Translated using Weblate (Japanese)

Currently translated at 83.9% (4870 of 5800 strings)
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Itsuki Horiuchi 2023-03-08 07:12:13 +00:00 committed by Weblate
parent 5635cc26bc
commit c1c74a16eb

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-03-08 06:56+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-03-08 11:29+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Itsuki Horiuchi <>\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese <"
@ -11185,444 +11185,457 @@ msgstr "結婚に関する今のあなたの考え方、キリスト教圏から
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1810
msgid "Indians aren't like that. They're not so selfish."
msgstr ""
msgstr "インド人は違う。そんな風に利己的じゃないのよ。"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1813
msgid "Well, this isn't India. I'm American."
msgstr ""
msgstr "そうだね、けどここはインドじゃないよ。私はアメリカ人だし。"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1816
msgid "What, you think you're white?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "待って、自分が白人だと思ってるの?"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1817
msgid ""
"It doesn't matter where you are, you're still Indian. You have to honor your "
msgstr ""
msgstr "どこにいようと、あなたはインド人よ。そして自分の文化に敬意を払わないといけな"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1821
msgid ""
"Why do I have to follow the rules of a country I've never lived in before?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "どうして、住んだこともない国のルールに従わなきゃいけないわけ?"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1824
msgid ""
"As long as you're under our roof, you will. This is an Indian household."
msgstr ""
msgstr "同じ屋根の下にいるからには、そうしなさい。うちはインドの家庭なの。"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1827
msgctxt "razorDenial_1612cdcc"
msgid "..............."
msgstr ""
msgstr "…………。"
# Speaker: DiyaT
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1828
msgid ""
"Could it be that my mom thinks people don't change...because SHE doesn't "
msgstr ""
msgstr "(ママ、人間は変わらないって思ってるのかな……自分が変わらないからって?)"
# Speaker: DiyaT
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1829
msgid ""
"It's like her opinions are frozen in time, from twenty years ago when she "
"left India."
msgstr ""
msgstr "ママの話って、時間が止まってるみたい。ママがインドから出た20年前からずっと"
# Speaker: DiyaT
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1830
msgid ""
"And they never shifted to match the world around her. They're just stuck."
msgstr ""
msgstr "(おまけに世界に合わせて変化していくこともない。固まっちゃってる。)"
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1832
msgid "They spend the rest of the drive home in stony silence."
msgstr ""
msgstr "その後ずっと、親子2人は石のように黙りこくっていた。"
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1838
msgid "The next day"
msgstr ""
msgstr "次の日"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1845
msgid ".......!!!!!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "………!!!!!"
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1848
msgid "Diya hits her alarms and flops back in bed."
msgstr ""
msgstr "ディーヤは目覚まし時計を叩き、ベッドでバッタリと倒れこむ。"
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1851
msgid ""
"Her morning routine includes lying in bed for 10 minutes thinking about how "
"tired she is. "
msgstr ""
msgstr "ディーヤの毎朝の日課。10分くらい横になったまま、自分がどのくらい疲れているか"
"、考えること。 "
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1853
msgid ""
"{cps=0}Her morning routine includes lying in bed for 10 minutes thinking "
"about how tired she is. {/cps}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "{cps=0}ディーヤの毎朝の日課。10分くらい横になったまま、自分がどのくらい疲れて"
# Speaker: DiyaT
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1856
msgctxt "morning2_f28d8787"
msgid "Ugghhhhhghghhhghhh...Ggggggh..."
msgstr ""
msgstr "(うぐぐぐぐぐぐぐぐ……ぐぅぅぅぅう……)"
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1858
msgid "Suddenly, her bedroom door squeaks open."
msgstr ""
msgstr "突然、寝室のドアがきしむような音を立てて開いた。"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1861
msgid "I need to head out early today."
msgstr ""
msgstr "今日は早めに出かけないといけないの。"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1862
msgid "Here, I'll put your lunch into your backpack."
msgstr ""
msgstr "これ、お弁当、バックパックに入れとくわよ。"
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1864
msgid "Diya's blood runs cold as her mom unzips her backpack."
msgstr ""
msgstr "母親がバックパックのファスナーを開けた時、ディーヤの血が凍りついた。"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1867
msgctxt "morning2_1d74dd58"
msgid "!!!"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
# Speaker: DiyaT
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1868
msgid "She'll see the Valentine's Day card!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "(ミンのバレンタインカード!)"
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1871
msgid "Diya bolts upright and snatches the backpack from her mom's grasp."
msgstr ""
msgstr "立ち上がって、母の手からバックパックをつかみとるディーヤ。"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1873
msgid "I'll put it in myself."
msgstr ""
msgstr "自分でやるから。"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1876
msgid "Why are you being so secretive?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "何をそんなに隠したがってるのよ?"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1877
msgid "I can't even look in my own child's backpack anymore?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "私は自分の子のカバンの中さえも、見れなくなったの?"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1879
msgid "I'm not a baby. I should get to have privacy, too."
msgstr ""
msgstr "私はもう赤ちゃんじゃないんだよ。プライバシーだって守られるべきでしょ。"
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1881
msgid "Diya's mom sighs as Diya puts her bagged lunch into her backpack."
msgstr ""
msgstr "ディーヤがお弁当の袋をバックパックに入れるのを見て、母親はため息をついた。"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1883
msgid "You know, it's really hurtful that you hide everything from me."
msgstr ""
msgstr "ねえ、隠し事されるのってすごくつらいのよ。"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1884
msgid ""
"You're so quiet. I wish you would talk to me like my friends kids talk to "
msgstr ""
msgstr "あなたは何も話さないし。私の友だちの子たちが話してるみたいに、話してほしいの"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1885
msgid ""
"My friends son even tells them about the girls he likes. He tells them "
msgstr ""
msgstr "友だちの息子さん、好きな女の子のことまで話してくれるって。どんなことでも言う"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1886
msgid "It makes me sad. I wish we had that kind of relationship."
msgstr ""
msgstr "悲しくなるわ。私もあなたとそういう関係を持ちたいのよ。"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1888
msgid "You think I wanted it to be like this?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ママは私がこういう風になることを望んだと思う?"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1889
msgid "I didn't just decide not to talk to you all on my own."
msgstr ""
msgstr "自分の方から、話さないって決めたわけじゃないんだよ。"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1892
msgid "What're you going on about?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "いったい、何を言ってるの?"
# Speaker: DiyaT
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1894
msgid "How are you not able to put two and two together??"
msgstr ""
msgstr "(どうして、当たり前のことが理解できないの??)"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1895
msgid "I want to be able to talk to you, too."
msgstr ""
msgstr "私だって、ママに話せるようになりたいよ。"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1896
msgid "But I dont feel like I can. Every time I open up to you, I regret it."
msgstr ""
msgstr "けど、できる気がしないの。心を開くたびに、毎回後悔する。"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1897
msgid "You always have some bad reaction to something I say."
msgstr ""
msgstr "何か言うと、いつだってイヤな反応するでしょ。"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1900
msgid "Huh? Like what?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ああ、そう? たとえば?"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1902
msgid ""
" the time I told you about my friend, and you said I wasn't "
"allowed to talk to her anymore."
msgstr ""
msgstr "たとえば……友だちのことを話したら、ママはもうその子と話しちゃダメって言った。"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1905
msgid "What are you talking about? That never happened."
msgstr ""
msgstr "何の話をしてるの? そんなことありえないわ。"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1907
msgid "Yes, it did. After school, when I was in third grade."
msgstr ""
msgstr "ううん、あったの。放課後、私が3年生の時。"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1910
msgid ""
"Third grade?! You really go through life collecting pointless grudges from "
"years ago?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "3年生?! "
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1911
msgid "How can you use something I don't even remember to argue against me?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "私が憶えてもいないことで、よく議論ができるわね?"
# Speaker: DiyaT
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1913
msgid "How can two people perceive the same conversation so differently?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "(同じ会話で、2人の人間はこんなに受け止め方が違うものなの?)"
# Speaker: DiyaT
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1915
msgid ""
"To me, it was one of the worst memories of my life, one that still affects "
"how I act around her every day."
msgstr ""
msgstr "(私にとっては人生におけるいちばん最悪な記憶のひとつで、今でもママに対する行"
# Speaker: DiyaT
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1916
msgid "But to her, it was an uneventful car ride."
msgstr ""
msgstr "(けど、ママにとっては何てこともない車の移動時間にすぎなかったんだ。)"
# Speaker: DiyaT
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1917
msgid "I need to give a different example."
msgstr ""
msgstr "(他の例をあげなくちゃ。)"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1919
msgid "You didn't only make mistakes in the past, you never changed."
msgstr ""
msgstr "過去に過ちを犯しただけじゃなくて、変わることもなかったんだね。"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1920
msgid ""
"Like yesterday, I asked you to buy razors for me and you lectured me about "
msgstr ""
msgstr "昨日は、カミソリ買ってきてほしいって頼んだら、交際についてお説教されたよ。"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1923
msgid ""
"I'm your mom, I'm supposed to say no when you want something that's bad for "
msgstr ""
msgstr "私はあなたの母親よ。あなたにとって良くないものを欲しがったら、ダメって言うの"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1924
msgid ""
"If your own parents won't tell you when you're doing something wrong, who "
msgstr ""
msgstr "悪いことをする時、自分の親が言ってくれなかったら、誰が教えてくれるの?"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1926
msgid "Of course you're supposed to stop me from doing really bad things."
msgstr ""
msgstr "もちろん、私がホントに悪いことしてるなら、止めるのは当たり前だよ。"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1927
msgid ""
"But I feel like you think your only job as a parent is to lecture me every "
"chance you see."
msgstr ""
msgstr "けど、ママは私にお説教することが、親としての唯一の仕事って思ってるような気が"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1928
msgid "Sometimes I just want to have a normal, not-negative conversation."
msgstr ""
msgstr "たまにはネガティブなやつじゃない、普通の会話がしたいよ。"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1932
msgid ""
"What do you want me to do, just keep my opinion to myself and agree with "
"everything you say?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "要するに、あなたが望んでるのは、私が自分の意見をしまいこんで、全てあなたの言"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1933
msgid "If I were your friend, sure, I could do that."
msgstr ""
msgstr "私があなたの友だちだったら、もちろんそうできるでしょうよ。"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1934
msgid "But that's not my role. I'm your mother, I'm supposed to help you."
msgstr ""
msgstr "だけどそれは私の役目じゃない。母親なんだから、あなたを助けなきゃいけないの。"
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1935
msgid "Tears well up in Diya's eyes from frustration."
msgstr ""
msgstr "ディーヤの目に、失望の涙が溢れ出す。"
# Speaker: DiyaT
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1937
msgid "Oh, great. Not now!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "(わ、ヤバい。今はダメ!)"
# Speaker: DiyaT
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1938
msgid "I hate how I can't argue with anyone without crying."
msgstr ""
msgstr "(泣かないことには反論できない自分はイヤだ。)"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1939
msgid "You think you're helping me, but all you do is give me anxiety."
msgstr ""
msgstr "ママは助けてるつもりでも、それは私の中に不安を生むだけなの。"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1941
msgid "I feel like every time I speak to you honestly, I'm punished for it."
msgstr ""
msgstr "ママに正直に話すと、いつもそのことで罰せられるような気がしてる。"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1943
msgid "So me speaking my mind is \"punishing\" you?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "自分の意見を言うことが、あなたを「罰する」ことになるの?"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1944
msgid ""
"How can you not allow me to say what I think? How do you think that makes {i}"
"me{/i} feel?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "どうして、私が思ったことをあなたに言うことを許してくれないの? "
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1946
msgid "Both of them freeze as the doorbell rings."
msgstr ""
msgstr "その時、ドアベルが鳴り、2人は固まる。"
# Speaker: DiyaT
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1948
msgid "It's Akarsha!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "(アカーシャだ!)"
# Speaker: DiyaT
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1949
msgid "I can't let her see me like this!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "(こんなとこ、見られたくない!)"
# Speaker: Akarsha
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1955
msgid "Yo..."
msgstr ""
msgstr "よっ……。"
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1958
msgid "Diya flings open the door and darts past Akarsha."
msgstr ""
msgstr "ディーヤはドアを開け放つと、アカーシャの脇を抜けて走り去る。"
# Speaker: Akarsha
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1960
msgid "Whoa!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "うわっと!"
# Speaker: Akarsha
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1961
msgid "Homie, wait up!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "キミィ、待たんかい!"
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1968
msgid "Diya ignores her and sprints down the sidewalk."
msgstr ""
msgstr "アカーシャの声を無視して、歩道を全速力で走るディーヤ。"
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1969
msgid ""
"The frenetic slap of flip-flops on concrete behind her gets louder and "
"louder until suddenly, a hand grabs her forearm!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ビーチサンダルがコンクリートを踏む音がだんだん大きくなっていく……突如、ディー"
# Speaker: Akarsha
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1972
msgid "*Wheeze* Gotcha!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ハアゼエハアゼエ……ゲットだぜ!"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1975
msgctxt "morning2_40731160"
msgid "!!!!"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1977
msgid "Diya reluctantly slows to a stop and lets Akarsha catch her breath."
msgstr ""
msgstr "しぶしぶスピードを落とし、アカーシャにひと息つかせるディーヤ。"
# Speaker: Akarsha
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1979
msgid "*Gasp* *Wheeze*"
msgstr ""
msgstr "アアア…フウフウ……"
# Speaker: Akarsha
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1980
msgid "....HA....HAH....."
msgstr ""
msgstr "……ハア……ハアア……"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1982
msgctxt "morning2_6e8840cd"
msgid "............"
msgstr ""
msgstr "………。"
# Speaker: Akarsha
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1985
msgid "What's with you today? Usain Bolt..."
msgstr ""
msgstr "今日、何かあったん? ウサイン・ボルトちゃん……。"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1988