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2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
# TODO: Translation updated at 2023-02-03 01:36
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:95
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_b64f7f23:
# Min "Get up bitch! It's ready!" with sshake
Min "Se levanta vadia! Tá pronto!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:97
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_e9096353:
# Akarsha "Finally! Outta the way, you'll get burned."
Akarsha "Finalmente! Sai da frente, você vai se queimar."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:103
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_dadb5f53:
# "Akarsha gingerly pulls the molten chocolate cake from the oven."
"Akarsha cuidadosamente tira o bolo de chocolate derretido do forno."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:105
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_fdccb998:
# Akarsha "Thank god...It looks edible this time."
Akarsha "Graças a deus... Parece comestível dessa vez."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:106
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_1b6d1882:
# AkarshaT "This is our second try. Diya ruined the first one by forgetting to add flour."
AkarshaT "Essa é a nossa segunda tentativa. Diya arruinou o primeiro esquecendo de adicionar farinha."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:109
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_edf0aa73:
# Min "What're all those specks on it? It's like the batter wasn't properly mixed."
Min "O que são essas manchas nele? É como se a massa não tivesse sido propriamente misturada."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:112
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_91fe7574:
# Akarsha "We worked so hard mixing it though?"
Akarsha "Mas nós nos esforçamos tanto misturando ela?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:113
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_fb996848:
# Akarsha "It's probably fine."
Akarsha "Possivelmente tá tranquilo."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:114
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_735c0dfa:
# Min "Yeah, whatever. We don't have enough time to redo it at this point, anyway."
Min "É, que seja. De qualquer jeito, nós não temos tempo suficiente para refazê-lo neste momento."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:118
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_f30bd7da:
# Min "All we gotta do now is write \"Happy Birthday Noelle\" on it."
Min "Tudo que temos que fazer agora é escrever \"Feliz Aniversário Noelle\" nele."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:121
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_310e6ef8:
# Akarsha "Yeah, yeah, naturally."
Akarsha "É, é, obviamente."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:123
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_7be1c39d:
# "Akarsha pipes icing letters onto the cake as Min checks her phone."
"Akarsha glaça letras no bolo enquanto Min verifica seu celular."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:125
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_9bb53e95:
# Min "Hurry up, Diya says they'll be here any second."
Min "Vai logo, Diya disse que elas chegam daqui a pouco."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:128
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_996696be:
# Akarsha "Easy. I'm done icing the first word already."
Akarsha "Tranquilo, já acabei de glaçar a primeira palavra."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:134
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_ffd2b268:
# Min "Why the fuck did you write \"Noelle\" first!?" with sshake
Min "Por que diabos você escreveu \"Noelle\" primeiro?" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:137
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_af8c89e9:
# Akarsha "Aw shit, I got ahead of myself."
Akarsha "Ah merda, me adiantei."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:141
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_e68f3b44:
# Min "I'm going to fucking kill you!" with sshake
Min "Puta merda, eu vou te matar!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:144
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_5718a4ac:
# "Akarsha frantically adds 'BIRTHDAY' to the cake."
"Akarsha freneticamente adiciona 'ANIVERSÁRIO\" ao bolo."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:146
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_ffef56e3:
# Min "Wait, what're you doing?"
Min "Espera, o que você tá fazendo?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:147
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_0538e81b:
# Min "If you hadn't done that, we could've salvaged this with \"Noelle Happy Birthday\"!"
Min "Se você não tivesse feito isso, podíamos ter recuperado isso com \"Noelle Feliz Aniversário\"!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:151
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_3d661f4b:
# Akarsha "DON'T ASK ME! THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR RUSHING ME!!!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:154
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_c8c739a4:
# Min "What do we write now?! \"Noelle Birthday Happy\"???"
Min "O que a gente escreve agora?! \"Noelle Aniversário Feliz\"???"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:155
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_2848709c:
# Min "It's gonna look like we had a goddamn stroke icing this!"
Min "Vai parecer que tivemos um maldito derrame glaceando isso!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:158
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_b8d4f1d0:
# "The doorbell rings. Min and Akarsha freeze."
"A campainha toca. Min e Akarsha congelam."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:160
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_b30b3d2d:
# Akarsha "It's them!"
Akarsha "São elas!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:163
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_5e64dbde:
# Min "Gimme the icing bag! You're not allowed to have it anymore!!"
Min "Me dá o saco de glacê! Você não tem mais permissão de tê-lo!!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:166
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_50c67b0a:
# AkarshaT "Okay, fair. I don't trust myself anymore, either."
AkarshaT "Okay, justo. Nem eu confio mais em mim mesma."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:168
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_4970e31a:
# Akarsha "I'll go stall them instead."
Akarsha "Vou enrolar elas em vez disso."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:171
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_98671c65:
# Min "Yeah, keep Noelle outside. I just need like, five minutes to figure out how to fix this."
Min "É, mantenha Noelle lá fora. Eu só preciso de tipo, cinco minutos pra descobrir como consertar isso."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:175
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_d658261f:
# "Akarsha sprints to the front door and throws it open."
"Akarsha corre para a porta da frente e a escancara."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:177
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_0d245635:
# Diya "Brought her."
Diya "Trouxe ela."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:179
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_f4001dec:
# Akarsha "Well well well, if it isnt fancy meeting what the cat finally decided to show up."
Akarsha "Ora ora ora, como é bom encontrar o que o destino decidiu aparecer."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:182
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_b12ebb44:
# Noelle "...What on earth are you saying..."
Noelle "...O que diabos você está falando..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:183
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_92dd7fb1:
# "Noelle narrows her eyes suspiciously at Akarsha, then tries to peer past her into the house."
"Noelle estreita os olhos desconfiada para Akarsha, então tenta espiar por ela para dentro da casa."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:185
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_ef60cfc5:
# Noelle "Is this your house? Diya wouldn't explain why we were walking here."
Noelle "Essa é sua casa? Diya não me explicava por que estávamos andando até aqui."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:187
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_39411312:
# Akarsha "Sure is. To be honest, Frenchman, we're here because... uh..."
Akarsha "É mesmo. Pra ser sincera Francesa, nós estamos aqui porque... uh..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:189
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_1f98f58a:
# AkarshaT "We're not ready to reveal the birthday cake yet. I gotta do something to distract her!"
AkarshaT "Não estamos prontas pra revelar o bolo de aniversário ainda. Tenho que fazer algo pra distrair ela!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:196
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_1de5c019:
# Akarsha "Ough! I've been poisoned!" with sshake
Akarsha "Ough! Fui envenenada!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:198
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_b4c25f95:
# "Akarsha theatrically collapses and lies facedown on the floor."
"Akarsha teatralmente colapsa e fica virada para baixo no chão."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:200
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_cf977472:
# Diya "???"
Diya "???"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:202
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_320efa19:
# Noelle "........"
Noelle "........"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:203
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_cf69d178:
# "Used to Akarsha's antics, Diya and Noelle step over her motionless body without comment."
"Acostumada com os comportamentos de Akarsha, Diya e Noelle passam por cima do seu corpo imóvel sem comentários."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:205
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_d2b05fad:
# Akarsha "W-wait a minute!"
Akarsha "E-espera!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:207
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_a8bd4372:
# "Akarsha crawls to Noelle on all fours and seizes her leg with shaking hands."
"Akarsha engatinha até Noelle de quatro e agarra sua perna com mãos trêmulas."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:210
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_296ac2fe:
# Noelle "LET GO OF MY LEG."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:212
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_187b8e25:
# Akarsha "Wait. I seriously just threw up all over the floor in the kitchen."
Akarsha "Calma. Eu genuinamente acabei de vomitar pelo chão todo na cozinha."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:215
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_68a6ae5f:
# Noelle "What?? Why?!"
Noelle "Quê?? Por que?!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:217
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_e0b89308:
# Akarsha "That's what I gotta do to get your attention?"
Akarsha "É isso o que eu preciso fazer pra ter sua atenção?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:218
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_aaa93c12:
# Akarsha "I didn't even throw up."
Akarsha "Eu nem vomitei."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:221
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_a41d9ab0:
# Noelle "........."
Noelle "........."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:222
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_08e2db23:
# "Noelle wrenches Akarsha off her leg, then wipes her hands on her shirt like she just touched a slug."
"Noelle arranca Akarsha de sua perna, e depois limpa suas mãos na sua camisa como se ela tivesse tocado em uma lesma."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:224
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_e7fee1e9:
# Akarsha "You're gonna just ignore me?"
Akarsha "Você vai só me ignorar?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:226
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_c573cab1:
# Akarsha "I'm throwing up again!" with sshake
Akarsha "Eu vou vomitar de novo!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:230
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_123fb255:
# "Akarsha gets down on one knee. Noelle looks warily down at her."
"Akarsha se ajoelha. Noelle olha cautelosamente para Akarsha."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:233
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_80d5d0ca:
# Akarsha "Noelle, will you marry me?!" with sshake
Akarsha "Noelle, quer casar comigo?!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:236
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_61c78515:
# Diya "....??!"
Diya "....??!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:238
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_22b0498e:
# Noelle "What's wrong with you?!" with sshake
Noelle "O quê tem de errado com você?!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:239
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_4497543f:
# "Akarsha grabs Noelle's hand and tries to force a rubber band onto her finger."
"Akarsha pega a mão de Noelle e tenta forçar um elástico no dedo dela."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:242
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_a7af7e61:
# Noelle "WHAT IS THAT?!?!" with sshake
Noelle "O QUE É ISSO?!?!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:244
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_477d621b:
# Akarsha "Your engagement ring!"
Akarsha "Seu anel de casamento!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:247
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_96495b44:
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:249
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_727701c6:
# Akarsha "You didnt say no!"
Akarsha "Você não disse não!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:252
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_be4ce923:
# Noelle "NO!" with sshake
Noelle "NÃO!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:254
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_8d8d6214:
# Akarsha "Too late! You didnt say it right after I asked you!"
Akarsha "Tarde demais! Você não disse logo depois que eu perguntei!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:257
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_7b2c574b:
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:259
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_3003138a:
# Akarsha "Is that any way to address your future wife?"
Akarsha "Isso lá é jeito de tratar sua futura esposa?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:262
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_056d79f3:
# "Noelle flings the offending rubber band into the bushes."
"Noelle arremessa o elástico no mato."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:265
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_d11361e6:
# Diya "........."
Diya "........."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:266
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_978bf5fc:
# "Diya just stands there in confusion. Noelle suspiciously looks from her to Akarsha."
"Diya só fica lá de pé confusa. Noelle suspeitosamente encara ela e Akarsha."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:268
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_644e9feb:
# Noelle "What's really going on?"
Noelle "O que está realmente acontecendo?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:269
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_e3f333fa:
# Noelle "There's no way you made me walk for an hour just to act out this inane skit."
Noelle "De jeito algum você me fez andar por uma hora até aqui pra eu observar esse show fútil."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:271
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_b9c4cb33:
# Diya "It only took that long because you wouldn't run."
Diya "Só demorou tanto porque você não correu."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:272
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_eeefa518:
# Diya "Once you run at least three miles without walking, you'll see how fun it is."
Diya "Após você correr pelo menos três milhas sem andar, você vai ver quão divertido é."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:274
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_f619f45c:
# Noelle "I'm sorry, Diya, but that's never happening."
Noelle "Me desculpe Diya, mas isso nunca vai acontecer."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:277
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_bf6d61e5:
# Min "SURPRISE!!!" with sshake
Min "SURPRESA!!!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:279
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_c5c285cc:
# AkarshaT "Oh, we're doing this? The cake must be ready now!"
AkarshaT "Ah, vamos fazer isso agora? O bolo deve estar pronto então!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:281
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_508fee99:
# Akarsha "Surprise! Happy Birthday Frenchman!"
Akarsha "Surpresa! Feliz aniversário Francesa!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:284
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_12b31b91:
# Diya "Surprise."
Diya "Surpresa."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:285
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_0266098e:
# Diya "We put together a party for you."
Diya "Nós organizamos uma festa para você."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:287
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_f20455fd:
# Noelle "Oh. You...{w=0.35}what?"
Noelle "Ah. Vocês...{w=0.35}o quê?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:288
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_40183689:
# "Noelle is lost for words."
"Noelle está sem palavras."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:290
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_ee2b091c:
# Noelle "You shouldn't have..."
Noelle "Vocês não precisavam..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:292
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_badaf794:
# Min "Shut the fuck up! You're not the boss of me!" with sshake
Min "Cala a porra da boca! Você não é minha chefe!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:294
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_bece5f4e:
# Noelle "It...{w=0.35}it's MY birthday, so shouldn't I have some say here?!" with sshake
Noelle "É...{w=0.35}o MEU aniversário, eu não deveria ter algum lugar de fala?!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:295
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_d72d0136:
# Noelle "Anyway, I haven't said anything about not liking it."
Noelle "De qualquer jeito, eu não disse nada sobre não gostar da festa."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:297
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_47d7e7e3:
# "She grimaces like there's something disgusting in her mouth."
"Ela faz uma careta como se tivesse algo nojento na boca dela."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:299
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_0a52a1a2:
# Noelle "I sincerely....{w=1.0}appreciate....{w=1.0}you all doing this."
Noelle "Eu sinceramente....{w=1.0}agradeço....{w=1.0}à vocês por fazerem isso."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:302
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_aa075c42:
# Akarsha "Oooh, I like this! Go on."
Akarsha "Oooh, estou gostando! Pode continuar."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:305
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_ecf3bb06:
# Noelle "There's nothing more to \"go on\" to. That was all."
Noelle "Não tem mais o que \"continuar\". Era só isso."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:307
translate brazilian_portuguese beginning_aee70a57:
# Diya "It was nice while it lasted."
Diya "Foi bom enquanto durou."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:316
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_9957d660:
# Akarsha "Come inside. We baked you a cake!"
Akarsha "Pode entrar. Nós te fizemos um bolo!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:319
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_64c6c74b:
# Noelle "You did?"
Noelle "Vocês fizeram?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:325
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_ed3c4556:
# Akarsha "Wha...{w=0.35}what kind of save was this..."
Akarsha "Que...{w=0.35}que tipo de salvamento foi esse..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:328
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_d095fda4:
# Diya "What's that red squiggly under it? A heart monitor?"
Diya "O que é essa linha vermelha tremida embaixo? Um monitor cardíaco?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:331
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_7f0bbe78:
# Noelle "Why does it look like it's flatlining toward the end?" with sshake
Noelle "Por que a linha tá reta no final?" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:333
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_e18bf0f4:
# Min "It's hard to control the icing, okay?!"
Min "É difícil controlar o glacê, ok?!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:335
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_44e270a6:
# Min "And this was all Akarsha's fault in the first place."
Min "E a culpa é da Akarsha na verdade."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:338
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_6c2729b3:
# Akarsha "MY fault? All I did was drive the train off the rails. You were the one who crashed it!"
Akarsha "MINHA culpa? Tudo que eu fiz foi tirar o trem dos trilhos. Você que bateu ele!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:341
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_b0ecb98d:
# Diya "Driving off the rails still sounds like a pretty big mistake..."
Diya "Tirar dos trilhos parece um erro bem grande..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:344
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_926804eb:
# Akarsha "Oh yeah?? Well, ultimately, this is Noelle's fault for being born. Who's the real culprit now???"
Akarsha "Ah é?? Bem, no fim, a culpa é da Noelle por ter nascido. Quem é o culpado agora???"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:347
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_2e6917a4:
# Min "Huh, good point. Okay, let's go with that."
Min "Huh, bom ponto. Ok, vamos com isso."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:349
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_6b987436:
# Noelle "Good point?!" with sshake
Noelle "Bom ponto?!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:351
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_f5195d15:
# Min "We've won. Two against one."
Min "Nós ganhamos. Dois contra um."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:354
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_63e0e4bf:
# Akarsha "Democracy! U.S.A!"
Akarsha "Democracia! U.S.A!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:358
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_56d9ca31:
# "Once everyone's had a slice of cake, Akarsha brings everyone to the living room."
"Após todos terem pego uma fatia de bolo, Akarsha traz todas para a sala."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:360
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_a3379bea:
# Akarsha "This was originally gonna be a sleepover, but I think some of your parents would've said no."
Akarsha "Isso era pra ser originalmente uma festa do pijama, mas acho que os pais de algumas de vocês teriam dito não."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:362
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_5b580689:
# "Diya nods."
"Diya faz um aceno com a cabeça."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:364
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_2157ce45:
# Diya "My mom's never let me go to one before. She's worried it'll turn me lesbian."
Diya "Minha mãe nunca deixou eu ir em uma. Ela tem medo que isso me tornaria lésbica."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:366
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_323cea59:
# Min "Too bad for her, I already did."
Min "Uma pena pra ela, pois eu já te tornei."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:368
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_8050f8f8:
# Diya "Yeah..."
Diya "É..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:370
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_68588b4a:
# Noelle "Akarsha, I'm surprised your parents let us come over unsupervised at all."
Noelle "Akarsha, estou surpresa que seus pais deixaram nós virmos sem supervisão alguma."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:372
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_46485015:
# Akarsha "Eh, they trust me. They should be back any minute now, anyway."
Akarsha "Eh, eles confiam em mim. De qualquer jeito, eles voltam logo."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:373
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_e707ffc3:
# Akarsha "They're in San Ramon watching my bro's red belt test for Taekwondo. It must be taking longer than they thought."
Akarsha "Eles estão em San Ramon vendo a prova para faixa vermelha no Taekwondo do meu irmão. Deve estar demorando mais do que eles pensavam."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:376
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_6e1aca7f:
# Noelle "Test? I didn't realize you had to pass formal examinations to advance in Taekwondo."
Noelle "Prova? Eu não sabia que precisava passar por um exame formal para avançar no Taekwondo."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:378
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_fe63911f:
# Akarsha "Ya, you gotta memorize forms and stuff. I've never seen them fail anyone, though."
Akarsha "É, precisa memorizar formas e etc. Mas nunca vi eles falharem alguém, na verdade."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:380
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_ef3f5855:
# Akarsha "Anyway, us being home alone means we can go BUCK WILD. We're about to throw the party of a LIFETIME, Frenchman!"
Akarsha "De qualquer jeito, nós estarmos sozinhas em casa quer dizer que podemos fazer QUALQUER LOUCURA que a gente quiser. Estamos prestes a ter a melhor festa da sua VIDA, Francesa!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:382
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_7c0ec78b:
# "Akarsha crouches at the foot of the TV and turns the GameCube on."
"Akarsha se ajoelha na frente da TV e liga o GameCube."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:384
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_725750d8:
# Akarsha "Mario Golf, baby."
Akarsha "Mario Golf, baby."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:387
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_0d3e457b:
# Diya "Golf? Are you sure Noelle will like that?"
Diya "Golf? Você tem certeza que a Noelle vai gostar disso?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:389
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_972dcea8:
# Akarsha "I don't know what you're talking about. Mario Golf is the best game in the world."
Akarsha "Não sei do que você está falando. Mario Golf é o melhor jogo do mundo."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:391
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_2fff83bd:
# Akarsha "I only have two controllers, though. I usually just play against my bro."
Akarsha "O complicado é que eu só tenho dois controles. Normalmente eu só jogo contra meu irmão."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:394
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_d82297c3:
# Diya "Noelle should get to play first because it's her birthday."
Diya "Noelle deveria jogar primeiro porque é aniversário dela."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:396
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_dbad79c4:
# Akarsha "Yeah, and the rest of us should take turns playing against her."
Akarsha "Isso, o resto de nós deveriamos alternar jogando contra ela."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:399
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_72f94c71:
# Noelle "Won't that feel like everyone ganging up against me?"
Noelle "Não vai parecer que vocês tão conspirando contra mim?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:401
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_cd1c6b02:
# Akarsha "Nonsense! You're getting the maximal amount of fun here, Frenchman."
Akarsha "Que nada! Você é quem vai ter a maior diversão, Francesa."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:404
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_43e479ca:
# "Akarsha hands Noelle one of the controllers. Min grabs the other one and curls up on the couch with Diya."
"Akarsha dá um dos controles para a Noelle. Min pega o outro e se aconchega no sofá com Diya."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:406
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_0394b79a:
# Min "Akarsha, this better not be like your copy of Melee."
Min "Akarsha, espero que isso não seja sua cópia da Melee."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:407
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_73e9ae60:
# Min "You didn't even have any of the characters unlocked except Marth."
Min "Você nem deve ter todos os personagens desbloqueados, sem contar o Marth."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:409
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_b4470573:
# Akarsha "Who needs \"Falcon\" or whatever when Captain Falcon is right there? Same thing, really..."
Akarsha "Quem precisa do \"Falcon\" quando se tem o Captain Falcon ali? É a mesma coisa..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:413
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_836b5f41:
# Min "You mean {i}Falco{/i}?! There's no fucking character called Falcon!" with sshake
Min "Você quer dizer o {i}Falco{/i}?! Não tem nenhum personagem com a porra do nome de Falcon!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:421
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_e6352d0d:
# Akarsha "Jeez, calm yourself! I unlocked everything this time. See?"
Akarsha "Jesus, se acalma! Eu desbloqueei tudo dessa vez. Viu?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:423
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_899c1cc4:
# Akarsha "Min, choose Wario. We're team Wario."
Akarsha "Min, escolhe o Wario. Somos time Wario."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:426
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_aadd3c79:
# Min "Why should I?"
Min "Por que eu deveria?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:429
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_cb83141e:
# Akarsha "Don't you trust me?"
Akarsha "Você não confia em mim?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:432
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_204be0f0:
# Min "I guess, whatever..."
Min "Eu acho? Que seja..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:434
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_0591ef34:
# Noelle "I suppose I'll be this pink princess."
Noelle "Acho que serei esta princesa rosa."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:438
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_1b961ae1:
# "Akarsha glances over at Noelle. She's placed her controller flat on the sofa and is pressing down on the buttons like she's playing piano."
"Akarsha olha para Noelle, que botou o controle em cima do sofá e estava apertando os botões como se ela estivesse tocando piano."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:440
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_713980fc:
# Akarsha "What're you doing???"
Akarsha "O que você está fazendo???"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:443
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_44dec906:
# Noelle "Shut up! I can adjust the control stick with greater precision like this!" with sshake
Noelle "Cala a boca! Eu posso controlar o joy-stick com precisão muito melhor assim!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:446
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_04c4046f:
# "Noelle pinches the control stick between her thumb and index finger like a crab with a pebble between its pincers."
"Noelle aperta o joystick entre seu polegar e o dedo indicador, como se fosse um caranguejo com uma pedra entre suas pinças."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:448
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_ed537d52:
# AkarshaT "Ohhhh my godddd! Why are you like a grandma who's never seen a video game before?!"
AkarshaT "Aiii meu deeeeuuss! Por que você parece uma vovó que nunca viu um videogame antes?!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:452
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_c6ff27c7:
# "Min selects a dark, lava-ridden course. An animation panning to the stage's first hole plays onscreen."
"Min escolhe um level escuro e cheio de lava. Uma animação panorâmica para o primeiro buraco aparece na tela."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:454
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_6873e283:
# Noelle "Wait, that looks difficult. I don't even know how to play this yet!"
Noelle "Espera, esse parece difícil. Eu nem sei como jogar isso ainda!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:457
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_1e5db9a1:
# Akarsha "Sink or sizzle, Frenchman."
Akarsha "Ou você nada com a correnteza, ou você cai na lava, Francesa."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:460
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_704731a8:
# Noelle "That doesn't sound like something you should be saying to someone on her birthday."
Noelle "Isso não parece ser algo que você diria a alguém em seu aniversário."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:463
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_70b5c471:
# "Noelle hastily mashes buttons at random on her controller. Her character manages to hit the golf ball safely across a lava pit."
"Noelle aperta os botões aleatoriamente de forma agitada em seu controle. O personagem dela consegue acertar uma bola cuidadosamente através de um fosso de lava."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:465
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_cf21b315:
# Min "Oh, so it's just luck."
Min "Ah, então é só sorte."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:468
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_b95cf99f:
# Noelle "It's not luck. It's physics."
Noelle "Não é sorte. É física."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:470
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_00927965:
# Diya "Big words from someone who was protesting she didn't know how play ten seconds ago."
Diya "Grande palavras, vindas de alguém que não sabia jogar a dez segundos atrás."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:472
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_b34a7526:
# "After a few swings, Min successfully putts her golf ball into the first hole. The words \"BOGEY\" appear onscreen."
"Depois de algumas tacadas, Min põe sua bola de golf no primeiro buraco com sucesso. As palavras \"BOGEY\" aparecem na tela."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:474
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_16e8bcb2:
# Min "The fuck is a \"bogey\"?"
Min "Que porra é um \"bogey\"?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:476
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_80242aaf:
# Noelle "How should I know? Aren't you and Diya the sports enthusiasts here?"
Noelle "Como que eu deveria saber? Não são você e a Diya as experts dos esportes aqui?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:478
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_63561eda:
# Min "I like real sports, not fake old people sports like golf."
Min "Eu gosto de esportes reais, não esportes falsos e velhos como golfe."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:480
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_4047d783:
# Diya "Me too."
Diya "Eu também."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:483
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_3b405576:
# "Noelle finishes the hole with a triple bogey. Onscreen, Princess Peach collapses and shakes her head, devastated."
"Noelle termina o buraco com um bogey triplo. Na tela, Princesa Peach desmaia e balança sua cabeça devastada."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:486
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_b2b65586:
# Akarsha "HAHAH! LOSER!!!" with sshake
Akarsha "HAHAH! PERDEDORA!!!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:490
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_ff941b54:
# Noelle "YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!!" with sshake
Noelle "CALA A BOCA!!!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:492
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_8aa3d5de:
# "Min hands Diya the controller for the next hole, kissing her adoringly on the cheek as she does."
"Min alcança Diya o seu controle para o próximo buraco, adoravelmente beijando sua bochecha no processo."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:493
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_856a9894:
# "Diya furrows her brows, considering her options..."
"Diya aperta suas sobrancelhas, considerando suas opções..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:495
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_7c22ccaa:
# Diya "......."
Diya "......."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:499
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_bc569fab:
# "Diya launches her ball straight into the lava."
"Diya lança sua bola diretamente na lava."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:501
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_6ae93ceb:
# Noelle "At last! My chance to make a comeback."
Noelle "Finalmente! Minha chance de vingança."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:503
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_599f64fd:
# Diya "I'm weaker today because I'm not Luigi."
Diya "Estou mais fraca hoje porque não sou o Luigi."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:505
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_740798c0:
# Noelle "If you insist."
Noelle "Se você insiste."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:507
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_febe2f20:
# "Noelle immediately hits her ball into the lava, too."
"Noelle imediatamente acerta sua bola na lava, também."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:509
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_9f0c7340:
# Noelle "NGOOOHHGHH!!!" with sshake
Noelle "NGOOOHHGHH!!!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:512
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_10bb6aba:
# Akarsha "I can't wait to see your face when we play Monopoly later."
Akarsha "Mal posso esperar pra ver sua cara quando jogarmos Monopoly depois."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:515
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_468e0adb:
# Noelle "We're playing {i}Monopoly?{/i} Why?"
Noelle "Vamos jogar {i}Monopoly?{/i} Por que?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:517
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_94d3efb5:
# Min "What, you don't like it?"
Min "O quê, você não gosta?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:519
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_c244c5bd:
# Noelle "There's no skill involved! It's pure luck!"
Noelle "Não tem nenhuma habilidade envolvida! É pura sorte!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:522
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_d747778c:
# Akarsha "Silence, demon! It's fun to fantasize about owning property someday!"
Akarsha "Silêncio demônio! É legal fantasiar sobre ter propriedades um dia!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:525
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_a8eec78d:
# Noelle "The game was not even designed to be fun!"
Noelle "O jogo nem foi feito para ser divertido!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:526
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_02071b31:
# Noelle "It was created to educate people on the dangers of capitalism!"
Noelle "Foi feito pra educar pessoas sobre os perigos do capitalismo!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:528
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_9a94eccf:
# Diya "But I like collecting the deed cards...They're such nice colors."
Diya "Mas eu gosto de coletar cartas de propriedade... Elas tem cores tão legais."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:531
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_2a9b6ca0:
# Akarsha "Noelle, let's make a deal. If you win the next hole against me, we won't play Monopoly."
Akarsha "Noelle, vamos fazer um acordo. Se você me ganhar no próximo buraco, não iremos jogar Monopoly."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:534
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_e4045c5f:
# Noelle "How is that fair? You've played Mario Golf countless times before."
Noelle "Como isso é justo? Você já jogou Mario Golf diversas vezes antes."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:537
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_49b80eb7:
# Akarsha "Hey, I've only tried this course once or twice! Honest!"
Akarsha "Ei, eu só tentei esse curso uma ou duas vezes! Juro!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:539
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_472b0d90:
# "Noelle ponders this as Diya hits her golf ball straight into the lava for the third time."
"Noelle pensa sobre o assunto, enquanto Diya acerta sua bola diretamente na lava pela terceira vez."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:541
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_0401264f:
# Noelle "...Fine. Deal."
Noelle "...Tá bom. Acordo feito."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:543
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_d4eb33ee:
# Diya "Oh, no. I roasted my golf ball again."
Diya "Ah não. Eu queimei minha bola de golfe de novo."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:545
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_6a1a39f7:
# "After countless attempts, Noelle manages to complete the hole first."
"Depois de incontáveis tentativas, Noelle consegue terminar o buraco primeiro."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:547
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_e6455780:
# Diya "Yay. You win."
Diya "Yay. Você ganhou."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:549
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_1110528a:
# Noelle "It's a good thing your athleticism doesn't translate to skill at sports games."
Noelle "Ainda bem que sua habilidade com esportes não ajuda em jogos de esporte."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:552
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_8ba628f6:
# "Diya putts the ball into the hole with her next swing. She passes the controller to Akarsha."
"Diya acerta a bola no buraco na sua próxima tacada. Ela passa o controle para Akarsha."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:554
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_d2e37173:
# Diya "Your turn."
Diya "Sua vez."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:556
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_363f143f:
# AkarshaT "Diya totally just let Noelle win."
AkarshaT "Diya totalmente só pegou leve com a Noelle."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:558
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_4fd55d6f:
# AkarshaT "Unfortunately for Frenchman, {i}I{/i} don't believe in going easy on the birthday girl."
AkarshaT "Infelizmente para a Francesa, {i}eu{/i} não vou pegar leve com a aniversariante."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:559
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_c990a6fd:
# AkarshaT "I'm pulling out all the stops!"
AkarshaT "Vou lutar com unhas e dentes!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:564
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_bd1727b8:
# "The words \"Press A to skip\" appear as the animation showing the next hole begins to play..."
"As palavras \"Pressione A para pular\" aparecem enquanto a animação mostrando onde o próximo buraco está começa a tocar..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:568
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_dcb7a844:
# "Akarsha presses A to skip the animation before it can reveal the hole's location."
"Akarsha aperta A para pular a introdução onde revelaria a localização do buraco."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:570
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_fd66f18f:
# Diya "You cut it off early..."
Diya "Você não deixou tocar tudo..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:573
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_e59bc4ef:
# Akarsha "Whoopsie daisy! I got too impatient."
Akarsha "Oopsie! Fiquei impaciente."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:577
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_fd53a2e6:
# Noelle "AKARSHA!!! WHERE'S THE HOLE!!" with sshake
Noelle "AKARSHA!!! ONDE É O BURACO!!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:580
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_c600e07c:
# Akarsha "I wonder..."
Akarsha "Boa pergunta..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:584
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_3f39d73d:
# Noelle "YOU WORTHLESS SCAMMER!!!" with sshake
Noelle "SUA AGIOTA SALAFRÁRIA!!!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:587
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_0e00f263:
# "Akarsha smugly putts her ball, but it rolls smoothly into the lava."
"Akarsha joga sua bola de maneira presunçosa, mas ela cai na lava."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:590
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_e10ec4ce:
# Akarsha "NOO!!! NOOOO!! AAUAAGGH!!!" with sshake
Akarsha "NÃOOO!!!! NÃOOOOOOO!! AAUAAGGHH!!!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:593
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_bf3fc089:
# Noelle "Serves you right."
Noelle "Merecido."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:595
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_438f5abf:
# "Noelle tries to set up a trick shot against a wall."
"Noelle tenta fazer um truque jogando sua bola contra a parede."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:597
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_b00483fc:
# Akarsha "Whoa! Geometry!"
Akarsha "Uau! Geometria!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:600
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_cdfaa94a:
# Noelle "Be quiet. I'm concentrating."
Noelle "Fica quieta. Estou me concentrando."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:602
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_1ceb3f1b:
# "Noelle hits the ball with a measured swing."
"Noelle acerta a bola com uma tacada calculada."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:603
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_f018165f:
# "Instead of glancing off the wall at the intended angle, it just ricochets back the way it came."
"Em vez de ir na parede pelo ângulo desejado, ela só bate de volta pelo caminho que veio."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:605
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_2629e8ec:
# Akarsha "Well done, Noelle! You're back where you started!"
Akarsha "Meus parabéns, Noelle! Voltou justo para o começo do mapa!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:609
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_86aeefa5:
# Noelle "I HATE YOU! YOU SCUMBAG!!!" with sshake
Noelle "EU TE ODEIO!! SUA DESGRAÇADA!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:610
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_d39fccb2:
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:613
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_e38a4a66:
# Akarsha "Watch and learn, my friend."
Akarsha "Olha e aprenda, companheira."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:615
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_7199531a:
# "Akarsha expertly angles her shot so the golf ball rolls up a hill, then drops straight into the hole."
"Akarsha habilidosamente mira sua tacada para que a bola de golf role por uma montanha, e caia diretamente no buraco."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:617
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_1f3c44bb:
# Akarsha "That's how it's done."
Akarsha "É assim que se faz."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:618
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_93ab2f20:
# Akarsha "My days playing this stage against my bro have finally paid off!"
Akarsha "Meus dias jogando essa fase contra meu irmão valeram a pena!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:621
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_d0f72abf:
# Noelle "Days?! You said you only played this stage once or twice!" with sshake
Noelle "Dias?! Você disse que só jogou essa fase uma ou duas vezes!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:623
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_18ab8cfa:
# "Noelle scowls, but Akarsha can tell from the way the corners of her mouth crinkle that she's fighting back a grin."
"Noelle franze as sobrancelhas, mas Akarsha pode ver que pelo jeito que o canto da boca dela dobra que ela está lutando pra não sorrir."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:625
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_111a3912:
# Noelle "You liar! What do you have to say for yourself?!"
Noelle "Sua mentirosa! O que você tem a dizer em sua defesa?!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:628
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_bf09c4ab:
# Akarsha "Huh? Suddenly, I can't hear...My ears are failing!"
Akarsha "Ué? De repente, eu não consigo ouvir...Minhas orelhas estão caindo!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:629
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_46b4e5ec:
# Akarsha "Hawwo? Hawwo?"
Akarsha "Olá? Olá?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:633
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_1fe2a9a0:
# Noelle "AKARSHAAAAA!!!!!!" with sshake
Noelle "AKARSHAAAAA!!!!!!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:636
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_ecf447ed:
# "Wario slaps his butt as the words \"PAR\" appear onscreen."
"Wario dá um tapa em sua bunda enquanto as palavras \"PAR\" aparecem na tela."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:638
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_ce0a0505:
# Akarsha "See? This is why Mario Golf is the best game in the world."
Akarsha "Tá vendo? Por isso que Mario Golf é o melhor jogo do mundo."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:640
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_f26aaf40:
# "Noelle turns away so Akarsha can't see her face, but by now she's shaking with barely suppressed laughter."
"Noelle vira pro lado para que Akarsha não consiga ver seu rosto, mas ela está tremendo, se segurando para não rir."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:642
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_c097bae6:
# AkarshaT "I win! I broke her!"
AkarshaT "Eu ganhei! Eu quebrei ela!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:647
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_b02336ee:
Noelle "EU VOU TE ESPANCAR ATÉ A MORTE!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:654
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_a728e356:
# "Akarsha yelps as Noelle pelts her with slaps."
"Akarsha dá um gritinho quando Noelle começa a lhe dar tapas."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:656
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_b9d21c79:
# Akarsha "Halp! Murder! Murder!" with sshake
Akarsha "Me ajudem! Tentativa de assasinato! Ao vivo!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:659
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_485dd024:
# Diya "So, Monopoly?"
Diya "Então, Monopoly?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:661
translate brazilian_portuguese golf_abbee00d:
# Min "You got it."
Min "Isso."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:670
translate brazilian_portuguese monopoly_c0f4d822:
# Akarsha "Ya HA! I got Boardwalk!"
Akarsha "Isso! Consegui o calçadão!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:672
translate brazilian_portuguese monopoly_065df688:
# Akarsha "Welcome to my Santa Cruz of Death. I'm using my entire savings to pile four houses on it."
Akarsha "Bem vindas ao meu Santa Cruz da Morte. Estou usando todas minhas economias para botar quatro casas nele."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:675
translate brazilian_portuguese monopoly_d10e2beb:
# Diya "Oh, no. If I land on it right now, I'll go broke."
Diya "Ah não. Se eu parar nele agora, eu vou falir."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:677
translate brazilian_portuguese monopoly_7b6b0913:
# Noelle "Well, chances are, you won't."
Noelle "Bem, possivelmente, você não vai."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:678
translate brazilian_portuguese monopoly_0a2e2da3:
# Noelle "Unloading all your money on a single property is pure folly this early in the game."
Noelle "Botar todo seu dinheiro em uma propriedade no início do jogo é pura burrice."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:680
translate brazilian_portuguese monopoly_0a598aa2:
# "Diya rolls the dice and breathes a sigh of relief when she safely passes Akarsha's killer Boardwalk tile."
"Diya rola o dado e dá um suspiro de alívio após ela passar em segurança pelo Calçadão da Morte de Akarsha."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:681
translate brazilian_portuguese monopoly_2d3b2d1d:
# "After a few spaces, her dog token lands on Min's property. She begins to shell out the rent, but Min stops her."
"Após alguns espaços, o seu boneco de cachorro para na propriedade de Min. Ela começa a pegar o aluguel, mas Min para ela."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:683
translate brazilian_portuguese monopoly_bb5aaa48:
# Min "You don't have to pay me."
Min "Você não precisa me pagar."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:685
translate brazilian_portuguese monopoly_a014ade9:
# Diya "?!"
Diya "?!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:686
translate brazilian_portuguese monopoly_df9c6175:
# Diya "I don't?"
Diya "Não preciso?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:688
translate brazilian_portuguese monopoly_1446773c:
# Min "It's my house, so I'm in charge. You can stay there for free."
Min "É minha casa, eu que digo as regras. Você pode ficar nela de graça."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:691
translate brazilian_portuguese monopoly_74a1a48c:
# Diya "...."
Diya "...."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:693
translate brazilian_portuguese monopoly_5ee4cc2f:
# Noelle "Not so fast. That's not allowed!"
Noelle "Calma aí. Isso não está nas regras!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:694
translate brazilian_portuguese monopoly_7da5b434:
# Noelle "When you land on property owned by another player, the owner has to collect rent from you."
Noelle "Quando você para numa propriedade de outro jogador, o dono tem que pegar aluguel de você."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:697
translate brazilian_portuguese monopoly_ee78e5bb:
# "Akarsha flips open the rulebook and pretends to adjust an imaginary pair of glasses on her face."
"Akarsha abre o livro de regras e finge arrumar um óculos imaginário em seu rosto."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:699
translate brazilian_portuguese monopoly_5d5803ff:
# Akarsha "Actually, it says here..."
Akarsha "Na verdade, diz isso aqui..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:700
translate brazilian_portuguese monopoly_1dbde0c5:
# Akarsha "\"The owner may not collect the rent if he/she fails to ask for it before the second player following throws the dice.\""
Akarsha "\"O dono pode não pegar o aluguel se ele/ela não pedir antes que o próximo jogador role os dados.\""
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:703
translate brazilian_portuguese monopoly_1ce8853c:
# Diya "That's so confusingly worded."
Diya "Isso é escrito de forma muito confusa."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:705
translate brazilian_portuguese monopoly_60c7cd5a:
# Akarsha "Basically, it's sayin' if the owner doesn't ask for rent, the renter doesn't have to pay it!"
Akarsha "Basicamente, tá dizendo que se o dono não pedir pelo aluguel, quem tá na casa não precisa pagar!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:708
translate brazilian_portuguese monopoly_d02e98d1:
# Min "Ha! So Diya CAN sleep at my house!"
Min "Ha! Então a Diya PODE dormir na minha casa!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:710
translate brazilian_portuguese monopoly_827d11db:
# Noelle "What kind of buffoon penned these rules?! If the renter and owner are in cahoots, the other players are at a disadvantage!"
Noelle "Quem foi o imbecil que escreveu essas regras?! Se quem parar na propriedade e o dono da propriedade estiverem em acordo, os outros jogadores estão em desvantagem!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:712
translate brazilian_portuguese monopoly_e05eeead:
# Diya "Unless the odd ones out form an alliance to counter it, too."
Diya "A menos que os outros jogadores formem uma aliança para balancear, também."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:714
translate brazilian_portuguese monopoly_0225d87d:
# Akarsha "HmmMMMMM...Wanna be in {i}cahoots{/i} with me, Frenchman?"
Akarsha "HmmMMMMM...Quer ser minha {i}parceira de negócios{/i}, Francesa?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:717
translate brazilian_portuguese monopoly_fe36a26e:
# Noelle "Not a chance."
Noelle "De jeito algum."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:719
translate brazilian_portuguese monopoly_d6069b41:
# Akarsha "Don't say I didn't ask ya."
Akarsha "Não diga que eu não ofereci."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:721
translate brazilian_portuguese monopoly_e67206c4:
# Akarsha "You'll be singing a different tune once you land on my Killer Boardwalk."
Akarsha "Você vai estar com uma outra ideia quando você parar no meu Calçadão da Morte."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:732
translate brazilian_portuguese monopoly_92d0810f:
# "Noelle's phone buzzes, and her face pales when she checks it."
"O telefone de Noelle treme, e seu rosto fica pálido após olhá-lo."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:735
translate brazilian_portuguese monopoly_03e3ab03:
# Noelle "Oh, great."
Noelle "Ah, ótimo."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:737
translate brazilian_portuguese monopoly_a7740241:
# Diya "What's wrong?"
Diya "O que houve?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:739
translate brazilian_portuguese monopoly_fb498b49:
# Noelle "I told my mom I'd text her when I got to Akarsha's house."
Noelle "Eu falei pra minha mãe que eu ia enviar uma mensagem pra ela quando eu chegasse na casa da Akarsha."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:746
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_4a682f69:
# Noelle "But I was having so much fun, it completely slipped my mind."
Noelle "Mas eu estava me divertindo tanto, que acabei esquecendo."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:748
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_bf15b291:
# "Akarsha catches a glimpse of Noelle's phone screen. It's filled with panicked texts from her mom..."
"Akarsha dá uma olhada na tela do celular de Noelle. Está cheio de mensagens em pânico da mãe dela..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:757
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_8e0ddc15:
# cFirstLine "{nw}"
cFirstLine "{nw}"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:758
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_503eccc0:
# cNarrator "12:29 PM"
cNarrator "12:29 PM"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:759
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_8c16c171:
# cMom "Are you having fun"
cMom "Está se divertindo"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:760
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_9381ce72:
# cSame "Hello"
cSame "Olá"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:761
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_66f3a742:
# cNarrator "1:00 PM"
cNarrator "1:00 PM"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:762
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_c8280673:
# cMom "Hello Noelle how are you doting"
cMom "Olá Noelle como você ests"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:763
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_758d82c3:
# cSame "I meant not doing not doting :)"
cSame "Eu quis dizer está não ests :)"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:764
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_250e416c:
# cNarrator "2:30 PM"
cNarrator "2:30 PM"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:765
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_8188d09d:
# cMom "You may consider to call us when you can"
cMom "Você pode nós ligar quando puder"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:766
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_429b5f9b:
# cNarrator "2:51 PM"
cNarrator "2:51 PM"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:767
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_5fb6456f:
# cMom "Is everything okay ?"
cMom "Está tudo bem?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:768
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_9068b79f:
# cSame "Where are you? You said you would text us, It's been almost two hours"
cSame "Onde você está? Você disse que ia nos mandar mensagem, já fazem duas horas"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:769
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_f1e7d743:
# cNarrator "2:55 PM"
cNarrator "2:55 PM"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:770
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_d7963a1f:
# cMom "How come you're not picking up your phone?"
cMom "Por que você não está atendendo o celular?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:771
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_8d29f11e:
# cSame "We're about to call the police"
cSame "Vamos ligar pra polícia"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:774
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_76b2fe88:
# nvl clear
nvl clear
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:777
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_6633890e:
# Min "Jesus..."
Min "Jesus..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:779
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_c4b03090:
# Noelle "There's four missed calls, too. I think we were all shouting so much, I didn't hear any of them."
Noelle "Tem quatro chamadas perdidas, também. Eu acho que estávamos gritando muito, e eu não ouvi nenhuma delas."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:782
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_200496ce:
# "Diya jumps in surprise as her cell phone starts ringing."
"Diya dá um pulo surpresa quando o celular dela começa a tocar."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:783
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_e3ae65b0:
# "She stares at it with trepidation before fearfully pressing it to her good ear."
"Ela olha pra ele apreensiva, antes de o botar em seu ouvido bom."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:785
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_e629b0d2:
# Diya "........"
Diya "........"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:787
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_ed179152:
# "Diya frantically hands Noelle the phone like it's a hot potato."
"Diya entrega o celular pra Noelle freneticamente, como se fosse uma batata quente."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:789
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_59359e51:
# Noelle "Alright. I'll deal with it."
Noelle "Beleza. Eu lido com isso."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:791
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_5699f935:
# "Noelle answers the phone and leaves the room with a sigh. Akarsha can faintly hear her side of a frustrating conversation..."
"Noelle atende o celular, saindo da sala com um suspiro. Akarsha consegue mal ouvir ela falando numa conversa aparentemente frustrante..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:792
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_a73f5091:
# "A few minutes later, she returns to the group, her face sour."
"Alguns minutos depois, ela volta ao grupo, seu rosto azedo."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:794
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_e9b8be9a:
# Noelle "We've cleared up the misunderstanding. I let them know I'll be here for a few more hours."
Noelle "Esclarecemos o mal-entendido. Avisei pra eles que eu vou estar aqui por mais algumas horas."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:795
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_46998f1c:
# Noelle "I'm sorry my mom called you, Diya. That was humiliating."
Noelle "Desculpa por minha mãe ter te ligado Diya. Isso foi humilhante."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:797
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_c66af205:
# Diya "It's okay. Good thing she didn't report you missing yet."
Diya "Tudo bem. Que bom que ela ainda não te declarou como desaparecida."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:799
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_fb03f223:
# Noelle "I know she means well, but it's honestly irritating how often she wildly overreacts to perfectly harmless situations."
Noelle "Eu sei que ela tem boas intenções, mas é realmente irritante como ela reage de forma exagerada a situações inofensivas."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:800
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_61810662:
# Noelle "She has no friends or hobbies, so all her brain power is spent on obsessing over me."
Noelle "Ela não tem amigos, ou hobbies, então toda a massa cerebral dela é gasta em ficar obcecada em mim."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:802
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_3870b4b6:
# Akarsha "Sorry we got you in trouble..."
Akarsha "Desculpa por termos te posto numa encrenca..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:806
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_a975789f:
# Noelle "It's not your fault. You couldn't have known."
Noelle "Não é culpa sua. Vocês não tinham como saber."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:807
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_05ea2aed:
# Noelle "I should've remembered to text her once I arrived at your house."
Noelle "Eu deveria ter lembrado de mandar mensagem pra ela após chegar na sua casa."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:815
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_7fa9a933:
# "Noelle's joints crick as she sits back down at the Monopoly board between Diya and Akarsha."
"As articulações de Noelle estralam quando ela se senta entre Diya e Akarsha."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:817
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_6dee83b2:
# Min "Is it just me, or are all the \"cool\" kids at our school just the ones whose parents let them do the most stuff?"
Min "É impressão minha, ou as crianças \"legais\" da nossa escola são as que os pais deixam eles fazerem o que quiserem?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:819
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_ff3779b2:
# Diya "Yeah, it's the girls who're allowed to wear make-up and hang out with their friends all the time."
Diya "Sim, são as meninas que podem vestir maquiagem e sair com as amigas o tempo todo."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:821
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_bbc973a6:
# Akarsha "That's not always true. My parents are pretty chill, but I'm still uncool."
Akarsha "Na verdade depende. Meu pais são bem de boa, mas eu não sou legal."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:823
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_16bc08cb:
# Akarsha "I'm just unpopular cuz I'm weird."
Akarsha "Eu só não sou popular porque eu sou estranha."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:826
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_98390768:
# Min "Don't forget perverted and annoying."
Min "Não esqueça de pervertida e irritante."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:828
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_3199f6ce:
# Noelle "I would like to add that you're a compulsive liar."
Noelle "Gostaria de adicionar que você é uma mentirosa compulsiva."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:830
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_4c8b9749:
# Akarsha "Geez, wow! I didn't realize everyone had their own theories for why I'm not popular..."
Akarsha "Caraca, uau! Eu não sabia que todo mundo tinha suas teorias sobre o porquê eu não sou popular..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:838
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_6b84746d:
# "A few turns of Monopoly later, Akarsha moves her top hat token to the Reading Railroad."
"Algumas rodadas de Monopoly depois, Akarsha move seu boneco de cartola para a Estação de Trem."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:840
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_31155dc5:
# Akarsha "Whose is this?"
Akarsha "De quem é esta estação?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:843
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_5689b46e:
# Diya "Mine."
Diya "Minha."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:846
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_5cbdf37f:
# Akarsha "Diya, bromie, please...I have a starving family and eight children at home..."
Akarsha "Diya, mano, por favor... eu tenho uma família para alimentar e oito filhos em casa..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:849
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_87204c2f:
# Diya "$25. Hand it over."
Diya "25$. Passa."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:852
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_41f9d7a5:
# Akarsha "You're murdering the babes, Diya! How about $24? Just one dollar can save a life..."
Akarsha "Você esta matando os bebês, Diya! Que tal 24$? Um real pode salvar uma vida..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:855
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_61bf8e26:
# Min "I like how since we found out it's possible to not pay rent, this turned into Akarsha begging and haggling with everyone to not charge her."
Min "Eu amo que desde que aprendemos que é possível não pagar o aluguel, Akarsha não para de implorar e mendigar para não cobrarem aluguel pra ela."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:858
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_97182f87:
# Akarsha "Wait, Diya, I'll roll you for it. Double or nothing."
Akarsha "Espera Diya, vamos apostar com os dados. O dobro ou nada."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:861
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_dd445e50:
# Noelle "So now this is a casino?"
Noelle "Então isso virou um casino?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:863
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_fe9d19ad:
# "Diya assesses the thick stack of Monopoly money she's accumulated from not having to pay rent on Min's properties."
"Diya avalia a pilha de dinheiro que ela acumulou por não ter pago os aluguéis de Min."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:865
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_40f2fbcf:
# Diya "Okay. I'll try my luck."
Diya "Ok. Vou na sorte."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:868
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_0744f569:
# "Diya shakes the dice in her hands and drops them onto the board with a clatter. She got..."
"Diya balança os dados na sua mão e jogas eles no tabuleiro. Ela consegui um..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:872
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_1e120294:
# Diya "[diyaRandomNum]."
Diya "[diyaRandomNum]."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:875
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_ff69cb56:
# AkarshaT "[diyaRandomNum]...There's no way I'll lose to that!"
AkarshaT "[diyaRandomNum]...Sem chance que eu vou perder para isso!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:879
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_1e120294_1:
# Diya "[diyaRandomNum]."
Diya "[diyaRandomNum]."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:882
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_9f43c753:
# AkarshaT "[diyaRandomNum]?! That's gonna be tough to beat..."
AkarshaT "[diyaRandomNum]?! Vai ser dificil superar..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:885
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_1e120294_2:
# Diya "[diyaRandomNum]."
Diya "[diyaRandomNum]."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:888
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_aa9e94e1:
# AkarshaT "Yee, [diyaRandomNum]'s not too bad. I got this!"
AkarshaT "Boa, [diyaRandomNum] não é tão ruim. Eu consigo!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:898
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_54666607:
# "Holding her breath, Akarsha rolls the dice..."
"Segurando a respiração, Akarsha rola o dado..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:901
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_aaf3b7e1:
# Akarsha "[akarshaRandomNum]! WINNER!!!!" with sshake
Akarsha "[akarshaRandomNum]! VENCI!!!!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:904
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_17cf63b0:
# Diya "..."
Diya "..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:907
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_b9ed7532:
# Akarsha "I live another day!"
Akarsha "Eu vivo mais um dia!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:912
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_74efd57f:
# Akarsha "[akarshaRandomNum]...Alas......."
Akarsha "[akarshaRandomNum]...Infelizmente......."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:915
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_7b89031a:
# Diya "!!"
Diya "!!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:917
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_b18b84e4:
# Diya "$50. Fork it over."
Diya "$50. Passa pra cá."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:920
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_43dd7f7e:
# Akarsha "I'll have you know little Timmy died of starvation last night 'cause of you."
Akarsha "Saiba que o pequeno Timmy morreu de fome noite passada, por sua causa."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:922
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_db5ded8b:
# Akarsha "His ghost is now haunting you..."
Akarsha "Seu fantasma te assombrará..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:925
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_78aa11e4:
# Diya "Okay. Sure."
Diya "Ok. Pode ser."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:928
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_6591b967:
# Akarsha "OooOOooOoO...Why did you kill me when I'm only a small child?"
Akarsha "OooOOooOoO... Porque me matou sendo que eu sou apenas uma criançinha?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:933
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_140ada33:
# Noelle "You're so annoying. I hope your next turn kills you."
Noelle "Você é tão irritante. Espero que a próxima rodada te mate."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:936
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_7f5d0445:
# Akarsha "If I'm so annoying, why do you keep hanging out with me?"
Akarsha "Se sou tão chata, porque é que você ainda anda comigo?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:939
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_cbc6f5e6:
# Noelle "Because I love to watch you fail."
Noelle "Porque eu amo ver você falhar."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:941
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_2402d5ed:
# "It's Noelle's turn. She rolls a 12."
"É a vez de Noelle. Ela rola um 12."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:942
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_61d2da08:
# "Noelle only moves her iron token a couple spaces before she starts to lose it. That's how Akarsha knows she's landed on Boardwalk."
"Noelle move seu boneco de ferro apenas alguns espaços até ela começar a ficar nervosa. Assim Akarsha sabe que ela parou em seu Calçadão."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:944
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_7e9409bf:
# Akarsha "Uh oh...Spaghetti-O's..."
Akarsha "Oh oh...Spaghetti-O's..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:948
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_ae2d2d62:
# Noelle "SHUT UP! YOU DON'T NEED TO RUB IT IN!!!!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:950
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_103ee0e7:
# "She nearly knocks over all the houses Akarsha's piled up on the space as she slams her token down."
"Ela quase derruba todas as casas empilhadas na propriedade de Akarsha ao colocar agressivamente seu boneco."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:952
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_026615b1:
# Noelle "How much is it?"
Noelle "Quanto é?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:955
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_7e06a8ca:
# Akarsha "Oh, only $1700."
Akarsha "Ah, apenas $1700."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:957
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_98e4afbe:
# "To Akarsha's amazement, Noelle dissolves into laughter on the couch — actual, honest-to-god laughter."
"Para a surpresa de Akarsha, Noelle cai na gargalhada no sofá — uma risada verdadeira e genuína."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:959
translate brazilian_portuguese momTexts_84d659ea:
# AkarshaT "Dang! I gotta figure out how to do that again!"
AkarshaT "Nossa! Eu tenho que descobrir como fazer isso de novo!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:975
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_d75361d9:
# "As Min rolls next, Akarsha hears the sound of the front door opening."
"Quando Min rola o dado a seguir, Akarsha ouve o som da porta da frente abrindo."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:977
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_7b593ca4:
# Akarsha "Oh, they're finally back from Taekwondo!"
Akarsha "Ah, eles voltaram do Taekwondo!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:981
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_d1df7e00:
# "Her little brother runs into the living room, wildly swinging his new red belt in the air like a whip."
"Seu irmão mais novo entra correndo na sala de estar, rapidamente batendo sua faixa vermelha no ar, como um chicote."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:983
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_4e00bc81:
# Pratik "HOWL, ZABIMARU!" with sshake
Pratik "HOWL, ZABIMARU!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:984
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_3dc2671d:
# "He flails his red belt, whapping the floor, couch, and everything else within a three foot radius of him."
"Ele balança a faixa vermelha, batendo o chão, o sofá e tudo que esteja minimamente próximo dele."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:987
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_57e1f106:
# Akarsha "OW! OW!!!" with sshake
Akarsha "AI! AII!!!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:989
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_300eecf5:
# AkarshaT "This is my bro Pratik. He's basically me but a guy."
AkarshaT "Esse é meu irmão, Pratik. Ele é basicamente eu, versão homem."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:992
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_61be7309:
# Noelle "I see you passed your \"test\"..."
Noelle "Eu vejo que você passou em sua \"prova\"..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:994
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_8d5277a5:
# "A voice booms through the house from the garage."
"Uma voz ecoa pela casa, vinda da garagem."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:995
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_691a2479:
# Dad "{i}BETI!!!{/i} HELP CARRY GROCERIES IN!!!" with sshake
Dad "{i}BETI!!!{/i} ME AJUDA A CARREGAR AS COMPRAS!!!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:996
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_5967b40b:
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:998
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_003c941f:
# Akarsha "YEH!!!!"
Akarsha "YEH!!!!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1002
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_0865178c:
# Noelle "Should we help?"
Noelle "Querem ajuda?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1004
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_3f321ace:
# Akarsha "Nah, he's talkin' to me. Be my guest!! Relax!!!"
Akarsha "Não se preocupa, ele tá falando comigo. Fica à vontade!! Relaxa!!!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1007
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_8b7bb7ea:
# Noelle "No, I insist. It is my birthday you're going through the trouble for."
Noelle "Não, eu insisto. O trabalho que você está tendo é pelo meu aniversário."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1009
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_e206f6a1:
# Akarsha "Fine, hard to argue with that...Frenchman, let's go!"
Akarsha "Ok, difícil argumentar com isso... Vamos Francesa!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1013
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_18a3117f:
# "Akarsha hastily stuffs her socked feet into her mom's sandals and waddles into the garage with Noelle in tow."
"Akarsha rapidamente enfia os pés com meias nas sandálias da mãe e entra na garagem com Noelle."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1015
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_0d4d2e99:
# Noelle "Is Pratik your only sibling?"
Noelle "Pratik é seu único irmão?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1017
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_bf3d3c37:
# Akarsha "Naw, I have a big sis too."
Akarsha "Não, tenho uma irmã mais velha também."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1019
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_e66068e3:
# Akarsha "But she's like, way, way older. She's in medical school already."
Akarsha "Mas ela é tipo, beeem mais velha. Ela já está na faculdade de Medicina."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1022
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_f845f88e:
# Noelle "That {i}is{/i} a lot older."
Noelle "Isso {i}é{/i} bem mais velho."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1024
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_d12b703c:
# Akarsha "I was definitely an accident. But I think I was so awesome that it reminded my parents how cool kids are, and then they made my bro on purpose."
Akarsha "Eu com certeza nasci por acidente. Mas acho que eu era tão legal que isso lembrou pros meus pais quão legais crianças são, então eles fizeram meu irmão de propósito."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1027
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_640ede9a:
# Noelle "That. Is FAR too much information." with sshake
Noelle "Isso é informação DEMAIS." with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1029
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_60b4e8e5:
# Noelle "So your sister intends to become a doctor?"
Noelle "Então sua irmã quer virar uma médica?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1031
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_8ed35b73:
# Akarsha "A {i}neurosurgeon{/i}."
Akarsha "Uma {i}neurocirurgiã{/i}."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1032
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_b60ad5bb:
# Akarsha "Like, good for her, but it's almost kinda frustrating how perfect she turned out. She's just as bad as you."
Akarsha "Tipo, bom pra ela, mas é meio frustrante quão perfeita ela ficou. Ela é tão ruim quanto você."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1033
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_f82158cb:
# Akarsha "I can't even say my parents have unrealistic expectations 'cause my sister actually met them."
Akarsha "Não posso nem dizer que meus pais tem expectativas irrealistas porque minha irmã conhece eles."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1036
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_f3cb4622:
# "Akarsha's dad walks over from the trunk of the minivan with an armful of groceries."
"O pai de Akarsha vem caminhando do porta-malas da minivan, com o braço cheio de sacolas."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1038
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_45d4fd65:
# AkarshaT "Oh god, what is he wearing?!"
AkarshaT "Ai meu deus, o que ele está vestindo?!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1041
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_6805d516:
# Dad "Hoo hoo! So this is the birthday girl."
Dad "Ora, ora! Então essa é a aniversariante."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1042
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_ff826ff4:
# Dad "Thanks god you are here."
Dad "Graça a deus que você está aqui."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1044
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_6b51bc1b:
# AkarshaT "My dad always says \"Thanks god\" instead of \"Thank god\". I dunno why..."
AkarshaT "Meu pai sempre diz \"Graça a deus\" em vez de \"Graças a deus\". Não tenho ideia do porquê."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1047
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_5bbe5c6e:
# Noelle "Well...It's my surprise party, so I don't have much choice in the matter."
Noelle "Bem... É minha festa surpresa, então não tive muita escolha."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1049
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_f3bbb5fd:
# Dad "Akarsha said you don't like surprises, so you might go home already."
Dad "Akarsha disse que você não gosta de surpresas, então você possivelmente vai embora logo."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1050
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_c2b8a584:
# Dad "Like my co-worker Carrot last week. When we threw her a retirement party, she only stayed for half an hour."
Dad "Que nem minha colega de trabalho, Cenoura, semana passada. Fizemos uma festa de aposentadoria pra ela, e ela só ficou por meia hora."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1052
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_23b34a46:
# Noelle "Your co-worker is called \"Carrot\"...?"
Noelle "Sua colega de trabalho se chama \"Cenoura\"...?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1054
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_1c898c49:
# Akarsha "Dad, her name is {i}Karen.{/i} I really hope you weren't calling her that at the office."
Akarsha "Pai, o nome dela é {i}Karen.{/i} Eu realmente espero que você não esteja chamando ela assim no escritório."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1057
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_a2dade56:
# "Akarsha's dad tries to clear a path through the heap of shoes by the garage door. Meanwhile, Akarsha and Noelle each grab a couple grocery bags from the trunk."
"O pai de Akarsha tenta abrir caminho entre a pilha de sapatos perto da porta da garagem. Enquanto isso, Akarsha e Noelle pegam algumas sacolas de compras do porta-malas."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1059
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_1e015eac:
# Noelle "Your dad looks very...patriotic."
Noelle "Seu pai parece bem... patriota."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1061
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_66054d9b:
# Akarsha "Yeah, he thinks being American is really cool so he likes to buy stuff with eagles and flags on it sometimes."
Akarsha "É, ele acha que ser americano é super legal, então ele compra coisas com águias e bandeiras as vezes."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1063
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_59fd0c45:
# Noelle "I see...Is he really into politics?"
Noelle "Entendi...Ele gosta de política?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1065
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_1e703323:
# Akarsha "No, my parents don't know anything about politics."
Akarsha "Não, meus pais não sabem nada de política."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1066
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_0d2d11ae:
# Akarsha "Every election they have one of them vote for the Republican candidate while the other votes for the Democrat, so they cancel each other out."
Akarsha "Toda eleição um deles vota para o candidato Republicano enquanto o outro vota pelo Democrata, assim anulando seus votos."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1069
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_74b5c27c:
# Noelle "Why do they bother voting if they don't care who wins?"
Noelle "Por que eles votam se eles não ligam para quem ganha?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1071
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_5e7b874e:
# Akarsha "They just wanna feel included, I guess? It's pretty silly."
Akarsha "Eu acho que eles querem se sentir incluídos? É meio bobo."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1074
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_23b7ddb3:
# "Akarsha's mom smiles at Noelle as she steps out from the passenger seat."
"A mãe de Akarsha sorri para Noelle após sair do banco do passageiro."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1076
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_89885e8b:
# AkarshaT "Oh my god. She was sitting in the car the whole time fixing her hair and reapplying her lipstick..."
AkarshaT "Meu deus. Ela estava sentada no carro esse tempo todo arrumando seu cabelo e recolocando seu batom..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1077
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_519660ed:
# AkarshaT "No one cares, Mom!"
AkarshaT "Ninguém liga Mãe!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1079
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_e667a573:
# Mom "I'm sorry we're late. We thought we'd be back before everyone came."
Mom "Nos desculpem pelo atraso. Nós pensávamos que estaríamos de volta antes de todos chegarem."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1082
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_3c9388df:
# Dad "It's that stupid GPS's fault. It wanted us to go on all these strange routes."
Dad "É culpa daquele GPS estúpido. Ele queria que nós fôssemos por todas aquelas rotas estranhas."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1084
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_871a9493:
# Mom "If you'd just followed its directions all the way, it probably would've been faster."
Mom "Se você tivesse seguido as direções desde o início, possivelmente teria sido bem mais rápido."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1086
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_6a3b92b6:
# Dad "No, I could predict there would be traffic on the 680. I would know, I've lived here for twenty years."
Dad "Não, eu sabia que iria ter trânsito na 680. Eu obviamente saberia, vivo aqui faz vinte anos."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1087
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_75908bec:
# Dad "Speaking of driving, I have a great idea for an invention."
Dad "Falando em dirigir, tenho uma ótima ideia de invenção."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1088
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_5749d8e7:
# Dad "Cars should zap bad drivers."
Dad "Carros deveriam dar choque em motoristas ruins."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1090
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_c9a80783:
# Noelle ".......Zap? As in, with electricity?"
Noelle ".......Choque? Tipo, com energia?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1092
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_0e67dbc6:
# Dad "Just through the steering wheel. Not enough to kill them, but enough to hurt."
Dad "Pelo volante. Não forte o suficiente para matar, apenas para machucar."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1095
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_1f4b416e:
# Dad "Steal my parking spot...\"EeeeYAHHH!!!\"" with sshake
Dad "Roubou minha vaga de estacionamento...\"EeeeYAHHH!!!\"" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1096
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_fca7eb89:
# "Akarsha's dad mimes being shocked with electricity."
"O pai de Akarsha imita ter levado um choque elétrico."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1098
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_e5b5e819:
# Mom ".........."
Mom ".........."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1100
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_a6c851d3:
# Akarsha "Dad, oh my god! Stop it!"
Akarsha "Pai, meu deus! Já deu!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1103
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_bf0f974f:
# Noelle "With all due respect, that sounds like a terrible idea."
Noelle "Com todo respeito, essa parece ser uma péssima ideia."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1105
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_08d79703:
# Dad "But everyone would learn so fast."
Dad "Mas todos iriam aprender muito rápido."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1106
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_8e56fdaa:
# Dad "Hasn't Akarsha told you I'm a genius? Her smarts run in the family."
Dad "A Akarsha não te contou que sou um gênio? A inteligência dela corre na família."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1107
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_335fef9d:
# Dad "I should patent my car zapper along with my telephone idea."
Dad "Eu deveria patentear a minha ideia do choque de carro com a ideia do telefone."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1109
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_7b40a74c:
# Noelle "Telephone idea?"
Noelle "Ideia do telefone?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1111
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_07f06c24:
# Akarsha "It's the same thing except the telephone shocks telemarketers."
Akarsha "É a mesma coisa, exceto que o celular dá um choque nos trabalhadores de telemarketing."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1114
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_5b7709e4:
# Noelle "I'm dubious the patent office will approve either of those."
Noelle "Eu duvido que o escritório de patentes aprove qualquer um desses."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1116
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_c3c7b6c0:
# Dad "What, don't you think it's a great idea?"
Dad "Por que, você não acha que é uma ótima ideia?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1118
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_c9fd95e3:
# Dad "\"Hello, will you buy our product? OOoouughh!!!\"" with sshake
Dad "\"Olá, você poderia comprar nosso produto? OOoouughh!!!\"" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1120
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_91b05c90:
# "Akarsha's dad shakes his arm as if being shocked again as he walks into the house."
"O pai de Akarsha treme o braço como se tivesse levado um choque de novo, enquanto entra na casa."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1122
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_901d88d0:
# Mom "What's wrong with you..."
Mom "O quê tem de errado com você..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1125
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_4447bb90:
# "Akarsha's mom follows him inside with an exasperated expression on her face."
"A mãe de Akarsha segue ele para dentro, com uma expressão exasperada."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1127
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_5147b169:
# Akarsha "Finally they're gone! I thought I was gonna die of embarassment..."
Akarsha "Finalmente eles se foram! Pensei que eu ia morrer de vergonha..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1130
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_659b419b:
# "Noelle is still staring after Akarsha's dad, fascinated."
"Noelle ainda está na direção onde o pai de Akarsha foi, fascinada."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1132
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_bfce3e69:
# Noelle "Your dad is such a character. He's so outgoing."
Noelle "Seu pai é bem interessante. Ele é muito extrovertido."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1134
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_2156a3c9:
# Akarsha "Oh yeah, he loves talking SO much. He never shuts up."
Akarsha "Ah sim, ele ADORA falar muito. Ele nunca fica quieto."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1138
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_29279d14:
# Noelle "I feel like this explains a lot about you..."
Noelle "Acho que isso explica bastante sobre você..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1140
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_f835a73a:
# Akarsha "Really? Like what?"
Akarsha "É mesmo? Como o quê?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1143
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_9fd139a4:
# Noelle "I see where you get your sense of humor from now."
Noelle "Consigo ver de onde o seu senso de humor veio, agora."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1145
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_3a714793:
# Akarsha "Huh? No, my jokes are TOTALLY different!"
Akarsha "Huh? Não, minhas piadas são TOTALMENTE diferentes!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1148
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_f53a8846:
# Noelle "You can't deny there are some similarities."
Noelle "Você não pode negar que há algumas similaridades."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1149
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_5e639cc2:
# Noelle "From my observation, parents have a lot of influence on their kids' personalities."
Noelle "Pela minha observação, pais tem muita influência na personalidade de seus filhos."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1151
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_c3871cc3:
# Akarsha "No way, I'm way funnier than my dad!"
Akarsha "Sem chance, sou muito mais engraçada que meu pai!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1153
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_129f7336:
# Akarsha "I'm an enigma. You'll never figure me out."
Akarsha "Sou um enigma. Você nunca me entenderá."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1156
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_a9f82919:
# Noelle "Actually, I think I already have."
Noelle "Na verdade, acho que eu já entendi."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1157
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_804e4ece:
# Noelle "For instance, your worst fear is earnestly trying at something and failing."
Noelle "Por exemplo, seu pior medo é honestamente tentar algo e falhar."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1158
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_a66baa74:
# Noelle "So even though you're perfectly intelligent, you use your goofy disposition to premptively make a fool of yourself on purpose."
Noelle "Portanto, mesmo você sendo perfeitamente inteligente, você usa seu jeito bobo para se fazer de boba preventivamente de propósito."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1160
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_a22bcd4e:
# Akarsha "I do not?? Give me an example."
Akarsha "Eu não faço isso?? Me dê um exemplo."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1163
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_356a7452:
# Noelle "When we play Monopoly you sink all your funds into Boardwalk. When we play poker you eat your cards."
Noelle "Quando você joga Monopoly você gasta todos seu dinheiro no Calçadão. Quando jogamos poker você come suas cartas."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1164
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_7a5067a7:
# Noelle "When we play baseball you clutch your head and claim you're having a \"psychic brain attack\"."
Noelle "Quando jogamos beisebol, você segura a cabeça e afirma que está tendo um \"ataque cerebral psíquico\"."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1166
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_e0fdbf90:
# Akarsha "Hey, I just like providing fun for the whole family."
Akarsha "Ei, eu só gosto de promover diversão para toda a família."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1169
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_ccda6724:
# Noelle "I doubt that's it. This extends to every facet of how you present yourself to the world."
Noelle "Eu duvido que seja isso. Isso se estende a cada aspecto de como você se apresenta ao mundo."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1170
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_d6f50466:
# Noelle "You're insecure about your appearance, so you go out in this outlandish hairdo with this windbreaker and flip-flops outfit."
Noelle "Você é insegura sobre sua aparência, então você sai com este penteado bizarro, esse moletom e esses chinelos."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1171
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_a7897c02:
# Noelle "You're worried people won't like you, so you act like a circus clown."
Noelle "Você tem medo que as pessoas não gostem de você, então você age que nem um palhaço de circo."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1172
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_8ad66713:
# Noelle "Rather than risk rejection, you set yourself up for failure to feel in control of the situation."
Noelle "Em vez de arriscar ser rejeitada, você se sabota, para se colocar no controle da situação."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1174
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_4e186cf3:
# AkarshaT "What the...I feel weirdly exposed??" with sshake
AkarshaT "Mas que... Por que eu me sinto estranhamente exposta??" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1176
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_739ec9d8:
# Akarsha "You're one to talk about fear of failure, Miss \"I Argue With the Teacher That My Multiple Choice Answer Was Technically ALSO Right\"."
Akarsha "Você é uma para falar de medo de falhar, Senhorita \"Eu Discuti com Minha Professora Porque a Minha Resposta da Múltipla Escolha Tecnicamente TAMBÉM Estava Certa\"."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1179
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_c5155d77:
# Noelle "I would contend that makes me more adept at sensing that trait in others."
Noelle "Eu diria que isso me torna mais hábil em perceber essa característica nos outros."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1180
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_4a59f5da:
# "Sweating profusely, Akarsha lets out a nervous laugh..."
"Suando frio, Akarsha solta uma risada nervosa..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1182
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_830a26ea:
# AkarshaT "Her read on me is scarily accurate?! No one's ever seen through me like this before!"
AkarshaT "A leitura dela sobre mim é assustadoramente precisa?! Ninguém nunca me viu desse jeito!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1183
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_ce7f34c2:
# AkarshaT "How much attention is she paying to me??"
AkarshaT "Quanta atenção que ela estava prestando em mim??"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1184
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_fb017e75:
# AkarshaT "Usually you don't watch someone that closely unless you like them."
AkarshaT "Normalmente você não presta tanta atenção numa pessoa a menos que você goste dela."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1186
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_99b5f327:
# AkarshaT "Unless...???" with sshake
AkarshaT "A menos que...???" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1189
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_423f976c:
# "Akarsha watches Noelle closely as they haul the food inside."
"Akarsha olha Noelle com cuidado enquanto elas levam as sacolas para dentro."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1190
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_8717b294:
# "She can't help but grin as Noelle ascends the garage's concrete steps with the grace of a vacuum cleaner."
"Ela não pode deixar de sorrir quando Noelle sobe os degraus de concreto da garagem com a graça de um aspirador de pó."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1191
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_693acef7:
# "Suddenly, Noelle turns to her and gives her an unreadable look."
"De repente, Noelle se vira e dá um olhar indecifrável para ela."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1193
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_d61ce29e:
# Noelle "......"
Noelle "......"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1195
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_cce84401:
# Akarsha "What?"
Akarsha "O quê?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1197
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_d77bbf73:
# "Akarsha's heart skips a beat as Noelle reaches out to her windbreaker sleeve and plucks something from the fabric."
"O coração de Akarsha dá um salto quando Noelle estende a mão para a manga do moletom de Akarsha e puxa algo do tecido."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1199
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_e8d3716e:
# Noelle "There was a grain of rice stuck to your jacket. It was bothering me."
Noelle "Tinha um grão de arroz preso no seu moletom. Estava me irritando."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1200
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_797b59d1:
# "Noelle holds up the offending grain of rice between her fingers."
"Noelle segura o grão de arroz entre seus dedos."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1202
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_b04c5845:
# Akarsha "Oh, that's an accessory. Put it back."
Akarsha "Ah, esse é um acessório. Ponha ele de volta."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1206
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_fdecab62:
# "Akarsha feels a jolt of euphoria as Noelle rolls her eyes and lets the corner of her mouth quirk up for the briefest moment."
"Akarsha sente uma onda de euforia quando Noelle revira os olhos e levanta o canto da boca por um breve momento."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1208
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_1a48b0f6:
# AkarshaT "Ah, shit...No..." with sshake
AkarshaT "Ah, merda...Não..." with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1209
translate brazilian_portuguese momDad_5a7891ea:
# AkarshaT "Not this shit again...Nooooo......." with sshake
AkarshaT "Não essa merda de novo...Nãooooo........" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1225
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_d394a6b6:
# "Akarsha daydreams about Noelle as she uses one of the library's computers."
"Akarsha sonha acordada sobre Noelle enquanto usa um dos computadores da biblioteca."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1227
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_8a8e0515:
# AkarshaT "I'm so fucked. I can't stop thinking about her..."
AkarshaT "Eu estou tão fudida. Eu não consigo parar de pensar nela..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1229
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_089ebc99:
# AkarshaT "We haven't even known each other for a whole year yet, but she already knows so much about me..."
AkarshaT "A gente se conheceu a menos de um ano e ela já sabe tanto sobre mim..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1230
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_186ed528:
# AkarshaT "I bet we're closer than a lot of couples who really {i}are{/i} dating!"
AkarshaT "Eu aposto que nós somos mais próximas que casais que estão {i}realmente{/i} namorando!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1231
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_d235ec27:
# AkarshaT "She can tell when I'm about to say something annoying before I even open my mouth."
AkarshaT "Ela consegue saber quando eu vou falar algo irritante antes mesmo de eu abrir minha boca."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1232
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_6b93952b:
# AkarshaT "She knows I have a big sister, which is like a rare Akarsha fact cuz she's so much older than me."
AkarshaT "Ela sabe que eu tenho uma irmã mais velha, o que é um fato raro a saber sobre mim, considerando que ela é muito mais velha que eu."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1233
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_3915db1b:
# AkarshaT "Heck, she's met my parents already...That's a couple-y thing, right??"
AkarshaT "Poxa, ela até já conheceu meus pais... Isso é uma coisa de casal né??"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1236
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_1ab0bdd0:
# Min "The heck are you doing?"
Min "Que porra cê tá fazendo?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1238
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_092378f2:
# Akarsha "Gyah!" with sshake
Akarsha "Gyah!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1240
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_8f4abf06:
# Akarsha "You scared me!"
Akarsha "Você me assustou!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1243
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_126b0236:
# Min "I said hi like, twice. You must really be out of it."
Min "Eu disse oi tipo, duas vezes. Você realmente tava pensando longe."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1245
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_fe2d32ae:
# Akarsha "I-I was just focused on the computer!"
Akarsha "E-eu só estava focada no computador!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1247
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_713e8f10:
# "Akarsha points to the screen to try to sell her point."
"Akarsha aponta para a tela, tentando provar seu ponto."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1249
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_63556d05:
# Akarsha "I'm editing my report card in MS Paint. I intercepted it before my parents checked the mail yesterday."
Akarsha "Estou editando meu boletim no Paint. Eu interceptei ele antes que meus pais olhassem o correio ontem."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1251
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_84aea908:
# Akarsha "Watch this!"
Akarsha "Se liga!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1253
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_d1c9ced7:
# "On the computer, Akarsha photoshops her B+ in English into an A-."
"No computador, Akarsha muda seu B+ em Inglês para um A-."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1255
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_1a72b921:
# Min "A-? Why not just change it to an A+?"
Min "A-? Por que você não muda para um A+?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1257
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_75533aa2:
# Akarsha "Naw, A- is more realistic."
Akarsha "Nem, A- é mais realista."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1258
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_f3146869:
# Akarsha "Now I just gotta print this out."
Akarsha "Agora só tenho que imprimir isso."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1260
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_8548c193:
# Akarsha "Don't tell anyone I did this, okay?"
Akarsha "Não fala pra ninguém que eu fiz isso, ok?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1263
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_9acc7390:
# Min "Who do you think I am? Noelle?"
Min "Quem você acha que eu sou? Noelle?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1264
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_6488e183:
# Min "You're not even changing your actual grades, so you're not REALLY cheating."
Min "Você nem tá mudando suas notas reais, então não é REALMENTE fraude."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1266
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_6c2de530:
# Akarsha "You're right...I'm just cheating my parents' brains! Mind hack..."
Akarsha "Verdade... Eu só estou enganando a mente dos meus pais! Genial..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1271
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_9eccf2de:
# "Akarsha pulls her new and improved report card from the tray. It's still warm from the machinery, like fresh laundry."
"Akarsha pega seu novo e melhorado boletim da impressora. Ele ainda está quente por conta da máquina, como roupa recém saída da máquina."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1273
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_3d882072:
# Akarsha "I'll do your report card too if you give me $20."
Akarsha "Eu faço o seu boletim também se você me der $20."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1276
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_efea0c1d:
# Min "Nah, can't be bothered. I don't care what my parents think."
Min "Nem, não me preocupo. Não ligo pro o quê meus pais pensam."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1278
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_eb254ac7:
# Akarsha "Wow. You're not worried about disappointing them?"
Akarsha "Uau. Você não está preocupada em desapontá-los?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1281
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_4e950494:
# Min "Why should I be? They don't seem that worried about disappointing ME."
Min "Por que eu deveria? Eles não parecem estar preocupados em ME desapontar."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1283
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_7f044445:
# Akarsha "Dude, that's deep..."
Akarsha "Mano, isso é profundo..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1288
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_d5472351:
# AkarshaT "Even though Min gets horrifying grades, she's pretty smart in some other ways."
AkarshaT "Apesar da Min tirar notas péssimas, ela é bem esperta em outros aspectos."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1289
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_8f7794b6:
# AkarshaT "She DID manage to get together with Diya, after all. Maybe she has tips for this kinda thing."
AkarshaT "Ela CONSEGUIU ficar com a Diya, afinal. Quem sabe ela tem umas dicas pra esse tipo de coisa."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1290
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_7f27ae5d:
# Akarsha "Actually...Can I ask you a question?"
Akarsha "Na verdade... Posso te fazer uma pergunta?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1293
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_f4f403e1:
# Min "Yeah, what?"
Min "Aham, o que foi?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1295
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_08c826f1:
# Akarsha "Hypothetically...if you had a crush on a friend, what would you do?"
Akarsha "Hipoteticamente...se você estivesse gostando de uma pessoa próxima, o quê você faria?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1298
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_532ac4e9:
# Min "You have a crush?! Who is it?"
Min "Você tá gostando de alguém?! Quem é?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1300
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_b5df3a9d:
# Akarsha "I can't tell you, it's embarrassing!"
Akarsha "Não posso te contar, é vergonhoso!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1302
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_e9437091:
# Min "Is it someone I know?"
Min "É alguém que eu conheço?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1304
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_17131380:
# Akarsha "Seriously, I'm not tellin' you! NO ONE can know."
Akarsha "Sério, eu não vou te contar. NINGUÉM pode saber."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1307
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_ec50de6c:
# Min "Is it Diya??????"
Min "É a Diya??????"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1309
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_2d96b0b3:
# Akarsha "WHAT???? No, I'm not trying to get my throat slit by you." with sshake
Akarsha "QUÊ???? Não, eu não quero ter minha garganta cortada por você." with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1312
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_cdd46e9b:
# Min "Is it me???"
Min "Sou eu???"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1314
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_c42306dc:
# Akarsha "No, but no more questions! I'm not exposing myself!"
Akarsha "Não, mas sem mais perguntas! Não vou me expor!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1317
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_81492b54:
# Min "What happened to being a \"love expert\" or whatever when I was trying to kiss Diya?"
Min "O que aconteceu com você ser uma \"expert no amor\" ou sei lá quando eu estava tentando beijar a Diya?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1318
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_096d9044:
# Min "Why don't you just follow your own shitty advice?"
Min "Por que você não segue seus próprios conselhos de merda?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1320
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_06ef2d91:
# Akarsha "Admitedly, it's easier said than done..."
Akarsha "É verdade que é mais fácil dizer do que fazer..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1323
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_43bf9372:
# Min "Look, it's exactly like what you guys said when I was on that date. Don't overthink it."
Min "Olha, é exatamente como vocês falaram quando eu tava naquele encontro. Não pense muito."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1324
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_652883b9:
# Min "Just be straightforward and tell them how you feel."
Min "Só seja direta e fala pra pessoa como você se sente."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1326
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_441a7109:
# Akarsha "You sure?? They don't feel the same way, this could end up destroying our friendship."
Akarsha "Tem certeza?? Se a pessoa não se sentir da mesma maneira isso poderia destruir nossa amizade."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1328
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_e6ddad4a:
# Min "Yeah, just do it."
Min "Sim, só vai."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1329
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_2b0cf7a0:
# Min "You can even try one of the stupid fucking pickup lines you keep \"practicing\" on my girlfriend."
Min "Você pode até tentar uma daquelas suas cantadas estúpidas do caralho que você vive \"praticando\" na minha namorada."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1331
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_43f1ecd7:
# Akarsha "Okay, okay, I promise I'll stop doing that for real!"
Akarsha "Ok, ok, eu juro que vou realmente parar de fazer elas!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1333
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_29a4d8a8:
# Akarsha "I just feel like hitting on my crush directly is a massive risk though..."
Akarsha "Eu só sinto que dar em cima de um crush diretamente é um risco gigantesco..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1336
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_61dfb67e:
# Min "Well, it worked out for me. You'll never know unless you go for it."
Min "Bem, funcionou comigo. Você nunca vai saber se não tentar."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1342
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_e890ab93:
# Min "What's the worst thing that could happen? They reject you?"
Min "O que é a pior coisa que poderia acontecer? Ser rejeitada?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1344
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_18aa897e:
# Akarsha "Getting rejected is a huge deal! It'll make everything so awkward!"
Akarsha "Ser rejeitada é grande coisa! Pode fazer tudo ficar tão estranho!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1347
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_7f1f59e0:
# Min "I mean, yeah, but that's just a risk you gotta take."
Min "Quero dizer, sim, mas é um risco que você tem que tomar."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1351
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_75bd8113:
# Akarsha "You don't get it, this isn't just me being paranoid. This has literally happened to me before."
Akarsha "Você não entende, isso não é eu sendo paranoica. Isso literalmente já aconteceu comigo antes."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1352
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_3619ca6b:
# Akarsha "None of you went to the same middle school as me, so you don't know."
Akarsha "Nenhum de vocês fez o fundamental comigo, então vocês não saberiam."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1353
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_e501540a:
# Akarsha "Not only did my crush start avoiding me, but she told the rest of our friend group and they stopped talking to me, too."
Akarsha "Não só a minha crush começou a me evitar, como ela contou para o resto do nosso grupo de amigos e eles pararam de falar comigo também."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1360
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_952c5f37:
# Min "What the? That sucks."
Min "Mas que? Isso é horrível."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1362
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_16ce1577:
# Akarsha "Yeah, no kidding. I try not to think about it much."
Akarsha "Realmente. Tento não pensar muito sobre."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1365
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_e7535f28:
# Min "Well, that wouldn't happen this time."
Min "Bem, isso não aconteceria dessa vez."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1366
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_bbc264ec:
# Min "Even if it blows up in your face, you'd still have me, Diya, and Noelle."
Min "Mesmo que tudo dê errado, você ainda vai ter eu, a Diya e a Noelle."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1368
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_8fc5087c:
# Akarsha "Haha, right, obviously..."
Akarsha "Haha, claro, obviamente..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1380
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_1243a22f:
# "The bell rings."
"O sinal toca."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1382
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_926a2bb7:
# AkarshaT "Nah, being direct about it still feels too risky..."
AkarshaT "Nah, ser direta ainda parece muito arriscado..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1384
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_7488d994:
# AkarshaT "I'm not even sure Noelle likes girls."
AkarshaT "Eu nem tenho certeza se a Noelle gosta de garotas."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1387
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_0bfeb704:
# AkarshaT "Heck, I've never seen her express any kind of attraction to anyone at all. Is she just hella repressed?"
AkarshaT "Pelo amor, eu nunca nem vi ela expressar qualquer tipo de atração para qualquer pessoa? Será que ela só é extremamente reprimida?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1390
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_cd6a50e6:
# AkarshaT "In any case, I don't wanna embarrass myself..."
AkarshaT "De qualquer jeito, não quero passar vergonha..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1392
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_9cfe8b49:
# AkarshaT "The only safe way to do this is to seduce Noelle so hard, she's compelled to confess to me first!"
AkarshaT "O único jeito seguro de fazer isso é seduzir a Noelle o suficiente para que ela confesse para mim primeiro!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1393
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_28dcccec:
# AkarshaT "That way, if it doesn't work, I can write off all the flirting as a joke."
AkarshaT "Desse jeito, se não funcionar, posso só falar que todo o flerte era piada."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1394
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_80744984:
# AkarshaT "There's no way this can go wrong."
AkarshaT "Não tem como isso dar errado."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1397
translate brazilian_portuguese reportCard_623a92a3:
# "(Use the mouse to interact!)"
"(Use o mouse para interagir!)"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1457
translate brazilian_portuguese lookShelves_2dedcddf:
# "Min crosses her arms as Akarsha browses through the shelves."
"Min cruza seus braços enquanto a Akarsha procura pelas prateleiras."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1459
translate brazilian_portuguese lookShelves_803d902f:
# Min "I fucking hate libraries."
Min "Eu odeio bibliotecas para um caralho."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1461
translate brazilian_portuguese lookShelves_38ca9eee:
# Akarsha "Wh.......Wha?? What's there to hate about libraries?"
Akarsha "Q.......Quê?? O quê te faz odiar bibliotecas?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1462
translate brazilian_portuguese lookShelves_7b3ef5f3:
# Akarsha "It's free books?"
Akarsha "São livros de graça?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1465
translate brazilian_portuguese lookShelves_a154e3a5:
# Min "Well, I guess the books are okay, but librarians are the worst."
Min "Bem, eu acho que os livros são ok, mas bibliotecários são horríveis."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1467
translate brazilian_portuguese lookShelves_21776c72:
# Akarsha "Why?"
Akarsha "Porquê?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1470
translate brazilian_portuguese lookShelves_de33c78f:
# Min "This one time when I was like seven, I looked up a bunch of bad words on the school library's computer."
Min "Uma vez quando eu tinha tipo, sete anos, eu procurei um monte de palavrões no computador da biblioteca da escola."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1471
translate brazilian_portuguese lookShelves_701a2ce0:
# Min "The librarian saw my search history and got me banned from there for a month!"
Min "A bibliotecária viu meu histórico de pesquisa e me baniu de lá por um mês!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1473
translate brazilian_portuguese lookShelves_728546c3:
# Akarsha "What words did you look up??"
Akarsha "Que palavras que você procurou?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1476
translate brazilian_portuguese lookShelves_ba07a92a:
# Min "It was just a bunch of swears I was curious about! Like \"damn\" and \"fuck\"."
Min "Só um monte de xingamentos que eu estava curiosa sobre! Como \"porra\" e \"caralho\"."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1477
translate brazilian_portuguese lookShelves_65095dca:
# Min "I remember I searched \"middle finger\" too."
Min "Eu lembro de ter pesquisado \"dedo do meio\" também."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1479
translate brazilian_portuguese lookShelves_39518c50:
# Akarsha "I love that you thought \"middle finger\" was a bad word."
Akarsha "Eu amo que você pensou que \"dedo do meio\" era um palavrão."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1482
translate brazilian_portuguese lookShelves_10bac246:
# Min "Yeah, I was so innocent as a kid."
Min "É, eu era bem inocente quando eu era menor."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1484
translate brazilian_portuguese lookShelves_56723252:
# Akarsha "Hrm...I'm not sure \"innocent\" is the right word."
Akarsha "Hrm...Não sei se \"inocente\" seria a palavra certa."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1490
translate brazilian_portuguese lookDesk_0999fc0d:
# Akarsha "Is Noelle still fake-tutoring you to trick your parents into letting you out of the house?"
Akarsha "Noelle ainda está dando aulas falsas para você para enganar seus pais para que eles deixem você sair de casa?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1493
translate brazilian_portuguese lookDesk_450270ef:
# Min "She actually tutors me for real sometimes."
Min "Ela as vezes realmente me dá aula."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1495
translate brazilian_portuguese lookDesk_eda4d60e:
# Akarsha "Wow, really?"
Akarsha "Uau, sério?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1498
translate brazilian_portuguese lookDesk_818e5bbf:
# Min "I haven't failed a single test since we started!"
Min "Eu não reprovei em uma prova sequer desde que começamos!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1500
translate brazilian_portuguese lookDesk_5bf49514:
# AkarshaT "She looks so proud, but not getting an F is a super low hurdle..."
AkarshaT "Ela parece bem orgulhosa, mas não conseguir um F é uma meta super baixa..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1506
translate brazilian_portuguese leaveLibrary_654ed6ea:
# Akarsha "Alright, protect your hearing."
Akarsha "Ok, vou proteger seus ouvidos."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1508
translate brazilian_portuguese leaveLibrary_b789999a:
# "Min nods and covers her ears as Akarsha walks through the library scanners by the door."
"Min acena e cobre suas orelhas enquanto a Akarsha passa pelos scanners da porta da biblioteca."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1510
translate brazilian_portuguese leaveLibrary_77784f5f:
# "The book scanner alarms go off!" with sshake
"O scanner de livros começa a tocar!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1511
translate brazilian_portuguese leaveLibrary_70f9873d:
# "The librarian looks up, sees that it's Akarsha, and impatiently waves her through."
"A bibliotecária olha, vê que é a Akarsha, e impacientemente acena para ela passar."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1516
translate brazilian_portuguese leaveLibrary_6f7ef528:
# Min "That seriously happens every single time you walk through the scanners?"
Min "Isso realmente acontece toda vez que você passa pelos scanners?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1518
translate brazilian_portuguese leaveLibrary_b50f4b11:
# Min "Are you {i}sure{/i} you don't have any library books on you?"
Min "Você tem {i}certeza{/i} que você não tem nenhum livro da biblioteca contigo?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1520
translate brazilian_portuguese leaveLibrary_6657a164:
# Akarsha "Of course. There's even a photo of me taped by the door now because after the first few times they searched me, they confirmed I don't have any."
Akarsha "Claro. Tem até uma foto minha colada na porta agora porque depois das primeiras vezes que me revistaram, confirmaram que não tenho nenhum."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1521
translate brazilian_portuguese leaveLibrary_b2d9da48:
# Akarsha "It almost feels like my backpack is haunted by the ghost of a library book."
Akarsha "Até parece que minha mochila tá assombrada pelo fantasma de um livro da biblioteca."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1524
translate brazilian_portuguese leaveLibrary_09e19479:
# Min "How would that happen? Pissed off any books lately?"
Min "Como isso poderia acontecer? Cê irritou algum livro recentemente?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1526
translate brazilian_portuguese leaveLibrary_930e6940:
# Akarsha "No...Unless maybe Noelle counts as a book...?"
Akarsha "Não...A menos que a Noelle conte como um livro..?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1527
translate brazilian_portuguese leaveLibrary_5f041e0c:
# Akarsha "And because I annoy her daily the books are...mad at me...?"
Akarsha "E porque eu a irrito diariamente os livros estão...bravos comigo...?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1529
translate brazilian_portuguese leaveLibrary_3ea5cd03:
# Min "Are you hearing how crazy you sound right now?"
Min "Você tem noção do quão maluca você parece agora?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1531
translate brazilian_portuguese leaveLibrary_9f824791:
# Akarsha "Yeah, I'm embarrassed I even said that out loud."
Akarsha "Sim, eu estou envergonhada de ter dito isso em voz alta."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1532
translate brazilian_portuguese leaveLibrary_e087bd8f:
# Akarsha "It's probably just one of those things. Like my magic rosin."
Akarsha "Deve ser uma daquelas coisas estranhas, tipo minha resina mágica."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1535
translate brazilian_portuguese leaveLibrary_e45b1a32:
# Min "Your what??"
Min "Sua o quê??"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1537
translate brazilian_portuguese leaveLibrary_c3fee831:
# Akarsha "Never mind, forget I mentioned it."
Akarsha "Nada, esquece que eu falei."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1540
translate brazilian_portuguese leaveLibrary_25dfe662:
# "The librarian gives Akarsha a death glare from behind the counter as the alarms go off again."
"A bibliotecária dá uma encarada mortal de trás do balcão para a Akarsha quando os alarmes tocam de novo."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1542
translate brazilian_portuguese leaveLibrary_d2728151:
# AkarshaT "Is that really necessary? It's not like I can help it!"
AkarshaT "Isso é realmente necessário? Não é minha culpa!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1550
translate brazilian_portuguese leaveLibrary_9b3ac1d0:
# AkarshaT "Here goes nothing! Sorry, librarian lady!"
AkarshaT "Aqui vamos nós! Desculpa bibliotecária!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1553
translate brazilian_portuguese leaveLibrary_77784f5f_1:
# "The book scanner alarms go off!" with sshake
"O alarme do scanner de livros começa a tocar!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1554
translate brazilian_portuguese leaveLibrary_ec0135c1:
# "The librarian leaves the counter and begins powerwalking at Min and Akarsha!"
"A bibliotecária sai do balcão e começa a andar rapidamente na direção de Min e Akarsha!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1556
translate brazilian_portuguese leaveLibrary_9ca3459f:
# Min "Oh crap!" with sshake
Min "Ah merda!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1559
translate brazilian_portuguese leaveLibrary_4a391afa:
# Akarsha "We are SPEED!!! RUN!!!" with sshake
Akarsha "Nós somos a VELOCIDADE!!! CORRE!!!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1564
translate brazilian_portuguese leaveLibrary_c3be00f6:
# "Akarsha and Min sprint out of the library in a panic."
"Akarsha e Min saem correndo da biblioteca em pânico."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1566
translate brazilian_portuguese leaveLibrary_cb5c6988:
# "As they escape, Akarsha trips over her own flip-flops."
"Enquanto elas fogem, Akarsha tropeça em seus chinelos."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1569
translate brazilian_portuguese leaveLibrary_106db544:
# Akarsha "AAUUGH!!" with sshake
Akarsha "AAUUGH!!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1572
translate brazilian_portuguese leaveLibrary_1c7c7458:
# "Akarsha throws her hands forward to break her fall onto the hard concrete."
"Akarsha joga suas mãos para frente para amortecer sua queda no concreto duro."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1574
translate brazilian_portuguese leaveLibrary_fbb805ca:
# Akarsha "MAMA MIA!! OW!!" with sshake
Akarsha "MAMA MIA!! AI!!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1575
translate brazilian_portuguese leaveLibrary_a9d9620e:
# Akarsha "This is SO typical! Why do these things always happen to me?"
Akarsha "Isso é TÃO típico! Por que essas coisas sempre acontecem comigo?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1578
translate brazilian_portuguese leaveLibrary_1018543f:
# Min "Shit, dude. You okay?"
Min "Merda, cara. Cê tá bem?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1579
translate brazilian_portuguese leaveLibrary_5324ffa8:
# "Akarsha stops sobbing for a second to assess the damage."
"Akarsha para de soluçar por um minuto para avaliar o estrago."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1581
translate brazilian_portuguese leaveLibrary_a5203a50:
# Akarsha "Oh. Actually, I'm fine."
Akarsha "Ah. Na verdade, estou bem."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1636
translate brazilian_portuguese lookLockerRoom_0e73fed3:
# AkarshaT "I don't have gym until later in the day. And the baseball club doesn't meet til after school."
AkarshaT "Eu só tenho educação física mais tarde. E o clube de baseball só se encontra depois da aula."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1638
translate brazilian_portuguese lookLockerRoom_85eb36d5:
# AkarshaT "By the way, our baseball team is called..."
AkarshaT "Inclusive, nosso time de baseball se chama..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1640
translate brazilian_portuguese lookLockerRoom_5cedd033:
# AkarshaT "{cps=0}By the way, our baseball team is called...{/cps}" nointeract
AkarshaT "{cps=0}Inclusive, nosso time de baseball se chama...{/cps}" nointeract
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1645
translate brazilian_portuguese lookLockerRoom_7af4c5fb:
# AkarshaT "That name was Diya's idea. We sound so friendly and tasty."
AkarshaT "Esse nome foi ideia da Diya. Nós achamos ele amigável e saboroso."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1650
translate brazilian_portuguese lookLockerRoom_7af4c5fb_1:
# AkarshaT "That name was Diya's idea. We sound so friendly and tasty."
AkarshaT "Esse nome foi ideia da Diya. Achamos ele amigável e saboroso."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1655
translate brazilian_portuguese lookLockerRoom_e796b9a4:
# AkarshaT "That name was Noelle's idea. I bet the more time passes, the scarier our team name will be."
AkarshaT "Esse nome foi ideia da Noelle. Aposto que quanto mais tempo passar, mais assustador o nome do nosso time será."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1659
translate brazilian_portuguese lookLockerRoom_cb10e227:
# AkarshaT "That name was Diya and Min's idea. Personally, I think it sounds pretty corny."
AkarshaT "Esse nome foi ideia da Min e da Diya. Pessoalmente, acho que soa bem brega."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1664
translate brazilian_portuguese lookLockerRoom_f4de7d44:
# AkarshaT "That name was my idea. I'm glad our team is so cultured."
AkarshaT "Esse nome foi minha ideia. Fico feliz que nosso time tenha tanta cultura."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1669
translate brazilian_portuguese lookLockerRoom_40c6037a:
# AkarshaT "Right now, I need to go to first period and terrorize Noelle."
AkarshaT "Agora, preciso ir pra primeira aula e aterrorizar Noelle."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1677
translate brazilian_portuguese bathroom_084db483:
# AkarshaT "Ah, the public school girls restroom. Possibly the most disgusting place on earth."
AkarshaT "Ah, o banheiro público feminino da escola. Possivelmente o lugar mais nojento da terra."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1684
translate brazilian_portuguese noLibrary_1b907331:
# Min "You're going back to the library? The alarms will go off again."
Min "Você vai voltar pra biblioteca? Os alarmes vão tocar de novo."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1686
translate brazilian_portuguese noLibrary_6a027f72:
# Akarsha "So? I'm nothing if not an agent of chaos."
Akarsha "E? Eu não sou nada além de uma agente do caos."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1687
translate brazilian_portuguese noLibrary_73a39d98:
# Akarsha "Ready or not, here I come!"
Akarsha "Prontos ou não, aqui vou eu!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1692
translate brazilian_portuguese noLibrary_596b6728:
# "The book scanner alarms sound as Akarsha and Min reenter the libary."
"O alarme do scanner de livros toca enquanto Akarsha e Min entram novamente na biblioteca."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1694
translate brazilian_portuguese noLibrary_5d206dcc:
# AkarshaT "Sounds like the library ghosts haunting me are alive and well."
AkarshaT "Parece que os fantasmas da biblioteca que estão me assombrando estão vivos e bem."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1699
translate brazilian_portuguese noLibrary_c7ac8d7a:
# Min "Again? You're kidding."
Min "De novo? Você tá brincando."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1701
translate brazilian_portuguese noLibrary_754acafd:
# Akarsha "I've never been more serious in my life."
Akarsha "Nunca estive mais séria na minha vida."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1707
translate brazilian_portuguese noLibrary_124b1f30:
# "The blare of the book scanner alarm announces Akarsha and Min's return to the library."
"O toque do alarme do scanner de livros anuncia o retorno de Akarsha e Min à biblioteca."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1708
translate brazilian_portuguese noLibrary_9566aadf:
# "The librarian looks up, sees that it's Akarsha yet again, and slams her fist onto the countertop with surprising force."
"A biblioteca olha pra cima, vê que é Akarsha novamente, e bate o punho no balcão com uma força surpreendente."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1710
translate brazilian_portuguese noLibrary_2c7ff487:
# Min "Oh, that librarian is definitely pissed now."
Min "Ah, a bibliotecária tá realmente puta agora."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1715
translate brazilian_portuguese noLibrary_907ac1be:
# AkarshaT "My life will probably be in danger if I go back again."
AkarshaT "Minha vida possivelmente estará em perigo se eu voltar de novo."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1716
translate brazilian_portuguese noLibrary_f530d61a:
# AkarshaT "Maybe tomorrow."
AkarshaT "Talvez amanhã."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1752
translate brazilian_portuguese minLeaves_b82cc7bd:
# Akarsha "Aight, imma head to class now."
Akarsha "Beleza, vou pra aula agora."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1755
translate brazilian_portuguese minLeaves_7efdbfd4:
# Min "Adios, bitch."
Min "Adios, vadia."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1758
translate brazilian_portuguese minLeaves_ef146a68:
# AkarshaT "She's probably gonna go find Diya now."
AkarshaT "Ela possivelmente vai encontrar Diya agora."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1760
translate brazilian_portuguese minLeaves_984eaaa4:
# AkarshaT "I feel like she's chilled out a lot since they started dating."
AkarshaT "Eu sinto que ela tá bem mais calma desde que ela e a Diya começaram a namorar."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1761
translate brazilian_portuguese minLeaves_14a923b0:
# AkarshaT "I guess knifing people is less exciting than kissing your girlfriend."
AkarshaT "Acho que esfaquear pessoas é bem menos divertido do que beijar sua namorada."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1810
translate brazilian_portuguese reflection_449d8bf0:
# AkarshaT "How is it that everyone else has bomb-ass hair while mine's all sad and thin?"
AkarshaT "Como que todos tem cabelos tão legais enquanto o meu é todo fino e triste?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1811
translate brazilian_portuguese reflection_3e5b6e66:
# AkarshaT "What happened??? Gene catastrophe..."
AkarshaT "O que aconteceu??? Catástrofe genética..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1814
translate brazilian_portuguese reflection_8383e575:
# AkarshaT "The other day I saw my side profile in a photo and was like, \"wugh!\""
AkarshaT "O outro dia eu vi meu rosto de lado e eu fiquei tipo, \"wugh!\""
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1815
translate brazilian_portuguese reflection_66b48fe9:
# AkarshaT "I really go around looking like that all day?"
AkarshaT "Eu realmente passo o dia inteiro desse jeito?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1816
translate brazilian_portuguese reflection_d0d5949c:
# AkarshaT "Wish I could get plastic surgery..."
AkarshaT "Queria que eu pudesse fazer cirurgia plástica..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1819
translate brazilian_portuguese reflection_8c3b4e81:
# AkarshaT "Dat me."
AkarshaT "Sou eu."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1826
translate brazilian_portuguese eavesdrop_8aa96022:
# NPC "I hate how my parents yell at me for studying late at night."
NPC "Eu odeio como meus pais brigam comigo por estudar à noite."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1827
translate brazilian_portuguese eavesdrop_10640260:
# NPC "If I slept early instead of cramming, I'd probably fail! And then I'd get yelled at for not studying."
NPC "Se eu dormisse cedo em vez de estudar, eu provavelmente iria repetir! E então gritariam comigo por não estudar."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1828
translate brazilian_portuguese eavesdrop_68fb5019:
# NPC2 "Ugh! That's so gay."
NPC2 "Ugh! Isso é tão gay."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1830
translate brazilian_portuguese eavesdrop_13f73749:
# AkarshaT "At our school, it's really popular to say \"gay\" when you mean \"stupid\" or \"uncool\"."
AkarshaT "Na nossa escola, é bem popular dizer \"gay\" quando você quer dizer \"estúpido\" ou \"não legal\"."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1831
translate brazilian_portuguese eavesdrop_66cc766d:
# AkarshaT "So you hear it all the time. Whenever people don't like something, they go \"that's so gay.\""
AkarshaT "Então é bem comum ouvir isso. Quando as pessoas não gostam de algo, elas dizem \"isso é muito gay.\""
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1839
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_0422fa01:
# AkarshaT "Noelle and Diya aren't here yet."
AkarshaT "Noelle e Diya não estão aqui por enquanto."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1840
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_6cc4b96f:
# AkarshaT "I managed to set up a special surprise the other day. Hopefully everything's still in place."
AkarshaT "Eu arrumei uma surpresinha especial no outro dia. Espero que tudo ainda esteja em ordem."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1843
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_e60dfba0:
# "A few minutes later, Akarsha looks through the window. Outside, Noelle and Diya are approaching the classroom."
"Alguns minutos depois, Akarsha olha pela janela. Lá fora, Akarsha e Diya se aproximam da sala."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1845
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_2ca93b2b:
# AkarshaT "Yes...Come, my here, my sweet..."
AkarshaT "Sim...Venha, venha minha querida..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1850
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_4aac2b36:
# "Suddenly, a water bottle whizzes through the open door and hits the floor with a loud smack!"
"De repente, uma garrafa de água passa zunindo pela porta aberta e cai no chão com um estrondo!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1851
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_f33054b2:
# "It rolls across the classroom until it hits the wall."
"Ela rola pela sala até que ela bate na parede."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1853
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_205db760:
# Akarsha "Uh?!"
Akarsha "Uh?!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1856
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_ff0c9ffd:
# Noelle "So it's not saran wrap today..."
Noelle "Então não é filme plástico hoje..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1857
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_f6aae711:
# "Noelle peers suspiciously into the classroom from the doorway. She experimentally reaches one hand inside and feels along the doorframe, apparently searching for abnormalities."
"Noelle espia desconfiada para a sala de aula, da porta. Ela experimentalmente enfiar uma mão dentro e tateia ao longo do batente da porta, aparentemente procurando por anormalidades."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1859
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_28da2846:
# Akarsha "What's wrong, Frenchman? Afraid to come in?"
Akarsha "O que foi, Francesa? Tá com medo de entrar?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1862
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_a215863a:
# Noelle "What did you do this time?"
Noelle "O que você fez dessa vez?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1864
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_79fa1a83:
# Akarsha "What makes you think I did anything?"
Akarsha "O que faz você pensar que eu fiz algo?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1867
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_bb4bfbb2:
# Diya "Maybe the fact that you've done something every morning this month."
Diya "Talvez o fato de você ter feito algo toda manhã desse mês."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1869
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_b9979491:
# Akarsha "Two against one! Cheater! Cheater!!" with sshake
Akarsha "Duas contra uma! Ladra! Ladra!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1872
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_8516b24b:
# Noelle "That's what you get! You worthless pest!"
Noelle "Você merece! Sua peste sem valor!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1874
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_3192a8d1:
# "Diya retrieves the sacrificial water bottle."
"Diya pega de volta a garrafa d'água de sacrifício."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1875
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_a286302e:
# "Meanwhile, Noelle haltingly walks to her desk with an arm outstretched ahead of her, bracing for all manner of assault, whether it be liquid, solid, gaseous, or psychological in form."
"Enquanto isso, Noelle caminha hesitantemente até sua mesa com um braço estendido à sua frente, preparando-se para todo tipo de ataque, seja líquido, sólido, gasoso ou psicológico."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1876
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_5b0540bc:
# "After thoroughly inspecting her desk, she apprehensively sits."
"Após inspecionar sua mesa cuidadosamente, ela se senta de forma apreensiva."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1878
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_7cb501c7:
# Noelle "....."
Noelle "....."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1880
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_079b08de:
# Akarsha "....."
Akarsha "....."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1883
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_3a9bb13e:
# "After a few tense seconds, Noelle seems satisfied that the act of sitting down didn't trigger anything."
"Depois de alguns segundos de tensão, Noelle se sente satisfeita com o ato de se sentar não ter ativado nada."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1885
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_ca0e3721:
# "Breathing a sigh a relief, she hefts a bulky laptop from her messenger bag."
"Com um suspiro de alívio, ela pega um laptop volumoso de sua bolsa."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1887
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_c1532ca6:
# AkarshaT "Yes! She didn't notice the extra wireless mouse USB I plugged into her computer last Friday."
AkarshaT "Isso! Ela não notou o mouse sem fio USB extra que conectei em seu computador na última sexta-feira."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1888
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_03319502:
# AkarshaT "I have the mouse hidden in my pocket."
AkarshaT "Eu tenho o mouse escondido no meu bolso."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1890
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_6fc9b2ce:
# "Diya takes a thin plastic folder from her backpack and flops it back and forth so it makes a wopwopwopwop sound."
"Diya pega uma pasta de plástico fina de sua mochila e a joga para frente e para trás, fazendo um som de wopwopwopwop."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1892
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_6e8840cd:
# Diya "............"
Diya "............"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1894
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_1d1e4040:
# Diya "Did you work on the PowerPoint?"
Diya "Você trabalhou no PowerPoint?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1896
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_8fef91cb:
# Noelle "I added a slide on sharks and dolphins as another example of convergent evolution."
Noelle "Eu adicionei um slide sobre tubarões e golfinhos como outro exemplo de evolução convergente."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1898
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_a701e9b0:
# "Noelle scrolls to the slide in question. It's a solid wall of text with no images."
"Noelle roda para o slide em questão. É um slide inteiro de texto, sem imagens."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1900
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_433298f9:
# AkarshaT "This is gonna put everyone to sleep!" with sshake
AkarshaT "Isso vai fazer todo mundo dormir!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1902
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_05d11a96:
# AkarshaT "Noelle's so confident that she's good at public speaking, but she has zero charisma or self-awareness."
AkarshaT "Noelle é tão confiante que ela é boa em falar público, mas ela não tem nenhum carisma ou autoconsciência."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1903
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_0c42e2b0:
# AkarshaT "She just drones on and on forever, oblivious that she lost the audience ten minutes ago."
AkarshaT "Ela apenas fala sem parar, sem saber que perdeu o público à dez minutos atrás."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1904
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_aa8d9e0a:
# AkarshaT "I love her..."
AkarshaT "Eu amo ela..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1907
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_96199214:
# Diya "Wait. I already made a slide about that. Swimming."
Diya "Espera. Eu já fiz um slide sobre isso. Nadar."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1908
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_31d17409:
# "Diya scrolls to the previous slide."
"Diya roda para o slide anterior."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1909
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_171f9d94:
# "It features a photo of dozens of fish and dolphins swimming in the ocean, cryptically captioned \"Good shape\"."
"Ele apresenta uma foto de dezenas de peixes e golfinhos nadando no oceano, com a legenda \"Boa forma\"."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1911
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_3910690d:
# AkarshaT "Good shape..."
AkarshaT "Boa forma..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1914
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_7ff6debf:
# Noelle "I hate to break this to you, Diya, but literally no one but you is going to understand this."
Noelle "Eu odeio ter que te falar isso, Diya, mas ninguém além de você vai entender isso."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1916
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_38127587:
# AkarshaT "Neither of them are paying attention to me right now. Time to shine."
AkarshaT "Nenhuma das duas está prestando atenção em mim agora. Minha hora de brilhar."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1921
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_5b55ce9e:
# "Akarsha jiggles the mouse in her pocket as Noelle tries to edit the slide."
"Akarsha sacode o mouse em seu bolso enquanto Noelle tenta editar o slide."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1923
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_320efa19:
# Noelle "........"
Noelle "........"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1925
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_9ca460a6:
# Diya "What was that?"
Diya "O que foi isso?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1927
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_d6f7de1a:
# Akarsha "What was what?"
Akarsha "O que foi isso?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1930
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_7fcafa01:
# Noelle "Didn't you see it? The cursor just jerked on its own."
Noelle "Vocês não viram? O cursor se mexeu sozinho."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1932
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_43192074:
# Akarsha "Maybe it's lag?"
Akarsha "Talvez seja um lag?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1934
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_1b37d396:
# Akarsha "I bet it's 'cause you typed too many words on one slide."
Akarsha "Aposto que é porque você digitou muitas palavras em um slide só."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1935
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_de12e604:
# Akarsha "Even Bill Gates didn't see this coming."
Akarsha "Nem o Bill Gates previu essa."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1938
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_bfc3fcab:
# Noelle "That can't be it. I've fit more words than this on one slide before."
Noelle "Não pode ser. Eu já escrevi mais palavras num slide do que nesse."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1940
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_b87430c1:
# Diya "...You have?"
Diya "...Sério?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1942
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_9d9cb269:
# "Noelle moves the mouse again. This time Akarsha does nothing."
"Noelle move o mouse de novo. Dessa vez Akarsha não faz nada."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1944
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_f85c2ba7:
# Akarsha "Looks fine to me."
Akarsha "Parece normal pra mim."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1947
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_02bf7d15:
# Noelle "How strange..."
Noelle "Que estranho..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1949
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_c5d12d80:
# "While Noelle is busy typing an essay-length caption, Akarsha clicks another textbox so she's editing the wrong part of the slide."
"Enquanto Noelle está ocupada digitando uma legenda do tamanho de uma redação, Akarsha clica em outra caixa de texto, fazendo ela editar a parte errada do slide."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1952
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_5ae75f68:
# "Akarsha swiftly moves the cursor to the X button and closes the document."
"Akarsha cuidadosamente move o cursor para o botão de X e fecha o documento."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1954
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_a41d9ab0:
# Noelle "........."
Noelle "........."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1956
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_e88d1310:
# Noelle "What was that?"
Noelle "O que foi isso?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1958
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_c3d98c71:
# Diya "Think it crashed."
Diya "Acho que crashou."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1960
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_d5dbe4d9:
# Akarsha "I bet it's 'cause you typed too many words on one slide, Noelle."
Akarsha "Aposto que é porque você digitou muitas palavras em um slide só, Noelle."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1961
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_de12e604_1:
# Akarsha "Even Bill Gates didn't see this coming."
Akarsha "Nem o Bill Gates previu essa."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1964
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_1f82eb38:
# "Noelle re-opens PowerPoint and squints suspiciously at the slide in question."
"Noelle reabre o PowerPoint e aperta os olhos com desconfiança para o slide em questão."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1966
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_bfc3fcab_1:
# Noelle "That can't be it. I've fit more words than this on one slide before."
Noelle "Não pode ser. Eu já escrevi mais palavras num slide do que nesse."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1968
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_b87430c1_1:
# Diya "...You have?"
Diya "...Sério?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1970
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_3bcd5c4c:
# Noelle "Good thing we just saved. We didn't lose any significant progress."
Noelle "Ainda bem que nós tínhamos acabado de salvar. Não perdemos nenhum progresso significante."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1971
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_47d9d161:
# "While Noelle is busy typing an essay-length caption, Akarsha quickly closes the program again."
"Enquanto Noelle está ocupada digitando uma legenda do tamanho de uma redação, Akarsha rapidamente fecha o programa de novo."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1974
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_4a0e45f0:
# Diya "??!" with sshake
Diya "??!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1977
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_07bf97c1:
# Noelle "SEE, THERE IT IS AGAIN! WHAT IS GOING ON?!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1979
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_4951309a:
# Akarsha "You've been hacked, Noelle!"
Akarsha "Você foi hackeada, Noelle!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1980
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_177fe19a:
# Akarsha "Don't tell me...You fell for those pop-ups advertising hot single ladies in your area?!"
Akarsha "Não me diga...Você caiu naqueles pop-ups anunciando mulheres gatas e solteiras na sua região?!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1983
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_e254c7d0:
# Noelle "As if! Look, it's moving on its own again!"
Noelle "Até parece! Olha, ele está se movendo sozinho de novo!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1984
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_520ba0ce:
# "Noelle clenches her mouse harder, as if that'll help her regain control of the rogue cursor."
"Noelle aperta o mouse com mais força, como se isso fosse ajudá-la a recuperar o controle do cursor rebelde."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1985
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_8d4df3d7:
# "Akarsha makes it drift toward the Control Panel..."
"Akarsha faz ele se mexer até o Painel de Controle..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1987
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_231e821a:
# AkarshaT "Heheheh..."
AkarshaT "Heheheh..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1990
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_96b04fa2:
# "Akarsha wiggles the mouse in her pocket. Diya's eyes flicker to the movement of fabric on Akarsha's windbreaker."
"Akarsha mexe o mouse no bolso. Os olhos de Diya notam o movimento do tecido no moletom de Akarsha."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1992
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_58f85320:
# Diya "......"
Diya "......"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1994
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_b60fd453:
# AkarshaT "Oh shit! Oh no!!!" with sshake
AkarshaT "Ah merda! Ah não!!!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1996
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_6a90bbf3:
# "Diya grabs Akarsha's wrist and yanks it out of the pocket, revealing the wireless mouse in her hand."
"Diya agarra o pulso de Akarsha e o arranca de seu bolso, revelando o mouse sem fio em sua mão."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1999
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_8f687294:
# Noelle "It was yoOOOUU!!!" with sshake
Noelle "Era vocêêÊÊÊ!!!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2001
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_5192cf78:
# Akarsha "Wait, I just happened to have a mouse in my pocket! There's no proof this is connected at all!"
Akarsha "Espere, aconteceu de eu ter um mouse no meu bolso! Não há nenhuma prova de que isso esteja conectado!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2004
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_4943807b:
# "Diya wrenches the mouse from Akarsha's hand, but not before Akarsha uses her precious final moments to click on the Control Panel and change the mouse speed to the slowest setting."
"Diya arranca o mouse da mão de Akarsha, mas não antes de ela usar seus preciosos momentos finais para clicar no Painel de Controle e mudar a velocidade do mouse para a mais lenta possível."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2006
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_b8780fd8:
# Noelle "Pathetic. I can revert your changes within moments."
Noelle "Patético. Posso reverter suas alterações em instantes."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2008
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_c21059a2:
# Akarsha "You sure about that? Why don't you go ahead and try it?"
Akarsha "Você tem certeza disso? Por que não vai em frente e tenta?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2011
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_26c68486:
# "Noelle tries to navigate back to the Control Panel. The cursor inches across the screen so slowly, the movement is barely perceptible..."
"Noelle tenta navegar de volta ao Painel de Controle. O cursor avança pela tela tão lentamente, que o movimento é quase imperceptível..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2014
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_323c9b15:
# Noelle "AKARSHAAAAAAAA!!!" with sshake
Noelle "AKARSHAAAAAAAA!!!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2018
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_9c25b8d0:
# "The bell rings! This concludes Noelle and Akarsha's daily morning scream fest."
"O sinal toca! Isso termina o festival de gritos diário de Akarsha e Noelle."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2019
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_8ebf669b:
# "Once everyone is seated, the morning announcements play over the intercom."
"Assim que todos estão sentados, os anúncios diários tocam pelo interfone."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2022
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_88d9b479:
# NPC "The first practice session for Senior Bhangra is today after school in the gym. Don't forget your t-shirt order forms."
NPC "A primeira sessão de prática para o Bhangra do terceirão é hoje depois da escola no ginásio. Não se esqueça dos formulários de pedidos de camisetas."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2024
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_b7ebec79:
# AkarshaT "Our school has this tradition where the seniors do a bhangra dance at the end of Multicultural Week."
AkarshaT "Nossa escola tem essa tradição em que o terceirão faz uma dança bhangra no final da Semana Multicultural."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2025
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_7f35a1fa:
# AkarshaT "Guess that means we'll get to see Chryssa and Liz dance."
AkarshaT "Acho que isso quer dizer que vamos ver Chryssa e Liz dançarem."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2031
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_be36b530:
# NPC "The Japan Club's first meeting is today after school in N6."
NPC "A primeira reunião do Clube Japonês é hoje depois da escola no N6."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2032
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_cf2a1758:
# NPC "Unlike the Anime Club, besides discussing anime, we ALSO eat Japanese snacks and learn Japanese manners and language."
NPC "Diferentemente do Clube de Anime, além de discutirmos animes, nós TAMBÉM comemos lanches japoneses e aprendemos sobre as tradições e língua japonesa."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2034
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_ef132c1f:
# AkarshaT "That doesn't sound like that significant of a difference..."
AkarshaT "Isso não parece ser uma mudança significativa..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2035
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_ff45d2e0:
# AkarshaT "Our school may not have a football or baseball team anymore, but it does have hella new clubs popping up all the time."
AkarshaT "Nossa escola pode não ter mais o clube de futebol americano, ou o de baseball, mas tem um monte de clubes novos aparecendo o tempo todo."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2036
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_e0115e41:
# AkarshaT "It's 'cause everyone wants to be able to put \"founder and president\" on their college apps."
AkarshaT "É mais porque todos queriam por o \"fundador e presidente\" nas suas aplicações pra faculdade."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2038
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_4b84d250:
# AkarshaT "Come to think of it...Didn't Chryssa and Liz start the baseball club during application season?"
AkarshaT "Parando pra pensar...A Chryssa e a Liz não começaram o clube de baseball bem na época das aplicações?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2040
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_22e2f25c:
# AkarshaT "No way..."
AkarshaT "Nem ferrando..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2042
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_b9915e92:
# AkarshaT "Well, good for them. Even if they had ulterior motives, it's been fun."
AkarshaT "Bem, bom para elas. Mesmo que tivessem segundas intenções, foi divertido."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2044
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_c71f63e3:
# NPC "This Valentine's Day, the Muslim Student Association is kicking off their annual rose fundraiser."
NPC "Neste Dia dos Namorados, a Associação de Estudantes Muçulmanos está iniciando sua arrecadação anual de fundos para rosas."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2045
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_f59fb956:
# NPC "For $5, we'll deliver a rose to your special someone with a message of your choice."
NPC "Por $5, nós vamos entregar uma rosa para seu alguém especial com uma mensagem de sua escolha."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2046
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_c84dc711:
# NPC "You can even make it a bouquet for $20. Order forms will be distributed in 3rd period today."
NPC "Você pode inclusive fazer um buquê por $20. Formulários de pedido serão entregues hoje no terceiro período."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2048
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_7bef3f84:
# AkarshaT "Hah, like anybody's getting me one of those..."
AkarshaT "Ha, como se algúem fosse comprar um desses pra mim..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2050
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_cafc5abf:
# "Akarsha surreptiously glances at Noelle, who's sitting beside her."
"Akarsha olha discretamente para Noelle, que está sentada ao lado dela."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2052
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_c6fccc94:
# "To her surprise, Noelle is listening to the intercom as intently as if she were being graded on it."
"Para sua surpresa, Noelle está ouvindo o interfone tão atentamente como se ela estivesse sendo avaliada por isso."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2054
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_18bb8955:
# AkarshaT "Wait, maybe this is my chance!"
AkarshaT "Espera, essa é minha chance!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2055
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_ef09f05a:
# AkarshaT "I should act {i}really{/i} pitifully down about being single and drop hints that getting a rose would make me happy."
AkarshaT "Eu deveria agir {i}bem{/i} triste e lamentável sobre ser solteira, e deixar pistas que ganhar uma rosa me faria muito feliz."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2056
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_78478c8e:
# AkarshaT "After seeing the love of her life (me) in such a miserable state, Noelle will feel guilty that she hasnt gotten me one!"
AkarshaT "Depois de ver o amor da sua vida (eu) num estado tão miserável, a Noelle vai se sentir culpada por não ter me dado uma rosa!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2058
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_b98b5e2e:
# "Akarsha sighs heavily and slumps in her desk."
"Akarsha suspira pesadamente e cai em sua mesa."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2061
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_9abcface:
# Noelle "What's the matter with you?"
Noelle "O que houve com você?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2063
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_464d72c6:
# Akarsha "I always feel the the worst about being single on holidays where I have no one to celebrate with."
Akarsha "Sempre me sinto mal por estar solteira nos feriados em que não tenho com quem comemorar."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2064
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_b48fabaa:
# Akarsha "Like, Valentine's Day is supposed to be the happiest, most romantic time of the year, but it just reminds me of how no one's ever loved me..."
Akarsha "Tipo, o Dia dos Namorados deveria ser o dia mais feliz e romântico do ano, mas só me lembra como ninguém nunca me amou..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2065
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_9095d2b2:
# Akarsha "I bet Diya's getting roses this year. Must be nice..."
Akarsha "Tenho certeza que a Diya vai ganhar rosas esse ano. Deve ser legal..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2068
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_e6e396e4:
# Noelle "What is there to envy? Flowers serve no practical purpose."
Noelle "O que tem a se invejar? Flores não tem nenhum propósito prático."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2069
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_9062dddf:
# Noelle "They wither up within days and wind up in the garbage. What a waste of money."
Noelle "Ou elas morrem em dias ou acabam na lixeira. Que desperdício de dinheiro."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2071
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_453b6b38:
# AkarshaT "Of course you would think so, you uptight spoilsport..."
AkarshaT "É óbvio que você pensaria isso, sua certinha estraga-prazeres..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2073
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_c67395a6:
# Akarsha "It's the thought that counts, though."
Akarsha "Bem, o que vale é a intenção."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2074
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_a74f23fa:
# Akarsha "I, personally, wish someone would send me a rose..."
Akarsha "Eu, pessoalmente, adoraria que alguém me desse rosas..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2077
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_317f7c2b:
# Noelle "Heh..."
Noelle "Heh..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2079
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_2d688340:
# Akarsha "What? Did I say something funny?"
Akarsha "O que foi? Eu falei algo engraçado?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2083
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_d2ea13d6:
# Noelle "Not at all."
Noelle "Não, não."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2085
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_b04b2fbc:
# "Noelle goes back to reading her metamathematics puzzle book."
"Noelle volta a ler seu livro de desafios de meta-matemática."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2087
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_53eebf77:
# AkarshaT "Hm. So that didn't go as expected..."
AkarshaT "Hm. Não foi como esperado..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2090
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_a53b8e22:
# AkarshaT "Time to revisit my tactics. Improvise. Adapt. Overcome."
AkarshaT "Hora de rever minhas táticas. Improvisar. Adaptar. Superar."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2093
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_c528e6d5:
# "After the day's usual math lesson, the teacher brings out a stack of test papers."
"Depois da aula de matemática diária, a professora traz uma pilha de folhas de provas."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2095
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_e2e84762:
# NPC "Alright everyone, clear your desks."
NPC "Ok turma, esvaziem suas mesas."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2097
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_3b71d0de:
# Diya "!"
Diya "!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2100
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_8d8f54a7:
# Akarsha "Aw, what, a pop quiz?"
Akarsha "Ah, poxa, uma prova surpresa?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2102
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_9b119156:
# NPC "You know, I should've done that. But no, it's just a CAML today."
NPC "Sabe, eu deveria ter feito isso. Mas não é só um CAML hoje."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2104
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_8e79f867:
# AkarshaT "Oh, thank god."
AkarshaT "Ah, graças a deus."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2105
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_191ff62d:
# AkarshaT "The CAMLs are these Math League contests we do every few months."
AkarshaT "As CAMLs são essas competições da Liga de Matemática que fazemos a cada tantos meses."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2106
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_b68adf7e:
# AkarshaT "They're 30-minute tests consisting of weird problems that don't have much to do with our current course material."
AkarshaT "São provas de 30 minutos que consistem de problemas estranhos que não tem muito a ver com a matéria que estamos vendo."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2107
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_9e938f2c:
# AkarshaT "It's just for fun, so they don't affect our grades or anything."
AkarshaT "São só pela diversão, então não afetam nossas provas nem nada."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2110
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_9de1f04a:
# "Akarsha scans the 6 problems on her test."
"Akarsha olha os 6 problemas na prova dela."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2112
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_38e0597a:
# AkarshaT "Usually three of the problems are freebies you'll get right if you have a brain."
AkarshaT "Normalmente pelo menos 3 desses problemas são uns \"gratuitos\" que você acerta se você tiver um cérebro."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2113
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_d5338a19:
# AkarshaT "And then there's two you have to think about, and one hella tough one."
AkarshaT "Então tem dois que você realmente tem que pensar, e um muito difícil."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2114
translate brazilian_portuguese enterClass_19131eac:
# AkarshaT "Better get to work..."
AkarshaT "Melhor eu começar..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2125
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_7c9aa6b8:
# "On the way to lunch, Akarsha, Noelle, and Diya check notes on their answers."
"No caminho para o almoço, Akarsha, Noelle e Diya verificam suas anotações das suas respostas."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2128
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_24ea0491:
# Noelle "What did you all get on the last question?"
Noelle "O que vocês acharam na última questão?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2129
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_15019b05:
# Noelle "The one about the diagonal passing through the 2012 x 2015 unit grid."
Noelle "Aquela sobre uma diagonal passando por uma grade de 2012 x 2015 unidades."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2131
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_072b652f:
# Diya "I drew the whole grid the best I could. Guessed 3800 based on that."
Diya "Eu desenhei a malha inteira o melhor que eu consegui. Chutei 3800 baseado nisso."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2134
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_e2e1a16d:
# "Aghast, Noelle drops her lunchbox as she pulls it from her locker, but Diya manages to catch it before it hits the ground."
"Surpresa, Noelle deixa cair sua lancheira ao puxá-la de seu armário, mas Diya consegue pegá-la antes que ela caia no chão."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2137
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_f2411a7e:
# Noelle "You DREW the grid?! There were thousands of units on each side!" with sshake
Noelle "Você DESENHOU a grade?! Tinha milhares de unidades em cada lado!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2139
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_478831a3:
# Diya "Only roughly. I was running out of time."
Diya "Apenas aproximadamente. Eu estava ficando sem tempo."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2141
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_4401decd:
# Diya "Had one minute left and didn't know where to start."
Diya "Eu tinha um minuto sobrando e não sabia onde começar."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2143
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_8c92c322:
# Akarsha "The answer was 4026, right?"
Akarsha "A resposta era 4026, não?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2144
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_99368bea:
# Akarsha "The diagonal goes through the first square at (0,0), and then another 2014 squares horizontally and 2011 squares vertically."
Akarsha "A diagonal ia pelo primeiro quadrado na coordenada (0,0) e depois por mais 2014 quadrados horizontalmente e 2011 quadrados verticalmente."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2147
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_cae22d3a:
# Noelle "That's what I got too!"
Noelle "Foi o que eu achei também!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2149
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_ee3280f5:
# Akarsha "Yes! If {i}you{/i} got that, it's gotta be right."
Akarsha "Isso! Se {i}você{/i} achou isso, tem que estar certo."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2152
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_1716c340:
# "Min gives them a weird look as she joins them."
"Min dá um olhar estranho pra elas quando se junta ao grupo."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2154
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_2cadbb36:
# Min "The fuck's wrong with you...How excited can you get over a math problem?"
Min "Que porra tem de errado com vocês...Quão feliz vocês conseguem ficar por um problema de matemática?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2156
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_f6750dcd:
# Akarsha "Clearly you've never known the high of finding out you got the same answer as the smartest kid in the class."
Akarsha "Claramente você nunca sentiu a felicidade de descobrir que achou a mesma resposta que a pessoa mais inteligente da sala."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2159
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_c4416f5a:
# "Noelle preens a little at the compliment."
"Noelle se envaidece um pouco com o elogio."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2160
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_aa1e598c:
# Noelle "That's an exaggeration."
Noelle "Isso é um exagero."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2162
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_6505de42:
# Diya "No, it's not."
Diya "Não, não é."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2163
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_58714698:
# Diya "No one else in our class got all six right last time."
Diya "Ninguém na nossa turma acertou as seis questões na última vez."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2165
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_0699e4d5:
# Akarsha "Wait, you got all six?!"
Akarsha "Espera, você acertou as seis?!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2166
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_d9fe49c8:
# Akarsha "Don't they publish your name on a list or something online when that happens?"
Akarsha "Eles não publicam seu nome numa lista ou algo assim online quando isso acontece?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2169
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_89bece13:
# Noelle "They do."
Noelle "Eles fazem isso."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2171
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_c53ddf8d:
# Akarsha "Dude, that's so impressive. The most I've ever managed was five."
Akarsha "Cara, isso é impressionante. O máximo que eu já consegui foi cinco."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2174
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_46a539b6:
# Noelle "Five is still perfectly respectable, though."
Noelle "Mas cinco também é perfeitamente respeitável."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2175
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_34642e66:
# Noelle "It means you're better at math than the vast majority of high schoolers. And that's including all the way up to grade twelve, not just our grade."
Noelle "Quer dizer que você é melhor que a maioria dos alunos de ensino médio em matemática. Isso inclui até o terceirão, não só o nosso ano."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2177
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_a76d6fad:
# Akarsha "Yeah, I guess so..."
Akarsha "É, acho que sim..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2179
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_bcbac494:
# AkarshaT "It's seriously amazing that she's basically one of the smartest kids in the whole state."
AkarshaT "É realmente incrível que ela é basicamente uma das estudantes mais inteligentes de todo o estado."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2180
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_020e483d:
# AkarshaT "We're so different, but at the same time there's so many ways we're alike??"
AkarshaT "A gente é tão diferente, mas ao mesmo tempo tem tantas coisas que a gente se parece??"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2181
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_3ceeef09:
# AkarshaT "We're so compatible with each other...We're so perfect for each other..."
AkarshaT "A gente é tão compatível... Somos perfeitas uma pra outra..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2185
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_38ac0506:
# "Min holds a door open for Diya as they walk over to their usual table."
"Min segura a porta para Diya passar enquanto elas caminham na direção de sua mesa de sempre."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2189
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_bcc9caf2:
# Min "After you, princess."
Min "Depois de você, princesa."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2191
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_35d02abf:
# Diya "Thanks..."
Diya "Obrigada..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2194
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_f4ec5db7:
# AkarshaT "Hmm...Min always treats Diya like this even though Diya's strong enough to just smash a hole through the wall like the Kool-Aid Man."
AkarshaT "Hmm... Min sempre trata a Diya assim mesmo que a Diya seja forte o suficiente pra dar um soco atravessando a parede, que nem o Kool-Aid Man."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2197
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_94039918:
# AkarshaT "I guess Diya finds it romantic that Min is protective of her and stuff?"
AkarshaT "Eu acho que a Diya deve achar romântico que a Min seja protetora com ela ou algo assim?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2201
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_29c28bd5:
# AkarshaT "Maybe if I try a move like that, Noelle'll fall for me!"
AkarshaT "Talvez se eu tentar algo assim, a Noelle vai se apaixonar por mim!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2205
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_99efb999:
# "Once they've sat down, Noelle struggles to open her water bottle."
"Após elas se sentarem, Noelle tem dificuldades em abrir sua garrafa da água."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2207
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_48ba9bfe:
# Noelle "Ugh!" with sshake
Noelle "Ugh!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2210
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_e3cd6245:
# AkarshaT "Diya must not have opened it for her like usual this morning! This is my chance!"
AkarshaT "Diya normalmente faz isso, porém ela ainda não abriu! Essa é minha chance!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2213
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_c84f1211:
# Akarsha "Here, I got this babe."
Akarsha "Aqui, deixa que eu cuido disso linda."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2215
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_6b20a26c:
# "Akarsha snatches the bottle away from Noelle and tries to open it."
"Akarsha arranca a garrafa da mão de Noelle e tenta abrir."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2218
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_8df7ba92:
# Akarsha "*grunts* Nrg! Shit!" with sshake
Akarsha "*grunhidos* Nrg! Merda!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2220
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_ad16aeec:
# AkarshaT "Urk! This is surprisingly hard!"
AkarshaT "Urk! Isso é surpreendentemente difícil!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2223
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_f81e7602:
# Noelle "And they say chivalry is dead."
Noelle "E ainda dizem que o cavalheirismo está morto."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2226
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_61fd0b77:
# Noelle "You disgust me."
Noelle "Você me dá nojo."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2229
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_b8b94652:
# Akarsha "Whuh?! I was just tryin' to help!" with sshake
Akarsha "Whuh?! Eu só estava tentando ajudar!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2232
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_288bdbe9:
# Noelle "You were smirking condescendingly as you took the bottle from me!"
Noelle "Você estava sorrindo de forma arrogante enquanto pegava a garrafa de mim!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2235
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_2e1e23c6:
# Akarsha "Was not!"
Akarsha "Não estava!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2238
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_8cfa65ca:
# Diya "Was too. You were smiling weird."
Diya "Estava sim. Você estava sorrindo esquisito."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2241
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_56a8d058:
# Akarsha "Wha...was I?!"
Akarsha "Qu...eu estava?!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2243
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_f2d68ebe:
# "Noelle hands the water bottle to Diya with a huff."
"Noelle dá a garrafa de água para Diya com um suspiro."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2245
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_4dff044a:
# AkarshaT "Okay, that could've gone better."
AkarshaT "Okay, isso poderia ter sido melhor."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2247
translate brazilian_portuguese lunch_bc4bbe0d:
# AkarshaT "Luckily, I've got one last trick up my sleeve."
AkarshaT "Felizmente, eu tenho um último truque em minhas mangas."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2252
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_3a869810:
# "Before fifth period begins, Akarsha schemes at her desk."
"Antes do quinto período começar, Akarsha faz planos em sua mesa."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2254
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_77b3c7e3:
# AkarshaT "Acting sad 'cause no one was into me didn't work, so I should try the opposite tactic."
AkarshaT "Agir de forma triste porque ninguém gosta de mim não funcionou, então eu deveria tentar a tática oposta."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2256
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_11f810d9:
# AkarshaT "I'll make Noelle think dudes are falling for me left and right."
AkarshaT "Vou fazer a Noelle pensar que tem um monte de caras dando em cima de mim."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2257
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_c675a3f9:
# AkarshaT "So if she likes me, she'll feel pressured to take action or else I'll be stolen from right under her nose!"
AkarshaT "Então, se ela gostar de mim, ela vai se sentir pressionada a agir, se não eu serei roubada bem debaixo do nariz dela!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2258
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_6919113d:
# AkarshaT "I won't be on the market for long. I'm a limited time offer!"
AkarshaT "Não estou em estoque por muito tempo, sou uma oferta limitada!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2260
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_ac3c7a41:
# "Akarsha goes over to annoy Noelle at her desk. Noelle puts down the thick tome she's reading to give Akarsha her undivided attention."
"Akarsha vai irritar Noelle em sua mesa. Noelle larga o grosso livro que está lendo para dar a Akarsha toda a sua atenção."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2262
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_f4a86317:
# Noelle "Yes?"
Noelle "Sim?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2264
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_af835787:
# Akarsha "Can I tell you something?"
Akarsha "Posso te falar algo?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2267
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_7d9228ae:
# Noelle "...I'll allow it."
Noelle "...Vou permitir."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2269
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_6f7a4ad5:
# AkarshaT "\"I'll allow it\"?? Who talks like that? What are you, a judge?"
AkarshaT "\"Vou permitir\"?? Quem fala assim? Você é uma juíza por acaso?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2270
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_e6dd7ed8:
# AkarshaT "I love you..."
AkarshaT "Eu te amo..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2272
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_bff47ae5:
# Akarsha "So yesterday, I was RPing with one of my online pals, Xx_ChibiAzn_xX, on AnimeCrazy.net. And he asked me to be his forum GF!"
Akarsha "Então, ontem, eu estava fazendo RP com um dos meus parças online, Xx_ChibiAzn_xX, no AnimeCrazy.net. E ele pediu pra eu ser a webnamorada dele!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2273
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_e7c10606:
# Akarsha "I turned him down, of course."
Akarsha "Eu neguei ele, óbvio."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2274
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_6aa88510:
# Akarsha "But I'm so popular, this happens all the time!"
Akarsha "Mas eu sou tão popular, isso acontece sempre!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2277
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_723df941:
# Noelle "...Never mind. Forget I asked."
Noelle "...Esquece. Finge que eu não perguntei."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2279
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_08756f27:
# AkarshaT "Huh?! She doesn't sound remotely interested!"
AkarshaT "Huh?! Ela não parece minimamente interessada!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2286
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_e133cd0d:
# "Suddenly, a sharp tremor rattles Noelle's desk."
"De repente, um forte tremor atinge a mesa de Noelle."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2288
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_161b5f64:
# Noelle "Quit shaking my desk."
Noelle "Para de balançar minha mesa."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2290
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_2c061390:
# Akarsha "But I'm NOT shaking it?"
Akarsha "Mas eu NÃO estou balançando ela?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2293
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_1c4539df:
# "Noelle and Akarsha look at one another, then at their violently shaking surroundings."
"Noelle e Akarsha olham uma pra outra, e então aos seus arredores que tremem violentamente."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2296
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_3afcd917:
# Akarsha "{big=+20}THERE'S A GHOST?!?{/big}" with sshake
Akarsha "{big=+20}TEM UM FANTASMA?!?{/big}" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2300
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_f5344444:
# Noelle "YOU MEAN {big=+20}{i}EARTHQUAKE???{/i}{/big}" with sshake
Noelle "VOCÊ QUER DIZER UM {big=+20}TERREMOTO???{/big}" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2302
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_ef9c0a7c:
# Akarsha "Oh, yeah, earthquake!"
Akarsha "Ah sim, um terremoto!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2305
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_ec81b4bf:
# "There's a commotion as Diya and the others crawl under their desks for cover as taught by years of earthquake drills."
"Há uma comoção enquanto Diya e os outros se abaixam embaixo de suas mesas para se protegerem, ensinados pelos anos de treinamentos contra terremotos."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2306
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_e281d936:
# "Without thinking, Akarsha dives under Noelle's desk, leaving Noelle sitting dumbly in her chair."
"Sem pensar, Akarsha mergulha sob a mesa de Noelle, deixando Noelle sentada em silêncio em sua cadeira."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2309
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_35112c36:
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2311
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_2995ef0c:
# Akarsha "Oops! Why don't you squeeze under here, too?"
Akarsha "Oops! Por que você não se aperta aqui em baixo também?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2316
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_4d5645d6:
# "Akarsha tries to make room for Noelle as she stiffly crawls under the desk."
"Akarsha tenta abrir espaço para Noelle enquanto ela rasteja rigidamente para debaixo da mesa."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2317
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_d619d7bb:
# "Every single one of Noelle's joints pop as she crouches into place. They're so close, Akarsha can feel the heat radiating off Noelle's skin."
"Cada uma das juntas de Noelle estala quando ela se agacha no lugar. Elas estão tão próximos que Akarsha pode sentir o calor irradiando da pele de Noelle."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2318
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_48035f81:
# AkarshaT "Is it just me, or is this like, really romantic??"
AkarshaT "É impressão minha, ou isso é tipo, muito romântico??"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2319
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_2c17bfd3:
# AkarshaT "Nah, I'm just overthinking it...I gotta look at this objectively..."
AkarshaT "Nah, eu estou pensando demais...Tenho que olhar pra isso objetivamente..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2320
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_e35dbd6b:
# "Scowling, Noelle readjusts herself and brushes her hand against Akarsha's."
"Carrancuda, Noelle se reajusta e roça sua mão na de Akarsha."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2321
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_ab0fbc8b:
# AkarshaT "No way...Does this mean what I think it means?!"
AkarshaT "Nem ferrando...Será que isso quer dizer o que eu acho que quer dizer?!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2322
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_24dbfb0b:
# AkarshaT "She must've done that because she secretly likes me! Confirmed!!" with sshake
AkarshaT "Ela deve ter feito isso porque ela secretamente gosta de mim! Confirmado!!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2327
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_1478c377:
# Noelle "......."
Noelle "......."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2328
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_117be23f:
# Akarsha "......."
Akarsha "......."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2329
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_cd62d3b0:
# Noelle "I think it's stopped."
Noelle "Acho que parou."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2335
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_8e7e717f:
# "Noelle clambers back to her feet in a hurry."
"Noelle volta a ficar de pé rapidamente."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2336
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_3b7b1b5c:
# Noelle "I can't believe you!"
Noelle "Eu não acredito que você fez isso!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2337
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_a7edef31:
# Noelle "I could have perished because of your selfishness!"
Noelle "Eu poderia ter morrido por culpa do seu egoísmo!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2339
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_8b07ae0f:
# Akarsha "But you didn't! Talk about a win-win situation."
Akarsha "Mas você não morreu! Pensa numa situação de vitória mútua."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2341
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_b7a60ec3:
# AkarshaT "What're the odds of an earthquake happening right as we were talking to each other?"
AkarshaT "Quais as chances de um terremoto acontecer bem quando a gente estava falando uma com a outra?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2342
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_2037cd4d:
# AkarshaT "Maybe it's a sign from the universe that we're soul mates!"
AkarshaT "Talvez seja um sinal do universo que nós somos almas gêmeas!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2344
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_397d0fad:
# AkarshaT "I mean, think about it. What's more likely, that this was a coincidence? Or that the world revolves around me, and it's trying to tell me something?"
AkarshaT "Quero dizer, para pra pensar. O que é mais provável, que isso foi uma coincidência? Ou que o mundo gira em volta de mim e está tentando me falar algo?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2345
translate brazilian_portuguese earthquake_3bf97989:
# AkarshaT "It's obviously the second one!"
AkarshaT "É obviamente o segundo!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2356
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_5ada2de0:
# "Akarsha comes home giddy with the private conviction that Noelle likes her back."
"Akarsha chega em casa feliz com a convicção particular de que Noelle também gosta dela."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2357
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_b5391cc2:
# "In spurt of reckless courage, she boots up the family desktop in the computer room after dinner."
"Em um surto de coragem, Akarsha inicia o computador de sua família após jantar."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2359
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_a8c4d599:
# AkarshaT "Okay...I'm gonna confess my love to her!"
AkarshaT "Okay...Vou confessar meu amor para ela!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2360
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_d589feac:
# AkarshaT "I have a really good feeling about this!"
AkarshaT "Eu tenho um pressentimento muito bom sobre isso!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2364
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_8e0ddc15:
# cFirstLine "{nw}"
cFirstLine "{nw}"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2365
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_f7b39a74:
# cAkarsha "hey"
cAkarsha "ei"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2366
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_52b966ff:
# cSame "do u have a minute"
cSame "ce tem um minuto"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2367
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_4530ee73:
# cNoelle "Why is your display name \"Certified Brain Genius\"?"
cNoelle "Por que o seu username é \"Gênia Cerebral Certificada\"?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2368
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_2bebd93c:
# cAkarsha "uh becuase i am one? duh"
cAkarsha "uh porqeu eu sou uma? duh"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2369
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_915918f1:
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2370
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_8a8d4a43:
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2371
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_8a0b245d:
# cAkarsha "no no they're obviously different"
cAkarsha "nao nao sao coisas completamente diferentes"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2372
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_0355095c:
# cNoelle "Did you change it to this just to annoy me?!"
cNoelle "Por acaso você mudou só pra me irritar?!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2373
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_e1b4617c:
# cAkarsha "idk what ur talking about and i dont appreciate u questioning my certification -_-"
cAkarsha "eu nsei doq voce ta falando e nao aprecio voce questionando minha certificaçao -_-"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2374
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_12824d77:
# cSame "we ladies need to uplift each other!!"
cSame "nos mulheres precisamos apoiar umas as outras!!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2375
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_a659f2fc:
# cSame "no point in having 2 queens fight"
cSame "nao tem sentido em botar duas rainhas pra brigar"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2376
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_6f670f39:
# cNoelle "QUEENS??"
cNoelle "RAINHAS??"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2377
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_28bbe7c8:
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2378
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_966a93ca:
# cAkarsha "ok can we circle back to this later?"
cAkarsha "ok podemos voltar nisso depois?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2379
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_138a3bd5:
# cSame "thats not why messaged you"
cSame "nao e por isso que eu te mandei mensagem"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2380
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_9a2ad2c6:
# cNoelle "Why did you message me, then?"
cNoelle "Por que você me mandou mensagem, então?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2381
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_ba708bd3:
# cAkarsha "i have to tell yuo something"
cAkarsha "eu tenho qeu te flar algo"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2382
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_4d722a60:
# cNoelle "What is it?"
cNoelle "O que é?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2383
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_6d80717c:
# cAkarsha "i"
cAkarsha "eu"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2384
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_a82300be:
# cSame "uh"
cSame "uh"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2385
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_23c5da08:
# cSame "man this is hard to say"
cSame "nossa isso é dificil de dizer"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2386
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_d2d4ebc1:
# cSame "^__^;;;;;;"
cSame "^__^;;;;;;"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2387
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_f5702156:
# cSame "i kinda have a crush on you"
cSame "eu meio que tenho um crush em ti"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2388
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_0381fa1b:
# cNoelle "Er..."
cNoelle "Er..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2389
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_16eac652:
# cSame "What?"
cSame "O quê?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2390
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_20630ef3:
# cSame "You're joking, right?"
cSame "Você está brincando, certo?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2394
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_2476b152:
# "Akarsha's stomach drops as Noelle's flat response flashes on the screen."
"As expectativas de Akarsha caem quando a resposta fria de Noelle aparece em sua tela."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2396
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_9bdb57eb:
# AkarshaT "Crap. That's not what I was expecting..."
AkarshaT "Merda. Não era isso o que eu estava esperando...."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2397
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_d7779c0a:
# AkarshaT "If she really liked me, she would've jumped at the chance to say she felt the same way!"
AkarshaT "Se ela realmente gostasse de mim, ela teria pulado na oportunidade pra falar que gosta de mim também!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2398
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_1152899f:
# AkarshaT "I know {i}I{/i} would've..."
AkarshaT "Eu sei que {i}eu{/i} teria..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2400
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_2b0fa1e5:
# AkarshaT "Which means...I was overthinking all our interactions after all..."
AkarshaT "O que quer dizer... Que eu realmente estava pensando demais sobre nossas interações afinal..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2401
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_771d952f:
# AkarshaT "I'm not a certified brain genius anymore. I've made a grave mistake!!"
AkarshaT "Não sou mais uma gênia cerebral certificada mais. Eu cometi um erro gravíssimo!!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2404
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_bef5eee4:
# AkarshaT "Abort mission! Abort!!" with sshake
AkarshaT "Abortar missão! Abortar!!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2408
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_6c898b58:
# cAkarsha "uh"
cAkarsha "uh"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2409
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_cfab3a9e:
# cSame "just kidding!!!"
cSame "só brincando!!!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2410
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_2823a0a8:
# cSame "that was my brother xD"
cSame "foi meu irmão xD"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2411
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_d6ca2fcc:
# cNoelle "Your brother...?"
cNoelle "Seu irmão..?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2412
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_72118dc4:
# cAkarsha "ya he took the keyboard and typed that as a joke"
cAkarsha "é ele pegou o teclado e mandou isso brincando"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2413
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_0f8056f0:
# cSame "i cant believe he did that o.O"
cSame "não acredito que ele fez isso o.O"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2414
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_ba10194c:
# cSame "like id ever say anything that crazeh! e_e"
cSame "como se eu fosse dizer algo maluco assim! e_e"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2415
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_3779265e:
# cNoelle "I see..."
cNoelle "Entendi..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2416
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_06bdf062:
# cAkarsha "just forget this ever happened ok? my bros so random lolll"
cAkarsha "só esqueça q isso aconteceu ok? meu irmão é mó aleatório lolll"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2417
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_c2256f7d:
# cSame "i gtg now bye!!"
cSame "tenho q ir agr tchau!!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2419
translate brazilian_portuguese failedConfession_76b2fe88:
# nvl clear
nvl clear
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2423
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_d1ee50bf:
# "Akarsha powers the family desktop off, her heart pounding a mile a minute."
"Akarsha desliga o computador da família, o coração dela batendo a mil por hora."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2425
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_c5600f8a:
# AkarshaT "That was a close one...I somehow salvaged that and escaped unscathed..."
AkarshaT "Essa foi por pouco... De alguma forma eu salvei isso e escapei ilesa..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2426
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_f455912c:
# AkarshaT "Apart from my heart being broken into a thousand smithereens, I mean..."
AkarshaT "Isso sem considerar meu coração estar quebrado em milhares de cacos, no caso..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2432
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_066ee45b:
# "Akarsha dramatically throws herself onto the sofa in the living room."
"Akarsha dramaticamente se joga no sofá de sua sala."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2434
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_40499fe6:
# "Used to this, her brother offers her a piece of candy."
"Acostumado com isso, o irmão dele oferece pra ela uma bala."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2436
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_cb1c371e:
# Pratik "Want a Hi-Chew?"
Pratik "Quer uma 7Belo?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2438
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_105f20af:
# Akarsha "No, thanks."
Akarsha "Não, valeu."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2441
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_b4e41abc:
# Dad "Don't eat too many of those. They have dangerous oils in them."
Dad "Não coma muitas balas. Tem óleos perigosos nelas."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2443
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_1ad54d6f:
# Pratik "Okay, Dad..."
Pratik "Okay, Pai..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2447
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_c432da8e:
# "Her mom goes into the room Akarsha just left to switch off the light."
"A mãe de Akarsha vai à sala que Akarsha acabou de sair para desligar a luz."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2449
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_72012e2a:
# Mom "What is this — Diwali?!"
Mom "O que é isso — Diwali?!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2451
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_5f9074e2:
# Akarsha "Oops. Sorry, I was having a meltdown and forgot..."
Akarsha "Oops. Desculpa, eu tava tendo um treco e esqueci..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2454
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_5e684a65:
# Dad "Want to watch a funny movie with us? It'll make you feel better."
Dad "Quer assistir uma comédia com a gente? Vai fazer você se sentir melhor."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2456
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_c36f4f16:
# Akarsha "What's the movie?"
Akarsha "Qual o filme?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2458
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_3cdc0ede:
# Dad "She's the Man. We just need to wait two minutes, it starts on TV at seven."
Dad "Ela é o Cara. Nós só precisamos esperar dois minutos, ele começa na TV às sete."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2460
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_d7e4f85e:
# "The movie kicks off with the teenage heroine making out with her boyfriend."
"O filme começa com a heroína adolescente dando uns amassos no namorado."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2462
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_54605496:
# Mom "Ew. Gross."
Mom "Ew. Nojento."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2465
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_eabf9a22:
# Akarsha "I dunno...{w=0.35}Wish that were me..."
Akarsha "Eu não sei...{w=0.35}Queria que fosse eu..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2466
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_aa9127ac:
# AkarshaT "We would've been so cute together......"
AkarshaT "Nós teriamos sido tão fofas juntas......"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2467
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_8c6abdb4:
# AkarshaT "We belong together! We should be dating!"
AkarshaT "Nós pertencemos uma a outra! A gente deveria estar namorando!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2468
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_2d918274:
# AkarshaT "I was hoping so bad Noelle could see that, too."
AkarshaT "Eu realmente estava esperando que a Noelle pudesse ver isso, também."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2469
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_212f9084:
# AkarshaT "It just really hurts to know she doesn't feel the same way."
AkarshaT "Realmente doí saber que o sentimento não é recíproco."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2472
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_660e1415:
# Dad "Oh! This actress makes a very handsome boy."
Dad "Oh! Essa atriz faz um belo rapaz."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2473
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_79ab8c2d:
# Dad "She would've tricked me."
Dad "Ela quase me enganou."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2475
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_66a57bf1:
# Mom "She would've tricked you?!"
Mom "Ela quase te enganou?!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2477
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_d84c92f1:
# Dad "Beti, do you know how to do this?"
Dad "Beti, você sabe como fazer isso?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2479
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_6798b12e:
# Akarsha "Do what? Disguise myself as a guy?"
Akarsha "Isso o quê? Me disfarçar de menino?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2482
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_819ac32d:
# Mom "What kind of question is that? You're so weird."
Mom "Que tipo de pergunta é essa? Você é tão estranho."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2484
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_fa7e6773:
# "It's a fun movie, but watching all the characters happily pair up after their wacky teen hijinks just makes Akarsha's chest ache even more."
"É um filme divertido, mas ver todos os personagens se unirem em casais de forma feliz após seus problemas bobos de adolescente faz o peito de Akarsha doer ainda mais."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2485
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_1bda8106:
# "Seeing the forlorn expression on her face, her dad pats her on the shoulder."
"Vendo a expressão desamparada em seu rosto, seu pai dá um tapinha em seu ombro."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2487
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_2c2f9fbc:
# Dad "Cheer up."
Dad "Se anima."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2488
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_ca9bee84:
# Dad "If you really don't want to be a doctor, you can become a movie star instead."
Dad "Se você realmente não quer ser uma médica, você pode ser uma estrela do cinema em vez disso."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2490
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_bab2621b:
# Mom "What are you saying?!"
Mom "Do quê você está falando?!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2492
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_3a244893:
# Dad "I think it will be cool if Akarsha becomes a famous movie star. If she's rich, we can live in the mountains."
Dad "Eu acho que seria legal se a Akarsha virasse uma estrela de cinema. Se ela ficar rica, podemos viver nas montanhas."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2493
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_676955c7:
# Dad "We can be like, in the wild."
Dad "Podemos ficar tipo, na natureza."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2496
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_5188f404:
# Mom "Why would we want that???" with sshake
Mom "Por que iríamos querer isso???" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2498
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_59d75ac0:
# Dad "You can do it, beti. I believe."
Dad "Você consegue, beti. Eu acredito em você."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2501
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_6e91f369:
# AkarshaT "My parents have such high hopes for me, but all I do is waste the opportunities they worked so hard to give me."
AkarshaT "Meus pais tem altas expectativas de mim, mas tudo o que eu faço é perder as oportunidades que eles trabalharam tanto para eu ter."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2503
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_e935c49c:
# AkarshaT "I have literally nothing going for me...I'm legitimately such a waste of time and resources."
AkarshaT "Não tenho literalmente nada a meu favor... Sou legitimamente uma perda de tempo e recursos."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2508
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_803db465:
# AkarshaT "How do people manage to have their first kiss in kindergarten and stuff?"
AkarshaT "Como que as pessoas conseguem ter seu primeiro beijo no jardim de infância e coisa assim?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2509
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_c9c8d844:
# AkarshaT "Why doesn't anyone wanna kiss {i}me{/i}?? Am I that unlikeable?"
AkarshaT "Por que ninguém que {i}me{/i} beijar?? Eu sou tão não gostável assim?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2510
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_541c1f9b:
# AkarshaT "It feels like such a remote thing that I can't imagine it {i}ever{/i} happening to me."
AkarshaT "Parece algo tão remoto que não consigo nem imaginar isso {i}sequer{/i} acontecendo comigo."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2511
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_97f655d7:
# AkarshaT "I've never even held someone's hand or been in any kind of relationship."
AkarshaT "Eu nunca nem segurei a mão de alguém ou estive em qualquer tipo de relacionamento."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2512
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_fc963cdb:
# AkarshaT "At this rate I'm gonna go through my entire life without ever getting kissed."
AkarshaT "Desse jeito vou passar minha vida inteira sem nunca ter beijado."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2513
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_e8918134:
# AkarshaT "What's even the point of me staying alive? There's nothing for me to look forward to."
AkarshaT "Qual é o ponto de eu estar viva? Não tenho nenhuma esperança para o futuro."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2514
translate brazilian_portuguese shesTheMan_e8e3d7eb:
# AkarshaT "Everything just feels so unattainable."
AkarshaT "Tudo só parece inalcançável."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2524
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_c034540d:
# "Once the end credits roll, she dejectedly texts Min on her phone."
"Assim que os créditos começam a rolar, ela desanimadamente manda uma mensagem para Min de seu celular."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2526
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_8e0ddc15:
# cFirstLine "{nw}"
cFirstLine "{nw}"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2528
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_277bb270:
# cAkarsha "i read online that its healthy to wallow in sadness"
cAkarsha "eu li online que é saudavel se afundar em tristeza"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2529
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_7dc1384b:
# cSame "for up to 1 hour a day"
cSame "por uma hora por dia"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2530
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_65b74ae8:
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2531
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_f1a4dee5:
# cMin "WTF"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2532
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_ce2ded25:
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2533
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_c01a69d0:
# cMin "SHUT UP"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2535
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_3aca3c73:
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2536
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_8edaa407:
# cMin "what happened???????"
cMin "o que aconteceu???????"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2537
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_daea2865:
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2538
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_fe37d991:
# cMin "o shit"
cMin "a merda"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2539
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_d330fcf4:
# cAkarsha "luckily the second i saw things were going south"
cAkarsha "felizmente o momento que eu vi que tava dando ruim"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2540
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_16373f43:
# cSame "i was able to backtrack n play it off as a joke"
cSame "eu consegui voltar atras e falar que era uma piada"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2541
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_dc67c551:
# cSame "i said it was my brother pranking me"
cSame "falei que era meu irmão me zoando"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2542
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_c5123885:
# cMin "wait"
cMin "espera"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2543
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_c377e49a:
# cSame "hold on"
cSame "calma ai"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2544
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_45468177:
# cSame "you did it thru TEXT???"
cSame "voce fez via TEXTO???"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2545
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_742a148d:
# cAkarsha "ya"
cAkarsha "si"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2546
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_bd81765c:
# cMin "why???"
cMin "por que???"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2547
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_87c2ccd5:
# cAkarsha "idk it seemed like a good idea at the time :("
cAkarsha "sla parecia uma boa ideia na hora :("
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2548
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_b9f08306:
# cSame "and that way I could say it wasnt me if i chickened out"
cSame "e desse jeito eu poderia dizer que não era eu caso eu desistisse no meio"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2549
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_f57a085c:
# cMin "wtf"
cMin "q porra"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2550
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_11dbd69b:
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2551
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_00989fc5:
# cSame "IN PERSON"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2552
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_3297aa4c:
# cAkarsha "and deal with the consequences of my actions??"
cAkarsha "e lidar com as consequencias das minhas ações??"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2553
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_ec07712c:
# cSame "no thank u"
cSame "nao obgd"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2554
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_3b27b2c2:
# cMin "well if your not sinsere about it, then what you get back isnt going to be real either"
cMin "bem, se voce não é sinsera sobre, o que voce vai receber de volta também não vai ser real"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2555
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_672019b9:
# cSame "your like someone who went to vegas, spent 1 penny and got spooked and left"
cSame "voce é tipo alguem que foi pra Las Vegas, gastou um centavo se assustou e foi embora"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2556
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_9a1586da:
# cSame "You need to take risks if you wanna win anything"
cSame "Você precisa levar riscos se voce quer ganhar algo"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2557
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_94319816:
# cAkarsha "too scawwy :("
cAkarsha "muito assustador :("
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2558
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_52ec776d:
# cMin "coward"
cMin "covarde"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2559
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_5de190f3:
# cAkarsha "whats the point? i know theyre not interested in me anyway"
cAkarsha "mas pra que? eu sei que a pessoa não ta interessada em mim de qlqr jto"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2560
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_c1c3d86e:
# cMin "weaksauce move"
cMin "coisa de fracote"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2561
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_42390620:
# cAkarsha "and i cant even blame them"
cAkarsha "e nao posso nem julgar"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2562
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_25b3ce3a:
# cSame "who'd wanna waste time with a loser like me ;___;"
cSame "quem iria querer gastar tempo com uma perdedora que nem eu ;___;"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2563
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_107fd2e5:
# cMin "what am i then motherfuker?? chopped liver?"
cMin "eu sou oque então filhadaputa?? insignificante?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2564
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_a6f65b94:
# cSame "IM wasting time with yuo right now"
cSame "EU to perdendo tempo com voec agora"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2565
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_842b81b3:
# cAkarsha "but u like wasting time with diya MORE"
cAkarsha "mas voce gosta MAIS de perder tempo com a diya"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2566
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_36326adf:
# cSame "see??"
cSame "ta vendo??"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2567
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_5d8f8657:
# cSame "*is die*"
cSame "*esta a morrer*"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2568
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_d7459e62:
# cMin "well its not a contest"
cMin "bem não é uma competição"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2569
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_6c8e4583:
# cAkarsha "ok but it kinda is??"
cAkarsha "ok mas meio que é??"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2570
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_cb1e4453:
# cSame "idk like...having 1 person in the world think im worth loving would be nice"
cSame "sla tpo...ter uma pessoa no mundo que acha q sou merecedora de amor seria legal"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2571
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_3c0f13f4:
# cSame "i feel like i've spent my entire life wanting people and being rejected while nobodys ever felt anything for me"
cSame "eu sinto que gastei minha vida inteira querendo pessoas e sendo rejeitada enquanto ninguem nunca sentiu nada por mim"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2572
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_c7ed8e59:
# cSame "like am i really that ugly and boring that no one would ever fall in love with me"
cSame "tipo eu realmente sou tao feia e chata que ninguem iria se apaixonar por mim"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2573
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_b5e1753d:
# cSame "im just a waste of space"
cSame "sou uma perda de espaço"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2574
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_66444cea:
# cMin "seriosly stop saying shit like that"
cMin "serio para de falar merda assim"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2575
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_29f87937:
# cAkarsha "i was just kidding XD im so random"
cAkarsha "eu tava so brincando XD sou tao aleatoria"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2576
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_0189b1b0:
# cMin "its not funny"
cMin "não é engraçado"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2577
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_2b7e21c2:
# cAkarsha "xD"
cAkarsha "xD"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2578
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_aee2d5a6:
# cMin "dont xD me you son of a bitch"
cMin "nao me xD sua filha da mãe"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2579
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_83c89496:
# cAkarsha "i just wanna do normal high school things"
cAkarsha "eu so quero fazer coisas normais de escola"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2580
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_9df2dc8f:
# cSame "like date and go to parties n stuff...."
cSame "tipo namorar e ir pra festas e coisa assim...."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2581
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_0a77cc85:
# cSame "i feel like im missing out on this whole fun exp everyone else is having"
cSame "eu sinto que eu to perdendo toda a experiencia divertida que todo mundo está tendo"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2583
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_05f6d02c:
# cMin "look dumbass"
cMin "olha imbecil"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2584
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_dc360268:
# cSame "theres probably like 3 couples in our entire grade including me and diya"
cSame "possivelmente deve ter tpo 3 casais no nosso ano incluindo eu e a diya"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2585
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_7962fd3f:
# cSame "bunch of socially stunted fob nerds"
cSame "bando de nerds socialmente esquisitos"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2586
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_2152bddb:
# cSame "most of us arent even allowed to date until college anyways"
cSame "a maioria de nos nem temos permissao pra namorar ate a faculdade de qualquer jeito"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2587
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_acaf7d6b:
# cAkarsha "great"
cAkarsha "otimo"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2588
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_20ce56ba:
# cSame "so not only am i an undesirable weirdo but im not even special"
cSame "entao alem de eu ser uma esquisita nao desejavel eu tambem nao sou nem especial"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2589
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_336630ff:
# cMin "not special is good sometimes"
cMin "nao ser especial é bom as vezes"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2590
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_153175b8:
# cSame "if your not special it means your not alone"
cSame "se voce nao é especial quer dizer que voce nao esta sozinha"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2591
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_04c0c377:
# cAkarsha "ok yeah yeah i get it"
cAkarsha "ok sim sim entendi"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2592
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_f94b0df6:
# cSame "u right"
cSame "ce ta certa"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2593
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_898f94f8:
# cSame "did you wanna play maplestory tonight?"
cSame "voce quer jogar maplestory hoje a noite?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2594
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_9c1e4858:
# cSame "i need a distraction to stop thinking about my epic fail OTL"
cSame "eu preciso de uma distração para parar de pensar na minha incrivel falha online"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2596
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_fa1cc125:
# cMin "sry i cant"
cMin "dscp eu nao posso"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2597
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_26bbef17:
# cSame "juns using the computer right now"
cSame "jun ta usando o computador agora"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2598
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_8eb7eae2:
# cAkarsha ":/"
cAkarsha ":/"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2600
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_87c1d523:
# cSame "how about we play through text then?"
cSame "que tal a gente jogar via texto entao?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2601
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_6a2d52ff:
# cMin "what do you mean through text"
cMin "o que voce quer dizer com via texto"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2606
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_35d239d6:
# cAkarsha " \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -_@_"
cAkarsha " \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -_@_"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2607
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_652cb31f:
# cSame "its a snail"
cSame "é um caracol"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2608
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_266a1334:
# cSame " \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -_@_"
cSame " \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -_@_"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2609
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_99c72437:
# cMin "oh ok"
cMin "ah ok"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2610
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_4ffd774c:
# cSame "attack"
cSame "atacar"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2611
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_72b64b15:
# cSame "ninja star"
cSame "estrela ninja"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2612
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_bb958b57:
# cAkarsha "it's hitting you!!!!"
cAkarsha "ela esta te atacando!!!!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2613
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_692421ce:
# cSame "-5 HP"
cSame "-5 HP"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2614
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_12e60c51:
# cMin "HUH"
cMin "HUH"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2615
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_b1429f8f:
# cSame "WHY"
cSame "POR QUE"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2616
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_954f0529:
# cAkarsha "use emoticons like me"
cAkarsha "use emoticons que nem eu"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2617
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_4d8c8f35:
# cMin "oh"
cMin "oh"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2618
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_a82300be:
# cSame "uh"
cSame "uh"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2619
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_4dcd8658:
# cSame "*"
cSame "*"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2620
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_b75672a5:
# cAkarsha "wuts that supposed to be"
cAkarsha "o que era pra isso ser"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2621
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_0e36ce0e:
# cSame "your butthole??"
cSame "teu cu??"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2622
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_8c727764:
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2624
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_559b5944:
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2625
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_74563b79:
# cSame "SICKO"
cSame "DOENTE"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2626
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_dc69304d:
# cAkarsha "oh ok"
cAkarsha "ah ok"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2627
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_f255ca1e:
# cSame "22 damage"
cSame "22 dano"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2628
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_66dcd7f3:
# cMin "*"
cMin "*"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2629
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_09c9146a:
# cAkarsha "25 damage"
cAkarsha "25 dano"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2630
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_50676960:
# cSame " \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -_@_"
cSame " \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -_@_"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2631
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_c653de34:
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2632
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_9910eb26:
# cMin "=O"
cMin "=O"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2633
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_22400f16:
# cSame "thats my fist punching"
cSame "esse é meu punho socando"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2634
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_d34dae4d:
# cAkarsha "2 damage"
cAkarsha "2 dano"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2635
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_9910eb26_1:
# cMin "=O"
cMin "=O"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2636
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_6222a582:
# cAkarsha "4 damage"
cAkarsha "4 dano"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2637
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_207bc430:
# cSame "-3 HP"
cSame "-3 HP"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2638
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_62fa7222:
# cMin "what the..the snail should be dead by now"
cMin "mas que...o caracol já deveria estar morto agora"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2639
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_89c3be2a:
# cSame "they dont have that much hp"
cSame "ele não tem tanto hp assim"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2640
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_5100dfb8:
# cSame "F9"
cSame "F9"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2641
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_e368a74a:
# cAkarsha "fine ur not damaged"
cAkarsha "ok voce nao esta machucada"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2642
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_e48cd0bc:
# cSame "($)"
cSame "($)"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2643
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_07672532:
# cMin "ok great"
cMin "ok otimo"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2644
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_43eeb1b1:
# cSame "im gonna try doing the kerning city pq"
cSame "vou tentar fazer a pq de kerning city"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2646
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_45521bab:
# cAkarsha "yee good choice"
cAkarsha "issso boa escolha"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2648
translate brazilian_portuguese minChat_76b2fe88:
# nvl clear
nvl clear
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2653
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_7fcce648:
# "Akarsha feels a bit better after talking to Min, but once she's logged off, the heartache in her chest returns."
"Akarsha se sente um pouco melhor após falar com Min, mas após ela deslogar, a dor em seu peito retorna."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2654
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_8f89a031:
# "That night, Akarsha reads the entirety of Azumanga Daioh for the first time on an illegal manga scanlation site in an effort to forget about everything."
"Naquela noite, Akarsha leu todo o mangá de Azumanga Daioh pela primeira vez num site de scan e tradução ilegal de mangás, com objetivo de esquecer tudo."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2655
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_3df640b9:
# "It doesn't work."
"Não funcionou."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2669
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_7494a18f:
# "Akarsha cracks a weak smile as Diya answers the door."
"Akarsha abre um sorriso fraco quando Diya abre a porta."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2671
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_5a1e57f8:
# Akarsha "Ayyy...Ready to walk to school together?"
Akarsha "Aopaa...Pronta pra gente ir pra escola?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2674
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_2ebe0f92:
# "Diya gives her an odd look as they start heading down the sidewalk."
"Diya dá a ela um olhar estranho, enquanto elas andam pelas calçadas."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2675
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_47e6dcd3:
# Diya "Are you okay?"
Diya "Você está bem?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2677
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_94522bab:
# Akarsha "Y-yeah?? Why do you ask??"
Akarsha "S-sim?? Por que você está perguntando??"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2680
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_5fac5ccc:
# Diya "You didn't send me a weird message this morning like usual."
Diya "Você não me enviou uma mensagem estranha essa manhã, como você normalmente faz."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2681
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_346c4e17:
# Diya "Also, your eyes are red."
Diya "E também, seus olhos estão vermelhos."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2683
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_e0c8f799:
# Akarsha "Oh, that's nothing! I got shampoo in them while showering."
Akarsha "Ah, isso não é nada! É que hoje de manhã caiu shampoo nos meus olhos quando fui tomar banho."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2686
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_c60e0424:
# Diya "You should get LOréal Kids. No tears."
Diya "Você deveria usar o L'Oréal Kids. Sem lágrimas."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2688
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_6af96e1f:
# Akarsha "Are you making fun of me??"
Akarsha "Você tá zoando da minha cara??"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2691
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_9cbab985:
# Diya "Yeah."
Diya "É."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2693
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_3cf0b26c:
# Akarsha "Oh. All your jokes are so deadpan it's hard to tell sometimes..."
Akarsha "Ah. Todas as suas piadas são tão inexpressivas que é difícil percebê-las as vezes..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2694
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_8cb75bfb:
# AkarshaT "It must be nice to be pretty. I wish I didn't have to be funny all the time to get people to like me."
AkarshaT "Deve ser legal ser bonita. Eu queria não ter que ser engraçada o tempo todo para as pessoas gostarem de mim."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2700
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_5d40ef3c:
# AkarshaT "It sucks being so pathetic that you fall hopelessly in love with anyone who pays even the slightest bit of attention to you."
AkarshaT "É um saco ser tão patética que você se apaixona fortemente por qualquer um que dê o mínimo de atenção a você."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2701
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_d5687377:
# AkarshaT "Especially unattainable straight girls. God, I'm stupid..."
AkarshaT "Especialmente meninas hétero e inatingíveis. Deus, eu sou tão estúpida..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2702
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_e431b19f:
# AkarshaT "I can't believe I was so desperate that I convinced myself she liked me back. Literally delusional..."
AkarshaT "Eu não acredito que eu estava tão desesperada que eu me convenci que ela também estava gostando de mim. Literalmente maluca..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2703
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_ddca5d96:
# AkarshaT "Sigh..."
AkarshaT "Suspiro..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2708
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_8034c3bd:
# "At school, Akarsha nervously waits in the first period classroom before Noelle and Diya arrive."
"Na escola, Akarsha nervosamente espera Noelle e a Diya chegarem, na sala do primeiro período."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2710
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_c9ec69a0:
# AkarshaT "I wonder how facing Noelle again will go..."
AkarshaT "Eu me pergunto como vai ser para eu encarar a Noelle de novo..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2713
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_937a9cb8:
# "A water bottle flies through the doorway and ricochets off the floor." with sshake
"Uma garrafa de água voa pela porta e ricocheteia no chão." with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2715
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_57a9577d:
# Diya "Coast is clear."
Diya "A barra está limpa."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2717
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_0492fd95:
# Akarsha "You don't need to keep doing that, y'know. I wouldn't reuse the same set-up twice."
Akarsha "Você não precisa continuar fazendo isso, sabe. Eu não vou reutilizar o mesmo setup mais de uma vez."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2720
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_c2954df2:
# "Noelle cautiously sticks a long twig through the doorframe, her eyes narrowed at Akarsha."
"Noelle enfia cautelosamente um longo galho pelo batente da porta, seus olhos estreitos e encarando Akarsha."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2722
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_ca34614f:
# Noelle "Then what is it this time, you putrid worm?"
Noelle "Então o que é dessa vez, sua minhoca pútrida?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2724
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_7fbb76ee:
# Akarsha "Wouldn't you like to know?"
Akarsha "Você não adoraria saber?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2726
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_5b5f864f:
# AkarshaT "Phew...She's acting like nothing happened last night!"
AkarshaT "Ufa...Ela está agindo como se nada tivesse acontecido ontem a noite!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2727
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_31940d17:
# AkarshaT "She must've believed what I said about my little brother sending the message."
AkarshaT "Ela deve ter acreditado quando eu disse que era meu irmão que mandou a mensagem."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2729
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_413c3127:
# AkarshaT "Thank god. Sorry, Pratik."
AkarshaT "Graças a deus. Desculpa, Pratik."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2730
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_1cb1d653:
# AkarshaT "Now I just gotta ignore my feelings until they eventually die out."
AkarshaT "Agora só tenho que ignorar meus sentimentos até eles morrerem."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2732
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_8dd5a8f1:
# Akarsha "I have a special present for you, Frenchman. Come closer..."
Akarsha "Eu tenho um presente especial para você, Francesa. Se aproxime..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2735
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_352d97e8:
# Noelle "What? No, keep it to yourself."
Noelle "O quê? Não, fica pra você."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2737
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_156f7308:
# Akarsha "Don't be shy! I know you want your very special present!"
Akarsha "Não precisa ficar nervosa! Eu sei que você quer seu presente muito especial!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2741
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_d0f3a88e:
# Noelle "I DON'T WANT THIS \"PRESENT\"! DON'T COME NEAR ME!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2742
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_512087e5:
# "As Noelle enters the classroom suspiciously, she tries to give Akarsha a wide berth. Akarsha discreetly pulls her secret weapon out of her pocket..."
"Quando Noelle entra na sala de aula com suspeita, ela tenta manter distância de Akarsha. Akarsha discretamente puxa sua arma secreta do bolso..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2744
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_6cb78dac:
# Akarsha "HERE YOU GO!!!!" with sshake
Akarsha "AQUI ESTÁ!!!!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2751
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_eef7b906:
# "It's a spinning light toy Akarsha got from Disneyland in elementary school."
"É uma luzinha giratória que a Akarsha ganhou na Disney na escola primária."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2754
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_a512908a:
# "Noelle recoils as its rubber arms repeatedly whack her face."
"Noelle recua quando os braços de borracha batem repetidamente em seu rosto."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2755
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_1da8e443:
# Noelle "GYAHHHH!!!!!!!" with sshake
Noelle "GYAHHHH!!!!!!!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2757
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_8d489cc9:
# Akarsha "THOUSAND ENERGY BEAMS ATTACK!!!" with sshake
Akarsha "ATAQUE DE MIL FEIXES DE ENERGIA!!!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2758
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_20b65587:
# AkarshaT "I used to annoy my brother like this all the time."
AkarshaT "Eu costumava irritar meu irmão assim o tempo todo."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2760
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_a157c8f5:
# Noelle "AKARSHAAAAAA!!! I HATE YOU!!!!" with sshake
Noelle "AKARSHAAAAAA!!! EU TE ODEIO!!!!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2762
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_a69cd5c0:
# "Akarsha gulps as Diya approaches the crime scene and towers over her."
"Akarsha engole em seco enquanto Diya se aproxima da cena do crime e olha sobre ela."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2764
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_1b803a12:
# Diya "....."
Diya "....."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2766
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_eb95c536:
# Akarsha "C'maaahn, this isn't fair!"
Akarsha "Qualééé, isso não é justo!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2767
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_8587b638:
# Akarsha "Just look! I'm so small, look how small I am compared to you!"
Akarsha "Só olha! Eu sou tão pequena, olha quão baixa eu sou comparada a você!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2769
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_1512a0cb:
# Akarsha "Noooo, it's also my birthday, you can't be mean on my birthday!"
Akarsha "Nãooo, hoje é meu aniversário, você não pode ser má comigo no meu aniversário!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2771
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_6e8840cd:
# Diya "............"
Diya "............"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2773
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_b119ea2d:
# Diya "Is that true?"
Diya "Isso é verdade?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2775
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_86a9817f:
# Noelle "She's lying. Her birthday isn't until April."
Noelle "Ela está mentindo. O aniversário dela é em Abril."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2777
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_676c4073:
# "Akarsha yelps as Diya snatches the spinny toy out of her grasp."
"Akarsha dá um gritinho quando Diya arranca o brinquedo de suas mãos."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2779
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_72cf31d4:
# "Seeing that Akarsha's unarmed, Noelle menacingly starts walking toward her."
"Vendo que Akarsha está desarmada, Noelle começa a ameaçadoramente andar na direção dela."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2781
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_143ee593:
# Akarsha "Hey, calm down!"
Akarsha "Ei, calma lá!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2782
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_5fd962e9:
# Akarsha "I was doin' you a favor, testing your reflexes for you! Like at the doctor!"
Akarsha "Eu estava te fazendo um favor, testando seus reflexos para você! Que nem no médico!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2784
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_320efa19:
# Noelle "........"
Noelle "........"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2786
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_c5ebffdc:
# Akarsha "F-free! Free reflex test!" with sshake
Akarsha "G-gratuito! Teste de reflexos gratuito!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2788
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_e126f388:
# "Akarsha breaks into a run as Noelle chases after her."
"Akarsha começa a correr enquanto Noelle persegue ela."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2790
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_d6b89395:
# Noelle "COME BACK HERE!! YOU CRETIN!!!" with sshake
Noelle "VOLTA AQUI!! SUA CRETINA!!!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2792
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_5c96f3a2:
# AkarshaT "Oh shit, baseball practice actually made her faster!"
AkarshaT "Ah merda, o treino de baseball realmente fez ela ficar mais rápida!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2794
translate brazilian_portuguese classNextDay_7cb5f942:
# AkarshaT "Oh shit, she's catching up to me. Oh shit!!!" with sshake
AkarshaT "Ah merda, ela tá me alcançando. Merda!!!!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2805
translate brazilian_portuguese lockerRoom_3dd85446:
# "When Akarsha comes to baseball practice, she hears whispering in the locker room."
"Quando Akarsha chega no treino de baseball, ela ouve cochichos no vestiário."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2807
translate brazilian_portuguese lockerRoom_93db2795:
# Liz "{i}(...So the plan is, we all pitch in?){/i}"
Liz "{i}(...Então o plano é, todas nós contribuímos?){/i}"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2809
translate brazilian_portuguese lockerRoom_fa748ae6:
# Noelle "{i}(If we split it up eight ways, it's only $1.50 per person.){/i}"
Noelle "{i}(Se dividirmos em oito, fica apenas US$ 1,50 por pessoa.){/i}"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2811
translate brazilian_portuguese lockerRoom_8d9eff1b:
# Min "{big=+20}But I don't see why I should have to pay.{/big}"
Min "{big=+20}Mas não vejo por que eu devo pagar.{/big}"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2813
translate brazilian_portuguese lockerRoom_2ef57e72:
# Sayeeda "{i}Shhh!{/i}" with sshake
Sayeeda "{i}Shhh!{/i}" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2815
translate brazilian_portuguese lockerRoom_ce1ccb9c:
# Noelle "{i}(You have to pay because it'll be hilarious. She'll never guess who it is.){/i}"
Noelle "{i}(Você tem que pagar porque vai ser hilário. Ela nunca vai adivinhar quem é.){/i}"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2817
translate brazilian_portuguese lockerRoom_8b97f375:
# Chryssa "{i}(And here I thought we were trying to do a good deed.){/i}"
Chryssa "{i}(E eu pensando que estávamos tentando fazer uma boa ação.){/i}"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2818
translate brazilian_portuguese lockerRoom_bf5a3598:
# Chryssa "{i}(Do you ALWAYS have to be engaging in some kind of psychic mind battle with her?){/i}"
Chryssa "{i}(Você SEMPRE precisa se envolver em algum tipo de batalha mental psíquica com ela?){/i}"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2822
translate brazilian_portuguese lockerRoom_09e1595e:
# AkarshaT "What're they scheming about? I want in."
AkarshaT "O que elas estão tramando? Eu quero entrar."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2824
translate brazilian_portuguese lockerRoom_c0f9b9cb:
# "Akarsha walks over to where the others are furtively huddled together. A hush falls over the team..."
"Akarsha caminha até onde as outras estão furtivamente amontoadas. Um silêncio cai sobre a equipe..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2826
translate brazilian_portuguese lockerRoom_d11361e6:
# Diya "........."
Diya "........."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2828
translate brazilian_portuguese lockerRoom_9256b846:
# Liz "Why, hello there, Akarsha!"
Liz "Ora, olá, Akarsha!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2830
translate brazilian_portuguese lockerRoom_f5f717ec:
# Ester "We were just talking about..."
Ester "Nós estávamos falando agorinha sobre..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2832
translate brazilian_portuguese lockerRoom_1f0ed54e:
# Grace "...how Vampire Knight is getting an anime."
Grace "...como Cavaleiro Vampiro vai virar um anime."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2834
translate brazilian_portuguese lockerRoom_d3d1d5c1:
# Chryssa ".............."
Chryssa ".............."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2836
translate brazilian_portuguese lockerRoom_3238a880:
# Min "We're acting so natural right now."
Min "Nós estamos agindo tão normalmente agora."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2838
translate brazilian_portuguese lockerRoom_f7343e09:
# AkarshaT "Okay, clearly they're up to something..."
AkarshaT "Okay, elas claramente estão tramando algo..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2840
translate brazilian_portuguese lockerRoom_50dedb56:
# AkarshaT "The question is, what?"
AkarshaT "A pergunta é, o quê?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2850
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_e4ec3c9e:
# "After jogging around the track and stretching, [teamName!t] runs fielding drills."
"Depois de correr pela pista e se alongar, o time [teamName!t] executa exercícios de campo."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2852
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_cdbde622:
# "After jogging around the track and stretching, the [teamName!t] run fielding drills."
"Depois de correr pela pista e se alongar, os [teamName!t] executam exercícios de campo."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2855
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_16ca5deb:
# "While Akarsha takes a breather in the dugout, she watches Noelle haplessly flail about on the field."
"Enquanto Akarsha dá uma pausa para respirar no banco dos reservas, ela olha Noelle desastrosamente se debater pelo campo."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2856
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_7025b00d:
# "Within moments, the object of her affection misjudges the trajectory of a fly ball and gets bonked on the head."
"Em instantes, o foco da sua atenção julga mal a trajetória de uma bola voadora e leva uma pancada na cabeça."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2859
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_644a0f1c:
# Noelle "Ow!!" with sshake
Noelle "Ai!!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2862
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_edb63d00:
# AkarshaT "Baseball champion..."
AkarshaT "Campeã de baseball..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2864
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_c86eca2d:
# AkarshaT "I would do anything for you...If only you'd let me..."
AkarshaT "Eu faria qualquer coisa por você...Se você me deixasse..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2866
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_52a656e2:
# "Akarsha lets out a wistful sigh as Noelle performs her signature move, throwing the ball almost directly into the ground."
"Akarsha solta um suspiro melancólico enquanto Noelle executa seu movimento característico, jogando a bola quase diretamente no chão."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2869
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_bdaef4c6:
# Akarsha "It sucks having a sad hopeless crush...I just want gorlfriend..."
Akarsha "É um saco ter um crush tão triste e desesperançoso... Eu só quero uma namoradinha..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2872
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_8e9a9e3c:
# Grace "So dramatic. Konnichiwhat's up?"
Grace "Tão dramática. Konichiwaque foi?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2874
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_9ef3948b:
# Akarsha "I'm just bummed 'cause I've never experienced love."
Akarsha "Só estou chateada porque nunca experimentei o amor."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2875
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_a97f4283:
# Akarsha "No one ever likes me back. I feel like I'm missing out on so much..."
Akarsha "Ninguém nunca gostou de mim de volta. Sinto que estou perdendo tanto..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2879
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_4b801579:
# Sayeeda "It's okay, being rejected is a part of life."
Sayeeda "Tudo bem, ser rejeitada faz parte da vida."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2880
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_dc3fb0ac:
# Sayeeda "You should learn to love yourself. It's a lie that people can only be happy when they're in a relationship."
Sayeeda "Você tem que aprender a se amar. É uma grande mentira quando dizem que as pessoas só são felizes quando estão em um relacionamento."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2884
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_1381634a:
# "Ester glances up from the drawing she's scribbling on her sketchbook."
"Ester levanta o olhar do desenho que ela estava rabiscando em seu sketchbook."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2885
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_30756baa:
# Ester "Those are surprisingly wise words coming from someone with zero love experience."
Ester "Essas são palavras estranhamente sábias vindas de alguém com nenhuma experiência amorosa."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2887
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_38901edd:
# Sayeeda "I learned that life lesson from Card Captor Sakura."
Sayeeda "Eu aprendi essa lição de vida em Sakura Card Captors."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2888
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_b54308dc:
# Sayeeda "The main character experiences unrequited love even though she's a great person. That means it can happen to anyone."
Sayeeda "A personagem principal vivencia um amor não-correspondido mesmo que ela seja uma ótima pessoa. Isso significa que isso pode acontecer com qualquer um."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2889
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_c2036789:
# Sayeeda "Even our sugoi Akarsha-chan."
Sayeeda "Até mesmo com a nossa sugoi Akarsha-chan."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2891
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_ee7a144d:
# Akarsha "That does make me feel less alone. Thanks, senpai..."
Akarsha "Isso realmente faz eu me sentir menos sozinha. Obrigada, senpai..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2894
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_ac71f100:
# Ester "Ugh."
Ester "Ugh."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2895
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_391c1f0a:
# "Ester vigorously erases something on her page, making countless grey eraser shavings rain down on the dirt beneath the bench."
"Ester vigorosamente apaga algo da página dela, fazendo incontáveis restos de borracha cinza caírem na terra embaixo do banco."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2897
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_4f729466:
# Grace "Ester, what're you drawing?"
Grace "Ester, o que você está desenhando?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2899
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_023b03db:
# Ester "A chapter title page for a webcomic I'm starting."
Ester "A folha de rosto de uma webcomic que eu estou começando."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2901
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_3a7943d9:
# Grace "A webcomic? Like on SmackJeeves?"
Grace "Uma webcomic? Tipo no SmackJeeves?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2902
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_44c078ec:
# "Akarsha peers over at Ester's sketchbook, but she recoils, looking bashful."
"Akarsha dá uma espiada no sketchbook de Ester, mas ela recua, parecendo envergonhada."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2904
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_b9ad10bc:
# Ester "Don't look, I'm not done yet!"
Ester "Não olhe, eu não terminei ainda!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2905
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_da15fcee:
# "Akarsha manages to glimpse a spiky-haired character on the page before Ester angles her sketchbook away from prying eyes."
"Akarsha consegue vislumbrar um personagem de cabelo espetado na página antes de Ester esconder seu sketchbook de bisbilhoteiros."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2907
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_e41d13b9:
# AkarshaT "She's pretty good though...If she posted that on DeviantArt I bet she'd get like, two hundred views."
AkarshaT "Ela é muito boa... Se ela publicasse aquilo no DeviantArt eu aposto que ela pegaria tipo, duzentas visualizações."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2908
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_ef9bcacf:
# Akarsha "Is that from an anime?"
Akarsha "Isso é de um anime?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2910
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_9ca8d259:
# "Ester frowns, aghast."
"Ester faz cara feia, horrorizada."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2912
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_a441ccd6:
# Ester "No, it's just a regular guy."
Ester "Não, é só um cara normal."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2913
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_d7925785:
# Ester "It's like those iPod ads, see? He's wearing white earbuds, and I colored his silhouette in black."
Ester "É tipo aqueles anúncios de iPod's, vê? Ele está usando fones de ouvido, e eu colori a silhueta dele em preto."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2915
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_c7b44ff7:
# AkarshaT "Ester is the type of weeaboo who tries to hide the fact that she likes anime because she's embarrassed by it, but it's still super obvious."
AkarshaT "Ester é o tipo de weeaboo que tenta esconder o fato que ela gosta de anime porque ela tem vergonha, mas ainda é super óbvio."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2918
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_8e2f7084:
# Grace "I hate to break it to you, but even from his silhouette you can tell it's an anime guy."
Grace "Eu odeio ter que te contar, mas mesmo só através da silhueta dele você pode dizer que é um cara de anime."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2920
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_f7376a2c:
# Sayeeda "It's probably his hairdo. No real guys have bangs that go down to their chin."
Sayeeda "É provavelmente o penteado dele. Nenhum cara real tem uma franja que vai abaixo do seu queixo."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2922
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_e67219a8:
# Akarsha "They should, though. Life would be way less boring."
Akarsha "Eles deveriam, entretanto. A vida seria bem menos entediante."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2925
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_e9ac9bd5:
# Ester "Ugh. Guys with short hair are so hard to draw..."
Ester "Ugh. Caras com cabelo curto são tão difíceis de desenhar..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2927
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_91531e7b:
# "Akarsha turns her attention back to the field, where Diya and Min are passionately kissing."
"Akarsha volta sua atenção de volta para o campo, onde Diya e Min estão se beijando apaixonadamente."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2929
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_0a15b427:
# AkarshaT "I think they're trying to keep their relationship a secret, but they keep forgetting."
AkarshaT "Eu acho que elas estão tentando manter seu relacionamento em segredo, mas continuam esquecendo."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2934
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_0bb6a284:
# Noelle "Do you have to do that in front of us?"
Noelle "Vocês tem que fazer isso na nossa frente?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2936
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_367462cb:
# Min "Just you watch. I'm gonna rub my gay hands all over her."
Min "Apenas assistam. Eu vou esfregar minhas mãos gays nela todinha."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2938
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_a9db357b:
# Diya ".........."
Diya ".........."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2941
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_587864aa:
# Akarsha "I'm so jealous...I wanna be in love too..."
Akarsha "Eu estou com tanta inveja... Eu quero estar apaixonada também..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2942
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_625ecf42:
# Akarsha "Someday everyone else is gonna get married except me, and I'll be the one sad single friend."
Akarsha "Algum dia todo mundo vai estar casado exceto eu, e eu vou ser a única amiga solteira e triste."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2945
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_142358ac:
# Ester "Me too..."
Ester "Eu também..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2947
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_6f5916d6:
# Sayeeda "Me three..."
Sayeeda "Idem..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2949
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_0dcd5547:
# Grace "If that happens, we should all pitch in to buy a mansion and live as otaku together."
Grace "Se isso acontecer, nós deveríamos todas se juntar para comprar uma mansão e viver como otakus juntas."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2951
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_7bc3fc64:
# Akarsha "That definitely doesn't sound like the kind of life my parents were envisioning for me when they immigrated here...."
Akarsha "Isso definitivamente não soa como o tipo de vida que meus pais estavam prevendo pra mim quando eles imigraram para cá...."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2952
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_f6cbe096:
# Akarsha "But that sounds incredible."
Akarsha "Mas soa incrível."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2955
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_f42f7889:
# Grace "Doesn't it? We could put up all our anime prints and display our figurines with no shame."
Grace "Não é? Nós todas podemos expor nossos posters e bonecos de anime sem se envergonhar."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2957
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_18d50448:
# Ester "Speak for yourself. I don't have any of that stuff, my room is normal."
Ester "Fale por você. Eu não tenho nada disso, meu quarto é normal."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2959
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_6cb05e52:
# Akarsha "You don't have anything?? You've never been to an anime convention before?"
Akarsha "Você não tem nada?? Você nunca foi em uma convenção de anime antes?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2962
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_e474ea94:
# Sayeeda "Fanime is like, right there in San Jose..."
Sayeeda "A Fanime é tipo, logo aqui em San Jose..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2964
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_f9ecda1e:
# Grace "Ooh, we should all go together this year! We can all cosplay the same series!"
Grace "Ooh, nós poderíamos ir todas juntas esse ano! Nós podemos fazer cosplay da mesma série!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2966
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_2e045ee4:
# Akarsha "Yeah!! Maybe like, Soul Eater or Haruhi Suzumiya!" with sshake
Akarsha "Isso!! Talvez tipo, Soul Eater ou Haruhi Suzimiya!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2969
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_8766d806:
# Ester "What, at Fanime? Admission is probably too expensive anyway."
Ester "O que, na Fanime? O ingresso é provavelmente muito caro de qualquer jeito."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2971
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_d9f3c67d:
# "Ester scoffs like she's not interested before furtively writing something tiny on the side of her sketchbook page."
"Ester zomba como se ela não estivesse interessada antes de furtivamente escrever algo pequeno no canto da página do seu sketchbook."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2973
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_c84ff8af:
# AkarshaT "She didn't write small enough...It says \"Fanime\"..."
AkarshaT "Ela não escreveu pequeno o suficiente... Está escrito \"Fanime\"..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2974
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_d273748f:
# AkarshaT "She's probably gonna Google it later."
AkarshaT "Ela provavelmente vai pesquisar no Google depois."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2977
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_bf7aae1d:
# Chryssa "Hey, all you slackers sitting down doing nothing! Get over here and practice!" with sshake
Chryssa "Ei, todas vocês preguiçosas sentadas fazendo nada! Venham aqui e pratiquem!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2980
translate brazilian_portuguese sakuraUnrequitedLove_9718ed1f:
# Akarsha "Ya!!"
Akarsha "Beleza!!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2992
translate brazilian_portuguese secretAdmirer_becd0fa6:
# "Akarsha scoffs as a few upperclassmen come in to deliver the goodies people ordered."
"Akarsha zomba quando alguns veteranos chegam para entregar os presentes que as pessoas encomendaram."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2994
translate brazilian_portuguese secretAdmirer_90e6531c:
# Akarsha "We should have a reverse Valentine's Day where we give annoying, terrible gifts to our enemies on purpose."
Akarsha "Nós deveríamos ter um Dia dos Namorados reverso onde nós damos presentes irritantes e chatos de propósito para os nossos inimigos."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2997
translate brazilian_portuguese secretAdmirer_4610cf63:
# Noelle "You mean, {i}what you already do to me every single day of my life?{/i}"
Noelle "No caso, {i}o que você já faz comigo todo santo dia da minha vida?{/i}"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2999
translate brazilian_portuguese secretAdmirer_a76b1dd2:
# Akarsha "Oh, true..."
Akarsha "Ah, verdade..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:3002
translate brazilian_portuguese secretAdmirer_4b9acf29:
# "A few of their classmates receive ribboned roses, but someone comes in holding an entire bouquet..."
"Alguns de seus colegas recebem rosas com fitas, mas alguém chega segurando um buquê inteiro..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:3003
translate brazilian_portuguese secretAdmirer_4221da9c:
# NPC "Are you Akarsha? This is yours."
NPC "Você é a Akarsha? Isso é seu."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:3006
translate brazilian_portuguese secretAdmirer_282d0a77:
# Akarsha "Huh????" with sshake
Akarsha "Huh????" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:3007
translate brazilian_portuguese secretAdmirer_1209c8c2:
# "Bewildered, Akarsha accepts the bouquet and notices there's a note tied to it with a ribbon."
"Surpresa, Akarsha aceita o buquê e nota que há uma pequena nota amarrada a ele com uma fita."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:3008
translate brazilian_portuguese secretAdmirer_d4dac99f:
# "It reads:"
"A nota diz:"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:3009
translate brazilian_portuguese secretAdmirer_0206a05b:
# "{i}Roses are red\nViolets are blue{/i}"
"{i}Rosas são vermelhas\nVioletas são azuis{/i}"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:3010
translate brazilian_portuguese secretAdmirer_5109809c:
# "{i}Love never crossed my mind\nUntil the day I met you{/i}"
"{i}O amor nunca passou pela minha mente\nAté você vir em minha vida como uma luz{/i}"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:3011
translate brazilian_portuguese secretAdmirer_6904403e:
# "{i}-Your secret admirer{/i}"
"{i}-Seu/sua admirador(a) secreto(a){/i}"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:3012
translate brazilian_portuguese secretAdmirer_ef5acfe9:
# AkarshaT "Secret admirer? Who???" with sshake
AkarshaT "Admirador secreto? Quem???" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:3013
translate brazilian_portuguese secretAdmirer_82e5b490:
# AkarshaT "I can't believe it...Is this some kinda joke??"
AkarshaT "Eu não consigo acreditar...Isso é algum tipo de piada??"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:3015
translate brazilian_portuguese secretAdmirer_c4a987c9:
# "Akarsha looks wildly around the room in case her paramour is watching her reaction from afar."
"Akarsha olha freneticamente ao redor da sala para o caso de seu amante estar observando sua reação de longe."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:3016
translate brazilian_portuguese secretAdmirer_e0106150:
# "But no one seems to be acting out of the ordinary except Diya and Noelle, who are beside themselves with amusement."
"Mas ninguém parece estar agindo fora do normal exceto Diya e Noelle, que estão fora de si com surpresa."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:3018
translate brazilian_portuguese secretAdmirer_58b8c0e4:
# Noelle "Someone sent {i}you{/i} flowers?"
Noelle "Alguém {i}te{/i} enviou flores?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:3020
translate brazilian_portuguese secretAdmirer_2eb41fdf:
# Akarsha "I told you I was a hot commodity! I charmed the pants off someone without even knowing it!"
Akarsha "Eu te falei que eu era um produto exclusivo! Eu enchi alguém de encantos sem nem perceber!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:3024
translate brazilian_portuguese secretAdmirer_6ab4ab5e:
# Noelle "What's the note say? Let me read it."
Noelle "O que a nota diz? Deixe eu ler."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:3026
translate brazilian_portuguese secretAdmirer_3a9108b9:
# Akarsha "Wh-why do you care? You jealous?"
Akarsha "P-por que você se importa? Tá com inveja?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:3029
translate brazilian_portuguese secretAdmirer_794cdb6c:
# Noelle "In your dreams."
Noelle "Nos seus sonhos."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:3031
translate brazilian_portuguese secretAdmirer_5133a537:
# Diya "I bet she won't show us because they misspelled her name as \"Arkasha\"."
Diya "Eu aposto que ela não quer nos mostrar porque escreveram o nome dela errado, como \"Arkasha\"."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:3034
translate brazilian_portuguese secretAdmirer_e715eb06:
# Akarsha "Why're you so mean today?! I'm gonna tell the teacher you're bullying me!" with sshake
Akarsha "Por que vocês estão tão más hoje?! Vou contar a professora que vocês estão fazendo bullying comigo!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:3036
translate brazilian_portuguese secretAdmirer_10cbb649:
# AkarshaT "Maybe I can deduce who the sender is like a detective!"
AkarshaT "Talvez eu possa deduzir quem enviou como uma detetive!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:3037
translate brazilian_portuguese secretAdmirer_029021ff:
# AkarshaT "The poem is one hint. There's gotta be others."
AkarshaT "O poema é uma pista. Tem que ter outras."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:3040
translate brazilian_portuguese secretAdmirer_77b467f2:
# "Akarsha flips the note over. It's blank...except for a small dark smudge on the back."
"Akarsha vira a nota do avesso. Está vazia...exceto por uma pequena mancha preta na parte de trás do papel."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:3042
translate brazilian_portuguese secretAdmirer_8d44ca18:
# AkarshaT "Clue??"
AkarshaT "Pista??"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:3043
translate brazilian_portuguese secretAdmirer_fb651e4d:
# AkarshaT "Maybe it's from food? Like blackberries?"
AkarshaT "Talvez seja de comida? Tipo, de uma amora?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:3045
translate brazilian_portuguese secretAdmirer_bb9aa6ff:
# "Akarsha sniffs the note, but it's hard to single out any scent over the fragrance of the roses."
"Akarsha cheira a nota, mas é difícil notar um mínimo cheiro por baixo da fragrância das rosas."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:3047
translate brazilian_portuguese secretAdmirer_5692934d:
# Diya "What're you doing."
Diya "O que você está fazendo."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:3049
translate brazilian_portuguese secretAdmirer_a8fd5a51:
# Akarsha "Quiet, meanie!! I'm trying to crack the code!" with sshake
Akarsha "Calada, maldosa!! Estou tentando decifrar o código!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:3050
translate brazilian_portuguese secretAdmirer_0db32d7c:
# Akarsha "You're interrupting my mind palace technique!!!"
Akarsha "Você está interrompendo minha técnica do palácio mental!!!"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:3052
translate brazilian_portuguese secretAdmirer_6b9ec6df:
# AkarshaT "There's only two possibilities here. Either someone is secretly in love with me..."
AkarshaT "Há apenas duas possibilidades aqui. Ou alguém está secretamente apaixonado por mim..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:3053
translate brazilian_portuguese secretAdmirer_4666bb8f:
# AkarshaT "Or it's a prank. But it's kinda a lot of money to spend on a prank...?"
AkarshaT "Ou é uma piada. Mas até que é bastante dinheiro para gastar em uma piada...?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:3055
translate brazilian_portuguese secretAdmirer_407b602e:
# Akarsha "It's either fake or real."
Akarsha "Ou é real ou é falso."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:3058
translate brazilian_portuguese secretAdmirer_93219209:
# Noelle "You don't say? Thanks for narrowing it down for us."
Noelle "Não diga? Obrigado por diminuir as possibilidades para nós."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:3060
translate brazilian_portuguese secretAdmirer_21d23280:
# Akarsha "B-be quiet!" with sshake
Akarsha "F-fica quieta!" with sshake
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:3062
translate brazilian_portuguese secretAdmirer_568a2f6d:
# "Flustered, Akarsha scans the room one more time for good measure."
"Envergonhada, Akarsha dá uma olhada na sala mais uma vez, para garantir."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:3063
translate brazilian_portuguese secretAdmirer_6187d603:
# "She catches Diya looking away a beat too late, smiling to herself."
"Ela pega Diya desviando o olhar um pouco tarde demais, sorrindo para si mesma."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:3065
translate brazilian_portuguese secretAdmirer_17cf63b0:
# Diya "..."
Diya "..."
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:3067
translate brazilian_portuguese secretAdmirer_eeeff9c5:
# Akarsha "What're you smiling about?"
Akarsha "Tá sorrindo por que?"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:3070
translate brazilian_portuguese secretAdmirer_12f7ad31:
# Diya "Nothing. Just happy for you."
Diya "Nada. Só estou feliz por você."
translate brazilian_portuguese strings:
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:4
old "Min-seo"
new "Min-Seo"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:6
old "Akarsha"
new "Akarsha"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:9
old "Ester"
new "Ester"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:10
old "\"Yuki\""
new "\"Yuki\""
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:11
old "\"Sakura\""
new "\"Sakura\""
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:12
old "Dad"
new "Pai"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:14
old "Pratik"
new "Pratik"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:15
old "Amma"
new "Amma"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:17
old "Chun-hua"
new "Chun-hua"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:18
old "Ah-gong"
new "Ah-gong"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:19
old "???"
new "???"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:22
old "Jun-seo"
new "Jun-seo"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:23
old "Hayden"
new "Hayden"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:25
old "npc"
new "npc"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:26
old "npc2"
new "npc2"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:28
old "Global Warming"
new "Aquecimento Global"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:83
old "9th grade"
new "9º ano"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:192
old "Fake your own death"
new "Fingir sua própria morte"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:192
old "Propose to her"
new "Pedir ela em casamento"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:566
old "\"Accidentally\" press A as you take the controller"
new "\"Acidentalmente\" pressionar A ao pegar o controle"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:890
old "Roll the dice"
new "Rolar o dado"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1219
old "Monday, before school"
new "Segunda, antes da escola"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1432
old "Examine bookshelves"
new "Examinar prateleiras"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1441
old "Look at desk"
new "Olhar para a mesa"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1449
old "Leave library"
new "Sair da biblioteca"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1602
old "Look at the locker room"
new "Olhar o vestiário"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1611
old "Go to the bathroom"
new "Ir para o banheiro"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1619
old "Walk to the courtyard"
new "Caminhar para o pátio"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1627
old "Return to the school library"
new "Voltar a biblioteca da escola"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1639
old "The Bagels"
new "Os Bagels"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1639
old "The Chicken Nuggets"
new "Os Nuggets de Frango"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1639
old "The Death Bagels"
new "Os Bagels Mortíferos"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1639
old "Semes"
new "Semes"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1642
old "Bagels"
new "Bagels"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1647
old "Chicken Nuggets"
new "Nuggets de Frango"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1657
old "Death Bagels"
new "Bagels Mortíferos"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1736
old "Look outside the locker room"
new "Olhar para fora do vestiário"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1744
old "Go to class"
new "Ir pra aula"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1786
old "Look at your reflection"
new "Olhar para sua reflexão"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1794
old "Eavesdrop on classmates"
new "Escutar seus colegas"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1802
old "Enter classroom"
new "Entrar na sala de aula"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1824
old "Male student"
new "Menino estudante"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1825
old "Female student"
new "Menina estudante"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1919
old "Jiggle the cursor"
new "Sacudir o cursor"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:1919
old "Close the PowerPoint presentation"
new "Fechar a apresentação do PowerPoint"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2021
old "Morning announcements"
new "Anúncios diários"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2094
old "Teacher"
new "Professora"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2659
old "The next morning"
new "A próxima manhã"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2662
old "Diya's house"
new "Casa de Diya"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2984
old "Upperclassman"
new "Veteranos"
# game/1_akarsha.rpy:2987
old "Valentine's Day"
new "Dia dos Namorados"