Translated using Weblate (Japanese)

Currently translated at 43.0% (2491 of 5786 strings)
This commit is contained in:
Mei 2023-01-15 10:42:12 +00:00 committed by Weblate
parent a93cbe3cd8
commit e9acfde3d0

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-14 21:31+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: 堀内愛月 <>\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-16 08:14+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Mei <>\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese <"
"Language: ja\n"
@ -10868,83 +10868,84 @@ msgstr ""
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1663
msgctxt "razorDenial_c0d265fa"
msgid "How was your day at school?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "学校、どうだった?"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1666
msgctxt "razorDenial_fd841d5d"
msgid "Okay."
msgstr ""
msgstr "まあまあ。"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1669
msgid "Did the presentation go well?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "プレゼンはうまくいったの?"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1672
msgid "Think so. Just glad it's over."
msgstr ""
msgstr "多分。とにかく終わってよかった…"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1673
msgid ""
"When I grow up I'm going to find a job where I never have to talk to people."
msgstr ""
msgstr "大人になったら人と話さなくていい仕事をするんだ。"
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1675
msgid "Diya's mom smiles knowingly and shakes her head."
msgstr ""
msgstr "ディヤのお母さんは、理解を示すようにほほ笑んで頷いた。"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1677
msgid ""
"I'm the same way. I'm embarrassed of my accent, and it makes phone calls so "
msgstr ""
msgstr "私も同じ気持ちよ。自分の訛りが恥ずかしくて、電話するのが怖いくらいよ。"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1678
msgid "Talking to workers in stores makes me so nervous, too."
msgstr ""
msgstr "お店で店員さんと話す時も、いつも緊張しちゃう。"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1681
msgid ""
"Me, too. I wish we could write questions on a piece of paper and they have "
"to write their answer back, too."
msgstr ""
msgstr "私も。紙に質問を書いたら、返事を書いて返してくれるといいのに。"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1684
msgid ""
"Yes! It'd be the best if you could slip the paper through an opening in the "
"wall, so they don't even know what you look like."
msgstr ""
msgstr "ね!それを壁のすき間から差し込むようにすれば、見た目も知られないわ。"
# Speaker: DiyaT
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1687
msgid "Wow...I'm enjoying talking to my mom!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "(あれ…お母さんと楽しく会話ができてる!)"
# Speaker: DiyaT
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1690
msgid ""
"I guess it's only natural that we have some things in common. I forget that "
msgstr ""
msgstr "(でも、お互いに共通点があってもおかしくないよね。つい忘れちゃうけど)"
# Speaker: DiyaT
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1691
msgid ""
"She used to do long-distance running in India, and she always encouraged me "
"to play sports because it was good for my health."
msgstr ""
msgstr "(インドでは長距離走をやってて、健康にいいからって昔から私にスポーツをするよ"
# Speaker: DiyaT
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1693
msgid "Maybe I can ask her about something else that's been bothering me."
msgstr ""
msgstr "(他にも気になってることについて聞いてみようかな)"
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1695
msgid "Emboldened by her success, Diya speaks up as they sit at a red light."
@ -10953,243 +10954,252 @@ msgstr ""
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1697
msgid "Can you get razors next time you go shopping?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "次に買い物へ行った時に、カミソリ買ってきてくれない?"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1700
msgid "Razors?! What for?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "カミソリ!?なんで?"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1703
msgid "To shave. My leg hair is really long."
msgstr ""
msgstr "毛を剃りたいの。脚の毛がすごく長くて。"
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1705
msgid "Diya's heart sinks as her mom wrinkles her nose with distaste."
msgstr ""
msgstr "お母さんが嫌悪で顔をしかめるのを見て、ディヤは気持ちが重くなった。"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1707
msgid "Don't do it. Shaving will make the hair grow back thicker and darker."
msgstr ""
msgstr "やめときなさい。毛は剃るともっと濃くなって生えてくるわよ。"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1710
msgid "That doesn't sound true. Pretty sure that's a myth."
msgstr ""
msgstr "本当には聞こえないけど…迷信じゃないの?"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1713
msgid "No, it's true. Shaving is a terrible idea."
msgstr ""
msgstr "いいえ、本当よ。毛を剃るなんて絶対よくないわ。"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1716
msgid "But all the other girls at school are doing it."
msgstr ""
msgstr "でも学校の女子はみんなやってるよ。"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1719
msgid ""
"That's because it's Christian culture. Our family doesn't follow those rules."
msgstr ""
msgstr "キリスト教の文化だからよ。うちとはルールが違うの。"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1722
msgid "Why do you want to shave so bad, anyway?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "そもそも、なんでそんなに毛を剃りたいの?"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1723
msgid "Are you trying to show yourself off to boys?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "男子に見せようとしてるの?"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1726
msgid "??? No..."
msgstr ""
msgstr "???違うよ…"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1729
msgid "You're too young. Who is it for?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "あなたにはまだ早すぎるわ。誰のためなの?"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1731
msgid "Do you have a boyfriend?!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "彼氏がいるの!?"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1734
msgctxt "razorDenial_a2dbca39"
msgid "No."
msgstr ""
msgstr "いないよ。"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1737
msgid "Are you sure?? Look at me."
msgstr ""
msgstr "本当に??ちょっとこっち見なさい。"
# Speaker: DiyaT
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1740
msgid "Good thing I can actually answer this honestly."
msgstr ""
msgstr "(よかった。この質問には正直に答えられる)"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1742
msgid "I'm not lying. I don't have a boyfriend."
msgstr ""
msgstr "本当だよ。彼氏なんていない。"
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1744
msgid ""
"Her mom scrutinizes Diya's face for a moment before turning away, seemingly "
msgstr ""
msgstr "お母さんはディヤの顔をしばらくじっと見つめた後、満足したように顔を背けた。"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1746
msgid ""
"Good, because you need to focus on school. The right time to date is in "
msgstr ""
msgstr "よかった。今は学業に集中しないといけないからね。彼氏は大学に入ってから作るべ"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1747
msgid ""
"That's when you'll be able to find a nice boy who meets all the requirements."
msgstr ""
msgstr "大学なら、基準を満たす素敵な男の子にきっと出会えるわ。"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1750
msgid "...Requirements? What requirements."
msgstr ""
msgstr "…基準って、なに?"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1753
msgid "You know, just the regular ones."
msgstr ""
msgstr "まあ、普通のよ。"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1754
msgid "Someone who's Hindu like us, doesn't smoke, and has high income."
msgstr ""
msgstr "私たちと同じヒンドゥー教徒で、喫煙をしなくて、収入が高い人。"
# Speaker: DiyaT
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1757
msgid "...Yeah, I definitely can't tell her about Min."
msgstr ""
msgstr "(…絶対にミンのことは話せない)"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1758
msgid "What if I wanted to date someone different? Like a non-Indian person?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "そうじゃない人と付き合いたいって、私が言ったらどうする?たとえば、インド人以"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1761
msgid "No, a white person wouldn't understand our culture."
msgstr ""
msgstr "ダメよ。白人に私たちの文化が理解できるはずがないもの。"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1762
msgid "Plus, whites do drugs and don't know how to save money."
msgstr ""
msgstr "それに、白人は薬物を使うし、貯金ができないでしょ。"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1765
msgid "Just remember no BMWs. No Blacks, Muslims, or Whites."
msgstr ""
msgstr "覚えておいて。黒人、ムスリム、白人はダメ。"
# Speaker: DiyaT
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1768
msgid ""
"That's so racist...I don't even wanna know what she thinks of Korean people."
msgstr ""
msgstr "(ひどい人種差別…韓国人についてどう思うかなんて聞きたくもないな)"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1769
msgid "What you want is unrealistic."
msgstr ""
msgstr "お母さんの理想は現実的じゃないよ。"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1770
msgid ""
"How can you immigrate to a country where we're less than 1%% of the "
"population and then expect me to marry the way you did in India?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "インド人の人口が全体の1%しかない国に移住してきておいて、私にインドと同じよう"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1773
msgid "It's not unrealistic, my friend Himaja's daughter did it."
msgstr ""
msgstr "十分現実的よ。友達のヒマヤの娘さんができたんだもの。"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1775
msgid ""
"You're not any less pretty or smart than she is! You can find a way too."
msgstr ""
msgstr "あなただって、あの子と同じくらい頭もよくてかわいいじゃない!あなたにもきっと"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1778
msgid "It's not that easy. I can't control who I fall in love with."
msgstr ""
msgstr "そんな簡単にいかないよ。好きになる人は選べないもん。"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1779
msgid ""
"If I fall in love with someone who doesn't match your criteria, I'm not "
"going to turn them away just for you."
msgstr ""
msgstr "お母さんの基準に合わない人を好きになっても、お母さんのために別れたりはできな"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1782
msgid ""
"No, that's not right. If you marry a waste fellow, what will other people "
msgstr ""
msgstr "それはダメよ。もし、ろくでなしと結婚したら、他の人にどういう目で見られると思"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1785
msgid "Wh...Why does it matter what \"other people\" think?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "えっ…他の人の目なんて、なんで気にする必要があるの?"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1786
msgid "My opinion should be the most important one."
msgstr ""
msgstr "一番大事なのは、私自身の意見だよ。"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1789
msgid ""
"No, this is bigger than just you. You have to consider how it affects "
"everyone, like your parents."
msgstr ""
msgstr "いいえ、これはあなただけの問題じゃないわ。周りに与える影響も考えないと。自分"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1790
msgid ""
"If you marry a white man, everyone will think you're a self-hating Indian, "
"and your parents didn't raise you with correct values."
msgstr ""
msgstr "白人の男と結婚したら、あなたはインド人の自分が嫌いで、親からろくな教育も受け"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1791
msgid ""
"It already looks bad enough that we let you quit Carnatic music because you "
"wanted to play baseball."
msgstr ""
msgstr "あなたはただでさえ、野球をするためにカルナティック音楽を辞めたというのに。"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1794
msgid ""
"So you're asking me to give up my whole life in exchange for ten seconds of "
"approval from some aunties??"
msgstr ""
msgstr "親戚のおばさんたちから10秒だけ褒められるために、私の人生を犠牲にしろって言っ"
# Speaker: Amma
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1797
msgid "I had to marry within my parents' requirements too."
msgstr ""
msgstr "私だって、親の言いつけに従って結婚したのよ。"
# Speaker: Diya
#: game/2_diya.rpy:1800