Reserved Names link

Ren'Py reserves filenames that are do not begin with a letter or number, and filenames that begin with "00". Very specifically, filenames that start with "00" and "_" are used by Ren'Py internally.

Ren'Py reserves all names beginning with a single underscore (_). Do not use names beginning with an underscore, as that may cause your game to break in future versions of Ren'Py.

The following is a list of names that are used by Python. Re-using these names can lead to obscure problems.

  • ArithmeticError
  • AssertionError
  • AttributeError
  • BaseException
  • BufferError
  • BytesWarning
  • DeprecationWarning
  • EOFError
  • Ellipsis
  • EnvironmentError
  • Exception
  • False
  • FloatingPointError
  • FutureWarning
  • GeneratorExit
  • IOError
  • ImportError
  • ImportWarning
  • IndentationError
  • IndexError
  • KeyError
  • KeyboardInterrupt
  • LookupError
  • MemoryError
  • NameError
  • None
  • NotImplemented
  • NotImplementedError
  • OSError
  • OverflowError
  • PendingDeprecationWarning
  • ReferenceError
  • RuntimeError
  • RuntimeWarning
  • StandardError
  • StopIteration
  • SyntaxError
  • SyntaxWarning
  • SystemError
  • SystemExit
  • TabError
  • True
  • TypeError
  • UnboundLocalError
  • UnicodeDecodeError
  • UnicodeEncodeError
  • UnicodeError
  • UnicodeTranslateError
  • UnicodeWarning
  • UserWarning
  • ValueError
  • Warning
  • ZeroDivisionError
  • abs
  • absolute_import
  • all
  • any
  • apply
  • ascii
  • basestring
  • bin
  • bool
  • buffer
  • bytearray
  • bytes
  • callable
  • chr
  • classmethod
  • cmp
  • coerce
  • compile
  • complex
  • copyright
  • credits
  • delattr
  • dict
  • dir
  • divmod
  • enumerate
  • eval
  • execfile
  • exit
  • file
  • filter
  • float
  • format
  • frozenset
  • getattr
  • globals
  • hasattr
  • hash
  • help
  • hex
  • id
  • input
  • int
  • intern
  • isinstance
  • issubclass
  • iter
  • len
  • license
  • list
  • locals
  • long
  • map
  • max
  • memoryview
  • min
  • next
  • object
  • oct
  • open
  • ord
  • pow
  • print
  • property
  • quit
  • range
  • raw_input
  • reduce
  • reload
  • repr
  • reversed
  • round
  • set
  • setattr
  • slice
  • sorted
  • staticmethod
  • str
  • sum
  • super
  • sys
  • tuple
  • type
  • unichr
  • unicode
  • vars
  • xrange
  • zip

The following is a list of names that are used by Ren'Py. While in some cases it makes sense to redefine these names, one should be aware that doing so can cause obscure problems.