Translated using Weblate (Japanese)

Currently translated at 59.7% (3456 of 5786 strings)
This commit is contained in:
Mei 2023-01-25 16:25:23 +00:00 committed by Weblate
parent 703cfdb6fc
commit a838991f58

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-25 21:01+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: 堀内愛月 <>\n"
"Last-Translator: Mei <>\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese <"
"Language: ja\n"
@ -21183,7 +21183,7 @@ msgstr "正直、私も詳しいことはわからないけど。"
msgid ""
"As I understand it, the dispute is the result of a civil war that was never "
"properly resolved."
msgstr "私の知る限り、きっちりと決着のつかなかった内戦が原因のはずよ。"
msgstr "私の知る限り、決着のつかなかった内戦が原因のはずよ。"
# Speaker: cAkarsha
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:465
@ -21238,7 +21238,7 @@ msgstr ""
# Speaker: cSame
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:475
msgid "i didnt mean to give u an identity criss"
msgstr "アイデンテティを迷子にしてもた?"
msgstr "アイデンテティを迷子にしてもた?"
# Speaker: cSame
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:476
@ -21286,15 +21286,14 @@ msgstr "でも国って民族を基準に分けられたんと違うんや"
# Speaker: cSame
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:485
#, fuzzy
msgid "like an indian punjabi isnt rly the same ethnicity as an indian guju"
msgstr "たとえばインドのパンジャブ人はインドのグジャラート人とは違う"
msgstr "たとえば同じインドの中でもパンジャブ人とグジャラート人は違うんや"
# Speaker: cSame
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:486
msgid ""
"but its all the same to nondesis bc they dont know the difference lol xD"
msgstr "でもインド人以外はみんな違いがわからんから全部一緒やと思っとるんや"
msgstr "でもインド人以外はみんな違いがわからんから全部一緒やと思っとる"
# Speaker: cNoelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:487
@ -21356,156 +21355,163 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "それから数時間後、ノエルはお父さんが運転する車の後部座席に座っていた。"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:512
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"She feels a flash of rage when she sees a passing car sporting a \"Proud "
"Parent of an Honor Roll Student\" bumper sticker."
msgstr ""
msgstr "通り過ぎた車に「成績優秀生徒の親」と書かれたバンパーステッカーが貼ってあるの"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:514
msgid ""
"Why would you brag about such an unremarkable accomplishment on your car?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "なんで車でそんな普通のことを自慢するのよ?"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:515
msgid ""
"You're {i}supposed{/i} to be on the Honor Roll. It's like buying a bumper "
"sticker that says, \"My child breathes air.\""
msgstr ""
msgstr "成績は優秀なのが普通でしょ。「私の子供は息をする」っていうステッカーを貼って"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:516
msgid "My parents would never even bother mentioning such a banal thing."
msgstr ""
msgstr "そんな平凡なこと、うちの両親なら話にも出さないわ。"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:518
msgid "Noelle's mom squints at the airport signage as it passes them by."
msgstr ""
msgstr "ノエルのお母さんは、目を細めながら通り過ぎていく空港の標識を見た。"
# Speaker: Mom
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:520
msgid "Noelle, watch the signs for us."
msgstr ""
msgstr "ノエル、標識を見ておいて。"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:523
msgid "Why me? I don't even know how to drive."
msgstr ""
msgstr "なんであたしが?運転もできないのに。"
# Speaker: Mom
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:526
msgid "You were born here, you read faster than us."
msgstr ""
msgstr "ここで生まれたあなたの方が、私たちより早く読めるでしょ。"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:529
msgid "Alright..."
msgstr ""
msgstr "はいはい…"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:530
msgid ""
"How is it that after living here for twenty years, they still haven't "
"mastered English?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "もうここに25年も住んでるのに、なんで未だに英語がまともにできないの"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:531
msgid ""
"My mom can't even speak English well enough to carry a conversation with a "
msgstr ""
msgstr "お母さんは英語で他人と会話すらできないし。"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:532
msgid "What have they been doing this whole time?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "今まで何してたのかしら。"
# Speaker: Dad
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:536
msgid "Which way is parking? Which lane?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "駐車場はどこだ?どの車線?"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:539
msgid "Just follow the arrows. Turn right."
msgstr ""
msgstr "矢印のとおりに右に曲がって。"
# Speaker: Dad
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:542
msgid ""
"See? Even though I have a Ph.D, ever since you were in second grade, you "
"could read highway signs faster than me."
msgstr ""
msgstr "ほらなお前が2年生の頃に博士号を取得した俺よりも、お前の方が道路標識を早く読"
# Speaker: Mom
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:544
msgid "Good thing we have Noelle with us. The signs go by so fast."
msgstr ""
msgstr "ノエルがいてくれてよかったわあ。標識って一瞬で過ぎて行くもの。"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:546
msgid ""
"Noelle's dad scratches his head as she directs him through the airport's "
"labyrinthian roads."
msgstr ""
msgstr "まるで迷宮のような空港の道をノエルにガイドされながら、お父さんは頭をかいた。"
# Speaker: Dad
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:548
msgid "Where is it? It feels like we're just going in circles."
msgstr ""
msgstr "どこなんだ?同じところをぐるぐる回ってるだけじゃないのか?"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:551
msgid "We're not, see that sign there? The parking's past the cargo area."
msgstr ""
msgstr "回ってないって。あの標識、見える?駐車場は貨物エリアの奥よ。"
# Speaker: Dad
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:554
msgid "Do I turn here?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ここで曲がるのか?"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:556
msgid ""
"Noelle's heart stops as her dad starts to turn into a street labeled with "
"\"Do Not Enter.\""
msgstr ""
msgstr "お父さんが「侵入禁止」の標識がある道へ入ろうとして、ノエルは心臓が止まりそう"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:559
msgstr ""
msgstr "そっちは「侵入禁止」って書いてるわ!!曲がったらダメ!!"
# Speaker: Dad
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:562
msgctxt "airport_a8a0105f"
msgid "Oh!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "えっ!"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:564
msgid ""
"Her dad swerves sharply to stay in his lane. Noelle massages her temples, "
"her heart pounding."
msgstr ""
msgstr "お父さんが急にハンドルを切って車線変更をやめ、ノエルはこめかみを押さえた。心"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:566
msgid "I'm surrounded by illiterate idiots!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "あたし以外、字の読めないバカじゃない!"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:567
msgid ""
"Why does it rest on me, a literal child, to ensure we don't drive into "
"oncoming traffic??"
msgstr ""
msgstr "なんで対向車との正面衝突を避ける責任が、子供のあたしに降りかかるのよ!?"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:568
msgid ""
"They have endless energy when it comes to obsessing over my studies. Why "
"can't they work on their own English instead?!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "2人とも、あたしの勉強のことは無限に口出ししてくるくせに…自分たちも英語を勉強"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:572
msgid "As the car rolls into a parking lot, Noelle jolts up in her seat."
@ -21514,132 +21520,134 @@ msgstr ""
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:574
msgid "Wait, this isn't the correct garage! Turn around!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "待って、ここは違う駐車場よ!戻って!"
# Speaker: Dad
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:577
msgid "Huh? How do you know?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "えっ?どうしてわかるんだ?"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:580
msgid "That sign says \"Premium Parking!\""
msgstr ""
msgstr "あの看板に「プレミアムパーキング」って書いてあるからよ!"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:581
msgid "\"Premium\" means something of exceptional quality; superior."
msgstr ""
msgstr "「プレミアム」って最高級とか、優れているって意味よ。"
# Speaker: Mom
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:584
msgid "So? Isn't that good?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "それっていいことじゃないの?"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:587
msgid ""
"Not right now when we are looking for the regular, run-of-the-mill parking "
msgstr ""
msgstr "普通の駐車場を探してる今はよくないわ。"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:588
msgid ""
"In this context, premium parking means special parking that's more expensive."
msgstr ""
msgstr "プレミアムパーキングってつまり、もっとお金がかかる特別な駐車場って意味なのよ"
# Speaker: Dad
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:593
msgctxt "airport_a8a0105f_1"
msgid "Oh!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "なんだって!"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:597
msgid "Make a U-turn! We're going to miss our flight!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Uターンして飛行機に乗り遅れるわ"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:599
msgid "Noelle's mom sighs as the car makes a series of turns."
msgstr ""
msgstr "車が何度か道を曲がったところで、お母さんはため息をついた。"
# Speaker: Mom
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:601
msgid "This would've been easier if you could talk to us in Chinese."
msgstr ""
msgstr "あなたが中国語を話せたら、もっと簡単だったのに。"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:604
msgid "This would've been easier if your English was better, too."
msgstr ""
msgstr "そっちも英語がもっとできていれば簡単だったわよ。"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:606
msgid "Noelle crosses her arms in the backseat, fuming."
msgstr ""
msgstr "ノエルは苛立ちながら腕を組んだ。"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:608
msgid ""
"Why am I the one responsible for making sure we're not separated by a "
"language barrier?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "なんであたしだけが言葉の壁をどうにかしないといけないのよ。"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:609
msgid "You were the ones who chose to move here in the first place."
msgstr ""
msgstr "そもそもここに引っ越すことを決めたのはあんたたちでしょ。"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:616
msgid "Sixteen hours later"
msgstr ""
msgstr "16時間後"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:619
msgid "Taipei"
msgstr ""
msgstr "台北"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:627
msgid ""
"Noelle and her parents take a taxi from the airport to an alley lined with "
"parked scooters."
msgstr ""
msgstr "ノエル一家は空港からタクシーに乗り、スクーターが並んだ路地へたどり着いた。"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:632
msgid "Ah-gong = grandpa"
msgstr ""
msgstr "阿公(アゴン):おじいちゃん"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:634
msgid "This must be Ah-gong's apartment. We're staying there for the week."
msgstr ""
msgstr "ここが阿公のアパートね。私たちが1週間泊まる場所。"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:638
msgid "Her mom presses the buzzer."
msgstr ""
msgstr "お母さんはブザーを鳴らした。"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:639
msgid "We're here!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "来たわよ!"
# Speaker: Mom
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:641
msgid "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}我們到了!{/font}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}我們到了!{/font}"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:642
msgid "Come in, come in!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "入って入って!"
# Speaker: Aunt
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:643
msgid "快進來、快進來!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "快進來、快進來!"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:658
msgid ""
"After huffing and puffing up four stories of stairs, Noelle is drenched in "
msgstr ""
msgstr "息を切らしながら階段を登り、なんとか4階までたどり着いた頃には、ノエルは汗を"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:662
msgid "Da Ah-yi"
@ -21647,49 +21655,49 @@ msgstr ""
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:670
msgid "Hey!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "こんにちは!"
# Speaker: Aunt
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:671
msgid "哈嘍!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "哈嘍!"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:673
msgid "Yay!! You're finally here!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "やったー!やっと来たね!"
# Speaker: ChunHua
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:674
msgid "耶!! 你們總算來了!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "耶!! 你們總算來了!"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:675
msgid "Chun-hua, you've grown so big!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "春花(チュンファ)、大きくなったな!"
# Speaker: Dad
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:677
msgid "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}春花,你長大了!{/font}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}春花,你長大了!{/font}"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:678
msgid "Yeah, I must've been in elementary school the last time you saw me!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "うん!おじさんと会うの、私が小学生の時以来だもん!"
# Speaker: ChunHua
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:680
msgid "對啊!你上次見到我的時候,我還在念小學呢!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "對啊!你上次見到我的時候,我還在念小學呢!"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:683
msgid "This must be one of my cousins."
msgstr ""
msgstr "この子が従妹のひとりね。"
# Speaker: Mom
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:686
msgid "Noelle, don't be rude. Introduce yourself in Chinese."
msgstr ""
msgstr "ノエル、失礼でしょ。中国語で挨拶なさい。"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:688
msgid "Hi marryone...I four Le-ying."
@ -21698,23 +21706,23 @@ msgstr ""
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:692
msgid "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}大嫁好……我四樂映。{/font}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}大嫁好……我四樂映。{/font}"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:694
msgid ""
"My pronunciation is so atrocious, I don't know if they can even understand "
msgstr ""
msgstr "私のひどい発音で伝わるのか、自信ないわ…"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:696
msgid "What'd you say?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "なんだって?"
# Speaker: AhGong
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:698
msgid "妳說什麼?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "妳說什麼?"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:700
msgid "Lair am Le-ying."
@ -21723,28 +21731,28 @@ msgstr ""
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:702
msgid "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}窩是樂映。{/font}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}窩是樂映。{/font}"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:705
msgid "Can I just talk in English?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "もう英語でしゃべってもいい?"
# Speaker: Mom
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:708
msgid ""
"Ah-gong doesn't speak English. He only knows Japanese, Taiwanese, and "
msgstr ""
msgstr "阿公は英語を知らないわ。わかるのは日本語、台湾語、北京語よ。"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:709
msgid "Even the Mandarin, he's nearly forgotten."
msgstr ""
msgstr "北京語も、ほとんど忘れてしまってるけどね。"
# Speaker: Aunt
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:711
msgid "他連國語都快要不會講了。"
msgstr ""
msgstr "他連國語都快要不會講了。"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:713
msgid ""
@ -21755,73 +21763,73 @@ msgstr ""
# Speaker: Aunt
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:715
msgid "Noelle, you speak English with Chun-hua."
msgstr ""
msgstr "ノエル、春花と英語話す。"
# Speaker: Aunt
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:717
msgid "She want go college in America, so she very happy practice speaking."
msgstr ""
msgstr "アメリカの大学行きたいから、話す練習とても歓迎する。"
# Speaker: ChunHua
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:720
msgid "Yes! You can call me Literature!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "そう!私はリテラチャーって呼んでもいいよ!"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:722
msgid ""
"Is that a name she chose herself...? Chinese people have such odd taste in "
"English names."
msgstr ""
msgstr "それって自分でつけた名前なのかしら…?中国人の英名のセンスって変わってるわね。"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:723
msgid "That's alright, Chun-hua is fine."
msgstr ""
msgstr "大丈夫よ、春花って呼ぶわ。"
# Speaker: ChunHua
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:725
msgid "We are the same ages, right? Who do you think is more tall?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "私たちって同い年だよね?どっちの方が背が高いと思う?"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:726
msgid ""
"Chun-hua eagerly stands back-to-back with Noelle so the others can judge."
msgstr ""
msgstr "春花はみんなに判断してもらうために、ノエルと背中合わせで立つ。"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:729
msgid "Wait, you're standing on your tip-toes! That's cheating!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ちょっと、つま先立ちしてるでしょ!ズルいわよ!"
# Speaker: ChunHua
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:732
msgid "Huh? No, I am not."
msgstr ""
msgstr "えっ?してないよ。"
# Speaker: Dad
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:734
msgid "Wow, you two are the exact same height!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "うわあ、2人ともまったく同じ身長だな!"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:736
msgid "They're both skin and bones. They really are cousins."
msgstr ""
msgstr "どっちも痩せてるし、本当に従妹なのね。"
# Speaker: Mom
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:738
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgstr "{font=chunhua_chinese.ttf}兩個怎麼都瘦得跟竹竿一樣。果然是表姐妹。{/font}"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:739
msgid "One U.S. version, one Taiwan version."
msgstr ""
msgstr "1人はアメリカ版、もう1人は台湾版。"
# Speaker: Aunt
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:741
msgid "一個美版,一個台版。"
msgstr ""
msgstr "一個美版,一個台版。"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:744
msgid "Noelle glances at Chun-hua and realizes with a start that she's right."
@ -21837,45 +21845,45 @@ msgstr ""
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:747
msgid "A stranger with my face."
msgstr ""
msgstr "私と同じ顔をした、知らない人。"
# Speaker: ChunHua
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:750
msgid "You're SURE I'm not taller?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "本当に私の方が高くない?"
# Speaker: Aunt
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:752
msgid "Yes, we sure."
msgstr ""
msgstr "ええ、本当よ。"
# Speaker: AhGong
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:754
msgctxt "arriveTaiwan_903b0fd0"
msgid "{incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "{incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}"
# Speaker: ChunHua
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:756
msgctxt "arriveTaiwan_76d7bbb4"
msgid "{incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "{incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:758
msgid "That must be Taiwanese..."
msgstr ""
msgstr "あれは台湾語ね…"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:760
msgid ""
"Chun-hua gives him an affectionate hug as Noelle awkwardly watches from the "
msgstr ""
msgstr "春花が彼に愛情の込もったハグをするのを、ノエルは気まずそうに見た。"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:761
msgid ""
"Meanwhile, the adults launch into an animated conversation in Taiwanese."
msgstr ""
msgstr "その一方で、大人たちは台湾語で楽しそうにおしゃべりを始めた。"
# Speaker: Mom
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:763
@ -21887,37 +21895,38 @@ msgstr ""
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:765
msgctxt "arriveTaiwan_903b0fd0_1"
msgid "{incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "{incoherent}( ? ? ? ){/incoherent}"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:768
msgid "I wonder what they're talking about."
msgstr ""
msgstr "一体なんの話をしてるのかしら。"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:769
msgid ""
"My Taiwanese is even worse than my Mandarin. I don't know a single word."
msgstr ""
msgstr "台湾語は北京語よりも苦手だから、一言もわからないわ。"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:771
msgid "...Actually, wait, isn't \"Ah-gong\" Taiwanese?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "…いや、「阿公」って台湾語だったはずじゃ?"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:772
msgid ""
"They didn't cover it in Chinese school. Could it be a term exclusively used "
"in Taiwan?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "中国語では教わらなかったけど、台湾だけで使われている単語だったりするのかしら"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:773
msgid ""
"It's really a special sort of confusion, not knowing what language you're "
msgstr ""
msgstr "自分がなんの言語を喋ってるのかわからなくなるのって、不思議な感覚ね。"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:775
msgid ""
@ -21930,7 +21939,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"This reminds me how I used to assume Japanese curry was a Chinese dish "
"because my mom made it regularly."
msgstr ""
msgstr "お母さんがよく作ってたから、日本のカレーを中国の料理だと勘違いしてた頃を思い"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:778
@ -21959,102 +21969,103 @@ msgstr ""
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:783
msgid "Chun-hua brightly takes a seat next to Noelle."
msgstr ""
msgstr "春花はノエルの隣に勢いよく座った。"
# Speaker: ChunHua
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:785
msgid "Anything you have questions about, you can ask me!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "聞きたいことがあったら、なんでも私に聞いて!"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:794
msgid "Ask about the area"
msgstr ""
msgstr "この辺りについて聞く"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:794
msgid "Ask about her book"
msgstr ""
msgstr "春花の本について聞く"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:794
msgid "Ask about the photos on the wall"
msgstr ""
msgstr "壁に飾ってある写真について聞く"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:798
msgid "Tell me about the surrounding area."
msgstr ""
msgstr "この辺りについて教えてくれる?"
# Speaker: ChunHua
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:800
msgid "Let's look outside!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "外見よ!"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:803
msgid ""
"Chun-hua goes over to the window and points as Noelle peers outside at the "
"street below."
msgstr ""
msgstr "春花は窓の方へ行き、指を指した。ノエルは窓から下の路上を見る。"
# Speaker: ChunHua
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:805
msgid "That way is my house. Me and my mom, we walk over all the time."
msgstr ""
msgstr "あっちの方に私の家があるの。お母さんといつもここまで歩いてきてるんだ。"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:808
msgid "You must live pretty close by if you're able to come on foot."
msgstr ""
msgstr "徒歩で来れるなら、かなり近いところに住んでるのね。"
# Speaker: ChunHua
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:811
msgid "Yes, we are only a few streets away from Ah-gong."
msgstr ""
msgstr "うん、ここからいくつかの通りを過ぎたところだよ。"
# Speaker: ChunHua
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:812
msgid "Every weekend, me and my cousins spend here."
msgstr ""
msgstr "毎週末、従妹と一緒にここで過ごしてるんだ。"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:815
msgid "That's so different from my experience..."
msgstr ""
msgstr "私とは全然違う生活ね…"
# Speaker: ChunHua
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:818
msgid "When you are all settled, the 7-Eleven, we go and grab breakfast."
msgstr ""
msgstr "みんなが落ち着いたらセブン〇レブンに行って、朝ごはん買おう。"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:821
msgid "Breakfast...from 7-Eleven?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "セブン〇レブンで…朝ごはん!?"
# Speaker: ChunHua
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:824
msgid "What, you've never had it? It's good!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "えっ、食べたことないの?おいしいよ!"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:827
msgid "It is...? It won't be all greasy?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ええ…?脂っこいんじゃないの?"
# Speaker: ChunHua
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:830
msgid ""
"No? They have fresh tea eggs, hot yams, oden...If you want a prepackaged "
"breakfast, they'll heat it for you, too."
msgstr ""
msgstr "ううん。茶葉蛋とか、焼き芋とか、おでんとかあるよ。包装されたごはんがよかった"
# Speaker: ChunHua
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:841
msgid "In America is it not like that?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "アメリカでは違うの?"
# Speaker: Noelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:844
msgid "No, American 7-Elevens are just junk food stores."
msgstr ""
msgstr "アメリカのセブ〇イレブンではジャンクフードしか売ってないわよ。"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:850
msgid "Chun-hua points at the train as it rushes by."