Translated using Weblate (Polish)

Currently translated at 74.8% (4358 of 5824 strings)
This commit is contained in:
Magdalena Rąpała 2022-11-16 06:25:50 +00:00 committed by Weblate
parent 3a11f3d98c
commit 35cd2fc6bc

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
msgid "" msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-11-16 05:23+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-11-16 09:58+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Magdalena Rąpała <>\n" "Last-Translator: Magdalena Rąpała <>\n"
"Language-Team: Polish <" "Language-Team: Polish <"
"butterfly-soup2/translations/pl/>\n" "butterfly-soup2/translations/pl/>\n"
@ -25310,6 +25310,8 @@ msgid ""
"I suppose my parents {i}are{/i} fairly old. They didn't manage to have me " "I suppose my parents {i}are{/i} fairly old. They didn't manage to have me "
"until their forties." "until their forties."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Przypuszczam, że moi rodzice {i}są{/i} dość starzy. Mieli mnie dopiero po "
# Speaker: NoelleT # Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1442 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1442
@ -25317,21 +25319,24 @@ msgid ""
"Going off of the average American life expectancy, they probably have around " "Going off of the average American life expectancy, they probably have around "
"twenty-five years left." "twenty-five years left."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Biorąc pod uwagę średnią długość życia Amerykanów, prawdopodobnie zostało im "
"około dwadzieścia pięć lat życia."
# Speaker: Mom # Speaker: Mom
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1445 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1445
msgid "*sniff*..." msgid "*sniff*..."
msgstr "" msgstr "*pociąga nosem*..."
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1446 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1446
msgid "" msgid ""
"Noelle's mom wipes her eyes as they open the little door of Ah-ma's unit." "Noelle's mom wipes her eyes as they open the little door of Ah-ma's unit."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Mama Noelle przeciera oczy, gdy otwierają się małe drzwi od prochów Ah-my."
# Speaker: NoelleT # Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1448 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1448
msgid "Will {i}I{/i} cry when my mother dies someday?" msgid "Will {i}I{/i} cry when my mother dies someday?"
msgstr "" msgstr "Czy {i}ja{/i} będę płakać, gdy umrze kiedyś moja matka?"
# Speaker: NoelleT # Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1449 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1449
@ -25339,12 +25344,13 @@ msgid ""
"I'm starting to seriously worry that I won't. What kind of monster does that " "I'm starting to seriously worry that I won't. What kind of monster does that "
"make me?" "make me?"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Zaczynam poważnie martwić się, że nie będę. Jakim potworem mnie to czyni?"
# Speaker: NoelleT # Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1450 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1450
msgid "" msgid ""
"What kind of cold, heartless person cares so little about her own parents?" "What kind of cold, heartless person cares so little about her own parents?"
msgstr "" msgstr "Jaka zimna, bezduszna osoba nie przejmuje się własnymi rodzicami?"
# Speaker: NoelleT # Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1452 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1452
@ -25352,17 +25358,21 @@ msgid ""
"Is there something wrong with me? Do I just not form emotional bonds as " "Is there something wrong with me? Do I just not form emotional bonds as "
"deeply as ordinary people do?" "deeply as ordinary people do?"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Czy jest coś ze mną nie tak? Czy po prostu nie tworzę więzi emocjonalnych "
"tak głęboko jak zwykli ludzie?"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1465 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1465
msgid "" msgid ""
"When they get back to Ah-gong's apartment, Noelle and her mom begin packing " "When they get back to Ah-gong's apartment, Noelle and her mom begin packing "
"to leave." "to leave."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Kiedy wracają do mieszkania Ah-gonga, Noelle i jej mama zaczynają się "
# Speaker: ChunHua # Speaker: ChunHua
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1467 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1467
msgid "Are you all flying back tonight?" msgid "Are you all flying back tonight?"
msgstr "" msgstr "Czy wszyscy wracacie dzisiaj wieczorem?"
# Speaker: Noelle # Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1469 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1469
@ -25370,44 +25380,53 @@ msgid ""
"Actually, my dad will be in Taiwan for another week attending to business " "Actually, my dad will be in Taiwan for another week attending to business "
"matters." "matters."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Właściwie, to mój tata pozostanie w Tajwanie przez następny tydzień "
"załatwiając sprawy biznesowe."
# Speaker: Noelle # Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1470 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1470
msgid "So my mother and I are flying back alone." msgid "So my mother and I are flying back alone."
msgstr "" msgstr "Więc moja mama i ja lecimy z powrotem same."
# Speaker: ChunHua # Speaker: ChunHua
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1473 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1473
msgid "Aw, one week was too short." msgid "Aw, one week was too short."
msgstr "" msgstr "Aw, tydzień za szybko nam minął."
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1488 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1488
msgid "" msgid ""
"As Noelle fits the last of her clothes into the roller bag, Chun-hua takes a " "As Noelle fits the last of her clothes into the roller bag, Chun-hua takes a "
"seat, pulling a thick tome out of her backpack." "seat, pulling a thick tome out of her backpack."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Podczas gdy Noelle mieści ostatnie ubrania w swojej torbie, Chun-hua siada, "
"wyciągając z plecaka grube tomisko."
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1491 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1491
msgid "" msgid ""
"Noelle feels a twinge of sadness as she watches her cousin read her huge, " "Noelle feels a twinge of sadness as she watches her cousin read her huge, "
"academic looking book." "academic looking book."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Noelle czuje lekki smutek, gdy patrzy, jak jej kuzynka czyta swoją ogromną, "
"akademicką książkę."
# Speaker: NoelleT # Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1493 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1493
msgid "If I'd grown up in Taiwan, we probably would've become close." msgid "If I'd grown up in Taiwan, we probably would've become close."
msgstr "" msgstr "Gdybym dorastała w Tajwanie, pewnie byłybyśmy bliskie sobie."
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1495 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1495
msgid "Suddenly, a strange thought occurs to Noelle." msgid "Suddenly, a strange thought occurs to Noelle."
msgstr "" msgstr "Nagle do Noelle dociera dziwna myśl."
# Speaker: NoelleT # Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1497 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1497
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"If I'd grown up here, would my personality been shaped into something more " "If I'd grown up here, would my personality been shaped into something more "
"similar to Chun-hua's?" "similar to Chun-hua's?"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Gdybym się wychowała tutaj, czy moja osobowość ukształtowałaby się w podobną "
"do tej Chun-huły?"
# Speaker: NoelleT # Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1498 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1498
@ -25415,17 +25434,22 @@ msgid ""
"How much of my personality is just a product of being raised by an immigrant " "How much of my personality is just a product of being raised by an immigrant "
"helicopter mother with no friends or family around to balance her out?" "helicopter mother with no friends or family around to balance her out?"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Jak duża część mojej osobowości jest produktem wychowania przez "
"nadopiekuńczą matkę imigrantkę, nie posiadającą blisko żadnych przyjaciół "
"czy rodziny, która mogłaby ją zrównoważyć?"
# Speaker: NoelleT # Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1499 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1499
msgid "Would my mother and I have gotten along?" msgid "Would my mother and I have gotten along?"
msgstr "" msgstr "Czy moja mama i ja mogłyśmy się jakoś dogadać?"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1501 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1501
msgid "" msgid ""
"The magazine Chun-hua showed Noelle earlier is still out on the coffee " "The magazine Chun-hua showed Noelle earlier is still out on the coffee "
"table, taunting her." "table, taunting her."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Magazyn, który Chun-hua pokazała wcześniej Noelle, nadal leży na stoliku, "
"dręcząc ją."
# Speaker: NoelleT # Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1503 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1503
@ -25433,21 +25457,23 @@ msgid ""
"I'm finished packing, so I have some time to kill before we leave for the " "I'm finished packing, so I have some time to kill before we leave for the "
"airport." "airport."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Już skończyłam się pakować, więc mam trochę czasu do zabicia zanim "
"pojedziemy na lotnisko."
# Speaker: NoelleT # Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1504 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1504
msgid "Maybe I can translate the poem my mother wrote." msgid "Maybe I can translate the poem my mother wrote."
msgstr "" msgstr "Może uda mi się przetłumaczyć ten wiersz, który napisała moja matka."
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1508 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1508
msgid "" msgid ""
"Noelle digs her emergency Chinese-to-English dictionary out of her backpack." "Noelle digs her emergency Chinese-to-English dictionary out of her backpack."
msgstr "" msgstr "Noelle wygrzebuje z plecaka swój awaryjny słownik chińsko-angielski."
# Speaker: NoelleT # Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1511 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1511
msgid "I was being a petulant baby in elementary school." msgid "I was being a petulant baby in elementary school."
msgstr "" msgstr "Byłam drażliwym dzieckiem w podstawówce."
# Speaker: NoelleT # Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1512 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1512
@ -25455,6 +25481,8 @@ msgid ""
"All I have to do is persevere and power through learning the language " "All I have to do is persevere and power through learning the language "
"properly this time." "properly this time."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Pozostaje mi tylko wytrwać i osiągnąć cel we właściwy sposób, pomimo "
"trudności językowych."
# Speaker: NoelleT # Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1513 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1513
@ -25462,21 +25490,24 @@ msgid ""
"I'll simply look up each word I don't know, and burn its pronunciation and " "I'll simply look up each word I don't know, and burn its pronunciation and "
"meaning into my memory." "meaning into my memory."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Po prostu sprawdzę każde słowo, które nie znam i wypalę w pamięci jego "
"wymowę, i znaczenie."
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1515 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1515
msgid "Unfortunately, she doesn't know a single word in the poem's first line." msgid "Unfortunately, she doesn't know a single word in the poem's first line."
msgstr "" msgstr "Niestety, nie zna ani jednego słowa z pierwszej linijki wiersza."
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1516 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1516
msgid "" msgid ""
"After spending 15 minutes pounding seven words into her memory, her " "After spending 15 minutes pounding seven words into her memory, her "
"enthusiasm evaporates." "enthusiasm evaporates."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Po spędzeniu 15 minut na wkuwaniu siedmiu słów, jej entuzjazm wyparowuje."
# Speaker: NoelleT # Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1518 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1518
msgid "This actually is incredibly difficult..." msgid "This actually is incredibly difficult..."
msgstr "" msgstr "To jest jednak faktycznie ciężkie..."
# Speaker: NoelleT # Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1519 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1519
@ -25485,11 +25516,14 @@ msgid ""
"school. It feels like the knowledge is just washing over my brain like water " "school. It feels like the knowledge is just washing over my brain like water "
"over plastic." "over plastic."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Nie dziwię się, że mam nic do zaprezentowania po sześciu latach nauki w "
"chińskiej szkole. Czuję się tak, jakby ta cała wiedza spływała po moim "
"mózgu, jak woda po plastiku."
# Speaker: NoelleT # Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1520 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1520
msgid "Is my brain just not wired for this?" msgid "Is my brain just not wired for this?"
msgstr "" msgstr "Czy mój mózg nie jest po prostu do tego przystosowany?"
# Speaker: NoelleT # Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1521 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1521
@ -25497,118 +25531,124 @@ msgid ""
"Could it be genetic? Even after living the majority of their lives in " "Could it be genetic? Even after living the majority of their lives in "
"America, my parents haven't mastered English, either." "America, my parents haven't mastered English, either."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Czy mogą to być geny? Moi rodzice, nawet po spędzeniu większości swojego "
"życia w Ameryce, nadal nie opanowali angielskiego."
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1523 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1523
msgid "" msgid ""
"It takes another 15 minutes for her to finally overcome the first line of " "It takes another 15 minutes for her to finally overcome the first line of "
"the poem." "the poem."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Dopiero po kolejnych 15 minutach udaje się jej przebrnąć przez pierwszą "
"linijkę wiersza."
# Speaker: NoelleT # Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1525 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1525
msgid "At last! Onto the second line!" msgid "At last! Onto the second line!"
msgstr "" msgstr "Wreszcie! Czas na drugą linijkę!"
# Speaker: NoelleT # Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1527 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1527
msgid "And I already know all these words." msgid "And I already know all these words."
msgstr "" msgstr "I już na szczęście znam wszystkie te słowa."
# Speaker: NoelleT # Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1528 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1528
msgctxt "learningChinese_3449a5ce" msgctxt "learningChinese_3449a5ce"
msgid "Mirror flower water moon." msgid "Mirror flower water moon."
msgstr "" msgstr "Lustro kwiatek woda księżyc."
# Speaker: Noelle # Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1529 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1529
msgctxt "learningChinese_390a1bfb" msgctxt "learningChinese_390a1bfb"
msgid "..........." msgid "..........."
msgstr "" msgstr "..........."
# Speaker: NoelleT # Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1531 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1531
msgid "" msgid ""
"It's total gibberish. Is it supposed to sound poetic mushed together like " "It's total gibberish. Is it supposed to sound poetic mushed together like "
"that?" "that?"
msgstr "" msgstr "To przecież bełkot. Czy ma to brzmieć poetycko tak razem zebrane?"
# Speaker: NoelleT # Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1532 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1532
msgctxt "learningChinese_3449a5ce_1" msgctxt "learningChinese_3449a5ce_1"
msgid "Mirror flower water moon." msgid "Mirror flower water moon."
msgstr "" msgstr "Lustro kwiatek woda księżyc."
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1535 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1535
msgid "Noelle feels the urge to tear the magazine to shreds." msgid "Noelle feels the urge to tear the magazine to shreds."
msgstr "" msgstr "Noelle czuje chęć podarcia magazynu na strzępy."
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1536 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1536
msgid "" msgid ""
"Perhaps noticing her hands quaking with barely surpressed rage, Chun-hua " "Perhaps noticing her hands quaking with barely surpressed rage, Chun-hua "
"peers over Noelle's shoulder to see what she's reading." "peers over Noelle's shoulder to see what she's reading."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Być może zauważając, że jej ręce drżą z ledwo tłumioną złością, Chun-hua "
"zerka przez ramię Noelle, żeby zobaczyć co czyta."
# Speaker: ChunHua # Speaker: ChunHua
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1538 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1538
msgctxt "learningChinese_eb45f514" msgctxt "learningChinese_eb45f514"
msgid "What's wrong?" msgid "What's wrong?"
msgstr "" msgstr "Co się stało?"
# Speaker: Noelle # Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1540 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1540
msgid "Nothing. I'm just translating one of my mom's poems." msgid "Nothing. I'm just translating one of my mom's poems."
msgstr "" msgstr "Nic. Po prostu tłumaczę jeden z wierszy mojej mamy."
# Speaker: ChunHua # Speaker: ChunHua
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1543 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1543
msgid "Why don't you ask your mom for help?" msgid "Why don't you ask your mom for help?"
msgstr "" msgstr "Czemu nie poprosisz o pomoc swojej mamy?"
# Speaker: Noelle # Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1545 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1545
msgid "I'd rather die." msgid "I'd rather die."
msgstr "" msgstr "Wolałabym zginąć."
# Speaker: ChunHua # Speaker: ChunHua
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1548 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1548
msgid "Oh. Okay." msgid "Oh. Okay."
msgstr "" msgstr "Oh. Okej."
# Speaker: ChunHua # Speaker: ChunHua
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1550 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1550
msgid "Maybe I can help instead?" msgid "Maybe I can help instead?"
msgstr "" msgstr "To może ja ci pomogę?"
# Speaker: ChunHua # Speaker: ChunHua
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1551 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1551
msgid "Where are you stuck?" msgid "Where are you stuck?"
msgstr "" msgstr "Na czym utknęłaś?"
# Speaker: Noelle # Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1553 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1553
msgid "" msgid ""
"What's this supposed to mean? {font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}鏡花水月?{/font}" "What's this supposed to mean? {font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}鏡花水月?{/font}"
msgstr "" msgstr "Co to ma znaczyć? {font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}鏡花水月?{/font}"
# Speaker: ChunHua # Speaker: ChunHua
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1556 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1556
msgid "Oh, that's a...How do you call it?" msgid "Oh, that's a...How do you call it?"
msgstr "" msgstr "Oh, to jest...jak się na nie mówi?"
# Speaker: ChunHua # Speaker: ChunHua
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1557 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1557
msgid "A saying. Like the lesson of a story." msgid "A saying. Like the lesson of a story."
msgstr "" msgstr "Takie powiedzenie. Jakby morał historii."
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1558 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1558
msgid "Flower in the mirror, moon in the water" msgid "Flower in the mirror, moon in the water"
msgstr "" msgstr "Kwiatek w lustrze, księżyc w wodzie"
# Speaker: ChunHua # Speaker: ChunHua
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1560 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1560
msgid "It's short for 鏡子裡的花,水面上的月亮." msgid "It's short for 鏡子裡的花,水面上的月亮."
msgstr "" msgstr "To skrót od 鏡子裡的花,水面上的月亮."
# Speaker: ChunHua # Speaker: ChunHua
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:1562 #: game/4_noelle.rpy:1562