Dialogue History link

Ren'Py includes a dialogue history system that stores each line of dialogue after it has been shown to the player. This stored dialogue can then be retrieved and re-shown to the player.

The dialogue history system is controlled by two variables. The config.history_length variable controls the maximum number of history entries that are stored, and must be set to enable history at all. The _history variable can be used to disable and re-enable history storage.

Finally, the _history_list variable stores the actual history, as a list of HistoryEntry objects. HistoryEntry objects contain data in their fields, as defined below.

class HistoryEntry link
kind link

The kind of character that created this history. Ren'Py sets this to either "adv" or "nvl".

who link

A string giving the name of the character that is speaking, or None if no such string exists.

what link

A string giving the dialogue text.

who_args link

A dictionary giving the properties that were supplied to the who text widget when the dialogue was originally shown.

what_args link

A dictionary giving the properties that were supplied to the what text widget when the dialogue was originally shown.

window_args link

A dictionary giving the properties that were supplied to the dialogue window when the dialogue was originally shown.

show_args link

A dictionary giving the properties that were supplied to the say screen when the dialogue was originally shown.

image_tag link

The image tag given to the Character(), or None if no such tag was given.

voice link

This is the object returned from _get_voice_info(), storing information about the voice that is being played.

rollback_identifier link

This is an identifier that can be passed to the RollbackToIdentifier() action, to cause a rollback to the line of script that generated this history entry. The rollback only occurs if the location is still in the script log, otherwise the action is insensitive.

Once a HistoryEntry has been created, it is passed to each of the callbacks in config.history_callbacks, which allows creator-written code to add new fields.