Splashscreen and Presplash link

Adding a Splashscreen link

A splash screen is an image or movie that appears when the game is starting up and before it goes to the menu. Usually these are logos or intro videos. The "splashscreen" label automatically plays before the main menu. However, the same code applies to a splashscreen located anywhere in your game under a different label.

To add a textual splashscreen to your game, insert code like the below anywhere in your script files (as long as it is not itself in a block):

label splashscreen:
    scene black
    with Pause(1)

    show text "American Bishoujo Presents..." with dissolve
    with Pause(2)

    hide text with dissolve
    with Pause(1)


Here's another example of a splashscreen, this time using an image and sound:

image splash = "splash.png"

label splashscreen:
    scene black
    with Pause(1)

    play sound "ping.ogg"

    show splash with dissolve
    with Pause(2)

    scene black with dissolve
    with Pause(1)


And finally, with a movie file:

label splashscreen:

    $ renpy.movie_cutscene('movie.ogv')


Adding a Presplash link

A presplash is an image shown while Ren'py is reading the scripts and launching the game. To show such and image while the engine is starting up, create an image file named presplash.png (or presplash.jpg), and save it into the game directory.

The image that's used when the game is loading.

Adding a Progress Bar link

Instead of a static image, it is also possible to show a progress bar indicating the progress until the engine has loaded. This replaces the regular presplash image and will automatically take precedence if both are supplied.

The progress bar is themeable and requires you to supply two files in either PNG or JPG format:

The background image of the progress bar. This is shown in its entirety during startup, so it can be used to provide any kind of background for the progress bar, i.e. by adding a border or any other solid background. This should always be completely opaque.
The foreground image of the progress bar. This is revealed from left to right during the loading sequence. This should be used to provide the look of the actual progress bar. This may contain transparency.

The way this works is that Ren'Py will first show presplash_background.png and subsequently will render presplash_foreground.png on top, revealing it from left to right as the loading progresses.

The theming of the bar is completely up to you, but you can find two examples of how things could look below: