as I listen to this."
msgstr ""
msgstr "聞いてるだけで脳細胞が死滅しそうだわ…"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:165
msgid ""
"Disgusted, Noelle returns to scrutinizing the impenetrable paragraph of "
"Chinese she's supposed to be analyzing for homework."
msgstr ""
msgstr "嫌気が差し、ノエルは宿題で出た意味不明な中国語の文章の解読に戻る。"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:167
msgid "What am I even going to use Chinese for? Watching drivel like that?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "そもそも、私はなんで中国語を勉強してるの?あんなくだらない番組を見るため?"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:168
msgid ""
"I have no interest in the backwards culture that produced my pathetic, "
"narrow-minded parents."
msgstr ""
msgstr "視野が狭くてどうしようもない私の親を生んだ国の文化なんて、興味ないのに。"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:173
msgid "When a commercial break comes on, she throws down her pencil."
msgstr ""
msgstr "番組がCMに入ると、エルは鉛筆を叩きつけるように置いた。"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:175
msgid "I want to quit Chinese school."
msgstr ""
msgstr "中国語学校、やめたいんだけど。"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:177
msgid "Her mom whirls around from the couch, alarmed."
msgstr ""
msgstr "ソファに座ってたお母さんは、驚いて振り返った。"
# Speaker: Mom
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:180
msgid "What?! Why?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ええっ!?なんで!?"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:182
msgid "I hate it! It always takes up my entire Saturday!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "もう嫌なの!土曜日は毎週つぶれるし!"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:183
msgid ""
"They assign so much homework every week on top of the regular homework I get "
"from school."
msgstr ""
msgstr "普通の学校の宿題もあるのに、毎週宿題を大量に出されるし。"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:185
msgid "Noelle's dad looks up disapprovingly from the newspaper he's reading."
msgstr ""
msgstr "ノエルのお父さんは新聞から顔を上げ、眉をひそめた。"
# Speaker: Dad
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:187
msgid ""
"Well, you can't quit. What kind of Chinese person can't even speak Chinese?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "辞めるのはダメだ。中国語の喋れない中国人なんて、恥ずかしいだろう?"
# Speaker: Mom
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:189
msgid "We'll lose face if you don't learn!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "あなたが勉強しなければ、私たちの面目が潰れるでしょ!"
# Speaker: Mom
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:190
msgid "Other people will think we're bad parents."
msgstr ""
msgstr "みんなに悪い親だって思われてしまうわ。"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:193
msgid "Why does it matter what other people think?!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "他人の意見なんて関係ないでしょ!"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:194
msgid ""
"{i}I'm{/i} the one whose limited time is being sucked away by it! My opinion "
"should be the one that matters the most!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "中国語学校に時間を取られてるのは、私なのよ!?一番大事なのは私の意見でしょ!"
# Speaker: Dad
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:197
msgid "No, you have to listen to your parents."
msgstr ""
msgstr "いいや、お前は親の言うことに従うべきだ。"
# Speaker: Dad
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:198
msgid "It's for your own good. You're too young to understand."
msgstr ""
msgstr "お前のためを思って言ってるんだぞ。大きくならないと、お前にはわからないだろう"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:199
msgid ""
"Almost nothing drives Noelle up a wall more than being told she's not old "
"enough to understand something."
msgstr ""
msgstr "大きくならないとわからない。ノエルがこの世で一番言われたくない言葉だ。"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:201
msgid ""
"Stop treating me like a some feeble-minded little kid. I read at college-"
"level already!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "馬鹿な子供扱いするのはやめて。もう大学レベルの本も読めるのよ!"
# Speaker: Dad
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:204
msgid "It doesn't matter, you don't have the life experience yet."
msgstr ""
msgstr "それでもお前にはまだ人生経験が足りないだろ。"
# Speaker: Dad
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:205
msgid "Some things you can only know from being as old as your parents are."
msgstr ""
msgstr "親の年齢になってみないと、わからないこともあるんだ。"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:207
msgid ""
"What, so just because you're older than me you're automatically smarter than "
"I am?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "何よ。私より年上だからって、私より賢いって言うの?"
# Speaker: Dad
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:209
msgctxt "quittingChineseSchool_12339536"
msgid "Yes."
msgstr ""
msgstr "そうだ。"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:211
msgid "I don't accept that."
msgstr ""
msgstr "そんなの認められないわ。"
# Speaker: Mom
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:214
msgid "It's your culture. You can't just throw it away."
msgstr ""
msgstr "それがあなたの文化なの。切り離すことはできないわ。"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:216
msgid "Yes, I can. It's a poorly constructed, archaic language."
msgstr ""
msgstr "できるわ。稚拙で時代遅れの言語だもの。"
# Speaker: Dad
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:225
msgid ""
"That's not true. If it's so bad, how come it's worked for thousands of years?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "そんなことはない。それほどひどいなら、なぜ何千年も使われ続けている?"
# Speaker: Dad
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:226
msgid "You should take more pride in your culture."
msgstr ""
msgstr "自分の文化にもっと誇りを持ったらどうなんだ。"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:228
msgid "What is there to be proud of?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "誇りに思えることなんてある?"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:229
msgid ""
"I'm stuck learning the worst, most pointlessly complicated language in the "
msgstr ""
msgstr "私は世界一最悪で、無駄に複雑な言語を覚えることを強制されてるのに。"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:232
msgid "Exasperated, Noelle's parents exchange a look."
msgstr ""
msgstr "憤慨し、ノエルの両親は顔を見合わせた。"
# Speaker: Mom
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:234
msgid ""
"You're still going to Chinese school. We already paid for your classes this "
msgstr ""
msgstr "それでも中国語学校には行ってもらうわよ。今年度の授業料、もう払ってしまったん"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:236
msgid "Can I quit at the end of the year then?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "なら年度が終わったらやめていい?"
# Speaker: Dad
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:239
msgid "If you still feel this way by the end of the year, fine. You can quit."
msgstr ""
msgstr "年度末になっても気が変わってなければ、やめてもいいぞ。"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:241
msgid "I can?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "本当?"
# Speaker: Mom
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:245
msgid "Huh?! No, she can't!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "えっ!?ダメよ、やめるなんて!"
# Speaker: Dad
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:247
msgid ""
"Think about it. If she goes to Chinese school with that kind of attitude, "
"she won't learn anything anyway."
msgstr ""
msgstr "考えてみろ。そんな心構えで中国語学校に通い続けても、何も学ばないだろ。"
# Speaker: Dad
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:248
msgid ""
"It's impossible to teach someone who doesn't want to be educated. We might "
"as well at least save money."
msgstr ""
msgstr "勉強したくない人間に何を教えても無駄だ。それならせめて金を節約したほうがいい"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:250
msgid ""
"Yes! The end of the year is pretty far away, but at least the end is in "
"sight now!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "やった!今年度の終わりはまだまだ先だけど、少なくともこれでゴールが見えたわ!"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:251
@ -20630,81 +20641,85 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"As they browse the fishball aisle, her mom's Nokia rings. She quickly brings "
"it to her ear."
msgstr ""
msgstr "魚団子のコーナーを見ていると、お母さんの携帯電話が鳴った。それをお母さんはす"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:263
msgid "Hello?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "もしもし?"
# Speaker: Mom
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:265
msgid "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}喂?{/font}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}喂?{/font}"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:268
msgid "There's a pause. Her mom's face falls."
msgstr ""
msgstr "しばらく沈黙が流れると、お母さんの表情が悲しみに染まった。"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:270
msgctxt "ranch99_ee89588e"
msgid "What is it?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "どうしたの?"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:272
msgid "Ah-ma = Taiwanese term for grandma"
msgstr ""
msgstr "阿媽(アマー):台湾語でおばあちゃん"
# Speaker: Mom
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:273
msgid "Ah-ma passed away."
msgstr ""
msgstr "阿媽が、死んじゃったって。"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:276
msgctxt "ranch99_11a48459"
msgid "Oh."
msgstr ""
msgstr "えっ。"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:278
msgid "I know I should be sad...but I haven't seen my grandmother for years."
msgstr ""
msgstr "(悲しむべきなんでしょうけど…おばあちゃんにはもう何年も会ってなかった)"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:279
msgid ""
"I've never had a real conversation with her before. It's like being told a "
"stranger died."
msgstr ""
msgstr "(まともに話したこともないから、まるで知らない人が死んだって言われたような気"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:290
msgid "Spring Break"
msgstr ""
msgstr "春休み"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:296
msgid ""
"Noelle isn't allowed to close her bedroom door, so she's on high alert as "
"she uses the computer."
msgstr ""
msgstr "部屋のドアを閉めることを許されていないノエルは、警戒しながらパソコンを使って"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:298
msgid ""
"It sounds like my mother's busy washing vegetables in the kitchen. Here's my "
msgstr ""
msgstr "お母さんはキッチンで野菜を洗うのに忙しいようね。チャンスだわ!"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:300
msgid "Noelle quickly searches \"Homosexuality\" on Wikipedia."
msgstr ""
msgstr "ノエルは急いでウィキで「同性愛」を検索した。"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:303
msgid ""
"I skimmed this page once as research, after Akarsha started insisting Diya "
"and Min-seo were romantically involved."
msgstr ""
msgstr "アカーシャがディーヤとミンソは付き合ってるって言い出した時に、一度だけ調べて"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:304