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2023-01-18 22:13:55 +00:00

# game/indepth_text.rpy:22
translate schinese a_label_8d79d234:
# e "You just clicked to jump to a label."
e "你刚刚点击了跳转到一个label。"
# game/indepth_text.rpy:28
translate schinese text_578c4060:
# e "Sometimes, when showing text, we'll want to change the way some of the text is displayed."
e "有时,在显示文本时,我们会希望更改某些文本的显示方式。"
# game/indepth_text.rpy:31
translate schinese text_60750345:
# e "For example, we might want to have text that is {b}bold{/b}, {i}italic{/i}, {s}struckthrough{/s}, or {u}underlined{/u}."
e "例如,我们可能希望文本是{b}粗体{/b}、{i}斜体{/i}、{s}删除线{/s},或者{u}下划线{/u}。"
# game/indepth_text.rpy:33
translate schinese text_5e1a6ee8:
# e "That's what text tags are for."
e "这就是文本标签的用途。"
# game/indepth_text.rpy:37
translate schinese text_38c63ec8:
# e "Text tags are contained in braces, like the {{b} tag above. When a text tag takes a closing tag, the closing tag begins with a slash, like {{/b} does."
e "文本标签包含在大括号中,如上面的{{b}标记。当文本标记接受结束标记时,结束标记以斜线开头,就像{{/b}那样。"
# game/indepth_text.rpy:39
translate schinese text_1760f9c8:
# e "We've already seen the b, i, s, and u tags, but there are lot more than those. I'll show you the rest of them."
e "我们已经看到了b、i、s和u等标签但还有很多其他标签。接下来我将展示给你。"
# game/indepth_text.rpy:43
translate schinese text_a620251f:
# e "The a text tag can {a=}link to a website{/a} or {a=jump:a_label}jump to a label{/a}."
e "a文本标签可以{a=}链接网址{/a}或{a=jump:a_label}跳转到一个标签{/a}。"
# game/indepth_text.rpy:49
translate schinese after_a_label_d22d5f4a:
# e "The alpha text tag makes text {alpha=.5}translucent{/alpha}."
e "alpha文本标签使文本{alpha=.5}半透明{/alpha}。"
# game/indepth_text.rpy:53
translate schinese after_a_label_7c2c3cd2:
# e "The color text tag changes the {color=#0080c0}color{/color} of the text."
e "color文本标签更改文本的{color=#0080c0}颜色{/color}。"
# game/indepth_text.rpy:57
translate schinese after_a_label_3f81fe7b:
# e "The cps text tag {cps=25}makes text type itself out slowly{/cps}, even if slow text is off."
e "cps文本标签{cps=25}使文本缓慢地打出{/cps},即使慢速文本处于关闭状态。"
# game/indepth_text.rpy:59
translate schinese after_a_label_b102941f:
# e "The cps tag can also be relative to the default speed, {cps=*2}doubling{/cps} or {cps=*0.5}halving{/cps} it."
e "cps还可以相对于默认速度{cps=*2}加倍{/cps}或{cps=*0.5}减半{/cps}。"
# game/indepth_text.rpy:64
translate schinese after_a_label_22c4339a:
# e "The font tag changes the font, for example to {font=DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf}DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf{/font}."
e "font更改字体例如{font=DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf}DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf{/font}。"
# game/indepth_text.rpy:66
translate schinese after_a_label_d43417d7:
# e "Sometimes, changing to a bold font looks better than using the {{b} tag."
e "有时,更改为粗体字体比使用{{b}更好。"
# game/indepth_text.rpy:71
translate schinese after_a_label_f24052f9:
# e "The k tag changes kerning. It can space the letters of a word {k=-.5}closer together{/k} or {k=.5}farther apart{/k}."
e "k改变了字体间距。它可以使单词的字母间距{k=-.5}更近{/k}或{k=.5}更远{/k}。(译者注:看上去对中文字体不起作用)"
# game/indepth_text.rpy:76
translate schinese after_a_label_2310b922:
# e "The size tag changes the size of text. It can make text {size=+10}bigger{/size} or {size=-10}smaller{/size}, or set it to a {size=30}fixed size{/size}."
e "size更改文本的大小。它可以使文本{size=+10}变大{/size}或{size=-10}变小{/size},或者将其设置为{size=30}固定大小{/size}。"
# game/indepth_text.rpy:81
translate schinese after_a_label_f566abf2:
# e "The space tag {space=30} adds horizontal space in text.{vspace=30}The vspace tag adds vertical space between lines."
e "space{space=30}在文本中添加水平空格。{vspace=30}vspace在行之间添加垂直空格。"
# game/indepth_text.rpy:85
translate schinese after_a_label_054b9ffa:
# e "There are a few text tags that only makes sense in dialogue."
e "有一些文本标签只有在对话中才有意义。"
# game/indepth_text.rpy:89
translate schinese after_a_label_86efc45b:
# e "The p tag breaks a paragraph,{p}and waits for the player to click."
e "p会打断一个段落{p}并等待玩家单击。"
# game/indepth_text.rpy:91
translate schinese after_a_label_3ece2387:
# e "If it is given a number as an argument,{p=1.5}it waits that many seconds."
e "如果给它一个数字作为参数,{p=1.5}它会等待那么多秒。"
# game/indepth_text.rpy:95
translate schinese after_a_label_3881f72d:
# e "The w tag also waits for a click,{w} except it doesn't break lines,{w=.5} the way p does."
e "w也会等待一次点击{w}除了不换行,{w=.5}不像p那样。"
# game/indepth_text.rpy:100
translate schinese after_a_label_e5321e79:
# eslow "The nw tag causes Ren'Py to continue past slow text,{nw}"
eslow "nw使Ren'Py慢速显示文本{nw}"
# game/indepth_text.rpy:102
translate schinese after_a_label_1f2697ba:
# extend " to the next statement."
extend "到下一个语句。"
# game/indepth_text.rpy:106
translate schinese after_a_label_dbfca166:
# e "To break a line without pausing,\none can write \\n. \\' and \\\" include quotes in the text."
e "若要在不暂停的情况下换行,\n可以在文本中写入\\n。\\'和\\\"在文本中加入引号。"
# game/indepth_text.rpy:111
translate schinese after_a_label_ffdf7e76:
# e "The interpolation feature takes a variable name in square brackets, and inserts it into text."
e "插值功能采用方括号中的变量名,并将其插入到文本中。"
# game/indepth_text.rpy:117
translate schinese after_a_label_fc99fcbf:
# e "For example, this displays the [variable!t]."
e "例如,这里显示[variable]。"
# game/indepth_text.rpy:121
translate schinese after_a_label_c84d9087:
# e "When the variable name is followed by !q, special characters are quoted. This displays the raw [variable!q!t], including the italics tags."
e "当变量名后面跟着!q特殊字符会被引用。这里显示原始的[variable!q],包括斜体标签。"
# game/indepth_text.rpy:126
translate schinese after_a_label_c90f24a8:
# e "When the variable name is followed by !t, it is translated to [variable!t]. It could be something else in a different language."
e "当变量名后面跟着!t它被转换成[variable!t]。这可能是另一种语言。"
# game/indepth_text.rpy:129
translate schinese after_a_label_fb106a95:
# e "Finally, certain characters are special. [[, {{, and \\ need to be doubled if included in text. The %% character should be doubled if used in dialogue."
e "最后,某些字符是特殊的。如果包含在文本中, [[ 、 {{ 和 \\ 需要两个。如果在对话中使用, %% 字符也要两个。"
translate schinese strings:
# game/indepth_text.rpy:115
old "{i}variable value{/i}"
new "{i}变量值{/i}"
# game/indepth_text.rpy:124
old "translatable text"
new "可翻译文本"