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2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# TODO: Translation updated at 2022-11-19 22:40
# game/3_min.rpy:40
translate traditional_chinese min3_190a7661:
# NPC "Don't get too close to the water!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
NPC "小心不要踩到水裡喔!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:42
translate traditional_chinese min3_6279ba71:
# Min "Oh, c'mon! What's the point of a field trip to a bayou if we don't even get to splash around in it a little?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "拜託!我們不是來「觀察」濕地的嗎?不下去要怎麽觀察?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:45
translate traditional_chinese min3_65177aed:
# Jun "I mean, there might be alligators in there...It's probably dangerous."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Jun "裡面可能有鱷魚。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:47
translate traditional_chinese min3_71b45864:
# "Min sullenly trudges along the edge of the bayou with the rest of her classmates."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:49
translate traditional_chinese min3_ebbd26cd:
# MinT "I miss California..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "我想回加州……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:50
translate traditional_chinese min3_ee506316:
# MinT "We just moved here a couple months ago."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "幾個月前,我們搬家了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:51
translate traditional_chinese min3_27422de2:
# MinT "Before, the only white people I knew were Hayden and my teachers."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "之前,班上只有老師和海登是白人。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:52
translate traditional_chinese min3_387d7847:
# MinT "But now, everyone single kid in our class is white except me and Jun."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "現在變成只有我和阿俊不是白人了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:53
translate traditional_chinese min3_6847e8b3:
# MinT "I can't believe Hayden was right! Our school in California really {i}wasn't{/i} anything like the rest of America."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "沒想到海登說的竟然是真的!加州真的和其他地方不一樣!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:55
translate traditional_chinese min3_3e86b676:
# NPC "This bayou has a lot of biodiversity. Does anyone know what that means?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
NPC "濕地的生態多樣性非常豐富。有人知道「生態多樣性」是什麼意思嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:56
translate traditional_chinese min3_192cdb2a:
# "Jun-seo raises his hand. Their teacher pauses awkwardly before nodding to him."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:57
translate traditional_chinese min3_0c0d22fe:
# NPC "Er, sorry, how do you pronounce your name again?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
NPC "呃、抱歉,同學你的名字怎麽念?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:59
translate traditional_chinese min3_f354d953:
# Jun "Jun-seo."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Jun "俊瑞。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:60
translate traditional_chinese min3_bf6cde1f:
# NPC "Can you repeat that?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
NPC "可以再念一次嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:61
translate traditional_chinese min3_51c9f761:
# Jun "Yeah, Jun-seo."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Jun "俊瑞。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:62
translate traditional_chinese min3_fb9f138b:
# "She nods with her brows furrowed, still looking lost."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:64
translate traditional_chinese min3_0880fe2b:
# NPC "Uh...Is it okay if I call you John instead?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
NPC "……我可以叫你約翰(John)嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:66
translate traditional_chinese min3_9d85e579:
# Jun "...Okay..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Jun "……可以……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:68
translate traditional_chinese min3_7579ce34:
# Min "Okay??!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "可以?!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:70
translate traditional_chinese min3_b5abe017:
# "Looking embarrassed, Jun ignores her and answers the question like nothing happened."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:72
translate traditional_chinese min3_d870e57c:
# Jun "Biodiversity is when there's a lot of different kinds of plants and animals living somewhere."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Jun "「生態多樣性」就是一個地方住了很多種動物和植物。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:74
translate traditional_chinese min3_dbeef711:
# NPC "That's right, John!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
NPC "答對了!謝謝約翰!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:75
translate traditional_chinese min3_fd3e7f35:
# NPC "A variety of animals thrive in this habitat...Let's see which ones we can spot from here."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
NPC "溼地裡住了很多動物喔,讓我們來找找看!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:76
translate traditional_chinese min3_51ebcca6:
# NPC "Yes, Sarah?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
NPC "我看到莎拉同學舉手了?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:78
translate traditional_chinese min3_59a5e928:
# NPC2 "I see a fish in the water!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
NPC2 "裡面有魚!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:79
translate traditional_chinese min3_23a9106b:
# "Min hisses to her twin under her breath as the lesson continues."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:81
translate traditional_chinese min3_fc4d73eb:
# Min "What was that?! Now the teacher's gonna think it's ok to call me Minnie or something!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "你是怎樣?!萬一老師以後都叫我米妮(Minnie)怎麼辦!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:82
translate traditional_chinese min3_fec36688:
# Min "If people start calling me Minnie Mouse, that'll be the absolute worst!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我不要叫米妮!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:85
translate traditional_chinese min3_3c6d7def:
# Jun "I don't think that's gonna happen..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Jun "我覺得是不會啦……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:88
translate traditional_chinese min3_6d6e0c9a:
# Min "It better not, I hate Minnie Mouse! She's weak and wimpy looking." with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我最討厭米妮了!看起來就很弱的樣子!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:89
translate traditional_chinese min3_6b13c43c:
# Min "I bet if someone punched her in the gut, she'd just DIE."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "感覺被打一下就死掉了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:91
translate traditional_chinese min3_c7d1d099:
# Min "I'll go make the teacher call you the right name."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我要去跟老師說她名字叫錯了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:94
translate traditional_chinese min3_62e712b1:
# Jun "No, don't! I don't wanna make a huge deal out of it."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Jun "不用啦!我不想麻煩老師。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:96
translate traditional_chinese min3_0a5185e5:
# Min "But you SHOULD make a huge deal out of it! It's your name!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "怎麼會麻煩老師?你想永遠被人叫錯名字嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:99
translate traditional_chinese min3_079a6946:
# Jun "It's fine, John's close enough..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Jun "沒關係啦,約翰已經很接近了啦……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:100
translate traditional_chinese min3_cfaa2157:
# NPC "It looks like the Ant Walk is ready for us now. Everyone, follow me!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
NPC "我們要去觀察站了!大家跟著老師走!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:103
translate traditional_chinese min3_3c260918:
# "Their class continues down the trail, passing a group from another school. Many of the kids gawk at her and Jun with unabashed curiosity as they pass by."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:104
translate traditional_chinese min3_75e549b6:
# "One boy pulls his eyes into slits with his fingers as his friends giggle."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:106
translate traditional_chinese min3_29764687:
# NPC2 "Herro!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
NPC2 "尼豪!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:107
translate traditional_chinese min3_251629be:
# NPC2 "Me no speak Engrish..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
NPC2 "我不毀說英穩……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:109
translate traditional_chinese min3_b2189fb1:
# MinT "WHAT THE..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "是怎樣……?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:114
translate traditional_chinese min3_e16e6617:
# Min "You wanna go, dickhead!? FIGHT ME!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "決鬥吧!!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:116
translate traditional_chinese min3_6a0df382:
# NPC2 "Oh, he's mad! Me no rikey!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
NPC2 "九命!塔生氣樂!窩蒿怕!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:119
translate traditional_chinese min3_be630d44:
# Min "I DON'T SOUND LIKE THAT! BITCH!!!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "狗娘養的!我哪有那樣講話!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:126
translate traditional_chinese min3_6ee9acba:
# "Enraged, Min punches the kid in the face!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:127
translate traditional_chinese min3_2cfe8e7a:
# "He topples backward! There's a huge splash as he lands on his butt in the shallows of the bayou."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:128
translate traditional_chinese min3_d83b58ed:
# NPC2 "Oof!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
NPC2 "嗷!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:129
translate traditional_chinese min3_384df7f5:
# "Min seizes his head before he can get up and dunks it into the muddy water."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:132
translate traditional_chinese min3_60179875:
# Min "Get him, gators!!!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "鱷魚快來!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:135
translate traditional_chinese min3_cadfb3f1:
# Jun "Min, stop it!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Jun "不可以!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:136
translate traditional_chinese min3_02ff3c33:
# NPC "Hey, get off him!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
NPC "你們在幹嘛!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:149
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_22a315b5:
# "Min sits seething in the backseat as her dad drives her and Jun home."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:152
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_226b3ed4:
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Dad "你們有病是不是?!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:153
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_46c664c7:
# Dad "Now look, I have to pick you up in the middle of work because you couldn't behave yourself!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Dad "現在可好,我上班上到一半,還要過來給你們善後!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:155
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_eb9dfbc4:
# Jun "I was good...I don't see why {i}I{/i} have to be punished, too."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Jun "為什麼我也算?我又沒做錯事……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:158
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_a26eaef4:
# Min "I didn't do anything wrong either!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我也沒做錯事!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:161
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_507258e9:
# Dad "Your teacher said you tried to drown a boy!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Dad "老師說妳都快把別人淹死了!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:165
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_7715c50e:
# Min "HUH?? THAT'S A LIE!!!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我哪有?老師騙人!!!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:166
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_b5fe93f5:
# Min "I was only holding him underwater so the alligators would bite him!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我只是把他放在水裡,讓鱷魚咬他而已!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:169
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_0cae7255:
# Jun "That's not any better..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Jun "有比較好嗎……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:171
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_f0829b9a:
# "Their dad curses and lays down the horn as a Honda changes into their lane."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:176
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_29e0b6b4:
# Dad "{font=korean.ttf}개새끼!{/font} HE CUT ME OFF!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Dad "개새끼*!他超我車!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:180
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_cea56fbb:
# "The car lurches forward with squealing tires. Her dad is racing to catch up to the offending Honda, his eyes wild."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:182
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_091bb1b3:
# MinT "What's he doing?! He's gone nuts!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "他瘋了嗎?!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:185
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_f9c0566c:
# "A horrible cold wash runs down Min's spine as her dad maintains his breakneck speed beside the Honda and lays down the horn."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:189
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_0e4c2645:
# Jun "AaaAAAH!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Jun "哇啊啊啊啊!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:193
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_475efe46:
# "Jun screams as their dad violently swerves into the Honda, threatening to collide with them. The other driver is forced to veer off the road to avoid crashing."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:197
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_da52f95f:
# Min "What's wrong with you?!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "你有病啊?!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:201
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_0dadc546:
# Dad "He was at fault! I wasn't going to let him get away with it!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Dad "是他先超我的!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:204
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_d8f3ae3f:
# Min "What're you, crazy?! You could've crashed!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "你想撞死我們嗎?!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:208
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_a39afe31:
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Dad "是你們先惹我的!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:210
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_06d6aa68:
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Dad "真是造孽!我怎麼會生出妳這種智障!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:211
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_3ceb223f:
# Dad "Disrespect me again and I'll really make you regret it!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Dad "再跟我頂嘴,看我回家怎麼教訓妳!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:213
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_1c85a2e3:
# "Min remembers the time her dad threw a three pound paperweight at her head because she cut her hair short, and goes quiet."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:215
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_cd0ceb9b:
# "Fuming, her dad pulls over on the side of the road so he can focus on yelling at them."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:217
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_5d59fcfb:
# Dad "Tomorrow at school, you say sorry to your teacher for causing so much trouble!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Dad "明天去跟老師道歉!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:221
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_58eba440:
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我為什麼要道歉?!我又沒做錯事!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:222
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_8ae02113:
# Min "That jerk was asking for it! He was being racist and saying we didn't know English!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "那個人種族歧視!他笑我們不會英文!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:226
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_22656979:
# Dad "It doesn't matter what he said! What's gonna happen, you'll lose an arm if you don't hit him?!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Dad "他笑妳又怎樣?妳不打他會少快肉嗎?!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:227
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_22449170:
# Dad "Don't go crazy when things like that happen!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Dad "不要這麼大驚小怪!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:230
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_75b5737c:
# MinT "What about what YOU just did?! You just went ballistic five minutes ago!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "你有資格說我嗎?你剛才還想撞別人的車!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:233
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_1362f0aa:
# Dad "Can't you be more like your brother?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Dad "學學阿俊!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:234
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_32a1e6fc:
# Dad "Jun is so well-behaved."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Dad "阿俊這麼乖。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:237
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_3bf5b6dc:
# Min "You don't understand! You weren't there!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "你不懂!你當時又不在!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:240
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_34185c04:
# Dad "You think you're the only one who's had a hard time in the world?!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Dad "妳覺得只有妳最可憐,是不是?!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:241
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_3c36f258:
# Dad "People wouldn't even hire me because of my accent! Who wants a manager who's an immigrant?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Dad "我剛移民過來的時候,沒有公司願意用我!因為我有口音!他們不屑要一個移民當老闆!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:242
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_c31fcda9:
# Dad "When I got rejected from job after job, what was I gonna do? Complain? Cry like a baby?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Dad "我能怎麼辦?哭嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:244
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_d3779d3e:
# Jun "Why do I have to sit through this lecture, too? I didn't even do anything..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Jun "為什麼我也要被罵?我又沒做錯事……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:247
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_d9bef003:
# Dad "Be quiet, it's an important life lesson. Just listen."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Dad "我在教你為人處世的道理,乖乖聽就對了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:248
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_237a82d6:
# Dad "If I got mad like Min-seo and beat up all the people who rejected me, you know what would've happened?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Dad "如果每次我被歧視,都像旼瑞一樣亂發脾氣,你知道會發生什麼事嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:249
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_7003c942:
# Dad "I would've landed in jail and you'd all starve to death!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Dad "你們全都會餓死!因為我會去坐牢!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:250
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_e7a6ff1f:
# Dad "But that's not what happened. Instead I just worked harder."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Dad "可是我沒有!因為我肯努力!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:251
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_71282329:
# Dad "I got certifications, studied day and night, and got rid of my accent."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Dad "我拼命讀書、考執照,還改掉了口音。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:252
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_a1d6ceb9:
# Dad "And then I was so much more qualified than all the white guys, companies were forced to see how skilled I was."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Dad "公司必須用我,因為我比白人還要厲害。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:253
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_25b59e05:
# Dad "See? You have to be smart."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Dad "你要變得比他們厲害。聽懂了沒有?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:254
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_5633641d:
# Dad "Wasting time whining about it is never going to solve anything."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Dad "發脾氣是沒有用的。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:255
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_6b7a16cf:
# Dad "This is you, whining!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Dad "像妳今天那樣!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:257
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_5c35666c:
# "Min's dad imitates her in a high-pitched voice."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:259
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_40c66218:
# Dad "\"Wah, so unfair! No fair!\""
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Dad "\"嗚嗚嗚!不公平!不公平!\""
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:260
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_6df898cf:
# Dad "\"Wah! Wahhh! Crybaby!\"" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Dad "\"嗚嗚嗚!我好可憐喔!\"" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:263
translate traditional_chinese minDadCarRide_1b734232:
# MinT "Someday I'm going to kill you...{w=0.35}Someday I'm going to kill you..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "我要殺了你……{w=0.35}我絕對要殺了你……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:272
translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_75aa012c:
# "At home, Min and Jun hold an emergency meeting in their room."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:274
translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_1ea6ec33:
# Jun "This is an emergency meeting of the \"I Hate Dad\" Club."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Jun "「恨爸幫」緊急會議現在開始。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:275
translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_a9de3dd2:
# Jun "Club President and Strike Force Commander Min will read out our agenda today."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Jun "請幫會會長兼神威指揮官:小旼宣讀今天的議程。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:277
translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_f2c78cef:
# Min "Our agenda today is, COMPLAIN ABOUT HOW MUCH DAD SUCKS!!!!!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "今天的議程是:罵他!!!!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:279
translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_d3f0ea0a:
# Min "If he's so good at not getting mad at work, how come he gets mad at {i}us{/i} all the time?!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "他可以上班不發脾氣,憑什麼對我們發脾氣?!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:282
translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_0a691eb4:
# Jun "I mean...I feel like it's all connected."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Jun "我覺得……整件事其實是連在一起的。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:284
translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_2c14fd61:
# Min "Whaddya mean?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "連在一起?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:287
translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_a20e361e:
# Jun "Maybe he bottles up all his bad feelings at work, so when we do anything, he blows up on us."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Jun "因為他上班的時候一直在忍耐,所以就發洩在我們身上。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:288
translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_3f17948c:
# Jun "In his head, maybe it's okay for him to yell at us because he's our dad."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Jun "可能他覺得自己的小孩可以隨便罵。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:291
translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_ddafc9e1:
# Min "Well, he's not allowed to yell at me for getting mad when he's not any better!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "他哪有資格罵我亂發脾氣!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:293
translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_dbe900e1:
# Min "I can't believe he sided with the teacher instead of me! Coward!!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "而且他竟然還站在老師那邊!孬種……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:294
translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_109c98fd:
# Min "I hate racists! They should all die!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "會歧視的人都去死啦!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:297
translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_2b067b6d:
# Jun "I feel like he had a point about the fight you got into, though..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Jun "可是妳今天真的太過分了……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:300
translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_fd86a533:
# Min "WHAT?!! You're demoted!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我哪有?!我要降職你!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:303
translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_38f5b644:
# Jun "You can't demote me! I'm the Chief Demoter, remember?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Jun "職位管理長不是我嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:305
translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_ec600dc2:
# Min "Screw that! You're my own twin and you're betraying me?!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "誰鳥你!你怎麼可以背叛我?!你不是站我這邊的嗎?!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:306
translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_2081c598:
# Min "You were there too! You of all people should get how I feel!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "你不是應該最能體會我的感受嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:310
translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_2f9b3cf7:
# Jun "It's your fault I got in trouble!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Jun "是妳害我被罵的!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:312
translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_2e18baae:
# Jun "Dad's right that we shouldn't react like that to bullies. We should try to be the bigger person."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Jun "爸說的對。我們要變得比他們厲害,不是跟他們硬碰硬。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:315
translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_584dd09f:
# Min "NO!!! THEY HAVE TO DIE!!!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "屁啦!!!歧視都去死!!!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:316
translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_6fb1d509:
# Min "If other people are bad, we should get to be just as bad."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "他們對我們很壞,我們就要變得一樣壞,才可以打回去。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:319
translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_9337c469:
# Jun "Didn't you learn anything today?! We don't {i}get{/i} to be bad!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Jun "妳今天都沒在聽嗎?!我們不能變壞!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:320
translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_87dfd45d:
# Jun "It'll just get us in trouble!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Jun "我們變壞,只會被罵而已!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:321
translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_60b5f091:
# Jun "And when you talk back to Dad, it just makes him go crazy! When're you gonna learn?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Jun "然後妳不要一直跟他頂嘴!他只會更生氣!妳又不是不知道!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:323
translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_333d174a:
# MinT "He's just like Mom. How come no one will stand up against him except me?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "為什麼你要和媽說一樣的話?為什麼只有我覺得他有病?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:325
translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_4b85dc60:
# Min "What's your idea then, genius? Be a wimpy loser like him??"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "那不然你想怎樣?隨便人家欺負你嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:328
translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_35b09fd3:
# Jun "I dunno..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Jun "我不知道……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:329
translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_4fb7e02a:
# Jun "Maybe if we just laugh along, the other kids will wanna be our friends."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Jun "如果我們一起打哈哈,可能就會有人跟我們做朋友了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:331
translate traditional_chinese iHateDadClub_8683854e:
# Min "..........."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "…………"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:351
translate traditional_chinese forum_4c75dc1d:
# Diya "Min. Can you act?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "小旼,妳會演戲嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:354
translate traditional_chinese forum_30974b76:
# Min "I guess. Why?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "大概吧?怎麼了?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:356
translate traditional_chinese forum_82b5c54f:
# Diya "Can you be in a video we're making? For English."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "我們英文課要拍影片,妳可以來幫忙嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:358
translate traditional_chinese forum_ac8c281d:
# Min "Sure, what's the video?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "可以啊。要拍什麼?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:360
translate traditional_chinese forum_8612b787:
# "Diya reties her ponytail, but most of her short hair immediately falls out of the elastic and ends up framing her face."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:361
translate traditional_chinese forum_105bd59f:
# "Min gently tucks a curly lock behind Diya's ear, making her girlfriend blush as her fingertips brush her skin."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:366
translate traditional_chinese forum_21d95075:
# Diya "We have to make a video about current events."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "和時事有關的內容。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:367
translate traditional_chinese forum_ccab6fbc:
# Diya "So we chose saving the gray wolves."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "我們選的是灰狼保育。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:370
translate traditional_chinese forum_9b0c02a5:
# Min "Who's \"we\"?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "「我們」是誰?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:373
translate traditional_chinese forum_c187c340:
# Akarsha "Us and Noelle."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "我、迪亞、小諾。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:376
translate traditional_chinese forum_d26232e9:
# Min "How come you guys keep getting these three person group projects?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "怎麽每次都是妳們三個。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:377
translate traditional_chinese forum_a6efced4:
# Min "My teachers usually do groups of four."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我們班都是四個人一組。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:380
translate traditional_chinese forum_74b34011:
# Noelle "They {i}are{/i} four person projects. It's just that usually, no one else wants to be in our group."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "是四個人一組沒錯,不過沒有人想跟我們一組。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:383
translate traditional_chinese forum_23d29ba9:
# Min "Oh."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "喔。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:386
translate traditional_chinese forum_9abf1de4:
# Diya "That's why we need more people to act out the skit we wrote."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "所以我們人不夠。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:388
translate traditional_chinese forum_fe8b8aba:
# Noelle "Actually, if we just made a few simple cuts to the script, three people would be more than enough."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "其實,只要妳願意把劇本改一下,人是夠的。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:389
translate traditional_chinese forum_12a19419:
# Noelle "Your feelings on the subject matter are distorting your judgement."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "妳已經被這個主題蒙蔽了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:391
translate traditional_chinese forum_21db1bee:
# Diya "No. We need three people for the wolf family alone."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "灰狼家庭就需要三個人。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:394
translate traditional_chinese forum_69c09f0e:
# Noelle "There's no point in showing an entire family of wolves! Just a single wolf will suffice!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "為什麼一定要「家庭」?一隻不行嗎?" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:396
translate traditional_chinese forum_7b455e87:
# Diya "No. It's more sad if there's also a mommy and daddy."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "一隻不夠難過。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:398
translate traditional_chinese forum_ffde6a64:
# Akarsha "Yeah, stop censoring our artistic vision!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "聽到沒?不要侷限我們對藝術的追求!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:401
translate traditional_chinese forum_4b1df493:
# Min "I've never seen you two gang up on Noelle like this before."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳們難得站在同一陣線欸。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:404
translate traditional_chinese forum_e18d8e19:
# Diya "It's because she's wrong about this."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "一隻不行。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:406
translate traditional_chinese forum_a661cddf:
# Akarsha "If we're gonna make a video, it's our chance to create a masterpiece!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "我們要拍出曠世巨作!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:407
translate traditional_chinese forum_60498574:
# Akarsha "We can make it so funny!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "超搞笑的那種!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:410
translate traditional_chinese forum_afd2e269:
# MinT "...Funny? That doesn't sound like the same thing Diya's going for."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "迪亞想拍的應該不是搞笑片吧……?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:413
translate traditional_chinese forum_70b140b7:
# Akarsha "I want it to be like How to be Ninja."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "我想拍的和「如何成為忍者」一樣。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:416
translate traditional_chinese forum_b6045cf1:
# Min "What's that?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "那是什麼?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:419
translate traditional_chinese forum_cbde1b7d:
# Akarsha "You haven't seen it?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "妳沒看過?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:422
translate traditional_chinese forum_2f341b42:
# Min "No?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "沒。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:425
translate traditional_chinese forum_cf8db200:
# Akarsha "You have to watch it!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "妳一定要看!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:426
translate traditional_chinese forum_9cd98d5b:
# Akarsha "It's the funniest video I've ever seen! I found it on this website called YouTube yesterday."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "我昨天在一個叫YouTube的網站上找到的超級超級超級好笑"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:427
translate traditional_chinese forum_330eb18c:
# Akarsha "I even converted it to mp4 online so I could watch it on my iPod!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "我存到iPod上了"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:434
translate traditional_chinese forum_2b85f334:
# "Min puts in one of Akarsha's earbuds so she can hear the video. Akarsha takes the other."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:435
translate traditional_chinese forum_9293adbc:
# "In a living room, two teenage boys do cartwheels and kip ups to the song \"Kung Fu Fighting\"."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
"影片中兩個青少年正在客廳裡配合歌曲「Kung Fu Fighting」做出側手翻和鯉魚打挺等動作。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:437
translate traditional_chinese forum_23b92ecf:
# MinT "Oh, they're both Asian? They look about our age."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "是亞裔耶!而且看起來和我們差不多大。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:439
translate traditional_chinese forum_1bdc4f1f:
# NPC "Hey you! Wanna learn how to defend yourself?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
NPC "就是你!想學習如何保護自己嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:440
translate traditional_chinese forum_446ca96c:
# NPC "Aren't you tired of bullies picking on you all the time?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
NPC "你厭倦了每天被欺負的日子嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:441
translate traditional_chinese forum_f82e6944:
# NPC "Well, then...How To Be Ninja is the DVD for you."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
NPC "既然如此「如何成為忍者」DVD就是你的最佳選擇"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:443
translate traditional_chinese forum_d86a4248:
# "A boy in the video bows."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:444
translate traditional_chinese forum_7894c119:
# NPC "Herro everyone....My name is Hanete wakuso shiseo tadashite teriyaki suzuki honda civic."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
NPC "尼蒿我叫……Hanate wakuso shiseo tadashite teriyaki suzuki honda civic。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:445
translate traditional_chinese forum_940cbf07:
# NPC2 "Herro...My name is Bob."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
NPC2 "尼蒿我叫Bob。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:447
translate traditional_chinese forum_51156260:
# MinT "I dunno if I've ever seen two Asian kids like me starring in anything before."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "我從來沒有看過亞裔小孩當主角的影片。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:448
translate traditional_chinese forum_c6915b47:
# MinT "And they're being funny and everything!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "很好笑欸!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:452
translate traditional_chinese forum_45ff230b:
# NPC "The first {i}resson{/i} in being a ninja..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
NPC "作委忍者的第一苛史……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:453
translate traditional_chinese forum_71775d28:
# "Already, Akarsha is cracking up so hard at the kid's line delivery, the iPod is quaking in her hands."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:454
translate traditional_chinese forum_4ecc75d8:
# NPC "Is to make loud, unnecessary sounds when you hit things."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
NPC "攻擊的時候要發出各種沒有意義的聲音。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:456
translate traditional_chinese forum_6579fb44:
# NPC "Hoo! Kikiki YAH! Wah! Hooooo!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
NPC "呼!呔呔呔呀!哇!呼啊!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:458
translate traditional_chinese forum_d1fee176:
# MinT "I've never seen a video like this my whole life! It's hilarious!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "這到底是什麼東西啦!超好笑的!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:460
translate traditional_chinese forum_1f77fe53:
# NPC2 "You must be able to transform into anything."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
NPC2 "你需要精通變身的能力。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:461
translate traditional_chinese forum_30c964c7:
# NPC2 "An animal...a tree...a fag...You must be able to imitate ANYONE!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
NPC2 "動物、植物、娘砲……叫你學什麼,你就得像什麼!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:462
translate traditional_chinese forum_1f1c3d9c:
# "After a kung-fu battle that culminates in one of the kids resorting to using fake gun, the bloopers play."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:463
translate traditional_chinese forum_74db277d:
# NPC "And we will be teaching {i}youuuuuuu...{/i}"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
NPC "窩們就是你的師父……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:464
translate traditional_chinese forum_3e87fb14:
# "The boys repeatedly dissolve into laughter over the accent they're doing."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:467
translate traditional_chinese forum_5a5b1cfb:
# Min "They look like they had so much fun making this."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "感覺他們拍得很開心。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:470
translate traditional_chinese forum_e549b7f9:
# Akarsha "Right? It's so inspirational!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "是不是?我大受震撼!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:471
translate traditional_chinese forum_86563519:
# Akarsha "They're, like, our age, and they made such an awesome video."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "既然他們能拍出這麼棒的影片……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:473
translate traditional_chinese forum_9d137c46:
# Akarsha "If they can create something that iconic, so can we!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "我們一定也可以!因為我們年紀差不多!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:475
translate traditional_chinese forum_9fe61e3a:
# Noelle "Must I remind you that this is a school assignment? That we're being GRADED on?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "容我提醒妳們一下:這是作業,要打分數的。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:477
translate traditional_chinese forum_537201f1:
# Diya "We're still following the grading rubric."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "我們又沒有亂演。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:479
translate traditional_chinese forum_70dbacca:
# Noelle "Are you? I didn't see \"gun for an Academy Award\" on there."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "噢,是嗎?評分標準有「角逐葛萊美獎」這一項嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:480
translate traditional_chinese forum_96cb62f9:
# Noelle "The script you two have written is wildly overambitious."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "妳們也想得太美了吧。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:482
translate traditional_chinese forum_e7631105:
# Akarsha "Nyeh!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "喵喵!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:484
translate traditional_chinese forum_d74f5b0e:
# "Under the table, Akarsha immobilizes one of Noelle's feet by sandwiching it between two of her own feet like tongs."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:486
translate traditional_chinese forum_29a86697:
# Akarsha "Gotchu. Captured."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "抓到妳惹。妳被捕了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:489
translate traditional_chinese forum_ed734dd9:
# Noelle "I'm not captured!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "我沒有!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:491
translate traditional_chinese forum_86a51b78:
# "Noelle wriggles her foot free. When Akarsha tries to trap it again, Noelle retaliates by pinning one of Akarsha's feet against the leg of the table."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:493
translate traditional_chinese forum_1d82f671:
# Akarsha "No fair, I'm wearing flip-flops while you have real shoes. You gotta go easy on me."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "妳怎麼可以用全力,我穿的是拖鞋欸。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:496
translate traditional_chinese forum_6d0ff943:
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "妳自找的!!!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:500
translate traditional_chinese forum_95425805:
# MinT "What the hell? They always act so demented around each other."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "她們為什麼每次都可以吵成這樣?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:501
translate traditional_chinese forum_9ec63d39:
# Min "When you're done playing footsies, can we talk about what you guys actually need from me?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "玩完了嗎?可以告訴我:我到底要幫什麼忙了嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:503
translate traditional_chinese forum_278e2756:
# "Akarsha and Noelle freeze, looking embarrassed."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:505
translate traditional_chinese forum_9d73f57c:
# Noelle "What?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "幫、幫忙?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:508
translate traditional_chinese forum_a0dbc321:
# Min "Hello? Because I'm acting in your project?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳失憶了嗎?我不是要幫妳們演戲嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:511
translate traditional_chinese forum_e94b895d:
# Diya "Can you meet us at the park this weekend?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "妳這個週末有空嗎?我們要在公園拍。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:513
translate traditional_chinese forum_fbb8b2ba:
# Akarsha "Ya, that's where we're filming. There's a kinda woodsy lookin' spot at the edge of it."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "有一塊地方滿像森林的。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:516
translate traditional_chinese forum_2f27ad6f:
# Min "Do I need to bring anything?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我需要帶什麼東西嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:519
translate traditional_chinese forum_5aa51999:
# Diya "No, just you."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "不用。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:520
translate traditional_chinese forum_8c4f3265:
# Diya "We're still working on the script, so we'll give it to you there."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "劇本還沒完成,所以當天才能給妳。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:522
translate traditional_chinese forum_e8777567:
# Akarsha "We'll take care of the costumes, too."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "戲服我們會準備好。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:523
translate traditional_chinese forum_9ef61b99:
# Akarsha "\"Sakura\" and \"Yuki\" have a ton of stuff we can use, so they're gonna bring it all."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "「小櫻」和「小雪」有很多衣服可以借我們穿。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:526
translate traditional_chinese forum_c6816527:
# Min "Cool, I'll be there."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "好啊,到時候見。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:540
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_4052c578:
# "When Min gets there, she spots Akarsha waiting in the shade under a tree."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:542
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_5304c5f6:
# Min "Where is everyone?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "其他人呢?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:545
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_b3040db2:
# Akarsha "Noelle said Diya's mom just picked her up."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "小諾說她剛剛上迪亞的車。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:547
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_16812407:
# MinT "It's so annoying how Diya's mom has always been fine with Noelle but not me."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "小諾就可以當迪亞的朋友。這種差別待遇真得很討厭。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:550
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_7198329f:
# Akarsha "And \"Sakura\" and \"Yuki\" are running late 'cuz they couldn't find a hat they wanted to bring."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "「小櫻」和「小雪」說找不到一頂可以用的帽子,所以還沒出門。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:551
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_e0d7c963:
# Akarsha "We don't need Chryssa and Liz til the fourth scene or so, so I told them they could show up whenever."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "克莉莎和麗姿第四幕才有戲份,所以我跟她們說自己抓時間就好。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:553
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_cfa3f7f6:
# Min "Wait, they're acting in it, too?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "她們也要演?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:556
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_f2e125aa:
# Akarsha "Ya, we pretty much ended up summoning the entire baseball club to help."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "對啊。結果整個棒球社的人都來了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:557
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_d2dbf788:
# "Min joins Akarsha under the shade."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:559
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_53230d9b:
# Min "So any progress on your crush?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳跟喜歡的人有進展了嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:562
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_d5734261:
# Akarsha "Didn't I already tell you I got rejected?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "我不是說過了嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:564
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_1a493960:
# Min "You told me you half-assed a confession through fucking TEXT before chickening out and passing it off as a joke."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "對,可是據我所知:妳她媽是用網路告白,而且還寫得不清不楚,最後還想用開玩笑乎巄過去。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:567
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_3ed3fdac:
# Akarsha "Well, I was flirting pretty hard before that happened. So either way, they should've gotten the message, at least subliminally."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "是沒錯啦。可是在那之前,我也有暗示過啊。對方應該知道了啦……至少冥冥之中應該知道吧。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:569
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_11cb613f:
# Min "Subliminally?!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "冥冥之中?!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:570
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_b9f60542:
# Min "Have you been listening to a thing I've been saying?! Go big or go home!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我說的話妳到底有沒有在聽啊?要講好好講啦!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:571
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_c3fec1b8:
# Min "I literally can't even tell who it was you were flirting with."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我又不知道妳在說誰!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:574
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_b6904d65:
# Akarsha "Okay, I know, I know..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "好啦、好啦……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:576
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_561048cb:
# Min "What's next? Confessing to them on April Fool's Day?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "所以咧?妳下次是不是要在愚人節告白?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:579
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_0bd68738:
# Akarsha "Actually, that's not a bad idea..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "好像不錯欸……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:581
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_d9357b66:
# Min "You've got to be kidding me..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "不會吧……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:584
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_6cda128a:
# "When Diya and Noelle show up, Min runs over and presses a kiss to Diya's cheek."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:586
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_56bfc018:
# Diya "...!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "……!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:589
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_3a2190bc:
# Diya "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해.{/font}"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "撒浪嘿。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:592
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_3bda0bc4:
# MinT "I told Diya that phrase meant \"Hi\" a really long time ago."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "我以前騙她這是打招呼用的。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:593
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_1e862705:
# MinT "Maybe I should come clean about it now that we're actually dating."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "現在我們正式交往了,繼續騙下去感覺不太好。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:594
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_ef814e6a:
# MinT "I don't want her to stop saying, it, though..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "可是我還想繼續聽她說……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:596
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_0241d1fa:
# "Noelle wearily hands Min her script."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:598
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_347bfbc2:
# Noelle "While we're waiting for the others, you can at least familiarize yourself with your lines."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "妳可以先背一下台詞。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:600
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_6ff61860:
# "It's unseasonally hot out, so Min fans Diya with the script."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:602
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_14d186b1:
# Min "Who am I playing?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我要演誰?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:605
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_d17156da:
# Diya "The Evil Hunter."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "「壞心的獵人」。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:607
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_febee0ea:
# Min "Whoa, sick!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "酷欸!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:608
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_4591733a:
# Min "So what do I do?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我為什麼很壞?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:611
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_4d7f0bc2:
# Noelle "Are you illiterate? Just read the script."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "妳是不會自己看嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:613
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_453e74b0:
# Min "I will, just gimme the SparkNotes version first."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我會看啦。只是想先知道一下劇情。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:618
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_fa39483c:
# Noelle "To summarize, gray wolves are set to be removed from the Endangered species list."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "簡單的說:故事是以「灰狼被移出瀕臨絕種動物名單」為前提進行的。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:620
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_e327324a:
# Noelle "I'll be playing a reporter. First, I'll interview an environmentalist, Diya."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "我演的記者會先去採訪迪亞演的環保人士。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:621
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_ef894fe8:
# Noelle "Next, I'll interview you, an Evil Hunter."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "接下來去採訪妳演的壞獵人。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:623
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_d1a75455:
# Noelle "Lastly, I'll interview a...family of wolves on their opinion."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "最後我會去採訪……一個由灰狼組成的家庭。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:624
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_c6ec21a4:
# Noelle "During this last interview, the Evil Hunter kills the Wolf Pup, played by Akarsha."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "然後在訪問到一半的時候,阿卡莎演的狼寶寶就被妳給打死了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:626
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_8899ba10:
# Min "You {i}really{/i} don't like this script, huh?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳{i}真的{/i}很討厭這個劇本欸。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:629
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_9af66b9d:
# Noelle "It's clearly biased."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "因為很偏頗。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:630
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_003234df:
# Noelle "It doesn't make sense to extend special treatment to wolves just because they're \"cute\" and \"fuzzy\"."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "妳不能因為某種動物「很可愛」,就認為政府應該保護牠。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:632
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_5c101b57:
# Diya "It makes sense in my heart."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "我覺得可以。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:635
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_7d7b950b:
# Noelle "From an objective, numerical standpoint, their populations have recovered enough that these protections are no longer needed."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "根據統計:灰狼的數量已經脫離瀕臨絕種標準了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:637
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_50ed93cb:
# Akarsha "Humans have a thriving population, too. Does that mean aliens are allowed to hunt us for sport?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "人類的數量也超標了啊。那外星人可以開始攻打我們了嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:639
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_ccb17978:
# "Min reads the script as they argue. It's physically battered and marked with edits."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:641
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_cacc47e0:
# MinT "They must've been fighting over this for hours."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "意見超分歧的。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:649
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_bda37ffe:
# Akarsha "Guys, wait, I have another idea."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "各位,我知道了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:651
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_7c22f177:
# Akarsha "I just saw a video of a guy setting a pile of leaves on fire, and it exploded."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "我之前看過有人在一堆樹葉上點火的影片,然後樹葉就爆炸了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:652
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_e2e69b6c:
# Akarsha "Can we try to work that into the video too?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "可以用在影片裡嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:654
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_9a53d3f8:
# Noelle "NO."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "不可以。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:656
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_7f6cabfd:
# "Diya slips her hand into Min's as Akarsha and Noelle argue."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:658
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_d11361e6:
# Diya "........."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:660
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_297e5006:
# MinT "Looks like we have some time to kill before everyone else arrives."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "看來我們可以悠哉地等到大家到齊為止。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:663
translate traditional_chinese arriveAtPark_a5170143:
# "Min looks around the park..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:763
translate traditional_chinese lookPlayground_2eec2a30:
# MinT "There's just sand here. No rocks."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "只有沙子,沒有石頭。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:768
translate traditional_chinese lookPlayground_cdd5d3f5:
# Diya "I'm sad we're too big for playgrounds now. They should make playgrounds for teens and adults."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "我們現在都不能玩了。如果有可以給大人玩的遊樂場就好了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:770
translate traditional_chinese lookPlayground_12c9a2b4:
# Min "Yeah, all the scenarios we'd come up with while playing pretend were so fun!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "對啊!我們想的故事都超精彩的!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:773
translate traditional_chinese lookPlayground_2f9e580d:
# Diya "My favorite was the one where we pretended we were runaways starting our own clan."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "我最喜歡「我們都是流浪者,要一起建立自己的門派」那個。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:774
translate traditional_chinese lookPlayground_01d5d020:
# Diya "That one was so popular, some of the kids joining in weren't even our friends."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "那個真的很受歡迎,有好多不是我們朋友的人都想加進來玩。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:776
translate traditional_chinese lookPlayground_968bdc9b:
# Min "Sucks that the teachers made us stop because everyone was digging huge holes in the ground and making stuff out of mud."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "可惜後來老師不准我們玩這個故事了。因為我們在地上挖洞,又把挖出來的泥巴拿來蓋東西。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:779
translate traditional_chinese lookPlayground_cbad1927:
# Diya "Was that why? I thought it was because it got too big."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "是嗎?我還以為是因為人太多了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:781
translate traditional_chinese lookPlayground_e7f10277:
# Diya "I remember like, thirty of us were doing it."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "我記得好像有三十幾個人。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:783
translate traditional_chinese lookPlayground_e0bd12c9:
# Min "Maybe it was a combination of both? I dunno."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "可能都有吧。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:786
translate traditional_chinese lookPlayground_a5efd930:
# Diya "I didn't even dig anything. My house was just a bunch of pine needles I arranged in a circle shape."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "我又沒挖洞。我的家是用松針圍成的圈圈。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:788
translate traditional_chinese lookPlayground_a8b5db4e:
# Min "You mean OUR house? We were married."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我們家啦。我們結婚了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:789
translate traditional_chinese lookPlayground_bb13ee02:
# Min "In the pretend world, I mean."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "在玩的時候。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:792
translate traditional_chinese lookPlayground_5569b316:
# Diya "?????"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya ""
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:793
translate traditional_chinese lookPlayground_c73ef23f:
# Diya "We were?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "有嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:795
translate traditional_chinese lookPlayground_b5877694:
# Min "I saved you from being kidnapped by bandits and I made you marry me as a reward."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳被土匪抓走的時候,是我救了妳。所以妳要嫁給我。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:798
translate traditional_chinese lookPlayground_5c0ccd0e:
# Diya "You did the exact same thing as the bandits then." with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "可是妳當土匪的時候也叫我嫁給妳。" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:800
translate traditional_chinese lookPlayground_9edbec9c:
# Min "No, I didn't! The bandits wanted you for bad reasons, but I wanted you for nice reasons ONLY." with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "不一樣啦!他們是壞人才抓妳,我是好人,可是我抓妳。" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:801
translate traditional_chinese lookPlayground_dc82f841:
# Min "And didn't you say this game was your favorite? You must've liked it."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "而且這不是妳最喜歡的故事嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:804
translate traditional_chinese lookPlayground_1612cdcc:
# Diya "..............."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "…………"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:805
translate traditional_chinese lookPlayground_f7d32d48:
# "Realizing that Min's right, Diya is so embarrassed that she doesn't respond."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:814
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_90231585:
# "Min scours the ground for rocks. Meanwhile, Diya is almost in tears watching a dog run in circles round the park."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:816
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_c8c0970c:
# "Diya is almost in tears watching the dog run in circles round the park."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:818
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_68141d62:
# Diya "He looks like a banana dipped in chocolate and he doesn't even know it."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "牠好像香蕉巧克力喔!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:820
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_51cc5aef:
# Min "God, the way you think is so fucking cute..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳的想法也太可愛了吧……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:823
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_67863566:
# "The dog catches a frisbee with its mouth and brings it to its owner."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:824
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_94823f24:
# NPC "Bucket! Good boy!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
NPC "水桶乖!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:826
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_d1d0e51a:
# Diya "Bucket..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "水桶……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:828
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_dca53baa:
# Min "Want me to ask if we can pet it?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳要摸嗎?我可以幫妳問。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:831
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_167b0ab8:
# Diya "No, I think I can do it. Thanks."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "沒關係,我自己問問看。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:833
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_2ab8852d:
# Min "Oh, sure. Go for it!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "好,妳問!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:835
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_129a989a:
# Min "Don't worry, I'll take over if they don't let you pet it."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "如果他不讓妳摸,我再幫妳問!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:838
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_22539d23:
# "Diya nods and hesitantly approaches the dog's owner."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:839
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_5d787a52:
# "She stands about a foot behind him, unnoticed."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:841
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_74a1a48c:
# Diya "...."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:842
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_d11361e6:
# Diya "........."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "…………"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:844
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_142cedcc:
# MinT "She must be psyching herself up to do it."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "她在演練。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:847
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_6e8840cd:
# Diya "............"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:848
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_73c5644b:
# Diya "....................."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "………………"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:849
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_18e2faae:
# Diya "Can I pet your dog?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "請問我可以摸牠嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:851
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_71c831ed:
# NPC "Wugh!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
NPC "哇!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:852
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_e934c1c9:
# NPC "You scared me!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
NPC "嚇我一跳!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:853
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_af9990e7:
# NPC "Sure, you can pet him."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
NPC "可以啊。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:855
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_c94a2d0d:
# "Bucket happily rolls over on his back, exposing his belly."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:857
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_cfdf7c17:
# Diya "!!!!!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:858
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_ace278a0:
# "Diya gives the dog a hearty belly rub as he blissfully writhes around in the grass."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:861
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_c244f93a:
# Diya "{font=korean.ttf}자기야.{/font} "
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "{font=korean.ttf}자기야*。{/font} "
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:863
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_212e2c22:
# Diya "Do you wanna pet it too."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "妳要不要摸?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:865
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_2b73b2b5:
# MinT "She's talking to me!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "她叫我寶貝!!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:869
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_f6e76337:
# "Min rubs the dog's belly with both hands. His rough fur is a little smelly."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:870
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_f9baa254:
# "When she stops, the dog looks up at her expectantly."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:872
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_25d2f904:
# Diya "He's asking for more."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "牠還要。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:874
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_d4166857:
# Min "You're still petting him, too! He really wants a whole crew massaging him at once?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "牠真的喜歡一堆人一起摸嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:878
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_bcd2afde:
# Min "It's okay. I'm happy just watching you."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "不用,我看妳摸就好。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:880
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_7ef784a5:
# "Diya keeps rubbing Bucket's belly with both hands, but he keeps looking up at Min expectantly."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:882
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_c28f951a:
# Diya "He's asking you to join."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "牠要妳摸他。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:884
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_493641b9:
# Min "You're already petting him! He really wants a whole crew massaging him at once?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "牠真的想要一堆人一起摸嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:888
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_5b10a15b:
# "After a solid five minutes, Bucket still hasn't had enough pets."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:889
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_a5b1b65c:
# NPC "It's okay, you can stop...I don't wanna keep you guys all day..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
NPC "可以不用那麼努力啦,怕耽誤妳們太久……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:891
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_28c59322:
# Diya "Oh, okay. Thanks."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "喔,好。謝謝。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:894
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_23f01675:
# Min "Wait, have you seen any huge rocks around here?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "對了,這附近有石頭嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:896
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_05fed681:
# NPC "Uh...How about the one over there?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
NPC "呃……那塊可以嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:897
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_022c559d:
# "He points at a slab of rock lying in the dirt."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:899
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_37af7df1:
# Min "Yeah, perfect!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "完美!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:901
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_e7859f4d:
# Min "Now we just need to find a rock for me, too."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "還差我的。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:904
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_13b767b1:
# Diya "This one's for me?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "所以這是我的嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:906
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_c98a4a9b:
# Min "This one's for you."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "先給妳。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:912
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_c7e26434:
# "Min squeezes Diya's hand as the guy walks off with his dog."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:914
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_8b4db3d2:
# Min "You did good talking to that guy!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳問成功了耶!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:923
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_e90f77f4:
# Diya "I'm trying to get better at it."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "我有努力。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:925
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_a48cf38f:
# Diya "Used to think I was just awkward because of my ear, but I think I partially picked it up from my mom."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "我本來以為我不愛講話是因為耳朵,後來發現好像是遺傳的關係。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:926
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_8397f695:
# Diya "She's old and still scared of answering the phone and talking to strangers."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "我媽媽到現在都很怕接電話,或著跟不熟的人說話。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:927
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_fabb8b25:
# Diya "I wanna be different."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "我不想變得跟她一樣。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:929
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_7cf22a3e:
# Min "Oh, I get that feeling. I don't want to be like my dad, no matter what."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我懂。我也不想變得跟我爸一樣。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:930
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_abf36819:
# Min "That's why I'll never have kids. I'd never wanna do the things he did to me, to someone else."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "所以我不要小孩。我不想做出和他一樣的事。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:933
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_98ffeab0:
# Diya "You wouldn't be like him. You're not a bad person."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "妳不會的。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:935
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_0f877d1f:
# MinT "But I'm worried it's easy to do it by accident..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "可是我還是怕……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:940
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_d67389fe:
# "Min scours the ground for rocks. Meanwhile, Diya watches the dog running around."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:943
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_dd0251b7:
# MinT "I don't see any more rocks around here."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "沒有耶。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:944
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_423c1cc3:
# MinT "We should look somewhere else."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "去別的地方找找看吧。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:948
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_c67fded3:
# Diya "If I were in charge of naming that dog, I'd name him \"Banana Dipped in Chocolate\"."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "如果我可以幫牠取名字,我要叫牠「香蕉沾了巧克力」。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:950
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_b29da34a:
# Min "That's way too long!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "太長了吧!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:953
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_93ea0b1c:
# Diya "His first name can be Banana. Middle name Diptin, last name Chocolate."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "名字是香蕉,中間名是沾了,然後姓巧克力。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:955
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_c78dcf9c:
# Min "That's still the exact same length!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "還是一樣長啊!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:960
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_3c9fef1f:
# "There's a decently big slab lying in the dirt."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:963
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_3adcd0c5:
# Min "We both have rocks now!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "一人一塊!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:964
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_5a8baaa8:
# Min "Let's go throw them at the tree stump!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "可以開始丟了!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:967
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_fd841d5d:
# Diya "Okay."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "好。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:972
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_560734c3:
# Min "This rock'll work!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "這塊可以!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:973
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_0a69a111:
# Min "Now we just need to find one for me, too."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "還差我的。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:976
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_13b767b1_1:
# Diya "This one's for me?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "這塊是我的嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:978
translate traditional_chinese lookDog_c98a4a9b_1:
# Min "This one's for you."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "先給妳。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:984
translate traditional_chinese lookTreeStump_69d82d93:
# "It's a dead husk of a tree stump."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:987
translate traditional_chinese lookTreeStump_61bddd31:
# Min "Diya! Let's throw rocks at this tree stump!!!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "迪亞!我們用石頭砸那個樹樁,好不好!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:988
translate traditional_chinese lookTreeStump_130f41b7:
# Min "I bet we can knock the bark off of it!!!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "打爆它!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:991
translate traditional_chinese lookTreeStump_712cbc7c:
# Diya "Okay." with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "好。" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:992
translate traditional_chinese lookTreeStump_f2fc0b3b:
# "They survey the ground for rocks to throw, but there's only dirt and twigs."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:994
translate traditional_chinese lookTreeStump_5ded775b:
# Min "We should look around for big rocks."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我們來找石頭吧。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:997
translate traditional_chinese lookTreeStump_9f9f901b:
# Diya "Good idea."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "好啊。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1001
translate traditional_chinese lookTreeStump_69d82d93_1:
# "It's a dead husk of a tree stump."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1004
translate traditional_chinese lookTreeStump_d4bc595f:
# MinT "We don't have enough rocks to throw at this yet."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "石頭還不夠。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1005
translate traditional_chinese lookTreeStump_69ff2e48:
# MinT "Diya and I each need one, otherwise it's not fair."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "迪亞一塊,我一塊。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1007
translate traditional_chinese lookTreeStump_ab6ae0ab:
# MinT "We still need to find some big rocks to throw at it."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "石頭還不夠。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1018
translate traditional_chinese lookTable_0cd56851:
# "Ester is seated at the bench, fiddling with a camcorder."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1020
translate traditional_chinese lookTable_c759473b:
# Min "Oh, you're here too?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳也在啊?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1023
translate traditional_chinese lookTable_7e69aa21:
# Ester "Yeah, I'm being the cameraman."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "嗯。我是攝影師。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1024
translate traditional_chinese lookTable_aabb031a:
# Ester "Akarsha kept insisting I'd be good at it 'cause I'm \"artsy\", so..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "阿卡莎說我很「文青」,所以堅持要我來拍……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1027
translate traditional_chinese lookTable_001fa505:
# MinT "Did she do something to her hair? It looks way different than usual."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "她的頭髮怎麽和平常差這麼多?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1028
translate traditional_chinese lookTable_34cefbad:
# Min "Wow, your hair's so flat today."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳頭髮今天好平喔。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1031
translate traditional_chinese lookTable_8315b0a3:
# Ester "........Thanks...???"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "……好喔……???"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1033
translate traditional_chinese lookTable_4e211978:
# "Ester gives her a weird look."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1035
translate traditional_chinese lookTable_0214b30b:
# "Meanwhile, Diya searches the ground for big rocks."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1039
translate traditional_chinese lookTable_96414982:
# "Ester raises her eyebrows as Diya and Min search the ground for big rocks."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1042
translate traditional_chinese lookTable_449bce92:
# MinT "Ester's playing with the camcorder settings."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "艾思特在研究攝影機。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1048
translate traditional_chinese lookTable_a5bd083b:
# Ester "What're you doing?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "妳們在幹嘛?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1050
translate traditional_chinese lookTable_4d5817e5:
# Diya "Looking for rocks."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "找石頭。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1052
translate traditional_chinese lookTable_4f0927d2:
# Diya "Have you seen any."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "妳有看到嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1054
translate traditional_chinese lookTable_238a6418:
# Ester "There's a pretty big one over there."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "那邊有一塊。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1055
translate traditional_chinese lookTable_efe28e22:
# "Ester points to a large stone on the ground."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1057
translate traditional_chinese lookTable_1c63452a:
# Diya "!!!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya ""
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1059
translate traditional_chinese lookTable_46384388:
# Diya "Thanks."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "謝謝。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1062
translate traditional_chinese lookTable_ac7a7501:
# Min "This one's as big as my fist!!!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "跟我拳頭一樣大欸!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1063
translate traditional_chinese lookTable_bbf09ab7:
# Min "Yeah, this'll work!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "這塊及格了!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1066
translate traditional_chinese lookTable_45295c61:
# Ester "Work for what...??"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "及格什麼……?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1088
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_ec7c0a35:
# Min "YAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "呀!!!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1090
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_66fbc48e:
# "Min hurls a rock at the dead stump!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1096
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_c1756dad:
# "It hits it with a {i}thwack{/i}, causing a small piece of dry bark to fly off."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1098
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_17e6d0f5:
# Diya "!!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1100
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_fce94912:
# Diya "Cool."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "酷喔。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1102
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_94e6279b:
# MinT "Yeah...She's so impressed by me!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "她覺得我很酷……!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1103
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_7442e1da:
# MinT "I bet she wants to kiss me so bad."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "她一定很想獻吻給我。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1105
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_8aa1189f:
# "Diya follows Min's lead and fires a rock at the stump!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1111
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_8e170b09:
# "It slams into the stump so hard, its top half explodes in a shower of bark shards."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1114
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_60adc3e5:
# Min "WHOA!!!!!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "哇!!!!!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1115
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_88c49064:
# Min "THAT WAS SO BADASS!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "太強了吧!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1118
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_46384388:
# Diya "Thanks."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "謝謝誇獎。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1121
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_6eee7108:
# MinT "She's the most perfect girl in the world!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "我女朋友怎麽那麼棒!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1124
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_99546783:
# "Min has to hold herself back from grabbing Diya and kissing her senseless."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1126
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_55cd44bb:
# Min "I wish we didn't have to hide that we're dating."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我好想公開喔。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1127
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_aa0ff165:
# Min "I get why we have to. But I wish I could just shout it from the mountaintops, that you're my girlfriend."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我知道現在不公開比較好,可是我真的好想讓全世界知道妳是我的女朋友。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1130
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_79927a97:
# Diya "It's still true even if you can't say it."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "就算他們不知道,我也是妳的女朋友啊。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1132
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_0155f964:
# Min "But it'd be nice to say it so everyone knows."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我還是想讓大家知道。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1135
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_46b53d09:
# Diya "Yeah...I know what you mean."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "嗯……我懂。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1137
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_3166228c:
# Diya "I wish we could go on more dates. I want to go everywhere with you."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "我還想跟妳約會。我想跟妳去各種地方玩。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1138
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_716cdb21:
# Diya "The aquarium, PetSmart...Home Depot lights section...Airplane..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "水族館、寵物展、家得寶的燈飾區,或著坐飛機……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1140
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_74888653:
# Min "Airplane?? Why, do you like flying?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳喜歡坐飛機?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1143
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_3d67dcd5:
# Diya "Not really. I like looking out the window and eating the pretzel packet."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "還好。可是我喜歡一邊吃蝴蝶脆餅一邊看雲飛過去。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1144
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_00a8bda1:
# Diya "And Southwest gives you a little stirrer with your drink that's shaped like a heart. But that's it."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "西南航空還會給妳一根心型的吸管。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1146
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_0e22d11e:
# Diya "We haven't done it together before though, so I think it'd be fun."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "我們沒有這樣過,所以我覺得應該會很好玩。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1147
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_83222f81:
# Diya "I wanna see how you react to it."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "我想看妳的反應。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1149
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_57d4c7d6:
# Min "Me, too. I want to see your face when they give you the heart-shaped stirrer thing."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我也想看妳拿到心型吸管的反應。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1151
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_0649bd1b:
# Diya "We should each ask for a different free beverage and share, so I get to try two drinks instead of just one."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "我們可以點不同的餐,就可以喝到兩種飲料。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1153
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_61fe04ac:
# "Imagining it makes Min's heart feel like it's going to explode."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1154
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_1bff94ee:
# "Forgetting her surroundings, Min surges forward to kiss her just as Diya does the same, causing their mouths to crash together unexpectedly hard."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1156
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_c2ed57d6:
# Min "Ough!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "嗷!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1159
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_e5ea3ecd:
# Diya "Sorry. Got too excited."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "對不起,我太興奮了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1161
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_096b1014:
# Min "That was the worst kiss ever."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "這個吻也太失敗了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1164
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_878addcb:
# Diya "Let's redo it."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "再來一次。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1166
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_d64bbec5:
# Min "Wait, won't people see us?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "其他人會看到喔?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1169
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_4dec9333:
# Diya "Oops. I forgot."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "對喔。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1170
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_337a739e:
# Diya "Maybe we should lie down in the grass."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "不然我們躺下來好了?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1172
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_27016a3a:
# Min "Huh? Why?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "為什麼?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1175
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_c8233d6f:
# Diya "That way, it'll look like we're just wrestling."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "這樣別人就會以為我們在摔角。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1180
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_74c55366:
# "Diya lies down, and Min gets on top of her and starts making out with her. It doesn't look anything like wrestling."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1184
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_95df8240:
# "Diya clutches at Min's back as Min presses kiss after kiss to her lips."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1186
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_a9db357b:
# Diya ".........."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1189
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_aebb3501:
# Min "You're so cute. Do you know that?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳真的好可愛喔。妳知不知道妳很可愛!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1192
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_d9fba49c:
# Diya "Maybe a little..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "一點點……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1199
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_91a04faf:
# "Diya goes still underneath her, suddenly looking uncomfortable."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1201
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_68f8e2f6:
# Min "What's wrong?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "怎麼了?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1204
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_758cad04:
# Diya "A bug crawled under my shirt."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "有蟲在我衣服裡。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1208
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_12adc847:
# "Diya sits up and unsuccessfully gropes around under her hoodie for the bug."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1211
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_397554da:
# "Every neuron in Min's brain misfires as Diya hikes her hoodie all the way up over her bra, exposing her bare torso."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1214
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_ae66778d:
# MinT "Oohhhhhh........"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "哇………………"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1215
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_ea3cad4b:
# MinT "I'm looking respectfully...I'm looking respectfully..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "我沒有在想什麼……我沒有在想什麼……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1218
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_caa5d9ae:
# Diya "Don't know where it went..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "找不到……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1221
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_360bbf83:
# "Min is so distracted that it takes her a few seconds to notice the bug crawling on Diya's chest."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1224
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_2f0a03e1:
# Min "Oh, it's just a beetle. I got it."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "找到了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1227
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_4a22cc1c:
# "She grabs hold of it just as Akarsha and Noelle come jogging up to them."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1233
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_df9c5e37:
# Noelle "Everyone has arrived. We should get in costume now."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "大家都到了,可以換衣服了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1237
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_ec41a1b2:
# Diya "...!!!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "……!!!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1240
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_ebaddf5d:
# "Diya frantically pulls her hoodie back on." with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
"迪亞火速把帽T拉回原位。" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1242
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_5194910a:
# Akarsha "Uh...Whoa..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "……哇嗚……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1246
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_e18f38cc:
# Min "I was just helping her, a bug crawled up her shirt."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "她衣服裡有蟲,我在幫她抓。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1249
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_e4ea5d5d:
# Akarsha "...Where was it gonna crawl next? Down her pants??"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "……蟲待會是不是還會爬到她褲子裡啊?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1253
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_bc969ea4:
# Min "What the fuck? That's not what was happening!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "屁啦!不是妳想的那樣!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1256
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_2745a350:
# Min "Look, the bug's right here!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "真的有蟲!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1258
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_b4d32823:
# "Min raises her hand to show it to them, but it's gone."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1260
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_93192951:
# Noelle "............"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "…………"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1262
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_605cc9e8:
# Diya "It must've flown off."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "大概飛走了吧。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1264
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_511a36bc:
# Akarsha "I mean, I'm not judging. If I had a ticket to Boobs City I know what I'd be doing too..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "我沒有不好的意思喔,我也想去巨乳天國……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1265
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_eeb683cf:
# Akarsha "But literally HERE, in broad daylight? Really??"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "可是現在是大白天欸?還是外面欸?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1270
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_5714678a:
# Min "Oh, for fuck's sake! We literally weren't doing anything!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "幹,妳夠了沒?我們真的沒做什麼!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1274
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_6e69f18c:
# "Diya's face is still flushed pink as they walk over to the others, hand in hand."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1276
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_a9db357b_1:
# Diya ".........."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1278
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_06cb1222:
# Min "Hey, was she making you uncomfortable?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "她冒犯到妳了嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1279
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_ae579e84:
# Min "I can make her stop."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "要我去跟她講嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1282
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_7be70874:
# Diya "...No, it's okay."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "……沒關係。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1284
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_8a8a550e:
# Diya "Thanks for asking. I feel pampered with you."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "謝謝妳這麼保護我。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1286
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_c8eb346b:
# Min "Good, 'cause you deserve to be pampered."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "因為妳是我的寶貝啊。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1297
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_d7e84fd6:
# "The group gathers around \"Sakura\" and \"Yuki\" as they haul a pile of clothes and props out of a duffel bag."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1299
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_fcd3bdb4:
# Sayeeda "Sorry we're late, I was turning my closet upside down trying to find everything."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Sayeeda "對不起,我們遲到了。我想說帶越多越好。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1300
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_52afa313:
# Sayeeda "Any objections if I play music from my phone?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Sayeeda "我可以放音樂嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1302
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_0dd9615f:
# Chryssa "Are you gonna play anime openings?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Chryssa "是動漫歌嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1304
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_b008e4fc:
# Sayeeda ".........Maybe........."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Sayeeda "……有可能喔……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1306
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_4e7dee9f:
# Chryssa "Then yes."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Chryssa "那不可以。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1308
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_7c2e9979:
# Grace "How about K-Pop?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Grace "韓團歌可以嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1309
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_9c66af13:
# Grace "I just discovered this amazing group called Super Junior."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Grace "我最近找到一個叫Super Junior的團很好聽喔。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1311
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_76279548:
# Chryssa "I don't know what that is. You can play ONE song."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Chryssa "妳可以放一首。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1313
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_5b85eb31:
# Grace "Yosh!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Grace "唷喜*"
$subtitle=" *日文「好耶!」"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1315
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_9705e1fb:
# "She plays a song from her phone speakers and tries to untangle a Nerf gun from a coat belt."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1318
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_60243f2b:
# NPC "{font=times.ttf}♫{/font} {font=korean.ttf}주변 사람들은 말해{/font} {font=times.ttf}♫{/font}"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
NPC "{font=times.ttf}♫{/font} {font=korean.ttf}주변 사람들은 말해{/font} {font=times.ttf}♫{/font}"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1320
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_caa70cc6:
# NPC "{font=times.ttf}♫{/font} {font=korean.ttf}내가 너무 적극적{/font} {font=times.ttf}♫{/font}"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
NPC "{font=times.ttf}♫{/font} {font=korean.ttf}내가 너무 적극적{/font} {font=times.ttf}♫{/font}"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1323
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_cc159e1e:
# Min "............"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "…………"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1326
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_26a47e53:
# Liz "Oh, this isn't so bad."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Liz "還滿好聽的。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1328
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_5daf043b:
# Grace "Isn't it great? Korean guys are so much better than American guys."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Grace "不錯吧?我跟妳講,韓國男生比美國男生好太多了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1330
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_5d8c72f6:
# Chryssa "How so?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Chryssa "怎麽說?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1332
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_c3287312:
# Grace "They're all so beautiful and kind-hearted. Not smelly pervs like the guys here."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Grace "就很美,然後很溫柔。不像美國,都是臭變態。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1333
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_57afc8c0:
# Grace "I need to find myself an Oppa..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Grace "我缺歐巴了……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1335
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_3f1e9fa1:
# MinT "This is weird...Should I say something?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "……我該講話嗎?這整段我聽起來有點詭異。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1337
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_8718e251:
# MinT "I guess she doesn't mean any harm by it...She's trying to appreciate the culture."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "她應該只是哈韓而已吧……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1344
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_ac4224b2:
# Sayeeda "Here, Min, this trenchcoat's yours."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Sayeeda "這件給妳。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1345
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_948a2913:
# Sayeeda "It's my brother's Yoite costume. It's supposed to have a hat too, but I think he lost it."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Sayeeda "這是我哥哥Cos宵風用的本來還有帽子可是我找不到。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1348
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_6dd5c849:
# Min "Yo-eeteh...? The fuck is that?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "宵風是什麼鬼?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1350
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_d8f230a4:
# Sayeeda "From the amazing series Nabari no Ou, duh."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Sayeeda "隱王*的角色啊。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1352
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_81b885ba:
# Ester "Wait a minute...Is this all anime stuff?!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "這些該不會都是日漫服吧?!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1354
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_6caf358d:
# Sayeeda "I believe the correct term is \"cosplay\"."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Sayeeda "請稱之為「Cosplay」謝謝。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1357
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_6f5040a8:
# Noelle "WHAT?!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "Cosplay" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1359
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_0f0c6e1f:
# Noelle "Akarsha! I thought you meant normal costumes! Like Halloween costumes!!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "阿卡莎!我以為妳說的戲服是正常的那種!萬聖節那種!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1361
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_be0fa6d3:
# Akarsha "You didn't ask, so..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "妳又沒問我……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1364
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_53ad4253:
# Min "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WEARING?" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳穿的是什麼鬼?!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1367
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_24503fca:
# Akarsha "My baby wolf costume."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "我是狼寶寶。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1371
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_3804130e:
# Liz "How do I look?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Liz "好看嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1373
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_1a8c451a:
# Chryssa "Like someone wearing cat ears. Is this really gonna come across as \"wolf\"?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Chryssa "就一個戴貓耳的人。這樣觀眾真的看得出來是狼嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1375
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_bf56bd9b:
# Akarsha "Yuki, this would've been more convincing if you had fursuits."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "如果小雪有獸裝就好了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1377
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_c72a3300:
# Grace "Fursuits are so expensive, though. I might become a doctor just to be able to afford them someday."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Grace "獸裝好貴喔。為了擁有獸裝,以後我還是當醫生吧。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1378
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_c6bfc638:
# Grace "Also, you guys don't have to call me Yuki anymore."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Grace "然後,可以不用再叫我「小雪」了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1379
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_dfe6a1ea:
# Grace "I realized a few days ago that going by a Japanese name in real life is kinda weird if you're not actually Japanese."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Grace "我前幾天終於發現如果不是日本人,用日本名字會很奇怪。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1381
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_ef94a58f:
# Sayeeda "Me too, actually. Even if we love anime, it's a bit much."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Sayeeda "我也是。用日本名字好像有點太超過了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1383
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_642e3850:
# Ester "It took you all the way til now to realize that...?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "妳們現在才發現嗎……?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1385
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_8e99a7f3:
# Chryssa "Well, better late than never. Thank god."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Chryssa "感謝上天,總算有人醒悟了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1387
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_59a9d51a:
# Min "So what {i}are{/i} your names?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "所以妳們{i}到底{/i}叫什麼?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1392
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_2bf93e29:
# Grace "Grace."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Grace "恩典。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1394
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_f2f448d6:
# Min "Grace?! What the..." with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "恩典?!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1397
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_b9cdd7f0:
# Sayeeda "And my real name is Sayeeda."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Sayeeda "我叫薩依達。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1399
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_a7f24050:
# Akarsha "At least that one sounds {i}kinda{/i} like Sakura."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "聽起來有點像小櫻(Sakura)啦。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1401
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_886bb1d2:
# Noelle "Akarsha, what does your outfit have to do with being a wolf?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "為什麼狼要穿女僕裝?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1403
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_34ad825b:
# Noelle "You only need the ears and paws to get the point across."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "爪子和耳朵不就夠了嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1405
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_a77489b5:
# Akarsha "So you're saying I should be naked?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "妳要我只穿爪子和耳朵?!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1408
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_08326d3f:
# Noelle "NO, I'M NOT!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "不是!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1415
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_8c9e3d3b:
# "Diya holds up her \"environmentalist\" costume."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1417
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_ad29a7d4:
# Diya "Where do I change?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "哪裡可以換?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1419
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_bc175177:
# Akarsha "I used the restroom over there. It's just the one family room, so you'll all have to take turns getting changed."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "那邊有廁所。裡面只有一間是家庭用的,所以妳們要輪流。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1421
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_224ebcca:
# Akarsha "Unless, y'know, you want Min to \"get more bugs off you\"..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "除非妳身上還有小旼才看得見的神祕蟲蟲……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1426
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_07b08dec:
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "臭婊子,妳活膩了是不是!!!我才不會在這種地方上她!!!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1429
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_461440e7:
# Akarsha "One way ticket to Boobs City..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "巨乳天國的大門為妳敞開……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1432
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_db95ce5d:
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "不准這樣說我的女朋友!!!!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1433
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_ad6f92b7:
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳到底是怎樣啦?!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1438
translate traditional_chinese throwRocks_78a34330:
# Diya "...I'll go now..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "……那我去換了……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1442
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_4a8d0550:
# Noelle "In the meantime, Min, can you help me pitch this tent? It's going to be the setting of your first scene."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "小旼,可以來幫我組帳篷嗎?妳的場景需要用。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1444
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_40eb1b47:
# Min "Ugh, fine."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "好啦。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1447
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_573d85bc:
# Ester "I can help, too. Since I don't need to get in costume."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "我也來幫忙吧,反正我有空。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1452
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_f4085432:
# "Min helps Ester and Noelle carry the box with the tent in it."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1454
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_cfdc74a3:
# Noelle "I don't understand why Akarsha keeps making those crass jokes about you two."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "阿卡莎為什麼一直開妳們兩個的玩笑?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1455
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_f70e41fc:
# Noelle "It's not as if two girls can actually have sexual relations."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "女生之間又沒有性行為。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1457
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_f51af07c:
# Min "...What the hell are you talking about? Yes they can?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "……什麼意思?當然有啊。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1460
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_42a5c4ee:
# Noelle "Are you dense? Humans weren't evolved for that."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "妳是都沒在上課嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1461
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_b2467397:
# Noelle "The anatomy makes it impossible."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "人類的構造無法達成同性繁衍,所以也無法進行性行為。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1463
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_3ba51377:
# Min "How's it impossible? You can use other body parts, like your fingers."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "可以用手啊。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1466
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_36077f63:
# Noelle "Fingers?! You must be mistaken." with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "妳的資訊來源有問題!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1468
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_9a824c2d:
# MinT "Are we really having this conversation right now?!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "為什麼要討論這個?!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1471
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_9e2b4a86:
# Ester "No, it's true. I mean, girls' love manga is a thing..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "是真的。呃,因為女女漫畫裡面有……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1473
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_f0dcbbb0:
# Noelle "...What...?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "……嗄……?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1475
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_13424b19:
# Min "Did you think lesbians gave up sex for life???"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳難道以為女同志都不做愛嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1479
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_9ec3f8f5:
# Noelle "...................."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "……………………"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1481
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_a771c146:
# MinT "Is she serious?! How sheltered is she??"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "不會吧?!她真的不知道?!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1483
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_808918e2:
# "Noelle is so shocked that she doesn't speak for a while."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1485
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_f633f2bb:
# "Ester wipes sweat off her brow and points at a clearing in the dry grass."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1488
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_544920f4:
# Ester "That spot over there might look nice on film."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "那邊應該可以。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1490
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_e2a72253:
# Noelle "Isn't it a bit close to the ravine, though? There's a steep downhill slope right behind it."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "後面就是斜坡,不會太危險嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1492
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_1d8a13c5:
# Min "So? It's not like the tent's gonna teleport backwards after we've nailed it down."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "帳篷是釘在地上的,又不會自己飛下去。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1495
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_ba296298:
# Ester "Yeah, unless a typhoon blows us over I think it'll be fine."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "應該不會。除非有颱風。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1497
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_ae002321:
# Noelle "Alright, I see that I'm outnumbered."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "好吧,我警告過妳們了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1498
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_2191a65c:
# Noelle "But don't say I didn't warn you."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "到時候不要怪我。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1500
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_df6d78e5:
# "Min hears rustling behind her. She turns around and sees Akarsha making a leaf pile."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1502
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_c19b46b4:
# Akarsha "Heheheh..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "嘿嘿嘿……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1504
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_82b1e7e4:
# Min "Wait, is she trying the exploding leaf thing?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "她在弄那個葉子爆炸的東西嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1507
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_fb98b2ef:
# Noelle "AKARSHA!!! THAT'S NOT ALLOWED!!!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "阿卡莎!!!!!!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1509
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_1695b964:
# "As Noelle chases after Akarsha, Min and Ester lay out their tent in the spot they picked."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1511
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_8d68842b:
# Min "She's so friggin' anal. She's probably sexually attracted to laws."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "她是哪個年代的人啊?這麼愛守法,跟法典在一起算了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1515
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_71fde46a:
# Ester "I bet she loses her mind whenever she sees jaywalkers."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "感覺她看到有人闖紅燈就會發瘋。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1517
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_f661a447:
# Min "She DOES!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳猜對了!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1519
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_ecbbf2dc:
# Min "It's like she thinks someone's gonna go \"Good job Noelle, you're the best at following the rules!\" and give her a gold star for it."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "她可能覺得會有人跟她說:「恭喜妳,妳是全世界上最守法的人」,然後給她一個獎盃。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1523
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_b1ff732e:
# "Min squints in confusion at the steps to set up the tent."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1525
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_c3c931f6:
# Min "I can't picture this shit...Where do the poles go?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "什麼意思?這幾根竿子是做什麼用的?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1527
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_299fae68:
# Ester "They criss-cross in the middle, see?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "先交叉,然後放在中間。像這樣。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1528
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_dc1c073e:
# Ester "Here, just hold that end and stick it through the metal ring."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "妳先拿著那邊,然後穿過這個金屬環。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1532
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_883944e9:
# "Like magic, the tent pops out into the third dimension."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1534
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_d80291e8:
# Min "Holy shit. You're like a camping progidy."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "哇靠,妳是露營之才耶。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1537
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_64818bfe:
# Ester "I mean, all I did was follow the instructions..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "沒有啦,我只是跟著說明書走而已……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1538
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_836584e0:
# Ester "Now we just have to drive the stakes into the ground."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "現在只要把它固定住就可以了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1545
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_d3f91bdb:
# "Min pounds each stake into the dirt with a large stone, enthralled that hitting something is actually constructive for once."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1547
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_5207af29:
# Min "Fuck yeah!!!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "幹,好欸!!!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1550
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_ef2c1ec3:
# "Meanwhile, Ester takes her sketchbook out of her backpack and starts writing in it."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1552
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_8071f618:
# Min "What're you doing?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳在幹嘛?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1555
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_4bf12a9a:
# "Ester stops, looking embarrassed."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1557
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_df55a730:
# Ester "I'm writing down what you said earlier as inspiration for my webcomic. Like, for character dialogue."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "我在把妳跟我說的話寫下來,當成網路漫畫的靈感。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1558
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_9305989f:
# Ester "I've started doing this whenever something interesting happens so I can remember later."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "這是我最近的習慣──把有趣的事情記下來,以免忘記。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1560
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_105f727a:
# Min "Huh? What'd I say that was interesting?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我剛有說什麼有趣的話嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1563
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_f8c54461:
# Ester "You said I was a camping \"progidy.\" Y'know, instead of a \"prodigy.\""
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "妳說我是露營「之才」,通常都會說「天才」。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1565
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_9c36f691:
# Min "What's so special about that? They're pretty much the same anyway."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "這有很特別嗎?兩個差不多啊。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1567
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_0682b348:
# Ester "I dunno, I just thought it was a neat detail."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "不曉得欸,我覺得還滿有趣的。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1569
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_66b52d10:
# Ester "Obviously I'll only use it if you're okay with it, though!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "如果妳不希望我用,我可以不用!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1571
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_add2ee5d:
# Min "I mean, sure, I don't really care."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "可以啊,用吧。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1572
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_edaf9f90:
# Min "What's it for, again? A comic?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳在畫漫畫?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1575
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_d5569e27:
# Ester "Yep."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "嗯。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1577
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_158a47c2:
# Min "What, like Garfield?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "加菲貓那種嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1580
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_b19809b9:
# Ester "Huh?? No, it's nothing like that."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "呃、不是。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1582
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_bab514a0:
# Ester "It's still a work in progress, but basically...it's about a bunch of teenagers who have the power to shift into alternate dimensions."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "我還沒想好,不過簡單的說就是:一群青少年獲得了可以穿越到其他維度的能力。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1583
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_d2828dba:
# Ester "It's kinda sci-fi-y, I guess."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "算是科幻漫畫吧。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1585
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_2bdf49e9:
# Min "Oh, so like a superhero comic?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "喔,像超級英雄那種?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1588
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_9d39fd8e:
# Ester "No, there's no supervillains or anything. All their problems come from the way they use their own powers."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "不是欸。他們沒有敵人,或著惡勢力之類的。事件都是因為使用「能力」才產生的。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1589
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_478f9a7f:
# Ester "Like, while you're in the parallel universe, you're gone from your original universe, right?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "比如說:妳跑到其他維度的時候,妳就從原本的世界裡消失了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1590
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_b609438b:
# Ester "But what if you get tied up with something while there, and can't come back?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "但是,如果妳因為某些原因回不來了,怎麼辦?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1592
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_b2777b84:
# Min "That'd suck ass."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "幹。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1593
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_9303f566:
# Min "I wouldn't get to see Diya or my friends anymore."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "那我就見不到迪亞和其他人了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1595
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_99996007:
# Ester "Exactly! No one from the world you left behind would know why you disappeared, and you'd become a missing person there."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "對!除了妳,沒有人知道妳為什麼不見了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1597
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_67782cae:
# Ester "I always get so stressed out about that when reading Narnia and time travel stories."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "我最怕這種劇情了。像是納尼亞傳奇*或著類似的穿越故事。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1599
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_8824f780:
# MinT "I've never heard her talk this much before."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "我從來沒有和她講這麼多話。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1600
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_efe2d9c4:
# MinT "She must really be hyped about her webcomic."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "她一定很喜歡畫漫畫。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1604
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_47d136fb:
# Ester "...Anyway, a lot of miscommunication happens between the characters because of issues like that."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "……總之,就是因為這樣,讓角色之間產生很多矛盾啦。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1606
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_0ed7dee7:
# Min "No offense, but I can't stand stories that revolve around misunderstandings."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "沒有不好的意思,不過我沒辦法接受以誤會為賣點的故事。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1607
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_2930870d:
# Min "It's so frustrating when the whole problem is literally just people being bad at talking."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "每次看到一堆劇情只是因為溝通不良才變那麼慘,我就覺得很生氣。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1608
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_518310bf:
# Min "If you hurt someone, it should be on purpose."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "如果一個人很慘,應該是「有人希望他很慘」,所以才這麼慘。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1611
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_cd8132e3:
# Ester "But those kinds of problems are the most realistic."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "可是誤會造成的矛盾才真實。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1612
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_6f085abb:
# Ester "In real life, people hurt each other by accident all the time."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "我們之所以會傷害別人,或著感到受傷,通常都是因為彼此沒有完全理解對方的意思。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1614
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_98ede5fe:
# Min "Like how?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "比如說?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1616
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_50827634:
# Ester "You know how before our school became 93%% Asian, it used to have a football team?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "妳知道以前我們學校是有足球社的嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1618
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_23a0f71a:
# Min "They died 'cause Asians don't care about football, right? Same as the real baseball team."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "嗯。足球社和棒球社都是因為亞裔學生變多才不見的。因為亞洲家庭不重視體育。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1620
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_fce7622d:
# Ester "Yeah. No one would go to the games."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "對。全校百分之九十三的人都是亞裔,沒有人想看比賽。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1621
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_bcef91e3:
# Ester "As a last-ditch effort to help them last year, my math teacher offered us two points of extra credit for coming to a football game."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "去年──也就是最後一年,我們的數學老師為了讓足球社能夠活下去,答應我們只要去看比賽,總成績就能加兩分。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1622
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_2834b316:
# Ester "So I went, to help my grade."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "所以我就去了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1624
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_d5565b46:
# Ester "But as soon as I got home, my dad yelled at me for going to a game instead of studying."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "結果反而被我爸罵了一頓。因為他覺得我偷懶、不念書。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1625
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_17062820:
# Ester "He didn't get that we had the exact same goal, me getting good grades."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "可是我就是因為想讓成績變好,才去看比賽的。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1627
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_a4d68e38:
# Min "Wait, what ethnicity are you?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "問一下喔,妳是混血兒嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1630
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_8244b788:
# Ester "Huh? I'm Black and Chinese."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "我是黑中混血。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1632
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_56b73bb0:
# Min "And your dad's the Black one?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳爸是黑人嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1635
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_0c32ea41:
# Ester "Uh...Yeah, he is?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "……是?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1639
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_5b084916:
# Min "I didn't know Black people cared about grades."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "原來黑人也會管成績喔。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1642
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_b2d7d155:
# Ester ".......That's like...pretty racist of you to say..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "……妳這樣講……還滿歧視的……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1644
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_82bf8bdf:
# "Bewildered, Min completely misses the tent stake she was trying to hit."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1647
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_b6166736:
# Min "Huh?! How is it racist??" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我哪有歧視?" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1650
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_ec27cf6b:
# Ester "Why would you assume Black people don't care about their grades?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "妳為什麼覺得黑人不在乎成績?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1652
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_285d2fb2:
# Min "I didn't mean it as a diss or anything."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我沒有不好的意思。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1653
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_4294eee2:
# Min "{i}I{/i} don't care about grades either, it's not like I was looking down on them."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "{i}我{/i}也不在乎成績啊,我又不是覺得這樣不好。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1658
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_7b4b47fe:
# Ester "But...but why even bring my race into it like that??"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "那為什麼一定要扯到黑人?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1663
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_05ad1e2a:
# Min "I was just asking a question!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我只是在問問題而已!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1664
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_4918ead3:
# Min "Didn't {i}you{/i} bring up race first? You were talking about Asians!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "而且是妳先扯到種族的吧?妳說學校有亞裔什麼的!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1667
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_7158a414:
# Ester "I'm Asian so I'm allowed to say that!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "我當然可以說,因為我就是亞裔!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1669
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_cf437258:
# Min "Sure, whatever. If I knew you'd be so fucking sensitive about it, I wouldn't have asked in the first place."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "隨便啦。早知道就不問了,省得妳心靈脆弱。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1672
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_a6d85178:
# Ester "Wow...So instead of saying sorry, you're insulting me?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "哇……妳還罵我?妳不道歉嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1675
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_ad760c80:
# Min "Wh—Why the hell should I apologize?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我──我幹嘛要道歉?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1676
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_34aa301b:
# Min "I wasn't even trying to be offensive! It's not like I purposefully called you the N word or something."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我又不是在罵妳!我有叫妳黑鬼嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1682
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_72284568:
# Ester "WOW, THANKS FOR NOT CALLING ME THE N WORD????" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "那還真是謝謝您喔。" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1684
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_8a1fa158:
# Min "I'm just saying you're overreacting!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳也太大驚小怪了吧!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1686
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_960e5227:
# Min "There's REAL racist people out there who hate minorities, and you're calling ME racist just because I accidentally made one little mistake?!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳不去怪那些真正歧視的人,反而來怪我?!我只是不小心說錯話而已!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1689
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_cf299bd6:
# Ester "It's not just one little mistake! You say weird, ignorant stuff like this all the time!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "最好是不小心!妳平常就說話不用大腦!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1691
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_ab2f5b38:
# Min "No, I don't! Like what?" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我哪有?妳舉例啊!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1694
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_47cd9eda:
# Ester "Like when you randomly told me my hair was flat!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "像妳剛剛就說我頭髮很平!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1695
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_552df9b6:
# Ester "What was I even supposed to say to that?? \"Yours too\"???"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "我要回答什麼?「妳也是」嗎?!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1698
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_1530318e:
# Min "GET A GRIP! THAT'S NOT EVEN REAL RACISM!!!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "拜託!那種不算歧視好嗎!!!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1701
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_25304de0:
# Ester "You're seriously trying to explain what racism is to ME? A Black and Chinese person???"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "妳確定要跟一個黑中混血討論怎麼樣才算歧視嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1703
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_c61d7eb7:
# Min "Look, I'm a minority too! Us even fighting is so dumb!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "都是少數派,可以不要吵架嗎?這樣很蠢!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1706
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_83b0d045:
# Ester "You being Asian doesn't mean you're not racist!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "妳以為亞洲人就不歧視嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1707
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_71203f4b:
# Ester "The worst racism I've EVER seen was when I went to China!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "我見識過最恐怖的歧視就發生在中國!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1708
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_3f6dd090:
# Ester "God, you're being so stupid!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "我們吵架蠢?妳才蠢!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1714
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_263574d4:
# "Ester throws her stake down and storms off!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1715
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_e873c094:
# "Dumbfounded, Min just stands there with her heart racing a mile a minute."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1719
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_70207210:
# MinT "How did it blow up like this?! I wasn't even trying to start something!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "她幹嘛這麼生氣?我又沒那個意思!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1721
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_13f66042:
# MinT "Shit! Did anyone else hear us fighting?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "幹!其他人都聽到了嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1723
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_66de9dbf:
# "Min nervously looks around, paranoid that her friends heard what happened."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1725
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_8253b44a:
# MinT "It's hard to tell if they did..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "看不太出來……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1727
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_9ff588d1:
# "Min frantically hammers the last stake in place, her stomach churning with a mixture of shame and panic."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1729
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_b7a91e98:
# "She hears footsteps behind her, and nearly has a heart attack when she turns to see Chryssa walking over."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1733
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_a665fcbc:
# MinT "OH FUCK!!!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "幹!!!!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1735
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_d2975cf8:
# MinT "What if Ester told Chryssa I'm racist against Black people? She's Black too!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "艾思特跟她講了嗎?她知道我歧視黑人了嗎?" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1736
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_610a4580:
# MinT "I don't want her to hate me! She might even kick me off the team!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "我不想要她討厭我!她可能會把我踢出社團!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1738
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_cfb0ae50:
# Chryssa "Need any help with the tent?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Chryssa "需要幫忙嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1740
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_55cdc447:
# Min "Nah, I'm good."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "不用。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1743
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_310b769d:
# Chryssa "I guess you could say it's...not tent to be."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Chryssa "也就是說……妳帳控全局。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1746
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_6b4e2716:
# MinT "I should be extra careful not to offend her..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "我要小心一點……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1747
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_8d9d7544:
# Min "Ha...ha...Great joke..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "哈哈哈……很好笑。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1749
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_3856dab5:
# Chryssa "Thank you! I feel like not enough people appreciate my puns."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Chryssa "真的嗎?我還以為大家都覺得不好笑。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1751
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_6d240c86:
# "Having donned her \"reporter\" costume, Noelle returns to place a sleeping bag inside the tent."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1753
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_ba27bc3a:
# Noelle "Min, it's your turn to get changed."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "該妳換衣服了,小旼。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1754
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_42e4a361:
# Noelle "Where did Ester go? We're about to start shooting."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "艾思特呢?我們差不多要開始拍了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1756
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_ca5841a2:
# MinT "I can't tell her Ester left because she thinks I'm racist!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "我說不出口!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1757
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_6b1bde83:
# Min "Uh......She just randomly walked off."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "呃……她剛剛忽然走掉了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1760
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_97c12971:
# Noelle "What? How come?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "走掉了?為什麼?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1762
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_dbb27c2d:
# Min "Who knows? She's so weird."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我哪知道?她就那樣啊。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1766
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_864e18ee:
# "In the park's restroom, Min quickly changes into her \"Evil Hunter\" get-up."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1770
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_db896ab2:
# MinT "I'm going to be sweating buckets wearing all this in this weather."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "我待會一定會熱死。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1771
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_68d87d64:
# MinT "Thank god they couldn't find the hat, or it would've been even worse."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "幸好帽子找不到,不然更熱……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1774
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_a98d0354:
# "Diya perks up when Min rejoins the group."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1776
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_97c9496d:
# Diya "You look cool."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "妳好帥喔。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1777
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_0ea68809:
# Diya "You should get a coat like that for real."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "妳穿風衣很好看,可以買。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1778
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_a753cac9:
# "Normally, this would send Min over the moon, but she feels so sick to her stomach, she can't properly appreciate it."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1780
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_ada8bd3f:
# Min "Thanks..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "謝謝……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1781
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_de100dce:
# MinT "It's me, your racist girlfriend..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "我竟然歧視別人……?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1782
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_a72e8425:
# MinT "Diya definitely wouldn't want to be with me anymore if she found out I was racist..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "如果迪亞知道了,一定會跟我分手的……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1787
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_3f9f3825:
# Diya "Do I look okay?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "我看起來可以嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1789
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_7cbee8e1:
# Min "You look so cute in glasses."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳戴眼鏡很可愛。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1794
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_8b147583:
# Min "Is this a character from something? It does kinda give off \"nerdy animal lover\" energy."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "這也是哪個角色嗎?真的有「動物宅」的感覺。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1797
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_59d997a3:
# Diya "No idea."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "不知道。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1799
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_337f4cd4:
# Akarsha "Ester, I like your hair."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "艾思特,髮型不錯喔。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1801
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_2bb8da75:
# Ester "Oh yeah? Thanks."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "謝謝。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1803
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_92027f60:
# Akarsha "Bun buddies."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "包包頭友。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1805
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_8940ef8e:
# Ester "Bun buddies..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "包包頭友……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1809
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_44e5944d:
# "They begin shooting the first scene in front of some trees."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1812
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_e4c63115:
# Noelle "This is the Channel 2 News, reporting from Boise, Idaho."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "歡迎回到第二台新聞。以下是記者位於愛達荷州波夕的報導。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1813
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_9143a6a2:
# Noelle "Environmentalists have been in an uproar ever since the Obama Administration approved the delisting of gray wolves from the Endangered Species list..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "歐巴馬總統同意將灰狼從瀕臨絕種名單中移出的行為,引起了環保與動保人士的強烈不滿……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1816
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_d1c3c888:
# "Even replaying the conversation in her mind is getting Min worked up again."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1818
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_e07fdc0c:
# MinT "I can't believe Ester had the nerve to call me racist!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "艾思特憑什麼說我歧視!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1819
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_264b310c:
# MinT "When we were in Florida, kids used to call me and my brother Chinks, and tried to beat us up!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "佛羅里達的小孩天天都想欺負我和阿俊,還叫我們「韓國豬」!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1820
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_691850bc:
# MinT "Why would I be racist when I hate racists more than anyone?! It doesn't make sense!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "我這麼反對歧視,怎麼可能會歧視別人?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1821
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_92e40bc8:
# MinT "I wasn't even trying to insult her!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "我又沒有罵她!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1823
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_415f7d9a:
# MinT "Like, good luck going through life getting offended by every tiny thing you see."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "一點小事就在意成這樣,妳以後還怎麽活啊?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1825
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_f51c66bc:
# MinT "Right?! Are my standards just totally messed up or something?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "難道不是嗎?!是我的觀念有問題嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1827
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_687424a0:
# "Min stomps on a random twig and crushes it into tiny pieces beneath her combat boots."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1829
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_93212e9d:
# Diya "............."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "…………"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1830
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_a7740241:
# Diya "What's wrong?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "怎麼了?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1832
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_46482b0f:
# Min "Ugh. I'm just having a weird day..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "沒……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1833
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_30ac089c:
# Min "Do you think I'm racist?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我很歧視嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1836
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_8832a7e5:
# Diya "...??"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "……?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1837
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_d97ca938:
# Diya "No...?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "沒有吧……?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1839
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_cbb26eb1:
# Min "How come?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "怎麽看出來沒有?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1842
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_a48f9d8d:
# Diya "You're good to me, and curious about other cultures."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "妳對我很好,也沒有排斥其他文化。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1843
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_da6af4d3:
# Diya "Why?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "怎麼了嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1853
translate traditional_chinese tentSetup_3d72744b:
# Min "No reason. Just checking..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "問一下而已……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1859
translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_4edca091:
# Akarsha "Okay, we got it. Let's move on to the next shot."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "可以了!下一幕。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1861
translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_0a718e0d:
# "Diya goes over to stand in front of the camera."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1863
translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_240f4ebe:
# Noelle "Ma'am, can you introduce yourself?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "這位女士,可以請您做個自我介紹嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1866
translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_e5ddf59d:
# Diya "{small}I'm an environmentalist with a degree in wildlife ecology. My research has led me to believe that...{/small}"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "我是一個擁有野外生態學博士學位的環境保育專家。我的研究顯示……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1868
translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_3ef92d85:
# Akarsha "Bro, can you speak up a little?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "這位朋友,可以大聲一點嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1871
translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_3b5ceff8:
# "After a few takes, they manage to capture a halfway audible clip of Diya talking. They move on to the next scene..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1878
translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_76d54d49:
# "Soon, it's time for the Evil Hunter's interview. Min reviews her lines before getting into place."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1880
translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_99b8bb76:
# Ester "Okay, I'm set up. Action."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "準備好了。Action。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1883
translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_6d71d9bc:
# Noelle "Next, I'm interviewing a hunter who's camped out in the Idaho wilderness."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "接下來,我們要採訪的對象是一位正在愛達荷州郊區紮營的獵戶。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1886
translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_0d8ed4b7:
# Noelle "Hello there. How do you feel about the removal of gray wolves from the Endangered Species list?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "您好。請問您對灰狼被移出瀕臨絕種動物名單有什麼看法嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1889
translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_d4a3d328:
# MinT "Ester could straight up ruin my whole life if she said something right now..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "現在艾思特只要說一句話,我的人生就毀了……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1892
translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_bc2543cb:
# Min "I...Uh..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我……呃……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1895
translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_a598523f:
# Noelle "...Yes?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "……請說?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1897
translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_67680bca:
# Min "Gimme a minute, I just woke up."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我才剛起床,腦子不太清楚。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1900
translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_0b7c5d3a:
# Noelle "...It's the afternoon."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "……現在是下午。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1903
translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_93a52a1b:
# Min "The sleeping bag I was sleeping on was full of rocks." with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我的睡袋裡都是石頭,很難睡!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1906
translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_1478c377:
# Noelle "......."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1908
translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_a1234fbf:
# Min "Anyway, I feel ecstatic about the delisting!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "不管怎樣,灰狼被移出名單真是太棒了!這樣我就可以打獵了!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1909
translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_03b5b8ef:
# Min "I can't wait to kill tons of wolves!!!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我已經等不及了!!!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1912
translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_38b31407:
# Akarsha "Hold up, cut!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "等一下,卡!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1913
translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_3d43bb1c:
# Akarsha "Ya skipped a line."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "妳有一句沒念到。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1916
translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_5686f4c7:
# Min "What line?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "哪句?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1919
translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_18eb65a3:
# Akarsha "The part about how the delisting removed protections for wolves from hunters."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "「灰狼被移出名單後,就會失去保護,讓獵人得以恣意捕殺」那句。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1921
translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_1ccea26c:
# Min "Oh, right."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "對喔。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1925
translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_0d8ed4b7_1:
# Noelle "Hello there. How do you feel about the removal of gray wolves from the Endangered Species list?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "您好。請問您對灰狼被移出瀕臨絕種動物名單有什麼看法嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1927
translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_e6b505bd:
# Min "I feel ecstatic! The delisting removed protections for wolves in Idaho and...and..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我超開心的!只要灰狼被移出名單,我就可以隨便獵殺愛達荷州和……呃……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1929
translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_3bc58057:
# "Sweating profusely, Min tries to focus and remember her line..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1931
translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_cd2045ac:
# Min "............."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "…………"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1934
translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_3c20f783:
# Noelle "...Ma'am? Hello?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "這位女士?您說完了嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1936
translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_6c40db0f:
# Min "Don't call me ma'am."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "不要叫我女士。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1939
translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_f1d86983:
# Noelle "Wha...Why not?!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "為、為什麼?!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1941
translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_523bcb09:
# Min "I don't like it. I'm not a woman or something."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我又不是。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1944
translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_1f1ab4b5:
# Noelle "Are we talking about your character, or in real life?!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "妳是說妳的角色不是,還是妳本人不是?!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1946
translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_376c2e6f:
# Akarsha "Cut! C'mon, don't break the fourth wall."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "卡!請不要打破第四面牆,謝謝。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1948
translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_79de35c5:
# "After Min botches their tenth try, Noelle looks about ready to explode."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1953
translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_63474c3a:
# Noelle "Are you even trying right now? We're going to be stuck here all day because of you!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "妳到底想不想拍啊?天都要黑了!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1955
translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_a0b665c3:
# Min "Shut up! I am too trying!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "吵死了!我在努力了好嗎!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1958
translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_f4949d32:
# Liz "Why don't we take a little break? It'll probably help us all reset."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Liz "不然……我們休息一下好了?沉澱、沉澱心情。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1960
translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_073a2994:
# Chryssa "Yeah, let's go stare at the lake or something."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Chryssa "好啊。去湖邊發呆。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1961
translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_776e566a:
# Chryssa "We can hide all our backpacks and stuff in the tent."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Chryssa "行李可以放帳篷裡。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1963
translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_10b6ec15:
# Akarsha "I guess it can't hurt..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "也不是不行……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1975
translate traditional_chinese sceneFilming_d3a91f14:
# "The group trudges over to the lake. Diya sits down with Min by the water's edge..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1995
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_314b2446:
# Min "Ugh...I hate nature-y lakes like this."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我超討厭這種……很自然的湖。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1998
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_da6af4d3:
# Diya "Why?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "為什麼?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1999
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_6c271a6a:
# Diya "It's nice here."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "湖邊很舒服啊?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2001
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_79ad1f16:
# Min "It just reminds me of shit that happened to me in Florida."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "會讓我想起在佛羅里達發生的爛事。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2004
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_25f1bee1:
# Diya "What happened?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "什麼事?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2006
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_bd237967:
# Min "I mean, it's pretty much the same as the other stories I told you."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "和我跟妳講過的那些差不多。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2007
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_31029108:
# Min "I was just on a field trip that got ruined by racists."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "好好的校外教學被一群爛人毀了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2009
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_b7bded3c:
# Min "So now places like this are cursed."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "所以我不喜歡這種地方。感覺被詛咒了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2012
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_a9db357b:
# Diya ".........."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "…………"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2014
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_8dd20494:
# Diya "What did you mean earlier? About not being a woman."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "妳之前說「不要叫妳女士」,是什麼意思?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2015
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_bb7acf7e:
# Diya "Do you mean age-wise?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "「小姐」比較好嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2017
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_de568074:
# Min "Oh...It's hard to explain."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "有點難解釋……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2018
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_05eb95f0:
# Min "I've never really told this to anyone before. It's probably going to be confusing."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "這件事情我沒有和別人講過,所以聽起來可能會很亂。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2020
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_057acd98:
# Diya "That's okay."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "沒關係。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2023
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_0cd0cf43:
# Min "I don't really like being thought of as a girl."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我不喜歡被當成女生。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2024
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_e07d885e:
# Min "But I'm not 100%% removed from it, if that makes sense?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "可是我還有一部分是女生。妳懂我的意思嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2026
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_fea033c8:
# Min "Being called a woman or a lady is way worse. Like, disgusting."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "可是如果有人叫我「女士」或「小姐」,會讓我很不舒服。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2027
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_496bc85b:
# Min "I definitely don't want strangers seeing me to think \"Oh, that's a woman.\""
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我不喜歡理所當然的被認為是女的。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2030
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_70290ed7:
# Diya "...What do you want them to think?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "……所以妳希望……?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2033
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_f9ded5f9:
# Min "...I dunno..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "……我不知道……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2035
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_2c539344:
# Min "I'm still figuring that part out."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我還在想。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2048
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_2ced3614:
# "Diya tilts her head, perplexed."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2049
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_6e8840cd:
# Diya "............"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "…………"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2051
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_b8ff68cb:
# Min "Don't get me wrong, \"girl\" is my favorite gender! Like, you're a girl, and you're the best thing that ever happened to me."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳不要誤會喔。我沒有不喜歡「女生」!認識妳是我生命中最棒的事情。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2054
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_d1fa3241:
# Min "I just only feel any connection to {i}being{/i} a girl in really specific situations."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我只是不想一直當女生。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2057
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_c3d7b6e9:
# Diya "No, I know."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "我懂你的意思。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2058
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_38466dfc:
# Diya "Sorry. Just trying to wrap my head around it."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "我只是在思考。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2059
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_889c2b33:
# Diya "...Can I still call you my girlfriend?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "……我還能說你是我的「女朋友」嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2061
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_c0cf9d94:
# Min "Yeah! I like being your girlfriend."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "當然可以!我喜歡當妳的女朋友。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2063
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_1f4de348:
# Min "And I like being lesbian. I'm not that into the \"being a girl\" part, but I relate super hard with the \"no interest in men\" part."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我也喜歡當女同志,因為我不喜歡男生。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2065
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_1232ee2d:
# Min "It's more stuff like being called \"ma'am\" or \"Mrs.\" that really skeeves me out."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "不過被人家叫「這位女士」,真的會讓我起雞皮疙瘩。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2066
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_ee75efa9:
# Min "I know it doesn't make that much sense. Like, gender's not real in the first place, so..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我知道聽起來很亂。畢竟用性別來決定一個人應該要怎樣,本來就沒什麼道理……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2069
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_5176ce00:
# Diya "No, it makes sense."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "不會很亂啦。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2070
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_f07eb67a:
# Diya "Feel like I already knew that before you said it."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "我覺得我早就知道了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2072
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_ae02b5e4:
# Min "You're okay with it?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "這樣妳能接受嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2074
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_601b50f1:
# "To Min's relief, Diya nods."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2076
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_f213d466:
# Diya "It's very you."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "很像你。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2077
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_53270d4a:
# Diya "It's kind of cool. You're like a gender outlaw."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "你突破了性別。好酷喔。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2079
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_86c8bf7b:
# Min "Yeah! That's me."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "對啊!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2081
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_bf6b7fe0:
# MinT "I'm so lucky to have the sweetest, kindest, purest girlfriend in the world who has to be protected at all costs..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "我的女朋友怎麼可以這麼純真、可愛又體貼……誰敢傷害她,我就跟他拚了……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2082
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_a50f12be:
# MinT "I definitely can't let her find out about the racist thing..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "可是如果她發現我歧視別人……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2085
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_a50c620d:
# "Min continues watching the clear, rippling water."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2086
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_5342560b:
# "All of a sudden, Noelle yelps and turns indignantly to Akarsha."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2088
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_62a86f59:
# Noelle "Did you just throw a rock at me?!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "妳是不是拿石頭丟我?" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2090
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_4501046c:
# Akarsha "Nope? Maybe it was the water."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "是水丟的啦。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2093
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_cbe2b99b:
# Noelle "The WATER threw a rock at me??" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "「是水丟的」?!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2095
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_9bda3de1:
# Akarsha "It was just a lil pebble, right? I bet the waves could've picked it up."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "這麼小的石頭,水應該拿得起來吧。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2097
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_828b6b52:
# MinT "She definitely threw the rock at her."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "絕對是她丟的。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2100
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_0fa7cb77:
# "Chryssa sighs from the bench she and Liz are sitting on."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2102
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_472cc6ba:
# Chryssa "Why is it that wherever we go, we end up babysitting people?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Chryssa "為什麼我們在哪裡都要當保母?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2103
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_7db3111c:
# Chryssa "Do you think it's firstborn child syndrome?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Chryssa "可能因為我們都是老大?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2105
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_2a57457d:
# Liz "You might be onto something."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Liz "有可能喔。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2107
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_7d5e674e:
# Liz "My siblings are pretty immature, so it's usually up to me to make sure the house doesn't burn down."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Liz "我家的小朋友都很皮。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2109
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_f23ab330:
# Chryssa "What if we started acting really immature too? Then someone else'll be forced to pick up the slack."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Chryssa "那我們也擺爛算了?總會有人接下這個神聖的任務。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2111
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_097f8a44:
# Liz "How do you propose we do that?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Liz "怎麽個擺爛法?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2113
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_b855525f:
# Chryssa "I dunno...Maybe we should just start talking with no filter."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Chryssa "不知道……開始說話不用大腦?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2114
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_a4c38da8:
# Chryssa "Instead of thinking about what we say, we just say whatever pops into our minds first."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Chryssa "想到什麼就說什麼。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2116
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_ffb4db93:
# Liz "Very interesting..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Liz "呵呵……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2123
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_fa874b31:
# "Min rereads the script."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2124
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_1ab368de:
# "When she reaches the end of the packet, she flips it over to make sure there's nothing on the back."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2125
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_23bdc032:
# "To her horror, the backside is covered with a dense array of numbers and numerical operations."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2127
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_7ceb05a2:
# Min "The heck is this?! It looks like a serial killer wrote on it." with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "這是什麼鬼?!殺人魔的筆記嗎?" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2130
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_b911c4a7:
# Noelle "Oh, it's just a puzzle I made up."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "是我設計的益智數學題。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2132
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_f6a35bb5:
# Noelle "Using the digits 1, 2, 5, and 7 only once each, you create expressions using any operations that result in each integer from 0 to 100."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "在排列與計算方式不限的情況下,使用一、二、五、七這四個數字各一次,可以得出零到一百之間的任何一個數。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2134
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_2b56e591:
# Min "What in the actual hell would possess you to do that?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳有病啊?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2137
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_1aa10e98:
# Noelle "It's called curiosity."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "請稱之為好奇心。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2139
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_0971eb51:
# Noelle "When I look at a clock, I like to make the numbers do this."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "我看鐘的時候,都會思考這些數字問題。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2141
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_5df7a18e:
# Min "When I look at a clock, it's 'cause I wanna know what time it is."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我看鐘的時候,只是在看時間而已。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2142
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_377d7fc3:
# Min "God, you're fucked in the head."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳的問題。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2146
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_f0f40ff7:
# "Ester is sitting with Grace and Sayeeda on a nearby log."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2148
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_998f9f03:
# MinT "Should I try to talk to her?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "我要去找她談嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2149
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_f8bdfd54:
# MinT "That might piss her off even worse. I probably shouldn't."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "還是不要好了。她可能會更生氣。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2152
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_97672c96:
# Grace "I wish my hair would go prematurely grey. Having white hair would be so cool."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Grace "我好想要白髮喔。白髮超帥的。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2154
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_45dabef1:
# Sayeeda "Me too..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Sayeeda "我也是……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2156
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_2569a124:
# Ester "Even though no one else would see it?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "又沒有人看的見。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2158
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_00318957:
# Sayeeda "That's not true, I can show my hair to my family and other girls."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Sayeeda "哪有,只有陌生男性不能看而已。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2160
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_612a59dd:
# Grace "It's true, she used to charge other girls $20 to see her hair in the girls bathroom."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Grace "嗯。之前她在廁所給看過,一次二十塊。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2162
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_63458db0:
# Ester "How'd you know? Did you pay to see it?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "妳該不會也看了吧?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2164
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_79d69818:
# Grace "Yup."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Grace "對……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2166
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_dd32070e:
# Sayeeda "If you're interested, Ester, I'll let you see it for a special discount of $10."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Sayeeda "給妳打五折。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2168
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_12445d15:
# Ester "I'll pass."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "不用謝謝。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2170
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_013d972f:
# Sayeeda "You sure? Limited time offer."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Sayeeda "確定嗎?限時大放送喔。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2172
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_28580dc6:
# Grace "Why's it limited time? Your hair's always gonna be there."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Grace "為什麼是限時大放送?妳的頭髮又不會不見。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2174
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_31b43c53:
# Sayeeda "For all you know, I could be dyeing it a crazy new color every day."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Sayeeda "我可以染不同的顏色呀。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2175
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_02864182:
# Sayeeda "It could be blue, purple, pink...And you'll never know unless you check!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Sayeeda "每天顏色都不一樣……錯過就看不到囉。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2177
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_a86bdb76:
# Grace "Oh, crap. Maybe I should pay to see it again..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Grace "嗄……那我又要噴錢了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2179
translate traditional_chinese lakeLoop_4740033f:
# Ester "You're seriously falling for that?!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "可以不要亂花錢嗎?!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2189
translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_239300b0:
# "After the brief break, the group gets back to filming."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2194
translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_d7af1875:
# Ester "Take 11. Action."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "第十一次Action。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2197
translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_3ff26b17:
# Noelle "Hello, how do you feel about the removal of gray wolves from the Endangered Species list?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "您好。請問您對灰狼被移出瀕臨絕種動物名單有什麼看法嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2199
translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_37788c36:
# Min "I feel ecstatic! The delisting removed protections for wolves in Idaho and Montana."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我超開心的!失去了名單的保護,我就可以隨便獵殺愛達荷州和蒙大拿州的灰狼了!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2200
translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_f6106cae:
# Min "Now it's legal for me to hunt them. I can't wait to kill tons of wolves!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "不管殺了幾隻,都是合法的!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2204
translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_0b686f9f:
# "When they finally get through the whole scene, Diya rewards Min with a quick peck on the cheek."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2206
translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_6b9db326:
# Diya "Good job."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "辛苦了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2208
translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_debabce1:
# Min "I'm all sweaty and nasty right now, you don't have to do that."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "都是汗,不要親我啦。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2211
translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_74ec8a65:
# Diya "You're not nasty. I don't mind it."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "沒關係。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2213
translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_6b387699:
# "Noelle grumbles as she sits next to Akarsha at the picnic table and takes a sip of water."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2216
translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_a7685040:
# Noelle "I still can't believe you threw a rock at my face."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "妳竟然拿石頭丟我,我真是看錯妳了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2218
translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_ce7101eb:
# Akarsha "Hey, that is a GROSS exaggeration."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "妳怎麼可以誇大其詞。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2220
translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_113daa53:
# Min "Wait, so you admit it was you who threw it now?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "所以真的是妳丟的。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2223
translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_73163802:
# Akarsha "First of all, I LOBBED it. Second of all, I lobbed it at her neck, not her face."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "首先,我是用「拋」的。再來,我要打的不是她的臉,是脖子。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2226
translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_b88a5000:
# Noelle "WELL, IT HIT MY FACE!!!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "明明就是臉!!!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2228
translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_71f93775:
# Akarsha "Intent matters here! You're makin' it sound way worse than it really was!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "我又沒有那個意思!不要這麼誇張好嗎!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2230
translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_67698186:
# MinT "Yeah, intent does matter! I didn't mean to hurt Ester's feelings either!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "對,我也沒有那個意思!我又不是故意要惹她生氣的!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2233
translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_cdfbe147:
# "Min uneasily glances over at Ester. She's reviewing the footage on the camcorder."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2235
translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_f9569271:
# Ester ".........."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2238
translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_be40f201:
# MinT "I wish the whole thing never happened..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "我希望這一切都沒有發生過……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2241
translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_9bfd8423:
# Ester "Okay, we're good to start the wolf family interview."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "來拍第四幕吧。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2243
translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_e94f2b1a:
# Akarsha "Yiss!!!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "耶!!!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2245
translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_463ea715:
# Liz "I call being the Wolf Mom!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Liz "我要當狼媽媽!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2247
translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_4d8ba916:
# Chryssa "Wait, I wanted to be the mommy, too."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Chryssa "我也想當狼媽媽。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2249
translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_ad400344:
# Liz "Well, I definitely don't want to be the dad."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Liz "我不要當爸爸。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2251
translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_e88c995b:
# Diya "It can be two moms. Adopted."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "那就兩個媽媽。領養小寶寶。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2252
translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_1fb10ca7:
# Diya "Wolf Mom and Wolf Mom #2."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "狼媽媽和狼媽媽二。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2254
translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_308d0e26:
# Chryssa "Wolf Mom #2 definitely sounds like the inferior one, though."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Chryssa "狼媽媽二感覺比較弱。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2256
translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_e4383a9a:
# Akarsha "There's gotta be a way to make them sound equal."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "應該有更平衡的叫法。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2257
translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_4aeeae82:
# Akarsha "Like how there's always two versions of Pokemon, like Diamond and Pearl."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "和神奇寶貝*一樣:鑽石、珍珠之類的。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2259
translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_cd78833b:
# Noelle "Does this really matter??"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "這很重要嗎?"
$subtitle=" "
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2261
translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_96f9f0cd:
# Min "Hey, this is the scene where I kill Akarsha, right?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我不是要殺阿卡莎嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2262
translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_6856df53:
# Min "Aren't I supposed to have a gun?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "槍呢?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2265
translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_a0a593ac:
# Sayeeda "Oh, I brought a Nerf gun you can use."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Sayeeda "行李裡有一把玩具槍。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2266
translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_b772be31:
# Sayeeda "It's in the tent with the other stuff."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Sayeeda "在帳篷裡。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2268
translate traditional_chinese filmingResumes_15e276bc:
# Min "Okay, I'll go get it."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "好,我去拿。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2275
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_996a1f40:
# "Min rummages through the duffel bag of costumes in search of the Nerf gun."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2277
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_e48b2061:
# Noelle "Wait, Min-seo, is the microphone in there too?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "旼瑞,妳有看到記者的麥克風嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2283
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_de59366b:
# Min "I dunno, look for it yourself."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我哪知道,自己找。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2285
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_efbd1af8:
# "Noelle sneezes as she steps into the dusty tent."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2288
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_beb2f639:
# Noelle "Achoo!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "啊啾!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2290
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_dedb7b45:
# Min "Shut up."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "吵死了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2293
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_46bf54ec:
# Noelle "Shut up???" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "嗄?" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2295
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_8a8f756c:
# "Noelle joins Min by the duffel bag."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2297
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_ab27f127:
# "Suddenly, Noelle frowns at her."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2299
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_a41d9ab0:
# Noelle "........."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2301
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_a73fb87d:
# Min "What? You got a problem or something?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "幹嘛?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2303
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_c68c7897:
# "For one heart-stopping moment, Min's sure she's been exposed as racist somehow, but she soon realizes Noelle is just glaring at the dirt that she tracked into the tent."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2306
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_6eb7dd12:
# Noelle "You wore your boots inside?! You're getting dirt everywhere!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "妳怎麼不脫鞋?地板都被妳弄髒了!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2308
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_5f743390:
# Min "Oh, that's it?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "哪有?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2309
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_f5b88a2f:
# Min "It's barely anything!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "還好吧!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2313
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_4f3da13c:
# Noelle "You got a leaf on the sleeping bag already. See?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "妳把樹葉弄到睡袋上了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2315
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_89b9ec81:
# Min "So brush it off! Who cares?!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "那妳就拿掉啊!又沒有礙到誰。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2318
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_0d49c77b:
# Noelle "I care! You were the one responsible, so {i}you{/i} should be the one to brush it off!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "礙到我了!是妳把樹葉帶進來的,妳應該負責拿掉!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2321
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_c747d100:
# Min "It's just one fucking leaf! Stop splitting hairs over nothing!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "一片樹葉妳就可以罵這麼久!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2324
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_6cbf6d9c:
# Noelle "You're the one being difficult here! Just apologize and get the leaf off!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "還不是因為妳!趕快道歉,然後清理乾淨不就好了嘛!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2329
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_fed3828e:
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "好啊,我清理乾淨!!!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2331
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_6a9218fc:
# "Min grabs one end of the sleeping bag and swings it at Noelle!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2338
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_aa25d9f1:
# "It whaps Noelle in the torso!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2340
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_77d5671b:
# Noelle "HEY! I'M TELLING ON YOU!!!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "我要告訴老師!!!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2343
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_639270aa:
# Min "{big=+20}GO AHEAD AND TRY IT, TURBONERD!!!!{/big}"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳告啊!!!!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2345
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_072b1ebc:
# "Noelle seizes a handful of the sleeping bag as Min tries to land another blow!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
"小旼又想再打一次,小諾連忙抓住了睡袋。" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2347
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_1a39910a:
# Noelle "YOU GORMLESS BRUTE!!!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "妳真的欠管教是不是!!!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2349
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_aadb1b6d:
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "什麼窮光叫?妳再說一次試試看!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2352
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_45c888f1:
# "Min yanks on the sleeping bag, hard! It slips from Noelle's grasp, sending Min hurtling backwards."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2355
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_2c42cdae:
# Min "WHOA!!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "哇!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2358
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_9d5c1487:
# "Min loses her balance completely and falls backwards into the wall of the tent."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2359
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_8377ab94:
# "She hits the ground butt-first, pinning the fabric of the tent down with her weight."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2363
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_578ded9f:
# "The tent collapses, blanketing its occupants in nylon. Min feels herself sliding backwards down a slope..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2365
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_a0d09d63:
# Noelle "THE TENT'S ROLLING DOWN THE HILL!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "帳篷要滑下去了!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2368
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_803c7f9f:
# "Min and Noelle blindly tumble down the hill with their limbs wrapped in tent, screaming all the way."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2371
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_f3bd64bf:
# NPC "AAAAGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
NPC "啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!!!!!!!!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2375
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_496e736b:
# "Eventually, they crash into a large bush at the bottom of the ravine."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2380
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_6c776508:
# "Min crawls out of the tangled mess, spitting dirt and twigs out of her mouth."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2382
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_74b5f213:
# Min "Pwah! Pwah!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "呸呸呸!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2385
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_b33bcd82:
# Noelle "Oh, how I despise you..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "……簡直無藥可救……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2386
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_cc9c0b01:
# "Noelle gathers the tent into her arms and tries to trudge back up to the park in her socks."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2388
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_bcd47c97:
# Min "What happened to your shoes?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳怎麽沒穿鞋?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2391
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_374bf04c:
# Noelle "I took them off before coming into the tent, like a civilized person."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "我脫掉了。因為我有教養。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2393
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_1008dd36:
# Min "See, this is why keeping them on is better."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳看吧?不脫比較好。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2394
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_7b46c031:
# Min "I win."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我贏了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2397
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_3c6158d0:
# Noelle "No, you don't! This situation would never arise under normal circumstances." with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "妳沒有「贏」!這是特殊狀況!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2399
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_545057e4:
# Min "Look how much faster I'm walking than you."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我走得比妳快。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2400
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_40ec08ce:
# Min "See? Loser."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我贏了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2403
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_85f2e307:
# "Min looks back and sees how far behind Noelle is."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2406
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_52988518:
# MinT "She looks pretty pathetic dragging the tent through the dirt..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "她看起來有點可憐。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2407
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_8683854e:
# Min "..........."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "…………"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2409
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_297b978d:
# "Min reluctantly goes back and yanks the tent away from her."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2412
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_390a1bfb:
# Noelle "..........."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "…………"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2414
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_e53c2d19:
# Noelle "What's the matter with you today?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "妳怎麼了?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2416
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_3bc705ee:
# Min "What?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "什麼怎麼了?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2418
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_38077f5b:
# Noelle "Generally speaking, you strike me as someone who can't take criticism."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "恕我直言:我一直覺得像妳這樣自我中心的人,是禁不起任何批評的。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2420
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_8b3adc78:
# Noelle "But you haven't blown up on me like this for months."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "但是妳已經很久沒有這樣亂發脾氣了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2423
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_70625001:
# Noelle "Did something happen between you and Ester?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "妳和艾思特怎麼了?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2425
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_379c085f:
# Min "WHAT?" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "什麼?!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2426
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_9153c0a6:
# Min "NO, WHY?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "跟艾思特有什麼關係?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2429
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_f880669b:
# Noelle "During our scene, you kept eyeing her like she was going to bite you."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "剛才拍片的時候,妳看她的表情很奇怪。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2433
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_0ae85404:
# MinT "Oh, hell. If even fucking NOELLE can tell, I might as well be wearing a neon sign around saying what happened."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "媽蛋。如果連諾奧都看得出來,大概全世界都看出來了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2434
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_c7d5c49b:
# Min "We sorta got in a fight."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我們算是吵架了吧。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2436
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_9814a440:
# Min "She got all offended by something I said."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我有點冒犯到她了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2439
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_645c6f64:
# Noelle "What did you say?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "怎麽說?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2441
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_5d962d29:
# MinT "...I don't even wanna say it...It's so fucking embarrassing..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "……太她媽丟臉了……我不想說……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2443
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_2a7fd8d4:
# Min "I kinda was like...I didn't know Black people cared about grades..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "類似……我不知道黑人也在乎成績……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2446
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_ed835781:
# Noelle "What?! Why???" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "妳怎麼可以這樣說人家?!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2449
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_85226f54:
# Min "I don't know...None of my classes ever had Black people in them..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我也不知道……以前我班上沒有黑人……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2450
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_afa4027c:
# Min "So I felt like I was learning something new from the story she was telling me. I was just trying to express that."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "所以我聽到她的家人很在乎成績,就覺得和我聽過的不一樣,覺得很新奇。我只是想表達這個意思。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2454
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_5cbb5c31:
# Noelle "So you decided to TELL HER you held a bigoted belief that only changed after a random anecdote she shared???" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "表達什麼意思?自曝其短嗎?" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2458
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_edc7ecab:
# Min "I wasn't thinking, okay?! It's easy to pick apart now in hindsight, but the whole thing happened in like five seconds!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我哪有時間想那麼多?!現在想起來好像很不應該,可是當時整個事情是瞬間發生的!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2460
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_c6759fcf:
# Min "I didn't even have anything against her! Or Black people in general!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我又沒有罵她!我也沒有討厭黑人!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2461
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_cc23f6d8:
# Min "C'mon, you know me. When I hate someone, I let them know!!!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳難道不了解我嗎?我如果討厭誰,才不會偷偷摸摸的!!!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2464
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_029d9011:
# Noelle "Yes, I'm well aware of that."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "是的,我非常清楚。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2466
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_5b0b80a1:
# Min "So it should've been obvious I didn't mean anything bad by it!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "所以她應該知道我沒有那個意思!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2467
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_fca5098e:
# Min "When people do Asian accents or say weird stuff about Koreans, {i}I{/i} don't flip out!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "別人說話有亞洲腔,或著對韓國人有偏見的時候,我有生氣嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2470
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_ea4e012c:
# Noelle "You don't...?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "妳沒有嗎……?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2471
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_e0cffa02:
# Noelle "That time we were walking around and got Konnichiwa'd, you were furious."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "之前我們被人家講「口泥七挖」的時候,妳明明就很生氣。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2473
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_1c5df442:
# Min "That was coming from a white creep, and it was clearly hateful."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "因為那是白人講的。他們就是在罵人。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2474
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_52c194b8:
# Min "But if it's just a joke, or something worded insensitively, it doesn't always mean the person ACTUALLY hates Asians."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "如果只是開玩笑,或著無心的,就不一定是歧視。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2477
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_27e8bd0d:
# Noelle "I'm not sure I follow your logic here..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "我不太確定妳的邏輯在哪裡……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2478
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_32801cdb:
# Noelle "Are you saying that as long as something's not {i}intentionally{/i} hateful racism, it doesn't bother you?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "妳的意思是說:如果對方不是故意的,妳就不會生氣嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2480
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_b25774cf:
# Min "Yeah, it doesn't. 'Cause I'm not a sensitive crybaby."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "對。我才不會那麼大驚小怪。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2483
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_2340a302:
# Noelle "But if you had a choice, wouldn't you rather they not say those things?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "那麼,如果有可能,妳會希望他們不要說那些話嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2485
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_8144d905:
# Min "Well, duh. If you could press a button and magically no one ever said that stuff again, that'd be cool."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "會吧。那樣當然最好。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2488
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_1166d28a:
# Noelle "...Then it {i}does{/i|} bother you?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "……所以妳還是會在意嘛。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2490
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_e70f5c9f:
# Min "Okay, yeah, maybe it would bother me a little, but I wouldn't make a huge stink about it."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "好吧,對啦。我是有點在意,但是我不會搞得好像天要坍下來了一樣。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2493
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_0081474e:
# Noelle "If it bothers you, doesn't it make sense to complain about it?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "如果會在意,抱怨一下不是很正常嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2495
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_97e27b9f:
# Min "If I were some weakass sissy, sure. But I'm not, so I don't sweat that kinda small stuff."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我沒有脆弱到會去抱怨這種事。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2498
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_217e0c81:
# Noelle "But we just established that you {i}are{/i} bothered by it."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "可是妳會在意。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2499
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_e7f754cc:
# Noelle "You just deny it because in your eyes, it's weakness to admit you're hurt. Because of the tough guy act you have going on."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "妳只是不願意承認罷了。因為在妳眼中,承認受傷是弱者的表現,和妳平常強悍的形象不符。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2501
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_23b38576:
# "Noelle's got this insufferably smug expression on her face, like she's discovered a misprint in an exam that no one else has found yet."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2503
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_a8c2d4b7:
# Noelle "I think I understand now."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "我懂了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2505
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_b877806e:
# Min "Understand what?? You weren't even there."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳懂個屁。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2509
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_0b3ec737:
# Noelle "You think Ester is overreacting because in similar situations, you do nothing."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "妳之所以覺得其他人都反應過度,是因為妳選擇忍耐。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2510
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_e368ff3b:
# Noelle "When she told you your response was racist, you became enraged by her audacity to complain about things you suffered through in silence."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "當艾思特指責妳歧視的時候,妳覺得很生氣。因為妳在類似的時刻都只能保持沉默。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2512
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_5f836ad4:
# Noelle "Admitting that you genuinely hurt her feelings would require the admission that you've been hurt before, too."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "如果妳承認自己傷害了她,就等於承認妳曾經也受過傷。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2513
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_8395a811:
# Noelle "And your fragile ego cannot allow that."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "但妳必須是「強悍的」。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2515
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_8eabd16d:
# Min "..................."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "…………"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2516
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_994f2541:
# MinT "Shit...Maybe she's onto something..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "媽的……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2519
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_aeb8003e:
# Noelle "In conclusion, Ester's right, you're wrong, and you're racist."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "結論就是:妳不僅做錯了事,而且還歧視別人。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2521
translate traditional_chinese tentDisaster_990d6bb0:
# MinT "This sucks so bad....."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "幹……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2531
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_428669ea:
# "Covered in dirt and twigs, Min struggles to put the tent back up."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2534
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_a014ade9:
# Diya "?!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya ""
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2535
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_230ab8af:
# Diya "Are you okay."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "你還好嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2537
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_0c777aa2:
# Min "Not really. I feel like absolute dogshit."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "不好。我感覺像一坨屎。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2540
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_b1895173:
# Diya "Oh no."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "噢……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2542
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_50905784:
# MinT "I just wanna hide what I did."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "我不想讓她知道。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2543
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_bcfc82e3:
# MinT "I wanna dig a hole and bury the terrible truth where no one will ever find it."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "我想挖一個洞,把剛剛那一段埋進去,這樣就永遠不會有人發現了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2547
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_25f1bee1:
# Diya "What happened?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "怎麼了?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2549
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_8a574f6e:
# Min "I don't really wanna talk about it."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我不想說。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2552
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_6e8840cd:
# Diya "............"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "…………"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2555
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_f8873d7c:
# "At a loss for how to handle the situation, Diya quietly helps her pitch the tent."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2563
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_9fa2cfca:
# Diya "...?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "……?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2565
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_f3df7a6b:
# Diya "Oh no..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "噢,好可憐……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2567
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_64f35087:
# Min "Huh?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "怎麼了?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2569
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_dc59f035:
# Diya "Look."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "你看。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2572
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_88a89181:
# "Diya points to a malformed looking butterfly clinging to the tent fabric."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2574
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_5680d7da:
# Min "Oh, ew."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "噁。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2575
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_c66da466:
# Min "What's wrong with its wing? It's all crinkled."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "牠翅膀怎麽這樣?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2578
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_15737f72:
# Diya "Think it's stuck like that...That's so sad."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "應該是展翅失敗了……好可憐喔。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2579
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_59ee4f5f:
# Diya "Maybe it's because of the false spring."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "可能是暖冬造成的。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2582
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_e217d98c:
# Min "False spring?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "暖冬?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2585
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_62dbb656:
# Diya "It's when it's super warm, but it's still winter."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "就是天氣很暖和,但其實還是冬天。對動物很不好。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2586
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_be59f257:
# Diya "It messes up a lot of animals because they think it's spring when it's not."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "因為牠們以為春天來了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2587
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_194424bd:
# Diya "Maybe the weird environment messed it up while it was forming."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "蝴蝶可能還沒有變完,但是環境讓牠以為可以出來了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2589
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_aae5bc73:
# "Diya tries to get the deformed butterfly to crawl onto a twig. It's hard to watch."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2591
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_1d1f1814:
# Min "Is that what I'm like? Because I grew up with racists and got taught the worst lessons ever?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我也是因為環境不好,才變成這樣的嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2592
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_00db02c9:
# Min "I feel like I went through hell and came out the other side in the most monumentally fucked shape."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "因為我是被爛人養大的,所以我才會變成爛人嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2597
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_a16d98d6:
# Diya "?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya ""
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2598
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_b08fe291:
# Diya "What do you mean?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "什麼意思?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2600
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_0732d024:
# Min "Diya...You wouldn't ever break up with me, right?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "迪亞……妳不會我分手吧?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2603
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_b0ba6750:
# Diya "? No."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "……不會?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2605
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_4cf4e585:
# Min "What if I did something bad?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "萬一我做錯事呢?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2606
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_259be4ec:
# Min "I mean like, really bad."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "很嚴重那種。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2608
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_f31af5e7:
# Diya "What did you do?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "你做了什麼?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2610
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_ea171b06:
# Min "Are you SURE you wouldn't break up with me, though?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳真的不會跟我分手嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2613
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_17a941b7:
# Diya "What. Did. You. Do."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "你、做、了、什、麼?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2614
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_191f138d:
# "Min tells Diya what happened, bracing herself for the worst..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2616
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_b051f280:
# Min "...And that's why Ester is mad at me..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "……然後艾思特就生氣了……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2619
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_6e8840cd_1:
# Diya "............"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "…………"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2620
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_ac7498bb:
# Diya "That wasn't very nice of you."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "這次是你不好喔。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2622
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_1cca6144:
# Diya "Sounds like something racist my mom would say."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "你講了很像我媽會講的話。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2624
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_1fb5d954:
# Min "Yeah, I know..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我知道……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2627
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_61be8584:
# Diya "Poor Ester. Her comic sounds cool, too."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "艾思特一定很難過。她的漫畫感覺也很有趣。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2629
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_6091b526:
# Min "Do you hate me now?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳討厭我了嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2632
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_5ab80e4d:
# Diya "I mean...It was bad. But at least you realize it."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "至少你知道錯了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2633
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_abd8f820:
# Diya "Everyone makes mistakes."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "人都會犯錯。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2642
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_87b8f861:
# Min "Not everyone makes RACIST mistakes."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "不一定會犯這種錯。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2644
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_bcd48ed3:
# Diya "But it's not like people are born knowing things, either?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "我們又不是一出生就知道該怎麼做人。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2645
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_973283fc:
# Diya "Everyone has blind spots."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "大家都有疏忽的時候。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2647
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_36d58946:
# Min "How come you've never offended someone like I did, then?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳就沒犯過這種錯。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2650
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_b52f577d:
# Diya "I don't talk to people very much..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "因為我不太講話……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2651
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_1233f699:
# Diya "So most of the mistakes just happen in my mind."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "可能只是沒有講出來而已。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2653
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_da1e7437:
# Min "Well...then how come Noelle doesn't offend people??"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "那小諾呢?她也沒有。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2656
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_9c40bd12:
# Diya "I mean...she was pretty ignorant about gay people before we started dating."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "在我們交往之前,她對同性戀還滿不友善的。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2658
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_46ab9331:
# Diya "When people said the narrator of {i}The Great Gatsby{/i} was gay in our English class, she got all scandalized and argued against it."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "她以前還在英文課上跟同學吵架,因為有人說:「偉大的蓋茲比」的旁白是同性戀。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2659
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_c279a5e4:
# Diya "She kept insisting there had to be another explanation. But I think she just was grossed out by the thought of it."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "她一直堅持有其他解釋,個人認為她只是不想接受這個可能性。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2668
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_f36c9ea0:
# Min "That's not as bad as insulting someone's entire race, though."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "總比歧視一整個種族好吧。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2675
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_13f1f1eb:
# Diya "Not trying to say she messed up worse."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "我沒有要拿來比較。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2676
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_3872e660:
# Diya "My point is she got better about it. She wouldn't do that anymore."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "我只是想說她有進步。現在不會那樣了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2677
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_c28f76e0:
# Diya "So I don't hold it against her. Just because you were ignorant about something doesn't mean you're bad forever."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "所以我不怪她。因為人是可以改變的。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2680
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_17221237:
# Min "I dunno...It doesn't undo the fact that I was racist to Ester already, and now she hates me."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "真的嗎……?可是艾思特已經討厭我了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2683
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_82bb0c07:
# Diya "Did you say sorry?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "你道過歉了嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2685
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_c312fd0d:
# Min ".........No....."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "……沒……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2687
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_43dc424b:
# Diya "She might not forgive you. But you should at least tell her."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "就算她不原諒你,你也應該去道歉。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2689
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_b40b916d:
# "Min feels such anguish upon hearing Diya's suggestion that it takes her a moment to sputter something out."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2692
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_946ae2da:
# Min "But...But...No one ever apologized to ME!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "可是……可是從來沒有人跟我道過歉!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2694
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_04563f4f:
# "To Min's horror, her eyes fill up with tears."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2696
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_1cf3e1dd:
# Min "So many people did way worse things to me, and THEY never said sorry!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "那些對我做爛事的人都沒有道過歉!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2697
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_81b5fa6b:
# Min "None of my racist bullies ever said sorry. My dad never said sorry."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "霸凌我們的人沒道歉,我爸也沒道歉!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2698
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_a8ce1bf6:
# Min "Why is it only ME who has to say sorry, when what I did wasn't even as bad?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "為什麼我反而要道歉?我難道不如他們嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2699
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_8d60165b:
# Min "It's not fair!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "不公平!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2702
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_0f0ba85c:
# "Diya pulls her into her arms and hugs her very tightly, as if trying to squeeze all the grief out of her body."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2705
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_3c07f8a5:
# "Min leans into her warmth, letting her familiar touch and the steady rhythm of her heartbeat calm her down."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2710
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_aba99f45:
# Diya "What happened to you wasn't fair."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "他們很壞。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2711
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_cad6e798:
# Diya "But that doesn't mean you should be unfair, too. Or you'll just continue the cycle."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "但是你不用跟他們一樣。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2716
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_31583ec0:
# Diya "You can apologize even if they don't."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "他們選擇不道歉,你可以選擇道歉。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2718
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_6a2b8cc3:
# Min "But it's not fair..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "不公平……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2720
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_ebcdc98c:
# Min "I want them to suffer. I want them to die."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "他們都該死。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2721
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_8500f673:
# Min "If I just forget about them, that means they got away with everything."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "如果我不這樣想,他們就贏了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2722
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_d41e5082:
# Min "That means they won, and I lost."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "那我就輸了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2725
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_e629b0d2:
# Diya "........"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2727
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_f9b439c9:
# Diya "But isn't it losing {i}worse{/i} to let people you hate keep controlling your life?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "讓你最討厭的人一直影響你,難道不是輸得更徹底嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2728
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_736cb521:
# Diya "It's like that saying. If you seek revenge, dig two graves."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "「復仇之前,先挖兩個墓穴*。」"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2731
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_36ca9e81:
# Diya "Is it worth it? To hurt yourself in the name of fairness."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "用公平換來更多的傷害,真的值得嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2733
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_ad5b37f0:
# Min "...................."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "……………………"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2734
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_e85e257d:
# MinT "Is that what I'm doing?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "我正在傷害自己嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2735
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_02f0a506:
# MinT "Crashing the car just to get back at them?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "和我爸開車的時候一樣?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2738
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_50cf4bec:
# Diya "...The two graves are you and the person you got revenge on, by the way."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "……補充說明一下:這兩個墓穴一個是你的,一個是你的復仇對象的。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2739
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_a2ea6216:
# Diya "Not two different people you killed."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "不是你去殺了兩個人。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2741
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_c4825a26:
# Min "No, I got that."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我知道啦。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2742
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_05aa731e:
# Min "You're right..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳說的對……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2744
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_a0cabc67:
# Min "Why should I let those pieces of shit keep controlling me even years later?!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "憑什麼讓那些爛人影響我?!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2745
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_89bd3933:
# Min "If nothing they did mattered, that'll show them!!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我幹嘛那麼在意!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2747
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_9cbab985:
# Diya "Yeah."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "對。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2749
translate traditional_chinese falseSpring_60e3a630:
# Min "Yeah!!!!!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "對!!!!!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2755
translate traditional_chinese apology_fad126ff:
# "Min dashes off and finds Ester setting up the next scene."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2757
translate traditional_chinese apology_92b7a62a:
# Ester "What took you so long?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "妳好慢。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2758
translate traditional_chinese apology_515f46e3:
# Ester "Everyone's ready to do the wolf death scene."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "大家都在等妳。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2761
translate traditional_chinese apology_303fa393:
# Min "Can we talk first?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我可以跟妳講一下話嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2764
translate traditional_chinese apology_021f0e2f:
# "Ester gives her a guarded look."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2765
translate traditional_chinese apology_137d1153:
# Ester "That depends..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "看情況……?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2767
translate traditional_chinese apology_7ccad2c9:
# Min "Sorry I was an asshole earlier."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "對不起,我剛才態度不好。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2768
translate traditional_chinese apology_fd5e387a:
# Min "I shouldn't have said that racist stuff about Black people, and the weird stuff about your hair."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我不該說妳頭髮很平,還有歧視黑人的那些。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2770
translate traditional_chinese apology_a20754a9:
# Ester "Yeah, you shouldn't have."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "是的。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2772
translate traditional_chinese apology_6a9e24d4:
# Min "You're right, I should've known better."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "對,我太過分了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2773
translate traditional_chinese apology_bb1746fc:
# Min "I know how much it sucks looking different from everyone else."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我也被人排擠過,我不該這樣對別人。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2775
translate traditional_chinese apology_edb245e5:
# "Ester lets out a sigh, looking exhausted."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2778
translate traditional_chinese apology_60c5995f:
# Ester "You'd think people would know, but they don't..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "認同感真的是一件很奇怪的事。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2779
translate traditional_chinese apology_fedec263:
# Ester "It's like being kicked on both sides. I go through all the same stuff as everyone else at this school, but no one sees me as one of them."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "我和這裡的其他同學一樣,長大的過程中充滿歧視。但是從來沒有人真正接納過我。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2780
translate traditional_chinese apology_354b1fb4:
# Ester "Everyone thinks because I'm not \"pure\" Asian, I'm not as smart or I don't study as much."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "大家都覺得我不夠聰明、不夠用功、不夠「亞洲」。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2782
translate traditional_chinese apology_a57e573e:
# Min "Don't worry, I don't think that."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我沒有那樣想過。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2783
translate traditional_chinese apology_99849440:
# Min "I learned my lesson. I'm not racist anymore."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我已經知道錯了,我不會再歧視妳了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2787
translate traditional_chinese apology_356bc7ec:
# Ester "Uh...Yeah, you are?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "呃……不太可能吧。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2790
translate traditional_chinese apology_24afbb88:
# Min "Huh......??????" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "嗄……?!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2792
translate traditional_chinese apology_71ea1396:
# Ester "You're literally still racist, all you did was apologize for one specific thing."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "妳怎麼可能只因為道了個歉就不歧視。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2800
translate traditional_chinese apology_5c7db639:
# Min "But...What else am I supposed to do then?!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "那……那不然我該怎麼辦嘛!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2803
translate traditional_chinese apology_6c5ae857:
# Ester "Try to educate yourself and not say random crap about other ethnicities?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "說話之前先想一想?不要隨便批評別人?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2804
translate traditional_chinese apology_e84bb104:
# Ester "And say sorry the next time you're racist instead of being all rude and defensive."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "下次如果再犯,記得要道歉,不要發飆?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2806
translate traditional_chinese apology_db5f320f:
# Min "Next time?! That makes it sound like this is gonna happen again." with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "為什麼還有下次?!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2809
translate traditional_chinese apology_e2be2a46:
# Ester "Honestly, it probably will."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "憑良心講,我覺得滿有可能的。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2812
translate traditional_chinese apology_e1c993cb:
# Min "So...you're saying I'll ALWAYS be racist no matter what I do?!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "所、所以妳是說!不管我做什麼,我永遠都是爛人嗎?!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2814
translate traditional_chinese apology_13b3b007:
# "Min looks so horrified that Ester gives her a pitying look."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2816
translate traditional_chinese apology_cf4bf3cd:
# Ester "I mean, literally everyone on earth is ignorant to some degree about SOMETHING."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "我的意思是:每個人多多少少都有點歧視。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2818
translate traditional_chinese apology_3c389bd2:
# Ester "For my webcomic, I tried to research albinos and double amputees the best I could, but I'm still not sure I portrayed everything right."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "我的漫畫裡有白化症和截肢的角色。我雖然查了一堆資料,可是我還是不放心。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2820
translate traditional_chinese apology_eed6dd1a:
# MinT "Double amputee...? What the fuck is going on in her comic?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "截肢……?她到底在畫什麼故事啊?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2822
translate traditional_chinese apology_28dcd23e:
# Ester "No one's perfect. You just gotta do your best and learn from your mistakes."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "沒有人是完美的。我們只能承認錯誤,然後繼續努力。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2824
translate traditional_chinese apology_8a6da49d:
# Min "Oh...okay..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "好吧……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2826
translate traditional_chinese apology_cdb90e91:
# Min "But I hate thinking I'm gonna make a DIFFERENT mistake at some point and have to apologize again."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "可是我不喜歡這種可能還要道歉的感覺。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2827
translate traditional_chinese apology_735c2b8c:
# Min "It's fucking mortifying."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "好丟臉喔。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2830
translate traditional_chinese apology_fdaadc25:
# Ester "I mean, it shouldn't be mortifying to admit you were wrong about something."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "承認錯誤並不丟臉。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2832
translate traditional_chinese apology_e8b44a30:
# Min "...I guess it shouldn't be..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "……好吧……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2835
translate traditional_chinese apology_abe24f78:
# Akarsha "Ay! Are we ready to party?" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "嗨嗨!準備好了嗎?" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2837
translate traditional_chinese apology_090d9f93:
# Ester "Yeah, let's do it."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "好了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2839
translate traditional_chinese apology_b981817b:
# Min "So are we good for now?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我們和好了嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2842
translate traditional_chinese apology_ca840e57:
# Ester "I guess."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "大概吧。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2855
translate traditional_chinese apology_486aef94:
# Ester "Can I still use the \"progidy\" thing you said earlier?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "我還能把「之才」用在故事裡嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2857
translate traditional_chinese apology_92cbb84c:
# Min "Huh? Yeah, knock yourself out."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "嗄?可以啊。用吧。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2874
translate traditional_chinese wolfDeathScene_cf2105cd:
# "Min hides behind a tree with her Nerf gun, waiting for her cue."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2881
translate traditional_chinese wolfDeathScene_2e5faefe:
# Noelle "How has your pack helped balance the ecosystem here?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "您的族群對黃石公園的環境有什麼幫助嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2883
translate traditional_chinese wolfDeathScene_65a84993:
# Chryssa "We prevent the elk population from exploding and overgrazing."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Chryssa "我們有效控制了加拿大馬鹿的數量。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2885
translate traditional_chinese wolfDeathScene_1247589c:
# Liz "Before we were reintroduced, many biologists were concerned about eroding and plants dying off."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Liz "在我們被重新引入之前,很多生物學家都在擔心這裡的植被和水土流失問題。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2886
translate traditional_chinese wolfDeathScene_41747f9c:
# Liz "Unfortunately, many ranchers and hunters don't understand this."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Liz "但對牧場主和獵戶而言,我們只是必須被抓捕的對象。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2888
translate traditional_chinese wolfDeathScene_dcee2d8e:
# Chryssa "In fact, the state of Idaho is planning to kill hundreds of wolves this winter."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Chryssa "愛達荷州政府計畫在今年冬天先殺掉一百頭狼。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2890
translate traditional_chinese wolfDeathScene_ad04d0cd:
# MinT "This is where we always screw up and have to start over."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "這裡是我們最常NG的地方。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2891
translate traditional_chinese wolfDeathScene_e2e57e0b:
# MinT "Every time Akarsha makes eye contact with Chryssa, she starts laughing."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "每次克莉莎和阿卡莎對望的時候都會笑場。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2894
translate traditional_chinese wolfDeathScene_bff292a3:
# Akarsha "Mom LeafGreen, I'm scared...Are we gonna die?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "綠葉媽媽,我們會死嗎?我怕怕……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2896
translate traditional_chinese wolfDeathScene_158b51ff:
# MinT "Holy shit. She finally did it!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "她終於不笑了!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2899
translate traditional_chinese wolfDeathScene_2a9f3ec7:
# Akarsha "Goo goo ga ga..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "咿咿呀呀……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2900
translate traditional_chinese wolfDeathScene_0ae39160:
# "Noelle's eye twitches as she recites her next line."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2902
translate traditional_chinese wolfDeathScene_e6ce3bd3:
# Noelle "Who is this...adorable little thing?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "這個……小可愛是誰呀?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2904
translate traditional_chinese wolfDeathScene_76fa03c3:
# Chryssa "This is our wolf puppy! Normally mated pairs produce a litter per year, but we adopted her!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Chryssa "她是我們的寶寶!在通常情況下,一對灰狼一年會產下幾隻幼崽。不過我們的寶寶是領養的!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2906
translate traditional_chinese wolfDeathScene_44280286:
# Liz "We love her soooooooo much!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Liz "她是我們最最最可愛的寶貝!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2908
translate traditional_chinese wolfDeathScene_62312032:
# Akarsha "I'm only four months old!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "我才四個月大而已喔!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2912
translate traditional_chinese wolfDeathScene_aa95be65:
# Min "DIEEEEEEEE!!!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "死吧!!!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2914
translate traditional_chinese wolfDeathScene_b7a16a66:
# "Min leaps out from behind the tree and shoots a flurry of Nerf pellets at Akarsha!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2916
translate traditional_chinese wolfDeathScene_5fdbe223:
# Akarsha "No!!! I only kill a very small number of cattle per year!!!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "我不要死!!!我只是殺了你們幾頭牛而已!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2917
translate traditional_chinese wolfDeathScene_8f9626e7:
# Akarsha "Urk!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "呃啊!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2919
translate traditional_chinese wolfDeathScene_0a4558ab:
# "Akarsha goes down, and Min continues shooting her ass with the Nerf gun."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2921
translate traditional_chinese wolfDeathScene_570e866a:
# Chryssa "Nooooo! Our innocent puppy!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Chryssa "不!!!!!我們的寶寶!!!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2923
translate traditional_chinese wolfDeathScene_514b443b:
# Min "MUAHAHA!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "哇哈哈哈哈!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2924
translate traditional_chinese wolfDeathScene_04f8d098:
# Min "I'll be back to kill the rest of you!!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我會再來的!!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2927
translate traditional_chinese wolfDeathScene_245cb9e2:
# "Min runs off-screen, leaving Chryssa and Liz crying very unconvincingly over Akarsha's body."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2929
translate traditional_chinese wolfDeathScene_87abaa37:
# Liz "How could this happen? If only we were still on the Endangered Species list!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Liz "如果我們還在瀕臨絕種動物名單裡,就不會發生這種事了!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2931
translate traditional_chinese wolfDeathScene_a7320cfc:
# "Noelle turns solemnly to the camera."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2932
translate traditional_chinese wolfDeathScene_8cdc5d34:
# Noelle "Today, I learned that delisting of grey wolves from the Endangered Species list would have devastating consequences."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "今天,我們都學到了一件事:將灰狼移出瀕危名單,可能會導致非常嚴重的後果。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2941
translate traditional_chinese wolfDeathScene_1f648426:
# Ester "...And that's a wrap!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "……殺青!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2945
translate traditional_chinese wolfDeathScene_640228a5:
# Noelle "FINALLY!!! WE'VE BEEN HERE FOR SIX HOURS!!!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "我們竟然拍了六個小時!!!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2947
translate traditional_chinese wolfDeathScene_cf397324:
# MinT "And we may have just produced the worst video ever..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "而且拍出了一坨屎。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2954
translate traditional_chinese wolfDeathScene_1c0cf689:
# "Relieved to be back in her regular clothes, Min looks around."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2956
translate traditional_chinese wolfDeathScene_08f9c1d6:
# MinT "Seems like people are packing up."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "他們已經在收東西了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3013
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_fcec01b6:
# "The tent flap's already open."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3014
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_65b96039:
# "Min climbs inside. To her surprise, Akarsha's already there."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3016
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_d5592bd2:
# Akarsha "Shhhh, look!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "噓……妳看!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3017
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_989b0795:
# "She points to Noelle, who's sound asleep on the sleeping bag."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3019
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_1edc9f8d:
# Noelle "Zzzzzzzz..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "鼾……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3022
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_e2d28881:
# Min "Damn, she must've been pretty tired to just conk out like this."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "她一定很累,不然怎麼會直接睡在這裡。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3025
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_214c610d:
# Akarsha "Listen, I have the biggest brain in the world..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "身為一個天才……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3027
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_fdae0d99:
# "Akarsha gleefully lies down on the ground next to Noelle."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3029
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_10cd3cf1:
# Akarsha "Help me braid our hair together."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "幫我們把頭髮編在一起。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3032
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_12f3aed5:
# Min "I have short hair, dipshit. Do I look like I know how to braid hair?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳是笨蛋嗎?我看起來像會編辮子的人嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3036
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_35fdfdf8:
# Akarsha "I can't do it myself, it's too hard when I'm lyin' down like this."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "我躺著沒辦法編。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3038
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_38f1cd1b:
# Akarsha "C'mon, pwetty pwease..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "拜託咪,好咪……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3041
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_757eecad:
# Min "God, when you talk like that I just wanna smash your head with a rock." with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我真的好想打妳。" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3043
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_df5605a7:
# "Min crawls over and grabs a lock of Akarsha and Noelle's hair in each hand."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3045
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_ba48efdd:
# Akarsha "It's easy, ya just gotta split it into three strands and alternate which one goes on top."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "很簡單啦。把頭髮分成三束,然後一直往中間編就好了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3048
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_c2acfdeb:
# Min "Like this??"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "這樣?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3050
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_f249ef82:
# "Confused, Min just randomly twists their hair together."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3051
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_ee1acbd4:
# "The instant she lets go, the \"braid\" loosens and unravels."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3053
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_d1645b00:
# MinT "Shit!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "幹!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3055
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_343a9490:
# "Noelle scowls in her sleep as Min tries again."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3058
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_3dd98bff:
# Noelle "Akarsha!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "阿卡莎!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3061
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_43d0573e:
# "Akarsha and Min freeze, but Noelle just turns on her side, mumbling to herself."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3063
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_384bd8b5:
# Noelle "Zzz...Just because it's \"suitable for all large primates\"...doesn't mean you should eat it..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "鼾……妳不能只因為它「適合大型靈長類食用」就去吃……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3067
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_addbc72f:
# MinT "What is she dreaming about??"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "她夢到什麼鬼了?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3069
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_5f3d28e2:
# "Ester sticks her head in the tent."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3071
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_2822124d:
# Ester "Can you hand me my backpack?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "可以把背包給我嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3073
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_c1402810:
# Ester "...Wait, what're you guys doing?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "……妳們在幹嘛?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3075
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_d0bd7e3e:
# Akarsha "Psst! Halp..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "救我……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3078
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_e6c32360:
# Min "Ester, do you know how to braid hair?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳會綁辮子嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3080
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_77ee087b:
# "Ester assesses the situation for a moment before shrugging."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3082
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_990d4ed1:
# Ester "Okay, why not?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "會啊。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3084
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_908ebf86:
# Akarsha "Thank you!!!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "感謝!!!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3087
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_fdd1371e:
# "After a few minutes, Ester manages to weave Akarsha and Noelle's hair into one giant, messy braid."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3088
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_e04314ff:
# Min "You did it!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "成功了!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3091
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_e203c5f1:
# Ester "I wonder when she's gonna realize."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "不知道她什麼時候會發現。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3093
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_3e3216c6:
# "Noelle stirs on the sleeping bag. Her head gets jerked back by her hair, which is now bound to Akarsha's."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3095
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_19ff2db1:
# Noelle "Mrph..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "嗯……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3097
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_dcc48234:
# "She blearily rubs her eyes."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3099
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_8edad73c:
# Akarsha "Bonjour..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "蹦糾*……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3105
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_0afede51:
# "Noelle bolts upright, screaming."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3107
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_bf2d84f5:
# Noelle "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!!!!!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3108
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_1d85cb4c:
# Akarsha "What's wrong, Frenchman? Bad hair day?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "怎麽啦?頭髮還在賴床嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3109
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_9cff7395:
# Noelle "AKARSHAaaaAAAA!!!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "阿卡莎!!!!!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3110
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_dea6bfc7:
# Noelle "WHY?! GET ME OUT OF HEREEEE!!!!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "為什麼我們的頭髮會綁在一起!!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3111
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_961e77cb:
# Akarsha "Whoa, calm down."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "妳也太激動了吧。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3113
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_5944eafd:
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "我太激動?!我睡覺的時候被偷襲了,妳還說我太激動!!!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3115
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_67319dc6:
# Ester "I mean, you can just unbraid it. It's not that bad."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "解開就好啦,又沒多嚴重。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3118
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_10f67d54:
# Min "Yeah, tons of people in the world have it way worse than you."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "對啊,和很多人比起來,妳這樣已經很好了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3120
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_7e5276b0:
# Noelle "SHUT UP! I HATE ALL OF YOU!!!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "我討厭妳們!!!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3121
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_f4523f72:
# "She surges toward Ester and Min with an aura that can only be described as murderous."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3122
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_dccbb6ac:
# "Akarsha calmly lies back down, dragging Noelle down with her."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3124
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_d81f40f4:
# Noelle "AAAAAAAAAAA!!!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!!!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3126
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_8cf9dc1d:
# Akarsha "I'll hold her back! Run!!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "我來拖住她!妳們快逃!!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3128
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_e3d04963:
# Ester "Nice knowing you, bye!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "很高興認識妳!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3131
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_adea659b:
# Min "Bro, I will never forget your sacrifice."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳不會白白犧牲!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3135
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_307b8bba:
# "Ester and Min make their escape."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3137
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_c6e556b8:
# "Inside the tent, there's a muffled scream followed by a crash."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3139
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_c3657a2d:
# "The tent stakes pop out of the ground as the tent rolls over and goes tumbling down the hill again."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3143
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_5f028e37:
# NPC "AAAUGHHHH!!!!!!!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
NPC "哇啊啊啊啊啊啊!!!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3148
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_3d6050c5:
# Min "Again?!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "還來?!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3151
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_0315bc8a:
# Ester "There it goes..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "再見了,帳篷……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3153
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_0f50f2e5:
# "Min and Ester peer down at the bottom of the hill, where Noelle, Akarsha, and the tent have landed in a tangled heap."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3156
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_9899a6c1:
# Noelle ".........."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Noelle "…………"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3158
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_d1531631:
# Akarsha ".........."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Akarsha "…………"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3161
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_f9569271:
# Ester ".........."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "…………"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3163
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_393bd77d:
# "Suddenly, something dawns on Ester and she straightens up, her eyes shining."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3164
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_72eb325a:
# Ester "I can use this!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "就是這個!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3166
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_ff937e23:
# Ester "In my comic! It totally fixes the part I was stuck on!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "這樣故事就順了!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3168
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_ebb27bdb:
# Min "The hell kind of story are you writing where you can even use this?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳到底在畫什麼故事?為什麼會用到這個情況?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3169
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_c57eb156:
# Min "Some kind of camping disaster?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "露營災難片嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3171
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_66f922b5:
# Ester "You don't understand, it's perfect! I gotta write this down!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "妳不懂啦!可是真的可以用!我要記下來!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3173
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_6e4a61c0:
# Min "Isn't your sketchbook and everything down there though? Inside your backpack?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳的背包不是也在帳棚裡嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3176
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_e6f0a243:
# Ester "...Crap, you're right."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "……真的欸。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3177
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_06126123:
# Ester "I guess I'll go grab it."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Ester "我去拿。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3179
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_8d01cb51:
# "Ester sighs and heads down the hill to retrieve her things."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3181
translate traditional_chinese braidPrank_c531aace:
# MinT "I don't really get it, but good for her."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "不太懂。她開心就好。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3188
translate traditional_chinese graceCallout_ad0e6df3:
# "Grace is trying to squeeze the costumes back into her bag."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3190
translate traditional_chinese graceCallout_55da23ac:
# Grace "Hey Min!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Grace "小旼!問妳喔!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3191
translate traditional_chinese graceCallout_9dde875a:
# Grace "Do you know if your brother's single?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Grace "妳弟弟死會了嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3193
translate traditional_chinese graceCallout_2dcd6bb5:
# MinT "Oh, great."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "非、常、好。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3196
translate traditional_chinese graceCallout_2ef012d9:
# Grace "Do you think you could introduce us?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Grace "可以介紹一下嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3198
translate traditional_chinese graceCallout_9ef7462f:
# Min "I mean, I'm not sure he even likes girls."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我不太確定他是不是喜歡女的。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3202
translate traditional_chinese graceCallout_3650ef6f:
# Grace "Oh...Darn."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Grace "喔……好吧。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3204
translate traditional_chinese graceCallout_053eb3f2:
# Min "What exactly do you like about him?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳喜歡他?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3207
translate traditional_chinese graceCallout_ba76409a:
# Grace "He's so cute. He looks kinda like G-Dragon."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Grace "他超可愛的欸長得有點像G-Dragon。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3209
translate traditional_chinese graceCallout_3cd1a8cb:
# Min "......."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3210
translate traditional_chinese graceCallout_1099bf1a:
# Min "Do you like my brother just because he's Korean?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳只要是韓國人都可以嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3213
translate traditional_chinese graceCallout_d6bd9f59:
# Grace "W-what?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Grace "呃、嗄?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3215
translate traditional_chinese graceCallout_4b32822a:
# Min "Can you chill out a bit with the whole Korea thing?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳可以不要這樣嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3217
translate traditional_chinese graceCallout_98239f21:
# Grace "Sorry!! I just get so excited about K-Pop..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Grace "對不起!我很喜歡韓國的音樂,所以……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3219
translate traditional_chinese graceCallout_e7310a5f:
# Min "Liking K-Pop is fine, but just...be normal about it."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "喜歡音樂可以,可是……不要這樣。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3222
translate traditional_chinese graceCallout_74dde5e0:
# Grace "...Sorry..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Grace "……對不起……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3224
translate traditional_chinese graceCallout_c771681f:
# Min "You don't have to keep apologizing, it's annoying."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "不用一直道歉啦,好煩。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3225
translate traditional_chinese graceCallout_73216c2b:
# Min "As long as you get it."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳知道就好。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3228
translate traditional_chinese graceCallout_03e04722:
# Grace "Okay, yeah. I'll be normal now."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Grace "嗯,我知道了。我不會再那樣了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3234
translate traditional_chinese thatWasExhausting_e6943e7f:
# "Chryssa and Liz are staring at the decimated tree stump."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3236
translate traditional_chinese thatWasExhausting_6e8fa6f1:
# Liz "What happened to this? It looks like a cannonball hit it."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Liz "這個樹樁怎麽看起來像被炸過一樣?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3238
translate traditional_chinese thatWasExhausting_bfde02f0:
# Chryssa "Beats me."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Chryssa "好難回答的問題。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3240
translate traditional_chinese thatWasExhausting_f2f22dd9:
# MinT "I should probably keep my mouth shut."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "我還是別講話吧。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3243
translate traditional_chinese thatWasExhausting_4f1b3735:
# Liz "Well, I suppose it's not our problem."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Liz "應該不是我們的問題吧。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3245
translate traditional_chinese thatWasExhausting_2f41c42b:
# Chryssa "Speaking of problems...What'd you think of your afternoon as an irresponsible person?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Chryssa "說到問題……下午擺爛的感想如何?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3247
translate traditional_chinese thatWasExhausting_73d07b3f:
# Liz "That was even more tiring than being responsible."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Liz "不擺爛還比較不累。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3249
translate traditional_chinese thatWasExhausting_93f38072:
# Liz "Did you see them knock the tent down the hill? Twice?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Liz "妳有看到帳篷滾下去兩次嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3251
translate traditional_chinese thatWasExhausting_83713938:
# Liz "Did you see them knock the tent down the hill?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Liz "妳有看到帳篷滾下去嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3253
translate traditional_chinese thatWasExhausting_7f5af41d:
# Chryssa "Yeah, I just ignored it."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Chryssa "當然有。我選擇無視。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3255
translate traditional_chinese thatWasExhausting_3b481bc4:
# Liz "Me, too."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Liz "我也是。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3256
translate traditional_chinese thatWasExhausting_51831d58:
# Liz "We probably could've finished a couple hours ago if we'd just wrangled them like we normally do."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Liz "如果我們不擺爛,大概可以不用拍這麼久。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3258
translate traditional_chinese thatWasExhausting_379cf8e5:
# Chryssa "Yep...Man, I thought I was really onto something."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Chryssa "沒錯……可惡,我本來以為這是個好主意。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3261
translate traditional_chinese thatWasExhausting_a53510de:
# "Min turns to walk away, but to her surprise, she hears footsteps running up behind her."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3263
translate traditional_chinese thatWasExhausting_65c4afa1:
# Liz "Wait, Min!" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Liz "小旼!" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3264
translate traditional_chinese thatWasExhausting_9b98f69e:
# "Min stops to let her catch up."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3266
translate traditional_chinese thatWasExhausting_3bc705ee:
# Min "What?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "幹嘛?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3269
translate traditional_chinese thatWasExhausting_dba178c6:
# Liz "I couldn't help but overhear some of what you were saying to Diya. At the lake."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Liz "其實,我剛才聽見你和迪亞說的話了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3274
translate traditional_chinese thatWasExhausting_67fd2126:
# "Liz scribbles something on a scrap of paper and hands it to Min like a doctor giving a prescription."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3276
translate traditional_chinese thatWasExhausting_109e2a98:
# Liz "You need to go on the internet."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Liz "上這個網站。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3278
translate traditional_chinese thatWasExhausting_e35dca5b:
# Min "The internet...?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "網站?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3280
translate traditional_chinese thatWasExhausting_1a4a3f70:
# "Min scrutinizes the scrap of paper. It says \"genderfork.com\"."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3283
translate traditional_chinese thatWasExhausting_dcd1123a:
# Liz "It's a blog you might like."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Liz "我覺得你會喜歡。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3286
translate traditional_chinese thatWasExhausting_732b7f1e:
# Min "How the hell would you know what I like?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳怎麽知道我會喜歡?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3289
translate traditional_chinese thatWasExhausting_08640ea6:
# Liz "I'm trans."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Liz "我是跨。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3293
translate traditional_chinese thatWasExhausting_638cadaa:
# Min "HUH?" with sshake
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "嗄?" with sshake
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3296
translate traditional_chinese thatWasExhausting_3d6d24ee:
# Liz "I mean, not that being genderqueer is necessarily the same as being trans..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Liz "我知道跨和性別酷兒不太一樣,不過……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3298
translate traditional_chinese thatWasExhausting_3068e8b9:
# Liz "But I'm here if you'd ever like to talk."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Liz "歡迎你來找我聊天。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3299
translate traditional_chinese thatWasExhausting_21b4eeca:
# Liz "Have fun!"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Liz "就這樣!"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3301
translate traditional_chinese thatWasExhausting_7815eb42:
# "Liz pats Min on the head and leaves her standing there clutching the little scrap of paper in absolute shock."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3314
translate traditional_chinese thatWasExhausting_81b91826:
# MinT "I guess I should look that up when I get home..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "還是去看一下好了……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3321
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_947aa79b:
# "Diya is watching the water."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3322
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_8c3f2e37:
# "When Min joins her, Diya tilts her head at her."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3324
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_453defd7:
# Diya "You said this place was cursed, right?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "你還是覺得這裡被詛咒了嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3327
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_24e43a8c:
# "Min sighs and wraps her arms around Diya's waist."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3329
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_5bd4174a:
# Min "Yeah..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "嗯……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3332
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_06e52471:
# "Diya rests her forehead against Min's, her long lashes tickling Min's skin as she blinks."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3334
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_c0af69ce:
# Diya "What if we uncursed it?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "我們來解除詛咒吧?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3336
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_8a23f309:
# Min "Huh? How?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "怎麽解除?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3338
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_79ea3b2e:
# Diya "By making new memories. Together."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "創造新的回憶。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3339
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_18951b47:
# "Diya hugs her tighter, squishing Min's face directly into her chest."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3341
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_2cee8bcb:
# MinT "Oooh..........."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "哇……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3342
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_19c9c885:
# MinT "It's so soft............."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "好軟喔……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3346
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_3236f926:
# Diya "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해...{/font}"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "{font=korean.ttf}사랑해...{/font}"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3348
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_e9161552:
# "Min's mind is in such a state of disarray that it takes her a second to process what Diya is saying."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3349
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_7f2b68a9:
# "In a herculean feat of self-control, she manages to stop rubbing her face against Diya's chest and meet her gaze."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3352
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_a9c3919c:
# Min "Wait...You know what that means?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳知道了?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3354
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_4c2598fd:
# "Diya nods, her cheeks tinged pink."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3356
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_83b6af92:
# Diya "It was in a lot of the K-pop songs that Yuki...I mean, Grace played."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "小雪……恩典放的歌裡面常常有。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3357
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_7c4a2544:
# Diya "So I asked her."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "所以我就問了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3358
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_f5ba232a:
# Diya "And found out what it really meant."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "然後我就知道意思了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3360
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_89b2f576:
# Min "Sorry I lied to you..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "對不起。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3363
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_03a0acd6:
# Diya "No, it makes me happy you wanted me to say that."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "沒關係。我很高興。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3364
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_4395fa23:
# Diya "Because I do. Love you."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "因為我真的愛妳。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3367
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_dbae3dab:
# Min "Even now...Now that you know what an asshole I am?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "就算妳現在知道我……有問題?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3371
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_e82e00af:
# Diya "...You think I didn't know that before?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "……妳以為我以前不知道嗎?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3376
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_6b391eaa:
# MinT "I guess I {i}was{/i} always hitting and threatening people."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
MinT "我可能真的太暴力了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3378
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_ff225181:
# Min "Then why do you still like me?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "妳為什麼還愛我?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3381
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_694f76be:
# Diya "Because you're also really brave and resilient, and cool."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "因為你也是一個勇敢、堅強又超酷的人啊。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3386
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_4322d84a:
# Diya "I feel like...The world tries to make people into certain shapes."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "雖然世界想把我們都變成同一種人,"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3387
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_93ddd390:
# Diya "But you fight it on purpose. You try as hard as you can."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "但是你從來沒有停止反抗。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3388
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_22cbdee1:
# Diya "And I think that's amazing."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "我覺得這是非常了不起的事。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3390
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_831c6800:
# Diya "And subconsciously, I think I understood."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "而且我好像懂了。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3392
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_3c775dce:
# Min "Understood what?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "懂什麼?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3395
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_17829299:
# Diya "You're always telling me you'll protect me and kill the people who hurt me. Because you wish someone did that for you."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "你一直說會保護我、會殺掉欺負我的人;因為當時的你也在等這樣的人出現。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3396
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_d683e7fe:
# "Min is stunned speechless. It feels like a curtain was suddenly pulled back on something shameful and hidden, exposing it to the blazing sun."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3397
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_d711c1f9:
# "But Diya doesn't flinch away, just gazes into her eyes."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3403
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_cf441d0e:
# Diya "I love you."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "我愛你喔。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3404
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_266305be:
# "Blinking hard, Min smiles back at her."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3407
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_421410a8:
# Min "I love you, too."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "我也愛妳。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3409
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_1fac2286:
# Min "Teach me how to say it?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "教我講。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3412
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_996c8c4c:
# Diya "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் உன்னை காதலிக்கிறேன்.{/font}"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் உன்னை காதலிக்கிறேன்.{/font}"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3415
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_0001f330:
# Min "Man, that's a mouthful."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "怎麽那麼長。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3416
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_fc2469c3:
# Min "Nan unnai katalikkiren...?"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "囊 屋嗯那依 卡他里奇連……?"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3419
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_996c8c4c_1:
# Diya "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் உன்னை காதலிக்கிறேன்.{/font}"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Diya "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் உன்னை காதலிக்கிறேன்.{/font}"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3422
translate traditional_chinese uncurse_ded0bc6d:
# Min "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் உன்னை காதலிக்கிறேன்!{/font}"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
Min "{font=tamil.ttf}நான் உன்னை காதலிக்கிறேன்!{/font}"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
translate traditional_chinese strings:
# game/3_min.rpy:28
old "4th grade"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
new "四年級"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:33
old "Florida"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
new "佛羅里達"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:77
old "Classmate"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
new "同學"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:105
old "Random Boy"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
new "男孩"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:144
old "Half an hour later"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
new "半年後"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:174
old "{font=korean.ttf}개새끼{/font} = Son of a bitch"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
new "{font=korean.ttf}개새끼{/font} = 狗娘養的"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:339
old "5 years later"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
new "五年後"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:344
old "California"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
new "加州"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:429
old "Narrator"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
new "旁白"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:430
old "Second boy in video"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
new "第二個男生"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:442
old "Boy in video"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
new "影片裡的男生"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:533
old "The park"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
new "公園"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:587
old "I love you."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
new "我愛你。"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:695
old "Throw rocks at dead tree stump"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
new "朝樹樁丟石頭"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:704
old "Look at dead tree stump"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
new "看看樹樁"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:715
old "Search for rocks"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
new "找石頭"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:738
old "Look at picnic table"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
new "看看野餐桌"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:747
old "Look at the dog"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
new "看看狗狗"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:755
old "Look at playground"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
new "看看遊樂場"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:811
old "Dog Owner"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
new "狗主人"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:859
old "Sweetheart/darling; used between lovers"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
new "*寶貝/親愛的,用於愛侶之間"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:867
old "Pet the dog"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
new "摸"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:867
old "Don't pet the dog"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
new "不摸"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1316
old "K-Pop song"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
new "韓團歌"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1317
old "The people around me tell me..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
new "別人都說……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1319
old "Im too aggressive..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
new "我太心急……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1389
old "Grace"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
new "恩典"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1390
old "Sayeeda"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
new "薩依達"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1810
old "Reporter"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
new "記者"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1864
old "Environmentalist"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
new "環保人士"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1891
old "Evil Hunter"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
new "壞心的獵人"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1990
old "Look at the lake"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
new "凝視湖水"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1990
old "Study your lines again"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
new "背台詞"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:1990
old "Glance over at Ester"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
new "偷瞄艾思特"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2369
old "Min and Noelle"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
new "小旼和小諾"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2863
old "Wolf Pup"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
new "狼寶寶"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2864
old "Wolf Mom LeafGreen"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
new "狼媽媽─綠葉"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2865
old "Wolf Mom FireRed"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
new "狼媽媽─赤焰"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2977
old "Look in the tent"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
new "看看帳篷"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2987
old "Sit at the picnic table"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
new "坐下"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:2995
old "Look at tree stump"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
new "看看樹樁"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3003
old "Walk to the lake"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
new "走到湖邊"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3141
old "Noelle and Akarsha"
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
new "小諾和阿卡莎"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00
# game/3_min.rpy:3344
old "I love you..."
2023-02-13 21:18:17 +00:00
new "我愛你……"
2023-01-26 19:38:19 +00:00