Translated using Weblate (French)

Currently translated at 70.3% (4099 of 5824 strings)
This commit is contained in:
SylvainL 2022-11-10 17:58:34 +00:00 committed by Weblate
parent deeaa1ba36
commit ff9e4e9abd

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-11-10 15:30+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Tortelini <>\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-11-10 19:25+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: SylvainL <>\n"
"Language-Team: French <"
"Language: fr\n"
@ -21229,7 +21229,7 @@ msgstr ""
# Speaker: Chryssa
#: game/3_min.rpy:3238
msgid "Beats me."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Aucune idée."
# Speaker: MinT
#: game/3_min.rpy:3240
@ -22616,36 +22616,44 @@ msgstr "C'EST QUOI ÇA ? ? ? ! ? ! !"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:392
#, fuzzy
msgid "This is...this is so risqué!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "C'est... c'est beaucoup trop osé!"
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:394
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Noelle breaks into a feverish sweat as she reads the page as quickly as "
msgstr ""
"Noelle travaille fiévreusement alors qu'elle lit la page aussi vite que "
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:395
msgid ""
"Then, in a panic, Noelle closes the tab, erases her web history, and shuts "
"the computer down."
msgstr ""
"Puis, dans l'affolement, Noelle ferme l'onglet, efface son historique et "
"éteint l'ordinateur."
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:397
msgid "Min-seo was right...I can't believe it..."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Min-seo avait raison... J'y crois pas..."
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:402
msgid ""
"Should such erotic content be allowed on Wikipedia?! Anyone can read it!"
msgstr ""
"Est-ce que du contenu aussi érotique devrait être autorisé sur Wikipédia ? ! "
"Tout le monde peut le lire !"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:404
msgid "I must destroy all evidence that I've visited that page!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Je dois détruire tous les preuves que j'ai visité cette page !"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:406
@ -22653,229 +22661,239 @@ msgid ""
"Should I uninstall the browser? Delete my user profile? Perhaps set the "
"computer on fire for good measure?"
msgstr ""
"Est-ce que je devrais désinstaller l'explorateur ? Supprimer mon profile "
"utilisateur ? Peut-être mettre le feu pour faire bonne mesure ?"
# Speaker: NoelleT
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:407
msgid "This better not awaken anything in me..."
msgstr ""
msgstr "J'espère que ça n'a rien éveillé en moi..."
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:411
msgid "Noelle jumps in her chair when she receives a text."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Noelle sursaute quand elle reçoit un message."
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:412
msgid "Check your phone"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Regarde ton téléphone"
# Speaker: cFirstLine
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:418
msgctxt "kingDedede_8e0ddc15"
msgid "{nw}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "{nw}"
# Speaker: cAkarsha
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:419
msgid "is it just me or does king dedede look kinda sexy in this drawing"
msgstr ""
msgstr "y'a que moi ou Roi Dadidou est vachement sexy sur ce dessin"
# Speaker: cSame
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:420
msgid "{image=DeviantArt.png}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "{image=DeviantArt.png}"
# Speaker: cDiya
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:421
msgid "??????"
msgstr ""
msgstr "??????"
# Speaker: cAkarsha
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:422
msgid "anyone else?? hello???"
msgstr ""
msgstr "quelqu'un d'autre ? ? Allo ? ? ?"
# Speaker: cSame
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:423
msgid "anyone care to raise a hand"
msgstr ""
msgstr "quelqu'un veut lever la main"
# Speaker: cMin
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:424
msgstr ""
msgstr "T'ES TARRÉE"
# Speaker: cAkarsha
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:425
msgstr ""
# Speaker: cSame
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:426
msgid "noelle???"
msgstr ""
msgstr "noelle ? ? ?"
# Speaker: cSame
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:427
msgid "(banging on your door)"
msgstr ""
msgstr "(frappe à ta porte )"
# Speaker: cSame
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:428
msgid "if u would fuck king dedede (a penguin?)"
msgstr ""
msgstr "si tu baiserait Roi Dadidou (un manchot ?)"
# Speaker: cSame
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:429
msgid "ur braver than the U.S. marines"
msgstr ""
msgstr "t'es plus courageuse qu'un comando"
# Speaker: cNarrator
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:430
msgid "Diya has left the chatroom."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Diya a quitté la conversation."
# Speaker: cNarrator
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:431
msgid "Min has left the chatroom."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Min a quitté la conversation."
# Speaker: cAkarsha
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:432
msgid "welp"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Arf"
# Speaker: cNoelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:433
msgid "Why are you like this??"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Pourquoi tu fais ça ? ?"
# Speaker: cAkarsha
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:435
msgid "im so bored TT_TT"
msgstr ""
msgstr "jme fais chier TT_TT"
# Speaker: cSame
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:436
msgid "ive been stuck at home all day"
msgstr ""
msgstr "j'suis restée coincée à la maison toute la journée"
# Speaker: cNoelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:437
msgid "Unfortunately for you, I can't entertain you for long either."
msgstr ""
"Malheureusement pour toi, je ne peux pas te distraire longtemps non plus."
# Speaker: cSame
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:438
msgid "I have to leave for the airport soon."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Je dois bientôt partir pour l'aéroport."
# Speaker: cAkarsha
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:439
msgid "oh yeah ur visiting taiwan right?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ah oui tu va visiter taiwan non ?"
# Speaker: cSame
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:440
msgid "how long ru gonna be there again?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "tu y sera pour combien de temps déjà ?"
# Speaker: cNoelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:441
msgid ""
"I'll be there for the entire week. My mom and I will return Sunday afternoon."
msgstr ""
"J'y serais pour tout la semaine. Ma mère et moi on rentre dimanche après-"
# Speaker: cSame
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:442
msgid "My dad is staying for an additional week there for business purposes."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Mon père y reste une semaine de plus pour le travail."
# Speaker: cAkarsha
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:443
msgid "can i still message u when ur there?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "j'pourrais quand même t'envoyer des messages ?"
# Speaker: cSame
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:444
msgid "do u have to use a vpn or something?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "faut utiliser un vpn ou un truc du genre ?"
# Speaker: cNoelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:445
msgid ""
"No, as long as I have internet access, we should be able to chat like usual."
msgstr ""
"Non, tant que j'ai accès à internet, ça ne devrait pas changer de d'habitude."
# Speaker: cAkarsha
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:446
msgid "rly? but isnt there like hella censorship o_0"
msgstr ""
msgstr "vrai ? mais y'a pas une cencure de fou o_0"
# Speaker: cNoelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:447
msgid ""
"No, there's nothing like that in Taiwan. It's not as if I'm going to China."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Non, y'a rien tout ça a Taiwan. C'est pas comme si j'allais en Chine."
# Speaker: cAkarsha
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:449
msgid "right right"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ok ok"
# Speaker: cSame
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:450
msgid "uhhh also"
msgstr ""
msgstr "euhh d'ailleurs"
# Speaker: cSame
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:451
msgid "whats the difference between china and taiwan again ^_^;;"
msgstr ""
msgstr "c'est quoi la différence entre Taiwan et la chine déjà ^_^'"
# Speaker: cSame
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:452
msgid "/shot"
msgstr ""
msgstr "*se cache*"
# Speaker: cSame
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:453
msgid "i mean i know taiwans an island"
msgstr ""
msgstr "j'veux dire je sais que taiwan est une ile"
# Speaker: cSame
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:454
msgid "but is it like"
msgstr ""
msgstr "mais c'est genre"
# Speaker: cNoelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:455
msgid "You said you were shot, yet you're still talking like nothing happened?"
msgstr ""
"Tu dis que t'es cachée, mais pourtant tu continues à parler comme si de rien "
"n'était ?"
# Speaker: cAkarsha
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:456
msgid "its own country?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "tout un pays ?"
# Speaker: cSame
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:457
msgid "i have high pain tolerance"
msgstr ""
msgstr "je suis pas très discrète"
# Speaker: cNoelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:458
msgid "No, you don't."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Effectivement."
# Speaker: cAkarsha
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:459
msgid ""
"anyway i tried to ask in geography class once and everyone started arguing"
msgstr ""
"bref j'ai essayé de poser la question en cours de géo et tout le monde à "
"commencé à se disputer"
# Speaker: cNoelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:460
msgid "Everyone started arguing because it's a political question."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Les gens se sont disputés parce que c'est une question politique."
# Speaker: cSame
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:461
@ -22883,16 +22901,18 @@ msgid ""
"Whether Taiwan is a part of China or a separate country is an extremely "
"controversial issue."
msgstr ""
"Que Taiwan fasse parti de la Chine ou un pays séparé est extrêmement "
# Speaker: cAkarsha
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:462
msgid "y tho?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "pourquoi ?"
# Speaker: cNoelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:463
msgid "To be honest, I'm not clear on the details."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Pour être honnête, je connais pas les détails."
# Speaker: cSame
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:464
@ -22900,36 +22920,38 @@ msgid ""
"As I understand it, the dispute is the result of a civil war that was never "
"properly resolved."
msgstr ""
"De ce que je comprends, c'est le résultat dune guerre civile qui n'a jamais "
"vraiment été résolue."
# Speaker: cAkarsha
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:465
msgid "huh...."
msgstr ""
msgstr "hein..."
# Speaker: cSame
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:466
msgid "so ru taiwanese? or chinese?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "donc t'es taiwanaise ? ou chinoise ?"
# Speaker: cSame
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:467
msgid "or both?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ou les deux ?"
# Speaker: cNoelle
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:468
msgid "Well,"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Alors,"
# Speaker: cSame
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:469
msgid "I went to Chinese school as a child."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Je suis allée dans une école chinoise quand j'étais petite."
# Speaker: cSame
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:470
msgid "And my parents told me Chinese folktales."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Et mes parents m'ont racontée les légendes chinoises."
# Speaker: cAkarsha
#: game/4_noelle.rpy:471